Hi everybody..

In SAP implementaion project- before you start the project, you study the clients business process AS IS (in existing methods and procedures followed, work flow and document flow etc) and analyse the same.
Refer the thread,
Hope this helps.

Similar Messages

  • Error while invoking a process

    Hi Team,
    I get the following error while invoking a process.
    ALC-DSC-125-000: com.adobe.idp.dsc.registry.EndpointNotEnabledException: SOAP endpoint is not enabled for: ExtractingXML/ReadResource
    at com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.impl.base.AbstractMessageReceiver.validateEndpoint(AbstractMes
    at com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.impl.soap.axis.sdk.SoapSdkEndpoint.invokeCall(SoapSdkEndpoint. java:136)
    at com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.impl.soap.axis.sdk.SoapSdkEndpoint.invoke( :81)
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor755.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.apache.axis.strategies.InvocationStrategy.visit(
    at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.doVisiting(
    at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.invoke(
    at org.apache.axis.handlers.soap.SOAPService.invoke(
    at org.apache.axis.server.AxisServer.invoke(
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    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ java:227)
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    at com.adobe.idp.dsc.provider.impl.soap.axis.InvocationFilter.doFilter( :43)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
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    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
    at Source)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute( 180)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
    Can anyone please help me with this error.

    I checked my server (which has all the default Adobe services) and the only service I have that comes close is:
    the Repository service's "Read Resource Content" operation.  In the list that comes up as RepositoryService. 
    The Barcode's Extract to XML service.  In the list that comes up as                BarcodedFormsService
    Neither of these is an exact match to the error. Is your process calling a sub process you built?  Does that service actually exist on the server?  If you do a record/playback (in workbench) on which step does the process fail?
    If you look through the entire list of SOAP services (in Adminui) are any of them disabled?

  • Logical GR in Third Party Process

    Hi Friends
    There is logical GR involved in third party process. What if we do not want to trigger it?

    very useful thraed for your Qn-
    [stock not updating after doing MIGO (gr) for third party sales |stock not updating after doing MIGO (gr) for third party sales;

  • EH&S WWI for GLM print request processing

    Hi all,
    we installed EH&S WWI for GLM print request processing scenario, following the note:"1394553", but when we try to print we receive this error from WWI:
      Initializing parameters
      Receiving data from client
       calling RfcGetData returned 0
        receiving data lasted: 0.0 sec.
        Retrieving print request data from RFC interface
        Using Temp Directory E:\WWI\TEMP\BSV100000000000062
       Delete files in E:\WWI\TEMP\BSV100000000000062
        Creating text file E:\WWI\TEMP\BSV100000000000062\r000000000062.val
        Writing data to text file 39 lines, 1009 characters
        Updating print request status from 0 to 1
        [DB time] Writing print request lasted 9 ms
      Start processing command 'Create print request' in synchronous mode
      Creating print request 000000000062
    WwiSapDms::retrieveDocument: RFC error when calling ABAP function moduleRFC connection is not Unicode
    WwiSapDms::retrieveDocument: RFC error when calling ABAP function module
    message : See RFC trace file or SAP system log for more details
    Reading SBV document IB0120510 from Cache failed
        WwiCacheRead resulted with -1
        Updating print request status from 1 to 5
        [DB time] Writing print request lasted 4 ms
      ##### Command 'Create print request' finished with status E #####
        Storing ERR file E:\WWI\TEMP\BSV100000000000062\l000000000062.err into DMS succeeded
        22 lines
      Sending data to client
       calling RfcSendData returned 0
        sending data lasted: 0.0 sec.
    Elapsed time : 0.1 sec.
    We don't understand what kind of RFC or what part of customizing we have to check, could you please help us?

