ARGENTINA ¿Apple pesificara los precios para iTunes argentina?

Quisiera saber si han pensado en hacer como en iTunes mexico que se puede pagar en pesos mexicanos,ya que nosotros estamos sufriendo un corralito cambiario por el cual no podemos cambiar divisas por ende se complica la compra de productos en dólares.

Lo siento pive... pienso que el mac no tiene tanta difusión en argentina como en los EEUU. Te aconsejo ir a la tienda mac local (si estás en creo que hay uno que se llama MacStation) e indagar a los "genios mac" que trabajan ahí. Suelen ser fanáticos del mac y sabrán en donde conseguir lo que buscas localmente.
Buena suerte... desde California, un Argentino-Americano mac aficionado...

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    Google translate:
    I just bought an ipod touch 4.
    Can not do recognize by itunes.
    My PC sync another ipod touch, ipad, but it is not recognized.
    Thank you for helping me, I lose patience.
    Does the computer have iTunes 10.7 or later installed>?
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    Un saludo
    Agustín Marcos Cividanes

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    Place the iOS device in Recovery Mode and then connect to your computer and restore via iTunes. The iPod will be erased.
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    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings

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    Thanks anyway; if I only had 720P perhaps this solution might be enough - but I have 1080P.
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    And that's my update! I appreciate everyone's suggestions. However, the problem remains: after putting the Apple TV in sleep mode, and then later when I want to use the Apple TV, the Apple TV forgets that it is connected to wifi and I have to re-enter my password, or I can take some time and reboot the Apple TV but then while the wifi returns, the 1080P disappears.
    Thank you everyone for all your suggestions
    But the problem remains

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    I don't know if you use Windows or Mac so here are two articles that might help.
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows - Support - Apple
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Mac OS X - Support - Apple

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    Merci de m'aider, je perds patience.

    Google translate:
    I just bought an ipod touch 4.
    Can not do recognize by itunes.
    My PC sync another ipod touch, ipad, but it is not recognized.
    Thank you for helping me, I lose patience.
    Does the computer have iTunes 10.7 or later installed>?
    Are y using the same cable that work with the other devices?
    Does the iPod charge?

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    I have a:
    new MBPr 15" late 2013 with dedicated graphics card
    new airport extreme base station
    3rd generation apple tv
    iPhone 5s
    200mb download speed (not important, as streaming video on your local network has nothing todo with outside bandwidth)
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    Video file lives on MBP
    iPhone connects to laptop
    Video plays on iPhone and is sent to Apple TV via Air Mirroring
    Rather than:
    Video played on laptop
    Video sent to Apple TV
    Seems bizzare that my iPhone can handle better streaming than my pro laptop.

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    On the help pages the next step it's advising is to unistall iTunes and delete it from my computer and then reinstall it.
    But as my iPod is blank, I'm worried I'm about to lose all my iTunes library - has anyone done this, and with no Ipod to store stuff, will my laptop keep my music and podcasts somewhere?
    Any advice on a blank iPod that no longer talks to iTunes and makes my whole computer unhappy when connected also appreciated.

    Hey there,
    Uninstalling iTunes will not delete any of your music of files from iTunes because they are stored elsewhere on your computer (such as My Music folder on windows XP). I have done it myself a few times.
    As for getting to appear in iTunes, I would try putting the iPod into [Disk Mode|]. It's worth a shot.
    Hope it helps.

  • Apple TV does not load rented items from iTunes in less than three (3) hours depsite YouTube, Netflix and network being fine.  How can I get Apple to actually provide the iTunes service I am paying for?

    I'm just tired of waiting on this inept device and it's underserved iTunes counterpart being unable to deliver enough bandwidth to load a show within a reasonable amount of time.  I'm a big Apple fan and an equally big critic.  This whole rig is a big FAIL so far, Apple.  There is nothing ON DEMAND about the iTunes Store at this point.  Netflix and YouTube work better on Apple TV than their own iTunes Store!  And, this has been going on for a few years now, unremedied, and is only getting worse with more people buying these devices!  I do not reccommend this device to people like I used to.
    The good news is, that iTunes will give refunds about 85% of the time if I explain my problem the way I have here.  SO, ATTENTION: EVERYONE WITH AN APPLE TV: If you have this same issue with iTunes Store not properly serving your paid content, do not hesitate to ask for your money back.  It's the least they can do for the amount of life wasted waiting for a show to load.  Not to mention, all the disappointments with the kids at bedtime and when my wife and I want to just relax and turn something on.
    Bottom Line: ITUNES IS UNDER-SERVED!!!
    There is a massive conspiracy by cable and DSL ISPs against Apple taking away TV viewers.  Is it possible the ISPs are somehow limiting or buffering the data packets coming through the port(s) employed by iTunes Store?  Like I say, with me and many others on this forum, the problem lies solely with iTunes Store.  Youtube, Netflix, Podcasts and everything else generally serve up just fine.  The iTunes Store, however, is a consistent failure.  Something that seems unusual for Apple not to address, being so customer-centric and all.
    Please share any links or insights you have here so the faithful might get to the bottom of this incredibly annoying problem. I WANT MY ATV!

    There is a massive conspiracy by cable and DSL ISPs against Apple taking away TV viewers.
    Most networks are overloaded and operating at full capacity.  However, a solution is coming.
    Technology experts are working on a movie storage system where YOU have physical possession of the movie.
    This system stores the movie digitally on an optical disk system that will not be dependent upon a congested, complicated, and fragile network.
    Because all of the data is stored only a few feet from your television, all the bottlenecks are removed.  Performance and reliability are virtually flawless.
    Further, the system will not utilize any form of security codes, authentications, or passwords. Once the optical disc is purchased it can be moved around freely at will, and can even be lent or given to friends and neighbors with zero hassles.

  • My computor won't let me download apple products like safari and itunes. Why? What can i do to fix this?

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    I apoligise i didn't relise that since i have seen apple support people post on questions here i misunderstood.
    Yes i am 100% i downloaded the setup for safrai and itunes for windows from the apple website.
    P.S. I apoligise for my bad spelling it's not my strong suite

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