AS2 XML pdf gallery component

Hello, Ive been using a gallery component that lets you use XML to call images and their respective thumbnails while on flash. It's really convenient and easy.
Id like to ask for your kind help on how to achieve exactly that but changing it to a PDF library/gallery that links you to the PDF file instead.
I have to insert a data base containing 2000 PDFS and it would take too long doing using GetURLs.
Thanks a lot and excuse my English!!

Thank you for your answer. I'm not intending on displaying the files inside flash, i just want a xml list/component that that can be editable and links files so they can be downloaed.
I hope I make myself clear.
Here's a little image of whats going on:

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    you want to use:
    thumbnail_mc["t"+k].removeMovieClip();  // where k is defined as in your createEmptyMovieClip() method.

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    my_ldr must exist on all frames or, if you navigate to a frame where it doesn't exist, you must create another loader with the "new" constructor.  in the later situation, you'll need to (re)define your button actions too because the new loader will need to before referenced in the button listener functions.  even if you use the same name, my_ldr, you'll probably need to re-define your buttons.

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    Hi, I'm new to flash so this might seem like a dumb question, but I'm right in the middle of designing a photography site and need some help.  I have 4 buttons in my timeline that go to the corresponding frame labels when clicked, above each frame label is a keyframe with actionscript applied to it, that will load an external XML photo gallery. I need the current photo gallery that's on the screen to disappear when I click on a new button to load the new XML photo gallery.  this is the code that will be above each frame label with a few changes, then below this is the code for my buttons. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you  Code: Select all var imageX:XML; var imageList:XMLList;  var canvas:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); var picLoader:Loader; addChild(canvas); canvas.x = -155; canvas.y = 160;   var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("gallery.xml"); var imageLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); imageLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); imageLoader.load(req);  function onComplete(e:Event):void { imageX = new XML(; imageList = imageX.image; picLoader = new Loader(); picLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event .COMPLETE, imageLoaded); picLoader.load(new URLRequest (imageList[0].url)); }  function imageLoaded(e:Event):void  { canvas.addChild(picLoader); }    Code for the buttons in different keyframe.  Code: Select all stop();  kids_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onKidsClick); couples_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onCouplesClick); portraits_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onPortraitsClick); bellies_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onBelliesClick);  function onKidsClick(e:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop("kids"); }  function onCouplesClick(e:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop("couples"); }  function onPortraitsClick(e:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop("portraits"); }  function onBelliesClick(e:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop("bellies"); }

