[as2] counteract buffered keyrepeat

I'm moving an movieclip using the cursor keys. The device it has to run on, is too slow to process the keys realtime, so the keys are placed in a some sort of buffer and the object keeps on moving for a while when the key is released.
The device places 8 keys in the buffer per second, but flash can only process 5 per second, so holding the key for a second, will look like I've pressed it almost twice as long.
Does anyone know of a way to counteract this?
I've tried using Key.isDown, but that returns true, even though they key is released, until the buffer is emptied.
I've tried using the onKeyDown event to start the movement and stop the movement using the onKeyUp event, but it seems like the onKeyUp event only occurs when the buffer becomes empty. Even when I remove the onKeyDown listener, it seems like the buffer only decreases 1 key per frame.
It might have worked when there is no keyrepeat in the hardware, but that is not an option.
It would be helpfull if there was a timestamp indicating when the key was pressed, or some way to clear the buffer, but I've not found one.

I agree, it should work, and on a PC it does.
I've created a test movie that does 10 seconds of heavy rendering (at 0.9 fps) and then 10 seconds of very little load (which can run at 32fps, but the movie is set to 25) I've added logging with a timestamp which shows when the onKeyDown and onKeyUp events are triggered.
I can see the keys being entered with the flashing led on the device, this always happens at 4 keys per second (I thought it was 8, but the led flashes twice per key)
I hold the key for 5 seconds, thus entering aproximately 20 'keys'
FLASH_TRACE: [63076] Heavy load: true
-- this is where I physically press the button --
FLASH_TRACE: [65229] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [66331] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [66358] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [67514] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [68711] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [69903] onKeyDown event triggered
-- this is where I physically release the button --
FLASH_TRACE: [71006] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [72067] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [73198] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [73215] Heavy load: false
FLASH_TRACE: [73261] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [73303] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [73354] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [73398] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [73439] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [73478] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [73517] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [73558] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [73617] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [73659] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [73699] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [73735] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [73773] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [73815] onKeyUp event triggered
I clearly see keys being added to the buffer at 4fps, but only removed from the buffer at the framerate the movie is rendering.
Adding a fast (1ms) interval does increase the rate at which the buffer is emptied, but only when there is 'some time left'.
When the rendering is done within the 1/25th of a second, the interval is triggered as fast as possible (every 6ms).
But when the desired framerate can not be matched, the interval is only triggered once in between frames.
-- this is where I physically press the button --
FLASH_TRACE: [5069] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [5075] Key.isDown==true
FLASH_TRACE: [5132] Key.isDown==true
FLASH_TRACE: [6319] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [6426] Key.isDown==true
FLASH_TRACE: [7581] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [7601] Key.isDown==true
FLASH_TRACE: [8726] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [8733] Key.isDown==true
-- this is where I physically release the button --
FLASH_TRACE: [9892] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [9900] Key.isDown==true
FLASH_TRACE: [11038] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11045] Heavy load: false
FLASH_TRACE: [11046] Key.isDown==true
FLASH_TRACE: [11099] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11105] Key.isDown==true
FLASH_TRACE: [11134] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11147] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11154] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11160] Key.isDown==true
FLASH_TRACE: [11184] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11190] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11197] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11203] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11210] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11216] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11223] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11229] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11235] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11241] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11247] onKeyDown event triggered
FLASH_TRACE: [11255] onKeyUp event triggered
The wierdest thing is happening here:
The interval appears to speed up the onKeyDown events, but not trigger the interval itself??
(I've also tried setting 5 intervals, but that makes no difference: the 5 intervals are all triggered, but only 1 key is removed, not 5)
Anyway, I could make a small delay before doing the heavy rendering to create some time to remove a few frames from the buffer. but at 6ms per key, that's pretty expensive. In the most optimistic case, that would mean an extra 25ms wait to handle the 4 frames per second.

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    this.createEmptyMovieClip("mcMusictrackHolder", this.getNextHighestDepth());
    var sndAudio:Sound = new Sound(mcMusictrackHolder);
    var nMaxMusicVolume:Number = new Number(mcMusictrackHolder);
    nMaxMusicVolume = 30;
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    _global.fadeSoundF = function(mc:MovieClip,s:Sound,vol:Number,sec:Number):Void
         trace("Getting here with sound at " + s.getVolume());
         var volumeInc:Number = vol-s.getVolume()/(10*sec);
         trace("Leaving with sound at " + s.getVolume());
    function fadeF(mc:MovieClip,s:Sound,inc:Number,endVol:Number):Void
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    var listenerObject:Object = new Object();
    var sCurrentState:String;
    listenerObject.stateChange = function(eventObject:Object):Void
    sCurrentState = my_FLVPlybk.state;
    if (sCurrentState == "playing")
    my_FLVPlybk.addEventListener("stateChange", listenerObject);
    The listener object is working fine - so if instead of calling fadeSoundF I simply do _root.sndAudio.setvolume(0) to mute and _root.sndAudio.setvolume(30) to restore it works fine except that the volume changes abruptly instead of ramping.
    But obviously there's a problem with my effort to convert kglad's function to global and use it that way, because the trace statements tell me the audio is getting set to random levels.  It smoothly ramps all right - but tries to get to -472 or +8212 or other insane numbers.
    Any help with where I'm going wrong would be deeply appreciated.  Keep in mind that although I have some long-ago programming experience in other languages, this environment is completely alien to me and you can feel free to assume I'm completely ignorant.  What I've managed to piece together is largely pulled from online research, which is why there's probably an obvious glaring error in there.  Feel free to provide a response that assumes I know nothing.