    Dear Pugal
    we are not using GLM + and I am not sure about the technqiue used there to handle load balancing. Regarding general WWI setup I assume you know this Note: EH&S: Availability and performance of WWI and Expert servers
    On the top there is a further SAP Note abvailable which might be of interest. This is referenced here:
    May be check OSS note: 1958655; OSS Note 1155294 is more related to normal WWI stuff; but may be check it as well. May be 1934253 might help better
    May be this might help.
    PS: may be check as well: consolut - EHS_MD_140_01 - EH&S-Management-Server einrichten
    The load balancing of synchron WWi servers is donein the "RFC" layer, therefore you have no inffluence here, for asynchron WWI servers you can do a lot to manage the WWI load balancing by using "exits" etc.

  • If-statement in application-process

    First I will tell you which APEX I am using: 3.0.1
    Ok, I have got a form where there are 4 fields:
    P13_ACCTNO (Popup LOV (fetches first rowset)),
    P13_LOCATION_NAME(Text Field (Disabled, saves state)),
    P13_COMP_ACCTNO( Popup LOV (fetches first rowset)),
    P13_LOCATION(Text Field (Disabled, saves state))
    In my table, the company is always filled in, no null values (but it is not the PK, this is the acctno). But location may be null.
    When I select a location (popup will only show fields which are filled in), then the other fields are filled in as well. So the Location (number) and the acctno is the same.
    Now, when I select a comp_acctno, the rest of the fields are filled in automatically. But the Location (number) will remain from the first select, although no location might be there.
    So I have got 2 javascript codes on the page and 2 applicationprocesses and 1 application item.
    I would like to have an if-statement in my application-process (instead of " HTP.prn ('<item id="P13_LOCATION">' || v_null || '</item>');", something like:
    if :p13_location_name is null then
    :p13_location = ' ';
    end if;
    But I don't know how to put this into the following code, because it is a mixture, which I don't understand completely.
    v_acctno primemines.acctno%type;
    v_mineloc primemines.mineloc%type;
    v_commodity primemines.commodity1%type;
    v_null varchar2(5);
    CURSOR cur_c
    SELECT acctno, mineloc, company, commodity1
    FROM primemines
    WHERE acctno = TO_NUMBER (:temporary_application_item);
    FOR c IN cur_c
    v_acctno := c.acctno;
    v_company :=;
    v_mineloc := c.mineloc;
    v_commodity :=c.commodity1;
    v_null := '';
    OWA_UTIL.mime_header ('text/xml', FALSE);
    HTP.p ('Cache-Control: no-cache');
    HTP.p ('Pragma: no-cache');
    HTP.prn ('<body>');
    HTP.prn ('<desc>this xml genericly sets multiple items</desc>');
    HTP.prn ('<item id="P13_ACCTNO">' || v_company || '</item>');
    HTP.prn ('<item id="P13_LOCATION_NAME">' || v_MINELOC || '</item>');
    HTP.prn ('<item id="P13_COMMODITY">' || v_commodity || '</item>');
    HTP.prn ('<item id="P13_LOCATION">' || v_null || '</item>');
    HTP.prn ('</body>');
    and also I have discovered that the automatically filling of the fields is only working sometimes (i don't know whether it depends on the company I select). Any ideas, why this is happening?
    could somebody help me with the code please?

    @Chad: thanks for the code, I think it works (UPDATE: no, it does not work :-( )
    now i am just left with the other problem that it works only sometimes
    @user512746: yes, i guess you have understood correctly. I have changed the items P13_ACCTNO source used to "always replace" and taken out the default value, which I had set to &P13_ACCTNO.
    But it still only works partly, I don't know why?
    any other ideas?
    Thanks so much for your help so far, both of you.


    Dear Guru's,
                     I have a requirement where i have to move the values to variable when control break (AT END OF) process. So i want to move the values according to the end of Vendor so for that  i want to know is there any sy-index available which reflects changes when Control break (AT end of) process.
    LIKE Sy-subrc = 0 when select statement fetches record or sy-tabix is like counter for loop.
    Hope to get reply soon.
    Himanshu Rangappa

    There is no system Fields for it.
    But your requirement can be done with 'AT NEW' and 'AT END' statement.
    Refer this sample example,
    loop at otab.
        at new module.
          move otab-module to otab2-module.
          at END OF effort.
          sum.               "Do your calculations here
          move otab-count to otab2-count.
          append otab2.

