Are there layers in keynote?

im trying to add an object on a master slide which i would like to appear in the corner 'over' every image in the presentation.  
IF i was working in Indesign i would place it on the top layer on the master page.  is there a similar functionality in keynote?  i have found i can place it on the master slide but when i place the images on the individual slides, they 'cover' the object on the master and even 'Send to Back' won't reveal it....  

No, there aren't layers, but try this, you may end up with what you are looking for.
Go to the Master slide in question and open the inspector. The Slide inspector should now be the Master Slide Inspector. Select the Appearance tab and, right under Slide Number, select Allow objects on slide to layer with master
Now, you should be able to move the objects on any given slide behind the Master objects.

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    Go to the 3rd tab on the top (Composition Inspector?
    This is the Builds Inspector
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    These are not transitions, what you are describing are Builds, they are effects to animate objects on a single slide.
    Transitions are effects when moving between two slides; they are set up in; 
    Inspector >  Transitions tab > Transitions pane
    Motion effects are described in the Keynote User Manual from Page 112

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    Thanks for your prompt responses!
    Here are 5 more screenshots:
    1) Slide timeline:
    2) Activ Clickbox (top): Properties. This is the click box covering the only correct spot.
    3) Results click box: properties. When clikced, it displays a reminder. After three attempts, the DisplayGrayBalloon02 triggered.
    4) The Total click box (underneath the layers of the two click boxes listed above): proerpties.
    5) the slide's content area:
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    JK MCP

    Isn't that only used when a PC will not boot?
    What options does booting with this give me?
    JK MCP
    USB recovery disk was used to recover your system when it encounter problem. You can try to use it to fix your problem instead reinstall system. However, there is no method to keep your program whenreinstall system.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

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