    I added a few more traces.  Here's the new main page:
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("mcMusictrackHolder", this.getNextHighestDepth());
    var sndAudio:Sound = new Sound(mcMusictrackHolder);
    var nMaxMusicVolume:Number = 30;
    _global.fadeSoundF = function(mc:MovieClip,s:Sound,vol:Number,sec:Number):Void
              trace("Getting here with level at " + sndAudio.getVolume());
              trace("asking to set it to " + vol + " in " + sec + " second(s).");
              var volumeInc:Number = vol-s.getVolume()/(10*sec);
              trace("Leaving with sound at " + sndAudio.getVolume());
              trace(" ");
    function fadeF(mc:MovieClip,s:Sound,inc:Number,endVol:Number):Void
    Here's sample trace output:
    Getting here with level at 30                  <---- this is on first visiting the page where the listener object initializes and asks it to ramp the audio from its
    asking to set it to 30 in 1 second(s).             current level to the same level (probably because the video is buffering or rewinding and that counts as a state change).
    Leaving with sound at 30
    Getting here with level at 111                <---- this is a second triggering of the function (probably because the video is STOPPED and that counts as a
    asking to set it to 30 in 1 second(s).            state change after buffering).  As of yet the video hasn't been asked to play.
    Leaving with sound at 111
    Getting here with level at 3765               <---- This is what happens when the video is asked to play; since it is asking to leave the level at 30 I'm guessing it is buffering
    asking to set it to 30 in 1 second(s).              again but not playing yet, which is why it's still being asked to set the background to 30 instead of 0.
    Leaving with sound at 3765
    Getting here with level at 3765                <---- NOW the video is actually playing, so it asks to set the background audio to 0.
    asking to set it to 0 in 1 second(s).
    Leaving with sound at 3765
    Getting here with level at -41740             <---- ... and I hit STOP, which generates a request to bring the background audio back to 30.
    asking to set it to 30 in 1 second(s).
    Leaving with sound at -41740
    I should probably replace the if/else on the video player page with a switch/case so the function ONLY gets called when playback actually stops and starts, and doesn't get triggered for every state change.  But I think I still have an error in here someplace...
    Many thanks to kglad for your help!

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    I read your article but I don't know how to use the code. I
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    Thiago Prado
    function initConnection() {
    // Create a NetConnection
    nc = new NetConnection();
    // Define onStatus event handler
    nc.onStatus = function(info) {
    trace("Level: "+info.level+" Code: "+info.code);
    // Initialize the stream after the connection is successful
    if (info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success") {
    trace("--- connected to: " + this.uri);
    startStream(); //Inizialize the stream
    // try to connect, to be changed with your app path
    function startStream() {
    //Define stream and buffers parameters
    stream_name="test_stream"; //your stream - How can I pass my
    variable url to stream_name?
    startBufferLength=2; //keep this in the range 2-4+
    expandedBufferLength=15; //arbitrarily high
    // create a netstream
    ns = new NetStream(nc);
    // Define onStatus event handler
    ns.onStatus = function(infoObject:Object) {
    if (infoObject["code"]=="NetStream.Buffer.Full"){
    trace("set expanded buffer");
    if (infoObject["code"]=="NetStream.Buffer.Empty"){
    trace("set start buffer");
    // attach the NetStream to a video object
    // change from videoObj to your istance name if needed
    ns.play(stream_name, 0);

    I don't use FLVPlayback (I write my own players) but for sure
    AS2 or AS3 the code you are trying to use is not good because it
    doesn't use FLVPlayback.
    There is an example in CS3/CS4 of using FLVPlayback.
    Here is documentation for the componenet:

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    bandwidth. I do not have FMS.
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    built in. That is, only starts playing after it concludes what it
    will take to play the video from start to end. I'm having a hard
    time verifying this through documentation.
    So, I'm looking for help on dynamic buffering, and if anyone
    knows if the AS3 FLVPlayback component offers this ability out of
    the box.