  • Need help with xml video gallery

    Hello everyone
    I recently bought a xml video gallery. I'm loading the movie externally into another movie. When the xml gallery loads, it cancels all sounds.
    I need to figure out where in the actionscription can i reverse the cancellation of sounds. Can anyone help? if possible, I can email, whomever is willing to help, the xml gallery to see if theres another reason the sound is being canceled.
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    Here are two parts of actionscript included in the gallery:
    part one:
    // Import filter classes
    import mx.transitions.Tween;
    import mx.transitions.easing.*;
    // Set flash variables
    var xmlFileUrl:String = "playlist.xml";
    var auto_play:String = "true";
    // Set xml file URL
    if (_root.xmlfile) {
        xmlFileUrl = _root.xmlfile;
    var V_SRC;
    var thuArray:Array = new Array();
    var currentVideo:Number = 0;
    var totalItems;
    var numOfItems:Number;
    var itemDistance:Number = 120+5;
    var itemHeight:Number = 80+2;
    var Value:Number = 1;
    var boundry:Number = 1;
    var ratio:Number = 1;
    var diff:Number = 1;
    var collectionWidth:Number = 1;
    var buffer:Number = 135*2;
    video_txt.theText.selectable = false;
    video_txt.theText.autoSize = "left";
    //The Format
    myFormat = new TextFormat();
    myFormat.font = _root.font_format;
    myFormat.size = _root.font_size;
    myFormat.color = _root.font_color;
    myFormat.align = "center";
    // Create a new movieclip to load the thumbs
    var thumbLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    var thumbListener:Object = new Object();
    thumbListener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip, httpStatus:Number)
        new Tween(target_mc, "_alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 1, true);
        target_mc._parent.preloader_mc._alpha = 0;
    var xml:XML = new XML();
    xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    xml.onLoad = xmlLoaded;
    // Load the xml file into the player
    function xmlLoaded(b:Boolean) {
        if (b) {
            auto_play = this.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.auto_play;
            scrollSpeed = parseInt(this.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.scrollSpeed);
            totalItems = this.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
            numOfItems = totalItems.length;
            for (j=0; j<numOfItems; j++) {
                var i = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc.attachMovie("mc_Thumb", "thumb_"+j, j);
                i._x = itemDistance*j;
       = j;
                i.videoTitle = totalItems[j].attributes.title;
                i.videoUrl = totalItems[j].attributes.src;
                // Create an event for thumb rollover
                i.onRollOver = iRoll;
                i.onRollOut = i.onReleaseOutside=iOut;
                i.onRelease = iRelease;
                thuArray[j] = i;
            // default first video
            collectionWidth = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width;
            currentVideo = 0;
            V_SRC = thuArray[0].videoUrl;
            //scope._alpha = 100;
            new Tween(scope, "_alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 0.5, true);
            trace("Error! xml file not loaded");
    // onRollOver Events
    function iRoll() {
        player_mc.mc_title.title_txt.htmlText = totalItems[].attributes.title;;
    function iRelease() {
        currentVideo =;
    function changeVideo() {
        V_SRC = thuArray[currentVideo].videoUrl;
        player_mc.mc_title.title_txt.htmlText = thuArray[currentVideo].videoTitle;
        video_txt.theText.text = totalItems[currentVideo].attributes.title;;
        player_mc.playStatus = 1;
    function nextVideo() {
        if (currentVideo<(numOfItems-1)) {
        } else {
            currentVideo = 0;
    function currentThumb() {
        for (i=0; i<thuArray.length; i++) {
            if (i == currentVideo) {
                thuArray[i].enabled = true;
    // Mouse movement on rollover
    this.onMouseMove = function() {
        collectionWidth = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width;
        boundry = player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width;
        if ((player_mc.main_mc._ymouse>0) && (player_mc.main_mc._ymouse<itemHeight)) {
            if ((player_mc.main_mc._xmouse>0) && (player_mc.main_mc._xmouse<boundry)) {
                ratio = player_mc.main_mc._xmouse/boundry;
                diff = (collectionWidth-boundry)+buffer;
                Value = Math.floor((-ratio)*diff)+(buffer/2);
    this.onEnterFrame = function() {
        // Define movement area and speed
        if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width>player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width) {
            player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = Math.round((player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x)+((Value-player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._ x)/scrollSpeed));
            if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x>0) {
                player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = 0;
            } else if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x<(player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width-(player_mc.main_mc. collection_mc._width))) {
                player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = Math.round(player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width-(player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width));
        } else {
            player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = 0;
    part two:
    // Define flash variables
    var video_url:String = "";
    var tempx:Number = this._parent._x;
    var tempy:Number = this._parent._y;
    var timeCounter:Number = 0;
    var timeInSeconds:Number = _root.time_counter;
    // Object to listen to onStage Event
    videoObj = vid.videoObj;
    // Setting up the connection
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    // Buffer time
    ns.setBufferTime (10);
    videoObj.attachVideo (ns);
    function loadVideo () {
        video_url = _parent.V_SRC;
        trace(video_url); (video_url);
    function checkStatus()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            mc_playAgain._visible = false;
            thumbs_out = false;
            title_out = false;
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
        } // end else if
        if (so.getVolume() == 0)
    }; // End of the function
    mc_playAgain._visible = false;
    // Check Status of video
    ns.onStatus = function (info)
        if (info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Empty")
            mc_buffer._visible = true;
        else if (info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Full")
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
        else if (info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop")
            if (playStatus == 1)
                playStatus = 0;
            } // end else if
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
        } // end else if
    // Get info about video
    ns.onMetaData = function(infoObject:Object)
        FLVduration = infoObject["duration"];
        relationshipW = infoObject.height / infoObject.width;
        relationshipH = infoObject.width / infoObject.height;
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen")
            largeSize ();
            regularSize ();
        if (_parent.auto_play == "false")
            if (playStatus == 1)
                playStatus = 0;
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
            _parent.auto_play = "true";
        }// end else if
    var videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus, 100);
    var amountLoaded;
    var duration;
    // videoStatus on load Event
    function videoStatus()
        amountLoaded = ns.bytesLoaded / ns.bytesTotal;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_buff._width = amountLoaded * 250;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_played._x = ns.time / duration * 250;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_played._xscale = Math.round(ns.time*100/FLVduration);
    }; // End of the function
    function scrubIt() / 250 * duration));
    }; // End of the function
    // video time
    var time_interval:Number = setInterval(checkTime, 500, ns);
    function checkTime(ns:NetStream) {
        //current time
        var ns_seconds:Number = ns.time;
        var minutes:Number = Math.floor(ns_seconds/60);
        var seconds = Math.floor(ns_seconds%60);
        sec = seconds;
        min = minutes;
        if (sec<10) {
            sec = "0"+sec;
        if (min<10) {
            min = "0"+min;
        controls_mc.time_txt.time_1.text = min+":"+sec;
        //total time