  • Invoices are not getting displayed in the process receivables for a cust.

    Dear All.
    Collection Management
    I have a situation here in prod environment the worklist is displaying the customer and his outstanding balances/all the data when we select that customer and go for process receivables then i cant find any invoices/documents under the invoices tab.
    But we have the open invoices in AR for that particular customer, I am wondering how the invoices will get deleted
    Can some one help me in this issue..
    Thank you,
    D vasanth

    Hi ,
    Based on the requirement , check whether the customer contact has been done carried out for the invoice  , then possibility it must have gone out of the worklist , chekc whether the Invoice posted in the AR has been transferred to FSCM collection .

  • Lexicographic image processing

    I want to process the array of an image lexicographically (meaning reading as you write, so from left to right). Normal arithmatic functions (division, multiplication etcetera) multiply the entire array, but I want to push the top-left pixel through my algorithm, and then the one to the right of that, and after that one the one to the right of that, up until the last pixel, and then it starts with the pixel one row beneath the first one all the way on the left.
     To illustrate, imagine an image of 12 X 16 pixels:
    I want to calculate what value each pixel is supposed to have. I do this by comparing the actual value with the value I want. I calculate the value it needs to be at a certain pixel by looking at how far it is from the origin. The origin is in the center:
    The distance then from the origin to the actual pixel is this:
    The length of this 'vector' is then calculated by splitting it into a horizontal and vertical part:
    The length is then the the x-coordinate squared and the y-coordinate squared added together and then the root of that number is taken. So that's basically the theorem of Pythagoras. I know that in this case, the length found is not the real length, because you use x=1 and y=1. So first off I subtract 8.5 from the x value and 6.5 from the y-value before going any further.
    But I want to process the pixels in the order of y=1 x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 etcetera and then y=2 x=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 etcetera. That is exactly what lexicographical processing is. But how can I get this to work? In my VI you can see how I am currently exporting just the numbers of the total size of the image (or frame of a video), but I want to process them one by one. I looked up some helpful Labview files that do something similar, like the 'Check Pixel Value' VI but there you have to manually scroll through the data. I want it to happen automatically.
    So how can I process pixels of an image lexicographically?
    Go to Solution.
    USB Webcam n-bit to corrected 1 ‏59 KB
    Check Pixel ‏31 KB

    Yes, I do have a 2D array. I use the IMAQ Vision VI's to get my webcam to run. The solution is rather simple in that sense, yes.
    But here is the deal though: the comparing with the Lorentzian function returns me a value. That is rounded to either a 0 or a 1, because it will be the pattern used for a Digital Micromirror Device (DMD). This induces an error. In order to make up for that, I need to correct it using neighbouring pictures (if a pixel is surrounded by 8 pixels, then the diagonal pixels are primarily used for this). I tried something similar in which I split it into 'rows' and process that, but that ofcourse removes the option to resolve the induced error.
    The 'easiest' way is to split it into 1024 times 728 pixels and hook all of these up to the formula and connect each of them to their corresponding pixels, but that would take several months, so that's not an option.
    Could you be more concrete in how you would do this? I tried something similar but thought, because of that error resolving, it would remove the option to work in this way, because it doesn't allow 'inter-row interaction'.
    To give you some background:
    I want to use a DMD to create a laser with a top-hat wavefront, meaning it's intensity distribution is equal everywhere on every point of the wavefront. For this we hook a CCD camera up to our computer which measures the intensity distribution. This image is then sent to our Labview program, which processes this image and turns it into a pattern for the DMD. The DMD or Digital Micromirror Device is a device that is made up of thousands of tiny mirrors, all of which can stand in either + 12 degrees or -12 degrees.
    We look at the profile and compare that to a profile as simulted by a Super Lorentzian function
    A Super Lorentzian function looks like this:
    A / (B + ( (X-C)/X0) ^n)) + D
    A/B is the top value
    C is the horizontal transliteration
    X0 is a value referring to the width of the function
    n is a power
    D is vertical transliteration
    For even numbers of n the function produces a top hat function. In our case, we want to simulate an eigth order Super Lorentzian, so n=8
    The image of the CCD Camera is a 12 bit image. Labview saves this as 16 bit, meaning it has 2^16 different grayscale values.
    I don't have the CCD camera yet so for now I use the webcam of my laptop and turn that into a 16-bit image.
    Here a some screenshots of my program so far:
    And a SL function looks like this:
    Our error inducement comes from an algorith developed by Dorrer and Zuegel, two german physicists.
    A screenshot of their paper concerning binary spatial light modulation:
    But the main issue I am concerned with is thus the error inducing. Doesn't normal array processing remove the possibility to do so? And if not, how can I do it?

