AS3 classes

Hello guys,
I'm using AS3 and I have a problem with classes. I'll try to do my best to describe my situation.
I'm building a dynamic website. I have main.fla and its document class is set to Main class calls few other classes (Menu, Header etc.) which create particular 'parts' of website. These classes uses exported MovieClips from the Main.fla Library. Everything is working fine.
Now I need to build particular sections of the website (ie. home, about us etc.). So I created home.fla for the home section. That home.fla has document class ( Home class' Constructor method runs fine but when I try to access Main class from Home class by just tracing it (trace(Main)) it gives me error that it cannot access undefined methods (those exported MovieClips inside Main.fla Library). If I copy those items to Home.fla, it works. But why should I have to export those MovieClips to every section? I don't need it in Home.fla. One more note, all AS files are in same package.
I'm quite familiar with AS3 but not yet too much with this Class thingy so I don't know how to get around this problem.
Just to know, the idea is to load the section which users pick. For example if home.swf would be loaded then would be triggered and I'd have access to all variables and methods in the package.
Thank you very much for you help.

Yup, I got [object Stage] after using delayed trace...
I've made a few ajdustments so now in the Main Class I have variables referencing to MovieClip Classes in the Main.fla Library and in now I call these MovieClips from the variables, not directly from the Library so I'm able to export the Home movie now, though I get error in the Output window so the code is terminated but if I load the movie by Main.swf then the home movie works... could not find another way...
thanks for your time

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    Hm, no, I'm not explaing this properly.
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    AS3 Example Class:
    package asText {
    public class CheckWord {
    public var strData:String;
    public var strAProperty:String;
    public var intAProperty:int;
    // Constructor
    public function CheckWord() {
    public function TestMethod():void {
    public function WordLength():int {
    var intLength:int = 0;
    intLength = strData.length;
    return intLength;
    } // From Method WordLength
    } // From Class CheckWord
    } // From Package asText
    The MXML code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    width="442" height="488" horizontalAlign="center"
    backgroundGradientColors="[#c0c0c0, #c0c0c0]"
    <asTheText:CheckWord strData="Test words" />
    <mx:Panel title="Welcome to ........" width="337"
    height="393" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"
    layout="absolute" y="15" x="50">
    <mx:Text text="First Name" enabled="true" width="68"
    fontWeight="bold" x="27.25" y="36"/>
    <mx:TextInput id="txtFName" x="112.25" y="34"/>
    <mx:Text text="Last Name" enabled="true" width="68"
    fontWeight="bold" x="27.25" y="66"/>
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    ..............and so on ............
    All this does is give me an 1180 error:
    1180: Call to a possibly undefined method TestMethod.

    Thanks, I have it working; I was not assigning an "ID" to the
    "MXML use of the class" (whatever the formal name for that is;
    like: <asTheText:CheckWord id="MyText" strData="The Data" />
    ) and then I was not referencing that ID in what I am refering to
    as calling methods for the Class; like:
    <mx:Button id="butTest" label="Test Function" x="39"
    y="208" click="MyText.TestMethod();"/>
    Also, I did some tests on this, and I am shocked that
    apparently neither of these two "uses"(?) of a custom AS3 class
    actually "call" the Class's constructor. Does that make sense or is
    that the result of how I am structuring this?

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    Any information on where the core AS3 package files are located locally would be appreciated.
    AS3 Reference
    ( ) 

    Well Nick, I think you were right..
    The following summarizes add/modify classpaths (as2) and 'source path' (as3) :
    Under Flash Preferences menu ->ActionScript->Language->ActionScript 3.0 Settings you find at the top level :
    Filed labeled "Flex SDK Path : $(AppConfig)/ActionScript 3.0/flex_sdk/4.0.0/"
    Found the flex_sdk folder in the Flash application folder (mac), Programs file on PC I imagine.
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    Seems like a lot of hoops to jump through just to access those source files for a beginner.

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    package me {
         public class Bob {
              private var _x : int;
              public function Bob() {}
              public function set x( val:int ) : void {
                   _x = val;         
              public function get x():int {
                   return _x;
    2) Compile in FlashBuilder to Bob.swc
    3) Create Library.cpp
    #include <AS3/AS3.h>
    #include <AS3/AS3++.h>
    using namespace AS3::local;
    var impl_make_Bob( int count )
         var ns = internal::new_Namespace("me", 35);
         var className = internal::new_String("Bob");
         var cc = internal::getlex(ns, className);
         var bob = internal::construct(cc);
         var xProperty = internal::new_String("x");
         var newX = internal::new_int( count );
         internal::setproperty(bob, xProperty, newX);
         return bob;
    void thunk_makeBob() __attribute__((used,
         annotate("as3sig:public function thunk_makeBob(count:int):Bob"),
    void thunk_makeBob() {
         int local_count;
         AS3_GetScalarFromVar(local_count, count);
         var retVal = impl_makeBob(local_count);
         AS3_CopyVarxxToVar(as3Val, retVal);
    int main() {
    4) Use FlasCC to Compile the Library.cpp to SWCLibrary.swc (me.SWCLibrary)
    #Using the same environment as the FlasCC_1.0.0 samples, compile with a Makefile,
    T01: check
         "$(FLASCC)/usr/bin/g++" $(BASE_CFLAGS) \
              -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=-le -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=E:/myProject/myLibrary/Bob.swc \
              -O4 Library.cpp -emit-swc=me.SWCLibrary -o SWCLibrary.swc -lFlash++ -lAS3++
    include ../Makefile.common
         rm -f SWCLibrary.swc *.bc *.abc *.exe
    5) Create a new Wrapper.swc that embeds (merges) Bob.swc and SWCLibrary.swc , in FlashBuilder
    package me{
         public class WrapperFlascc {
              import me.SWCLibrary.CModule;
              import me.Bob;
              public static function makeBob( count : int ) : Bob {
                   return me.SWCLibrary.thunk_makeBob(count);
    NOTE: It may not be best to embed Bob.swc , if Bob.swc had classes that aren't referenced by Wrapper.swc or SWCLibrary.swc .  They could be lost.  Instead, link it in the final swf.
    This Wrapper.swc can then be used as normal in a FlashBuilder project.  I am not creating a C++ app, but rather using flasCC as an alchemy replacement.
    Perhaps there was a better way?  Anyway, I hope this helps someone.