        var minutes2:Number = Math.floor(FLVduration/60);
        var seconds2 = Math.floor(FLVduration%60);
        sec2 = seconds2;
        min2 = minutes2;
        if (sec2<10) {
            sec2 = "0"+sec2;
        if (min2<10) {
            min2 = "0"+min2;
        controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text = min2+":"+sec2;
        if (controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text == "NaN:NaN") {
            controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text = "00:00";
    setStage ();
    // Object to listen onStage Event
    var stageL:Object = new Object ();
    // function respnsible for content alignment
    function setStage ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen") {
            tempx = this._parent._x;
            tempy = this._parent._y;
            this._parent._x = 0;
            this._parent._y = 0;
            vidBg_mc._x = 0;
            vidBg_mc._y = 0;
            mc_title._x = 0;
            mc_title._y = -30;
            slide_me._x = 0;
            slide_me._y = 0;
            vidBg_mc._width = Stage.width;
            vidBg_mc._height = Stage.height;
            mc_title._width = Stage.width;
            mc_title._height = Stage.height / 20;
            slide_me._width = Stage.width;
            slide_me._height = Stage.height / 20;
            vid._x = vid._y = 0;
            largeSize ();
            controls_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (controls_mc._width / 2));
            controls_mc._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 36);
            mc_playAgain._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (mc_playAgain._width / 2));
            mc_playAgain._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 572);
            thumbs_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (thumbs_mc._width / 2));
            thumbs_mc._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 115);
            main_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (controls_mc._width / 2));;
            hide_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
                timeCounter = timeCounter + 1;
                if (timeCounter >= timeInSeconds * 30) {
                    timeCounter = 0;
                    controls_mc._alpha = 0;
            this.onMouseMove = function () {
                timeCounter = 0;
                controls_mc._alpha = 100;
            delete hide_mc.onEnterFrame;
            delete this.onMouseMove;
            controls_mc._alpha = 100;
            this._parent._x = tempx;
            this._parent._y = tempy;
            vidBg_mc._width = 600;
            vidBg_mc._height = 360;
            mc_title._width = 600;
            mc_title._height = 30;
            slide_me._width = 600;
            slide_me._height = 30;
            vidBg_mc._x = vid._x = 0;
            vidBg_mc._y = vid._y = 35;
            mc_title._x = vid._x = 0;
            mc_title._y = vid._x = -30;
            slide_me._x = vid._x = 0;
            slide_me._y = vid._y = 35;
            regularSize ();
            controls_mc._x = 0;
            controls_mc._y = 395;
            mc_playAgain._x = 243;
            mc_playAgain._y = 158;
            thumbs_mc._x = 0;
            thumbs_mc._y = 316;
            main_mc._x = 0;
            main_mc._y = 406;
        mc_buffer._x = Math.round (vidBg_mc._x + (vidBg_mc._width / 2));
        mc_buffer._y = Math.round (vidBg_mc._y + (vidBg_mc._height / 2));
    // to apply when stage (browser window) is resized or modified
    stageL.onResize = function () {
        setStage ();
    // attaching object to the stage
    Stage.addListener (stageL);
    MovieClip.prototype.slide = function(yPos) {
        this._y -= (this._y-yPos)/5;
    // tilte actions
    mc_title.onEnterFrame = function()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && title_out == false)
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && title_out == true)
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && title_out == false)
            this._y -= (this._y+106)/5;
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && title_out == true)
    // thumbs actions
    main_mc.onEnterFrame = function()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && thumbs_out == false)
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && thumbs_out == true)
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && thumbs_out == false)
            this._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 0);
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && thumbs_out == true)
            this._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 133);
    // Playlist button
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRollOver = function ()
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.playlist_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    // Toggle playlist button
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (thumbs_out == false)
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
        else if (thumbs_out == true)
            thumbs_out = false;
            title_out = false;
        } // end if else
    // Define hit area for playPause button
    vid.onPress = controls_mc.playPause.onRelease = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            playStatus = 0;
        else if (playStatus == 0)
            playStatus = 1;
    // playPause button
    controls_mc.playPause.onRollOver = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.playPause.onRollOut = controls_mc.playPause.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
        } // end else if
    // Toggle playPause button
    controls_mc.playPause.onRelease = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            playStatus = 0;
        else if (playStatus == 0)
            playStatus = 1;
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRollOver = function ()
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.skip_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRelease = function ()
    // Play Again button
    mc_playAgain.onRollOver = function ()
    mc_playAgain.onRollOut = mc_playAgain.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    // Toggle Play Again button
    mc_playAgain.onRelease = function ()
        this._visible = false;
        playStatus = 1;
    // make the seek bar clickable
    controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_buff.onPress = function()
        xpos = controls_mc.mc_progress._xmouse;
        percent = Math.round(xpos/controls_mc.mc_progress._width*100);
        seekTime = percent/100*FLVduration;
        seekTime = Math.round(seekTime*100)/100;;
    // Set volume level
    var s:Sound = new Sound();
    controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = _root.volume_value;
    // Volume control
    controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.onPress = function()
        volumeTo = (this._xmouse / this._width)*100;
        this.mc_volume._xscale = volumeTo;
    // Volume
    _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("vSound", _parent.getNextHighestDepth());
    var so = new Sound(vSound);
    // Mute button
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRollOver = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.mute_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
        } // end else if
    // Toggle mute button
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
            controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = 0;
            controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = 70;
        } // end else if
    // Resize video proportionaly
    function regularSize ()
        videoObj._width = 600;
        videoObj._height = videoObj._width * relationshipW;
        if (videoObj._height > 360)
            videoObj._height = 360;
            videoObj._width = videoObj._height * relationshipH;
        videoObj.smoothing = true;
        //var scale:Number;
        videoObj._x = (600 - videoObj._width) / 2;
        videoObj._y = (360 - videoObj._height) / 2;
    function largeSize ()
        videoObj._width = Stage.width;
        videoObj._height = videoObj._width * relationshipW;
        if (videoObj._height > Stage.height)
            videoObj._height = Stage.height;
            videoObj._width = videoObj._height * relationshipH;
        videoObj.smoothing = true;
        //var scale:Number;
        videoObj._x = (Stage.width - videoObj._width) / 2;
        videoObj._y = (Stage.height - videoObj._height) / 2;
    // Fullscreen button
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRollOver = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
        } // end else if
    // Toggle fullscreen button
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
            Stage["displayState"] = "fullscreen";
            _parent.video_txt.theText._visible = false;
            Stage["displayState"] = "normal";
            _parent.video_txt.theText._visible = true;