  • Process Chain - Delete File from Application Server

    Hi Gurus,
    Im working with Process chain, and i have a load from a flat file, so my question is :
    How can i delete that file from the application server after was loaded ?

    I have gone through the forum you have posted for deleting files from application server through process chain.
    I have similar reuirement in my project.
    Can you please provide me the solution?
    Your inputs will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Problem with item and/or data during page-processing-PS/SQL

    On my page I have a custom report (from 2 tables) and a small form-field, that adds and edits data in the report. After generating the form with the wizard I added an extra item, to store the id from one of the tables from the report data.
    Now, on submit a calculation should take place, that updates data according user input with a procedure in Page-Prosseses:
    declare a number;
    case :PLATZ
    when 1 then a:=100;
    when 2 then a:= 50;
    else a:=25;
    end case;
    where ID_MITGL = :P14_ID_MITGL;
    :PLATZ is user selected (1,2,3), :P14_ID_MITGL stores the reference to TBL_MITGLIEDER (and shows the change, when I select another record)
    As I understand, that process should also run, when I submit a chance, but nothing happens then.
    But when I try to save a new record (which worked without any problems before adding that process), I get this error message:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 64: PL/SQL: ORA-00957: duplicate column name ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
         Error      Unable to process row of table TBL_TURNIERSIEGER.
    Then, when I go back into the app-builder and try to run the page again, I get this message:
    ORA-01403: no data found
         Error      Unable to fetch row.
    I am not sure, if you guys have all the information you need, to know whats going on. Maybe this has to do with session-id and the whay, items are updated. I hope you can help me.
    Thanks, best regards,

    First can you please post all log file errors
    >> I can't really give you a solution or specific recommendation since I did not saw this error yet myself, but on your own risk you can try:
    1. You may try to just register 'dts.dll' using regsvr32.exe, but this error may indicate a bigger problem with setup.
    If you are running SQL Server 64bit then try running this at the command prompt: %windir%\syswow64\regsvr32 "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\dts\binn\dts.dll"
    2. You can try reinstall from start (In this case you have to make sure that you un-install all)
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  • When I plug in my iPhone to sync, it starts but does not complete the process and several pieces of data are not being transferred to my iPhone from my MacBook Air.

