Are all 875p board have raid...?

are all msi 875p boards have raid i see that some baord have ICH5 and not ICH5R that support raid in the chipset. but the bios update add raid 1 for what chipset...? i have the ICH5 on my board rev.A2

The ICH5 is the Intel controller that supports 2 P-ATA channels and 2 S-ATA channels. It is used in the 875 boards that don't have 'R' in their name.
The ICH5R is a version of the ICH5 controller that supports RAID on the 2 S-ATA channels. It is used in the 875 boards with the 'R' in their name.
The boards with the ICH5R controller also have an additional controller made by Promise, that supports RAID and provides another 2 S-ATA channels and an additional P-ATA channel. This is where the '2' in front of the R comes from: 2 RAID configurations.

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    Just thought you would like to know that if you are thinking of getting rid of this board.

    Makes nape look a bit pro msi,right :D
    Anyway,he has a point,if u check forums almost every canterwood/springdale board has still its unique probs.
    But MSI was worst that time,starting with that THG (which THG not really discovered without help as some ppl say..)FSB OC thing together with low mem bandwith and bios probs.
    If 1.5 keeps what its looking right now we are up the other brands.
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    Um, good for you?

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      Such an agressive feature in my mind would require the FISR to have a different Bios Flash... altough I am far from an expert at this and have no problem admitting this!
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    In Humour
    Patt P
    Vancouver, B.C.
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    Before you have another accident:
    Buy a UPS of good quality and sufficient to your needs.
    I would have to assume that the drives were connected to a PCI PATA card, hopefully. Otherwise, well RAID and having drives on the same bus (master and slave).
    And no backup, none at all...
    Get your hands on a G4.
    Data Rescue 3 from Prosoft maybe.
    If they were SATA and running on PCI SATA controller, very popular and common really in G4s, more options would be open.

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    You have two different issues going on.  You are getting each other's messages because you are sharing the Same Apple ID for iMessage.  This can be corrected by going to Settings>Messages>Send & Receive on add the devices and doing one of the following:
    Either uncheck the email address shown under "You can be reached by iMessage at" on all of your devices; or
    If you want to continue to receive iMessages at this email address on one of your devices, on all of the other ones tap the Apple ID at the top, sign out, then sign back in using a different Apple ID (so all devices will be using a different Apple ID for iMessage).  Note: you can continue to share an Apple ID for purchasing from the iTunes and App stores.  It does not need to be the same as the ID you are using for iMessage, FaceTime and other services.
    The second issue is that you are sharing the same iCloud account on your devices.  When you do this any data you sync with the shared iCloud account such as contacts is merged and will appear on all devices connected to the account.  To fix this you both need to have separate iCloud accounts (you can continue to share the same Apple ID for purchasing from the iTunes and app stores). 
    First decide which device(s) will be keeping the current iCloud account.  On the one(s) that will be changing accounts, if you have any photos in photo stream that in your camera roll or backed up somewhere else that you want to keep on the device(s), save these to the camera roll by opening the photo stream album in the thumbnail view, tapping Edit, then tap all the photos you want to save, tap Share and tap Save to Camera Roll. 
    Once this is done, go to Settings>iCloud, scroll to the bottom and tap Delete Account.  (This will only delete the account from this device, not from iCloud.  The device(s) that will be keeping the account will not be effected by this.)  When prompted about what to do with the iCloud data, be sure to select Keep On [iDevice].  Next, set up a new iCloud account using a separate Apple ID (if you don't have one, tap Get a Free Apple ID at the bottom).  Then turn iCloud data syncing for contacts, etc. back to On, and when prompted about merging with iCloud, choose Merge.  This will upload the data to the new account.  Repeat this process for all the devices that you need to migrate to new accounts.
    When finished, to un-merge the data in your accounts you will have to go to on your computer and sign into each iCloud account separately and manually delete the data you don't want (such as deleting the other person's contacts from your account, and vice versa).

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    I'm using Lion on an MBP and Numbers is the latest version

    May you give more details about what is wrong with your dates ?
    M…oSoft products aren't allowed on my machines but I use LibreOffice which is a clone of Office.
    When I export from Numbers to Excel and open the result with LibreOffice, the dates are correctly treated.
    To be precise, dates after 01/01/1904 are correctly treated. dates before 01/01/1904 are exported as strings but, as it's flagged during the export process, it's not surprising.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 3 janvier 2012
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 12 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My iDisk is :
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
    For iWork's applications dedicated to iOS, go to :

  • I accidently click on ''Import the list'' but now all the music have  an exclamation point I think they are all in Musique.txt on the desk... How can i take back these music on my library? I tried : Import the list and take Music.txt , but it do not work

    I accidently click on ''Import the list'' but now all the music have  an exclamation point I think they are all in Musique.txt on the desk... How can i take back these music on my library? I tried : Import the list and take Music.txt , but it do not work

    Ok, I had a glitch, forced to restart, and lost my train of thought.
    Reinstalling iTunes should fix the major issue that might have gone wrong, perhaps your explaination points will disappear and everything will be peachy again.
    But if they don't, you can open the XML file in iTunes Folder using a Text edit program to see what the common pathname is to the iTunes Music folder or where your content is located.
    If you moved the itunes folder, it needs to go back.
    I can't  download iTunes to my Vista virtual machine to test it out right now because iTunes is down, so I can't verify the pathname, perhaps your issue and the iTunes being down are related somehow?
    You don't want to import all your music again, but it's a option, but you lose all your playlists, that's what I'm trying to recover.
    If oyu don't have a whole lot of playlists, then simply select all the explaimation point music and delete, select File from the menu and import your itunes folder again.

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    I have an iMac, an iPhone, and a MacBook Pro.  My full iTunes library is on the iMac and iPhone, but only a handful of songs are on my MacBook.  They are all associated with the same Apple ID.  When I try to sync, I get a warning message stating that I will lose songs on my phone which aren't on the laptop.  How transfer my music from my phone to the laptop?

    Hey kbert73
    I would do a transfer of purchases from the phone and not sync. If you sync then it will want to start over and sync music that is on the MacBook Pro. If you want to transfer the music, check out the article below that will give you multiple options on how to move. I have also provided on how to sync with multiple computers.
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer
    Using iPhone, iPad, or iPod with multiple computers
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

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    If you purchased Lion for your iMac, just log into the Mac App Store from your MacBook using the Apple ID under which you purchased Lion and go to the Purchases page. You will be able to download and install Lion there. 
    searching the internet i found a link to upgrtade to 10.7
    The only place you get get Lion is from the Mac App Store. If you found some other site, that was an illegal copy and almost certainly tied to someone else's Apple ID and hence unusable by you. If the link was just to the Mac App Store, see above.
    As to the problem with synchronization to iCloud, that's not a 10.6 question, so I'd suggest you take up that specific issue in either the Lion or iCloud forums, providing full details, and someone there can probably help you sort things out.

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