    if you mean sound works well when the gallery is tested without being loaded into another swf but fails when loaded, change the highlighted line:
    // Import filter classes
    import mx.transitions.Tween;
    import mx.transitions.easing.*;
    // Set flash variables
    var xmlFileUrl:String = "playlist.xml";
    var auto_play:String = "true";
    // Set xml file URL
    if (_root.xmlfile) {
        xmlFileUrl = _root.xmlfile;
    var V_SRC;
    var thuArray:Array = new Array();
    var currentVideo:Number = 0;
    var totalItems;
    var numOfItems:Number;
    var itemDistance:Number = 120+5;
    var itemHeight:Number = 80+2;
    var Value:Number = 1;
    var boundry:Number = 1;
    var ratio:Number = 1;
    var diff:Number = 1;
    var collectionWidth:Number = 1;
    var buffer:Number = 135*2;
    video_txt.theText.selectable = false;
    video_txt.theText.autoSize = "left";
    //The Format
    myFormat = new TextFormat();
    myFormat.font = _root.font_format;
    myFormat.size = _root.font_size;
    myFormat.color = _root.font_color;
    myFormat.align = "center";
    // Create a new movieclip to load the thumbs
    var thumbLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    var thumbListener:Object = new Object();
    thumbListener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc:MovieClip, httpStatus:Number)
        new Tween(target_mc, "_alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 1, true);
        target_mc._parent.preloader_mc._alpha = 0;
    var xml:XML = new XML();
    xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    xml.onLoad = xmlLoaded;
    // Load the xml file into the player
    function xmlLoaded(b:Boolean) {
        if (b) {
            auto_play = this.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.auto_play;
            scrollSpeed = parseInt(this.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.scrollSpeed);
            totalItems = this.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
            numOfItems = totalItems.length;
            for (j=0; j<numOfItems; j++) {
                var i = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc.attachMovie("mc_Thumb", "thumb_"+j, j);
                i._x = itemDistance*j;
       = j;
                i.videoTitle = totalItems[j].attributes.title;
                i.videoUrl = totalItems[j].attributes.src;
                // Create an event for thumb rollover
                i.onRollOver = iRoll;
                i.onRollOut = i.onReleaseOutside=iOut;
                i.onRelease = iRelease;
                thuArray[j] = i;
            // default first video
            collectionWidth = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width;
            currentVideo = 0;
            V_SRC = thuArray[0].videoUrl;
            //scope._alpha = 100;
            new Tween(scope, "_alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 100, 0.5, true);
            trace("Error! xml file not loaded");
    // onRollOver Events
    function iRoll() {
        player_mc.mc_title.title_txt.htmlText = totalItems[].attributes.title;;
    function iRelease() {
        currentVideo =;
    function changeVideo() {
        V_SRC = thuArray[currentVideo].videoUrl;
        player_mc.mc_title.title_txt.htmlText = thuArray[currentVideo].videoTitle;
        video_txt.theText.text = totalItems[currentVideo].attributes.title;;
        player_mc.playStatus = 1;
    function nextVideo() {
        if (currentVideo<(numOfItems-1)) {
        } else {
            currentVideo = 0;
    function currentThumb() {
        for (i=0; i<thuArray.length; i++) {
            if (i == currentVideo) {
                thuArray[i].enabled = true;
    // Mouse movement on rollover
    this.onMouseMove = function() {
        collectionWidth = player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width;
        boundry = player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width;
        if ((player_mc.main_mc._ymouse>0) && (player_mc.main_mc._ymouse<itemHeight)) {
            if ((player_mc.main_mc._xmouse>0) && (player_mc.main_mc._xmouse<boundry)) {
                ratio = player_mc.main_mc._xmouse/boundry;
                diff = (collectionWidth-boundry)+buffer;
                Value = Math.floor((-ratio)*diff)+(buffer/2);
    this.onEnterFrame = function() {
        // Define movement area and speed
        if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._width>player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width) {
            player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = Math.round((player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x)+((Value-player_mc.main_mc.colle ction_mc._x)/scrollSpeed));
            if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x>0) {
                player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = 0;
            } else if (player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x<(player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width-(player_m c.main_mc.collection_mc._width))) {
                player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = Math.round(player_mc.main_mc.area_mc._width-(player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._w idth));
        } else {
            player_mc.main_mc.collection_mc._x = 0;
    part two:
    // Define flash variables
    var video_url:String = "";
    var tempx:Number = this._parent._x;
    var tempy:Number = this._parent._y;
    var timeCounter:Number = 0;
    var timeInSeconds:Number = _root.time_counter;
    // Object to listen to onStage Event
    videoObj = vid.videoObj;
    // Setting up the connection
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    // Buffer time
    ns.setBufferTime (10);
    videoObj.attachVideo (ns);
    function loadVideo () {
        video_url = _parent.V_SRC;
        trace(video_url); (video_url);