    When I plug in my iPhone to sync, it starts but does not complete the process and several pieces of data are not being transferred to my iPhone from my MacBook Air.
    Any help that you can provide in helping my iPhone accurately sync with iPhoto and iTunes will be greatly appreciated.
    1)   Sync:  It’s not completing the sync.  Below, I’ve provided all of my settings from the iTunes Summary tab so that you might tell me if I’ve selected any incorrect options.  I prefer to sync the “old school” way – by connecting to the computer – as opposed to syncing over the cloud. Perhaps this is what’s causing the problem? Here is a list of the steps displayed in the iTunes window as the sync progresses:
    waiting for sync to start (step 1 of 7)
    backing up (step 2 of 7)
    preparing to sync (step 3 of 7)
    determining apps to sync (step 4 of 7)
    preparing apps to sync (step 5 of 7)
    importing photos (step 6 of 7)
    waiting for changes to be applied (step 7 of 7)
    syncing apps / copying 1 of 4 (App name) (step 7 of 7)
    canceling sync
    apple icon
    2)   Photos: I've selected only certain of my iPhoto albums to sync to my iPhone.  All of the albums are correct/complete in iPhoto.  All of the albums are listed on my iPhone, both before and after the sync, but the albums are empty (no actual photos) before and after the sync. Perhaps this is tied to the fact that the sync isn’t completing, but because “importing photos” is one of the steps that the incomplete sync displays, I don’t know.
    3)   Apps: When I launch iTunes and click on the Apps folder under the Library listing, then click on the Updates tab, iTunes searches for any Apps needing to be updated and provides a list.  If I click on Update All, the Apps are successfully updated in iTunes.  But, when I plug in my iPhone so that the updates will transfer to the apps on my iPhone, the updates don’t transfer to the apps on my iPhone and those apps still reflect that they need updating on the iPhone.
    Other Potential Pertinent Info:
    The flash memory hard drive on my MacBook Air recently died (perhaps a month or two ago).  Apple had emailed me about a known issue and literally the next day, my MacBook Air crashed.  I installed a new flash memory drive and re-installed everything from a backup off of an external hard drive.  Everything seems to be working fine; it recreated accurately all of my software and data, including iPhoto and iTunes, the pictures and songs (respectively) for which are stored on that hard drive, as opposed to being on the flash memory in the MacBook Air itself.  However, I don’t recall if the start of the sync problem described herein started happening at the same time that I replaced the flash memory drive.  All I know is that the computer is working perfectly in all respects and that even as the sync is failing, it at least says that it’s doing the right things and looking in the right places (e.g., the list of albums on my iPhone matches the list of albums in iTunes, etc.).
    MacBook Air
    OSX v. 10.9
    iPhoto ’11 v. 9.5 (902.7)
    iPhone iOS 7.0.4
    iTunes v. 11.1.3 (8)
    Summary Tab
    Backups (This Computer)
    Automatically sync when this iPhone is connected
    Sync only checked songs and videos
    Photos Tab
    Sync Photos from iPhoto (429 Photos)
    Selected albums, Events, and Faces, and automatically include (no Events)
    Albums – 9 are selected

    You need to download iTunes on your computer. iOS 6 requires the latest version of iTunes which is 10.7.

  • Report for open process orders

    Dear SAP experts,
    As the period of the process order from open to close is not short, will take 1 or 2 months in our business case, so we want to find a report which can get the information just like the output of KSPP(for planned orders) .
    I tried to analysis the logic of program KSPP, and it seems the function modules based on the planned orders only.
    Is there any way to get the similar report for open process orders?
    Many Thanks,
    Lisa Yao

    Is there any clues?

  • A/R Tables and Process

    Can any of you pls let me know , what the flow of data is in A/R process i mean for open items and cleared items.
    1. If  a open item is cleared will the document still be in BSIDand BSAD or BSAD only.
    2. what is the link which we can use to tie the records in BSID and BSAD.
    any help would be appreciated and points will be awarded.

    Hi Priya,
    BSID only has open items and BSAD has closed items.
    So if the invoice is cleared then, you can check in BSAD(Field BELNR),
    whereas if not cleared, then look for the invoice in BSID (BELNR).
    Hope this answers your question

  • Report for conformation cancelled process orders.

    Hi frnds,
    I need a report for orders which have got cancelled of confirmation.
    plz suggest...