    I don't use FLVPlayback (I write my own players) but for sure
    AS2 or AS3 the code you are trying to use is not good because it
    doesn't use FLVPlayback.
    There is an example in CS3/CS4 of using FLVPlayback.
    Here is documentation for the componenet:

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    Hi sarvesh,
    The problem is resolved using the seeburger AttributeMapper module.

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    I have run into one problem though.
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    Here is the ActionScript in Frame 1 I have for the preloader:
    if (_root.getBytesTotal() != _root.getBytesLoaded()){
    Any hints or answers to what i'm doing wrong?
    Thanks, MrA615.

    Your description of what you've done and the code you show does not match what the tutorial says to do and what code to use... (there is no stopAndGoTo() function in Flash).
    Right-click the second frame on the upper layer labeled Actions and select Actions. Copy and paste the code below to make our preloader functional.
    if (_root.getBytesTotal() != _root.getBytesLoaded()){

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    Can you please let me know how we can put dynamic filename in the receiver AS2 adapter for B2B Addon on SAP 7.4.

    Hi Ryan / Experts,
    Let me explain you in more detail.
    In the receiver AS2 Communication channel, if I keep the Filename field as blank as shown below, then in the Mendelson inbox folder, a file is generated with the name "ASJAVA_DX5" which is my business component name.
    If I fill the filname field for example with "CONTRL", then in the Mendelson inbox folder, a file is generated with the name "CONTRL".
    This is my requirement because, suppose i trigger this interface "first time", a file with static name (ASJAVA_DX5/CONTRL ) would be generated in the inbox folder. If I trigger this interface "second time", since the file already exists with same name, it is not overwritten and I cannot check the output of 2nd trigger . Contents are not overwritten.
    To solve this problem + as a general requirement, I wish to have this name to be dynamic, atleast with date+timestamp.
    Can you please help.

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    My scenario is idoc to EDI Invoice scenario, but we are using HTTPS protocol in receiver (AS2) adapter.
    When we select the HTTPS protocol it is asking below SSL Certificates
    1. Server Certificate (key Store)
    2. Private key for client Authentication
    These two certificates are same like what we are giving in the agreements or different?
    If different which certificate details we need to give here.

    Hi Suresh,
    According to your answer HTTPS certificate is different than normal one (what we are giving in the agreements)
    What about the "Private key for client Authentication", which details i need to give here?
    we gave the same certificate paths in AS2 CC, now we are getting the below error. Could you please suggest what is the issue
    "Message processing failed. Cause: javax.resource.ResourceException: Fatal exception: javax.resource.ResourceException: SEEBURGER AS2: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: No trusted certificate found # , SEEBURGER AS2: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: No trusted certificate found # "

  • AS2 receiver error

    Hi Experts,
    Im getting this error in the AS2 receiver channel:
    Message could not be forwarded to the JCA adapter. Reason: Fatal exception: javax.resource.ResourceException: SEEBURGER AS2: AS2 Adapter failure # Outbound configuration error: Failed to get configuration from DATABASE. Sender configuration incomplete - perhaps AS2ID missing.., SEEBURGER AS2: AS2 Adapter failure # Outbound configuration error: Failed to get configuration from DATABASE. Sender configuration incomplete - perhaps AS2ID missing..
    IDOC to AS2 scenario
    I have already configured the sender and receiver party and put them in the determinations:
    sender party
    receiver party
    I did not put a sender party in the receiver agreement because I get a receiver agreement error
    Any ideas please?

    Hi Ajay,
      I guess these will help you...
    Seeburger AS2 Communication Channel Error
    Re: Asynchronous/sync mdn

  • Unable to create the entry in the AS2 EDIINT MIC table

    This could be caused by duplicate AS2-From, AS2-To and MessageID combinations being written to the table.  Error: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_EdiInt_Mic'.
    Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.EdiInt_Mic'. 
    How to reprocess this feed?

    To resolve this error, check the full error message for information about why the insert operation failed. In SQL, in the EDIINT_MIC table, determine whether there is duplicate AS2-From and AS2-To MessageID combinations. If so, remove them.
    For more information, you can refer the document:
    Hope it can help you.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • As2 receiver channel, SEEBURGER AS2: 500 Internal Server Error

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    Message processing failed. Cause: javax.resource.ResourceException: Fatal exception: javax.resource.ResourceException: SEEBURGER AS2: 500 Internal Server Error # , SEEBURGER AS2: 500 Internal Server Error #
    I have searched in forum, but couldnt get much idea on why this error encounters and how can we resolve it.
    Kindly provide your inputs to help me resolve this.

    Hi Ruchi,
    500 means the requested server does not understand the request (the requested service is unknown). The reason is obvisiously outside of PI. You have to contact the 3rd party owner and ask why the system is refusing the request instead of responsing like before.

Maybe you are looking for