    function checkStatus()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            mc_playAgain._visible = false;
            thumbs_out = false;
            title_out = false;
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
        } // end else if
        if (so.getVolume() == 0)
    }; // End of the function
    mc_playAgain._visible = false;
    // Check Status of video
    ns.onStatus = function (info)
        if (info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Empty")
            mc_buffer._visible = true;
        else if (info.code == "NetStream.Buffer.Full")
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
        else if (info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop")
            if (playStatus == 1)
                playStatus = 0;
            } // end else if
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
        } // end else if
    // Get info about video
    ns.onMetaData = function(infoObject:Object)
        FLVduration = infoObject["duration"];
        relationshipW = infoObject.height / infoObject.width;
        relationshipH = infoObject.width / infoObject.height;
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen")
            largeSize ();
            regularSize ();
        if (_parent.auto_play == "false")
            if (playStatus == 1)
                playStatus = 0;
            mc_buffer._visible = false;
            mc_playAgain._visible = true;
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
            _parent.auto_play = "true";
        }// end else if
    var videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus, 100);
    var amountLoaded;
    var duration;
    // videoStatus on load Event
    function videoStatus()
        amountLoaded = ns.bytesLoaded / ns.bytesTotal;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_buff._width = amountLoaded * 250;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_played._x = ns.time / duration * 250;
        controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_played._xscale = Math.round(ns.time*100/FLVduration);
    }; // End of the function
    function scrubIt() / 250 * duration));
    }; // End of the function
    // video time
    var time_interval:Number = setInterval(checkTime, 500, ns);
    function checkTime(ns:NetStream) {
        //current time
        var ns_seconds:Number = ns.time;
        var minutes:Number = Math.floor(ns_seconds/60);
        var seconds = Math.floor(ns_seconds%60);
        sec = seconds;
        min = minutes;
        if (sec<10) {
            sec = "0"+sec;
        if (min<10) {
            min = "0"+min;
        controls_mc.time_txt.time_1.text = min+":"+sec;
        //total time
        var minutes2:Number = Math.floor(FLVduration/60);
        var seconds2 = Math.floor(FLVduration%60);
        sec2 = seconds2;
        min2 = minutes2;
        if (sec2<10) {
            sec2 = "0"+sec2;
        if (min2<10) {
            min2 = "0"+min2;
        controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text = min2+":"+sec2;
        if (controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text == "NaN:NaN") {
            controls_mc.time_txt.time_2.text = "00:00";
    setStage ();
    // Object to listen onStage Event
    var stageL:Object = new Object ();
    // function respnsible for content alignment
    function setStage ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen") {
            tempx = this._parent._x;
            tempy = this._parent._y;
            this._parent._x = 0;
            this._parent._y = 0;
            vidBg_mc._x = 0;
            vidBg_mc._y = 0;
            mc_title._x = 0;
            mc_title._y = -30;
            slide_me._x = 0;
            slide_me._y = 0;
            vidBg_mc._width = Stage.width;
            vidBg_mc._height = Stage.height;
            mc_title._width = Stage.width;
            mc_title._height = Stage.height / 20;
            slide_me._width = Stage.width;
            slide_me._height = Stage.height / 20;
            vid._x = vid._y = 0;
            largeSize ();
            controls_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (controls_mc._width / 2));
            controls_mc._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 36);
            mc_playAgain._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (mc_playAgain._width / 2));
            mc_playAgain._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 572);
            thumbs_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (thumbs_mc._width / 2));
            thumbs_mc._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 115);
            main_mc._x = Math.round ((Stage.width / 2) - (controls_mc._width / 2));;
            hide_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
                timeCounter = timeCounter + 1;
                if (timeCounter >= timeInSeconds * 30) {
                    timeCounter = 0;
                    controls_mc._alpha = 0;
            this.onMouseMove = function () {
                timeCounter = 0;
                controls_mc._alpha = 100;
            delete hide_mc.onEnterFrame;
            delete this.onMouseMove;
            controls_mc._alpha = 100;
            this._parent._x = tempx;
            this._parent._y = tempy;
            vidBg_mc._width = 600;
            vidBg_mc._height = 360;
            mc_title._width = 600;
            mc_title._height = 30;
            slide_me._width = 600;
            slide_me._height = 30;
            vidBg_mc._x = vid._x = 0;
            vidBg_mc._y = vid._y = 35;
            mc_title._x = vid._x = 0;
            mc_title._y = vid._x = -30;
            slide_me._x = vid._x = 0;
            slide_me._y = vid._y = 35;
            regularSize ();
            controls_mc._x = 0;
            controls_mc._y = 395;
            mc_playAgain._x = 243;
            mc_playAgain._y = 158;
            thumbs_mc._x = 0;
            thumbs_mc._y = 316;
            main_mc._x = 0;
            main_mc._y = 406;