    There is no standard report in SAP which shows Report for conformation cancelled.
    But you can check in order it self in COR2 good movement details.
    Or  check document in MB03
    Use CORS to reverse the phases.
    After canceling if you want to view it again then use CORT (here there is one check box named 'Reversed' means that phase is reversed).
    Or Please use user exit
    EXIT_SAPLCORF_404 Process order conf.: Customer specific input checks 2

  • Popularity trend/usage report is not working in sp2013. Data was not being processed to EVENT STORE folder which was present under the Analytics_GUID folder.

     I am working in a sharepoint migration project. We have migrated one SharePoint project from moss2007 to sp2013. Issue is when we are clicking on Popularity trend > usage report,  it is throwing an error.
    Issue: The data was not being processed to EVENT STORE folder which was present under the
    Analytics_GUID folder. Also data was not present in the Analytical Store database.
    In log viewer I have found the bellow error.
    HIGH -
    SearchServiceApplicationProxy::GetAnalyticsEventTypeDefinitions--Error occured: System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException: An unsecured or incorrectly
    secured fault was received from the other party.
    UNEXPECTED - System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[System.ServiceModel.ExceptionDetail,
    System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]: We're sorry, we weren't able to complete the operation, please try again in a few minutes.
    HIGH - Getting Error Message for Exception System.Web.HttpUnhandledException
    (0x80004005): Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. ---> System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException: An unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party.
    CRITICAL - A failure was reported when trying to invoke a service application:
    EndpointFailure Process Name: w3wp Process ID: 13960 AppDomain Name: /LM/W3SVC/767692721/ROOT-1-130480636828071139 AppDomain ID: 2 Service Application Uri: urn:schemas-microsoft-
    UNEXPECTED - Could not retrieve analytics event definitions for
    https://XXX System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[System.ServiceModel.ExceptionDetail]: We're sorry, we weren't able to complete the operation, please try again in a few minutes.
    UNEXPECTED - System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[System.ServiceModel.ExceptionDetail,
    System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]: We're sorry, we weren't able to complete the operation, please try again in a few minutes.
    I have verified few things in server which are mentioned below
    Two timer jobs (Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Usage Data Processing, Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Usage Data Import) are running fine.
    APPFabric Caching service has been started.
    Analytics_GUID folder has been
    shared with
    WSS_ADMIN_WPG and WSS_WPG and Read/Write access was granted
    .usage files are getting created and also the temporary(.tmp) file has been created.
    uasage  logging database for uasage data being transported. The data is available.
    Please provide pointers on what needs to be done.

    Hi Nabhendu,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you could not use popularity trend after you migrated SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2013.
    In SharePoint 2013, the analytics functionality is a part of the search component. There is an article for troubleshooting SharePoint 2013 Web Analytics, please take a look at:
    Troubleshooting SharePoint 2013 Web Analytics
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Questions on Multiprovider and Process Chain

    Hai All,
              I have two questions. One on Multiprovider and the other on Process chain.
    1. Multiprovider:
              For example, I have 2 ODSs. ODS1 has Objects ORDER NUMBER, COUNTRY and PRODUCT, ODS2 has objects ORDER NUMBER, DELIVERY STATUS, CREATION DATE.
    Now if I make a multiprovider on ODS1 and ODS2, then as ORDER NUMBER is common in both the ODSs, can I make a report like this:
             I have a problem here bacuase its not getting those details from the other ODS even though the ORDER NUMBER(value) is same. Am I making nay mistake or is it a system problem.
    I beleive thats how a Multiprovider works.
    2. Process chain:
                    I have an END connector in my process chain that connects 3 processes and lets the following task start only after the success of all the above 3 processes.
    The system is displaying the END connector seperately under each process. But the name and everything else is same. Is this a setting somewhere in the process chain?
    Thank you.

    1. Those fields are in ODS2, you don't need to make a multiprovider.
    2. You mean an AND connector. Maybe you need to refresh the screen. if this doesn't work, delete the three and connectors and insert a new one.
    Hope this helps.

Maybe you are looking for