As Thunderbird allready works on Liunux why is there no Android version

Android is basically a version of lnux with google modifications and there is already a Thunderbird which works with Linux. Arn't you missing out by not creating a version of thunderbird for Android. You have done so with Firefox. Most users of Thunderbird would prefer to stick with the same e-mail client regardless of whether we are on our PC or our tablet or our phone.

The development of Thunderbird has been reduced alot which is why the desktop Releases have since changed to ESR fashion of Releases and not still be like Firefox Releases on desktop.
There has been a mobile version of Firefox for Android since Firefox 4.0 however there has not been any development on a Thunderbird version yet and likely will not be any time soon due to the reduced Thunderbird development.

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    Sorry to hear the auto fix suggested early did not fix your problem. So we can get more information from you, I have copied your post to our private support board. Please refer all correspondences to there from here on out. You can easily get to the private support one of two ways. In the email you signed up for the forums with, you will receive a link to click on. Make sure you are already signed into the forums before clicking on this link. Another way of getting there is by clicking on your username anywhere you see it in the forums. This brings you to your account profile. Scroll down to the section labeled "My Support Cases" . In there you will see the link to your case.
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    Literally have seen this very-much-needed -- and used -- option "promised" for three years now, and even if there's only one or two formats that could be used, at least the option is there.
    It seems only way is to link a Macro and tool to Thunderbird and do it that way.
    Joe Rotello
    [email protected]
    Skype: joerotello

    Where was it promised? A quick search of Bugzilla didn't find a functionality request bug report for it.
    I assume you're aware that Mozilla stopped development about 2 years ago (just adds security/stability fixes and provides infrastructure) and all new features and bug fixes are now added by the community. They seem pretty tied up with bug fixes and reworking some hard to maintain components such as the MIME support.
    Have you tried the Timestamp add-on at ? The version at AMO doesn't support versions later than 2.0 so you'd need to do something like install the disable add-on compatibility checks add-on at, and ignore the warning message about Timestamp not being compatible. However, the author has a version at that supposedly supports up to Thunderbird 11.9.x so it should be "compatible by default as it supports version 5 or later and is not a binary add-on like Lightning or Enigmail.
    "For Thunderbird use the context menu (right click popup) in the compose window, Ctrl+Shift+T or "Options | Insert timestamp" to inserts the date/time into a message"

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