        mc_buffer._x = Math.round (vidBg_mc._x + (vidBg_mc._width / 2));
        mc_buffer._y = Math.round (vidBg_mc._y + (vidBg_mc._height / 2));
    // to apply when stage (browser window) is resized or modified
    stageL.onResize = function () {
        setStage ();
    // attaching object to the stage
    Stage.addListener (stageL);
    MovieClip.prototype.slide = function(yPos) {
        this._y -= (this._y-yPos)/5;
    // tilte actions
    mc_title.onEnterFrame = function()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && title_out == false)
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && title_out == true)
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && title_out == false)
            this._y -= (this._y+106)/5;
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && title_out == true)
    // thumbs actions
    main_mc.onEnterFrame = function()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && thumbs_out == false)
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal" && thumbs_out == true)
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && thumbs_out == false)
            this._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 0);
        else if (Stage["displayState"] == "fullScreen" && thumbs_out == true)
            this._y = Math.round (Stage.height - 133);
    // Playlist button
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRollOver = function ()
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.playlist_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    // Toggle playlist button
    controls_mc.playlist_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (thumbs_out == false)
            thumbs_out = true;
            title_out = true;
        else if (thumbs_out == true)
            thumbs_out = false;
            title_out = false;
        } // end if else
    // Define hit area for playPause button
    vid.onPress = controls_mc.playPause.onRelease = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            playStatus = 0;
        else if (playStatus == 0)
            playStatus = 1;
    // playPause button
    controls_mc.playPause.onRollOver = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.playPause.onRollOut = controls_mc.playPause.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
        } // end else if
    // Toggle playPause button
    controls_mc.playPause.onRelease = function ()
        if (playStatus == 1)
            playStatus = 0;
        else if (playStatus == 0)
            playStatus = 1;
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRollOver = function ()
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.skip_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    controls_mc.skip_mc.onRelease = function ()
    // Play Again button
    mc_playAgain.onRollOver = function ()
    mc_playAgain.onRollOut = mc_playAgain.onReleaseOutside = function ()
    // Toggle Play Again button
    mc_playAgain.onRelease = function ()
        this._visible = false;
        playStatus = 1;
    // make the seek bar clickable
    controls_mc.mc_progress.mc_buff.onPress = function()
        xpos = controls_mc.mc_progress._xmouse;
        percent = Math.round(xpos/controls_mc.mc_progress._width*100);
        seekTime = percent/100*FLVduration;
        seekTime = Math.round(seekTime*100)/100;;
    // Set volume level
    var s:Sound = new Sound(this);
    controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = _root.volume_value;
    // Volume control
    controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.onPress = function()
        volumeTo = (this._xmouse / this._width)*100;
        this.mc_volume._xscale = volumeTo;
    // Volume
    _parent.createEmptyMovieClip("vSound", _parent.getNextHighestDepth());
    var so = new Sound(vSound);
    // Mute button
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRollOver = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.mute_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
        } // end else if
    // Toggle mute button
    controls_mc.mute_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (so.getVolume() >= 1)
            controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = 0;
            controls_mc.mc_soundLevel.mc_volume._xscale = 70;
        } // end else if
    // Resize video proportionaly
    function regularSize ()
        videoObj._width = 600;
        videoObj._height = videoObj._width * relationshipW;
        if (videoObj._height > 360)
            videoObj._height = 360;
            videoObj._width = videoObj._height * relationshipH;
        videoObj.smoothing = true;
        //var scale:Number;
        videoObj._x = (600 - videoObj._width) / 2;
        videoObj._y = (360 - videoObj._height) / 2;
    function largeSize ()
        videoObj._width = Stage.width;
        videoObj._height = videoObj._width * relationshipW;
        if (videoObj._height > Stage.height)
            videoObj._height = Stage.height;
            videoObj._width = videoObj._height * relationshipH;
        videoObj.smoothing = true;
        //var scale:Number;
        videoObj._x = (Stage.width - videoObj._width) / 2;
        videoObj._y = (Stage.height - videoObj._height) / 2;
    // Fullscreen button
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRollOver = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
        } // end else if
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRollOut = controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onReleaseOutside = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
        } // end else if
    // Toggle fullscreen button
    controls_mc.fullscreen_mc.onRelease = function ()
        if (Stage["displayState"] == "normal")
            Stage["displayState"] = "fullscreen";
            _parent.video_txt.theText._visible = false;
            Stage["displayState"] = "normal";
            _parent.video_txt.theText._visible = true;

  • Error in creating XML photo gallery with Flash CS4 and AS 3.0

    Hello, all. I've been creating an XML photo gallery with Flash CS4 and AS 3.0 following a tutorial. I followed the instructions step-by-step but at the end I got the following error message instead:
    Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found.
    Could anyone in the community assist me as to how to solve the problem? The script has no errors and last time I checked all the applicable files (the .xml file, the .jpg files, the .swf and the .fla file) are in my Documents folder on the Mac.
    Looking forward to your suggestions!

    Check the folder structure
    Flash is not able to get some file thats why the IO Error.
    trace the url path just before u load the file and u will be abel to find whether that file is in specified folder or not.

  • I am trying to output a PDF gallery from CS6 bridge in 10.8.5 on a Mac.

    I am trying to output a PDF gallery from CS6 bridge in 10.8.5 on a Mac. No options are available from the pull-down Output arrow.

    Although not as simple as it should be you can use a program like "Grab" to take a screenshot of the frame in the preview window in iMovie.
    Hope This Helps,
         Ryan (BURNINGJUNK)

  • Adobe Reader for Android to work with dynamic XML PDF forms?

    Any possibility that Reader for Android will ever work with dynamic XML PDF forms created by Abobe Acrobat Pro?

    GoodReader ($4.99), ezPDF Reader ($2.99) and PDF Expert ($9.99) are well rated and support many more features.
    Here a link for your reference:

  • PDF Viewer component that works in NetBeans VWP

    Hi All,
    I am looking for a PDF Viewer Component that will work with NetBeans VWP. Ideally, this would be something that I could load into the Pallette and drop on a web form for use, then dynamically call up a document for display within the control. (Actually, IDEALLY, this would be a multi-document viewer, i.e. PDF's Word files, text files, etc.). It does not have to be a free tool - though free would be nice. I have checked out the Acrobat Viewer Java Bean but from everything I can find on that, it appears to be something that can be used in Java Apps, but not web apps. If I am wrong about this, can someone please correct me and link to web app usage (as applied to VWP - JSP & JSF).
    Any help here would be greatly appreciated. I noticed a lot of references to IText on this forum and I'm in the process of checking it out now. But I have not seen anything on IText regarding an actual viewer component.

    I don't believe iText has a viewer as I know of. If Adobe has a java bean then you can create an applet for the client side to display the viewer.

  • Flash & XML Photo Gallery with Categories

    Hello friends
    i am trying but
    i want to create Flash & XML Photo Gallery with Different Categories
    please help me

    If you want to do using oop
    go throgh this article first

  • Can I write XML PDF without Adobe LiveCycle ?

    My firm have product to create blank /form/, which we save into our XML format. We want to "save as" forms into XML PDF format.
    But only use XML not PDF into XDP format.
    I read XML Forms Architecture (XFA)Specification Version 2.4 ...
    Is there other resources and samples?
    And Is it possible task?

    I'm not sure that I understand your question. Are you asking whether Adobe Reader can open an XDP file and display it as a PDF even if there's no PDF packet in it? The short answer is no. You can convert an XDP to a PDF using Adobe LiveCycle Designer. If you want to convert to PDF at run time you need a server product - Adobe LiveCycle Forms.

  • Adobe Forms, XML(PDF format) to PDF binary

    Hi experts!
    I'm working with Interactive Adobe Forms and the form function return the PDF in a XML format (xstring) through the parameter FPFORMOUTPUT-XML.
    I need to save the PDF file (binary) without geting it through the "getpdf" parameter FPFORMOUTPUT-PDF.
    Because the "getpdf" don't permit to show the user dialog print options.
    How could I transform the XML(PDF) returned in binary PDF file?
    Thank you all!

    Hello Evaristo
    You can make use of CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY' and CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download to achieve this requirement.
                     buffer        = ls_params->es_output-s_form_output-xml
                     output_length = lv_pdf_len
                     binary_tab    = lt_pdf.
                 lv_file_name = p_xml.
    CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download
                     bin_filesize = lv_pdf_len
                     filename     = lv_file_name
                     filetype     = 'BIN'
                     data_tab     = lt_pdf
    OTHERS       = 1.

  • Cool XML image gallery

    Hi Everyone,
    I've seen a really cool XML image gallery on the followng page:
    Does anyone know of a tutorial which may help me create something similar?

  • Load image dynamically by scripting to dynamic xml pdf, is it possible?

    Hi All,
    I've uploaded static pdf form to
    The form contains ImageField.
    In the "docReady" event of the form I wrote a script:
    When the form is loaded the ImageField shows the image from the url
    I've updated in the script.
    Once the form is saved as dynamic xml pdf the script stop working.
    Is that means that it is not possible to load images by scripting to
    dynamic xml pdfs?
    Anyone familiar with workarounds for it?
    Thanks in advance,

    I got an answer from Adobe:
    Dynamic change of an image href has been disabled due to potential security issues. There are however a few workarounds to choose from:
    1. Embedding the images in the form as hidden objects. They can then be set to visible on initialize or clicking a button. This will affect performance, but if the images are in a compressed format, this can be minimized.
    2. Create a Web service interface to grab the image from wherever they are stored, base64 encode it and return it to the form. You would also have to update the bindings for the image field on the form (a one time operation).

  • IAd Producer Question about the Gallery Component

    I would like to know how to make the Gallery component to be able to loop. I understand that I can use the Carousel component, but the required design of my clients looks similar with the Gallery Component. It just have to be looping and I'm done.
    Thanks in advance!

    The best way is to place a Carousel object in a View object and resize the Carousel until a given cell is the same size of the View.  Make sure to check the "Clips to Bounds" setting in the inspector for the View and the "Snaps to Cells" setting for the carousel.
    Views are containers so drop one on the canvas then double-click it to edit its contents then drop in your Carousel.
    Here's what the View (and its settings) looks like with the Carousel inside:
    Here's what the Carousel (and its settings) looks like when embedded in the View and selected.

Maybe you are looking for

  • No Workshop in Solaris Weblogic 7.0 installer ..

    Dear all ! I just wanted to inform you, that the installer .. bot the net.. and the package installer don't work as expected .. I had the complete Platform 7 file downloaded .. make a custom install .. click WL Server .. like mentioned here .. "

  • Outbound Delivery Creation without OPEN quantity in SD scheduling agreement

    hi, We have a customer requirement, where user 's should be able to create outbound delivery irrepective of open quantity in Sales document. In Vendor Direct Ship scenario where vendor ships goods to customer directly and sends Inbound 856 EDI messag

  • JBoss ejb problem

    I created a ear file wich contains a jar and war file. The jar contains an entity and session bean. The war file contains my junitee test case. When I deploy the file I can surf to the url and my test goes fine. When I move the file from the deploy d

  • Posting in Local ledger on different G/L accounts

    I have set up the following depreciation area in OADB 1 US GAAP                                                                          real   G/L 1 ledger 0L      2 LC Statutory GAAP                                                     real  G/L 3 l

  • Right-Click/Contextual Menu Hang

    Hi, for maybe a week now, Logic Pro 8 has been hanging every time I've right-clicked for about 30 seconds (every single time). I constantly check Console for any error messages, but nothing comes up, and I have no clue as to what the problem might be