    Shortly after I posted my question, I realized I had to check "Export for runtime sharing" for each object.
    -- Brian

  • How to Edit a XML data file from AS3 class...

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    public function UpdateData():void
                   var FileData:XML=<Hello>Hai</Hello>
                   var urlLdr:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
                   var urlRqst:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("AppData.xml");
                    urlRqst.contentType = "text/xml";
                   urlRqst.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
    This AppData file already exist and has some data in it.
        Plus :
       How to find the application is exiting.

    use:  fscommand('Quit');
    to exit your app.
    and this is how you would use the urlloader class to save data:
    public function UpdateData():void
              var FileData:XML=<Hello>Hai</Hello>
    var urlVar:URLVariables=new URLVariables();
                var urlLdr:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
               var urlRqst:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("this must be an executable to parse and write data");
               urlRqst.contentType = "text/xml";
                   urlRqst.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
    but i don't think you can use an executable on a fl4 device so you will need to use a different class.  i don' know how you're storing an xml file on a fl4 device but you should be able to use the sharedobject to read and store xml.

  • AS3: Classes, subclasses and "implicit coercion"

    I have created several custom classes:
    - Category, containing a string with the category's name.
    - SubCategory, extends Category.
    - CategoryList, containing an array of Category instances and
    a function getCategoryByName.
    - SubCategoryTracer, with a function subTrace that traces the
    name of a given SubCategory.
    When I use subTrace, if the argument is a direct SubCategory,
    it works fine, but if it's the result of getCategoryByName, even
    when it does return a SubCategory object, I get the following
    1118: Implicit coercion of a value with static type
    tests:Category to a possibly unrelated type tests:SubCategory.
    How can I get this to work? Thanks in advance.

    1. I guess you need to change the code to the following (read the comments):
    // Creates an object from the class called mySample
    var externalFile:mySample = new mySample();
    // allows the program to read the text box as a number
    * these two lines DO NOT read text field values when they change
    * so these two vars are useless unless you want to retain original values
    var num1 = Number(txtBox1.text)
    var num2 = Number(txtBox2.text)
    //Button event listener
    btnCalc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
    function clickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
              // read textfields' values every time user clicks the button
              resultTextBox.text = String(externalFile.addNumbers(Number(txtBox1.text), Number(txtBox2.text)));
    2. You need to get into a habit to strictly type you variables and objects.
    3. You should get into a habit to declare variable namespace (private, public, etc.) of the variables. SO you class variables declarations should be:
    private var num1:Number;
    private var num2:Number;
    private var answer:Number;
    4. It is wise to name classes starting with upper case - it is a convention that makes AS programmer life easier.
    5. Since your class has no other task but calculate and return new value - declaring additional calss level variables (num1, num2, and answer) introduces an unnecessary overhead. These variables existence would be justified only if they were reused.
    I suggest your class should be like that (note that addNumber method's parameters are typed to Number):
              public class MySample
                        //create a function
                        public function addNumbers(num1:Number, num2:Number):Number
                                  return num1 + num2; //this function returns something that can be used elsewhere

  • Missing AS3 classes in publish

    I have a timeline based demo/animation. It has a custom made component that "highlights" the areas of the screen that are being demonstrated.
    It has worked well for a long time. One of the properties you can change in the component inspector is the outline color of the highlight area.
    Suddenly (after changing several of them) when I change the color I can't publish anymore. By that I mean when I publish the timline plays, but no code works at all. There are no warnings, compiler errors, or anything like that. Just all my "buttons," components, etc., just start blinking.
    I turned on the generate size report and I see that on frame 1, only 84 bytes for the (AS 3.0 Classes Export Frame).
    If I reduce the number of frames with my component on it (doesn't seem to matter how many instances, just how many frames) I'm able to get it to publish and then I see 1,030,114 bytes on frame 1 for the AS 3.0 Classes Export Frame.
    Anybody have any idea what is going on here?
    BTW, the magic number of frames seems to be 4679 (or 4680 where it breaks).

    I'm not sure. We are updating something we did over a year ago. And it is a different developer that is actually working on it. So I'm not really sure of much!
    Just that as I took everything else away that is what I discovered. And I'm not even sure about that frame limit. It seems to be some combination of:
    Number of instances of the component.
    That some number of them have had their outline color changes in the component inspector.
    That there is some number of frames of said number of instances of changed instances.
    It also seems like he was using an early prototype of the component instead of the actual one. I found one that was compiled a week later and it seems to not cause the problem.
    But it is still bugging me. What kind of error, bug, problem, would have such a strange manifestation?

  • Target movieclip from an AS3 class file - remove/add Child

    I have a very simple question  (for those who use external class files).
    Assuming that I have a MovieClip manually added to Stage and I want to access it from inside my class definiton.
    So the code would be:
    But I can't figure out how to use remove/add Child in that kind of situation.
    I will appreciate any advice.

    if you can reference using that, you can remove using:
    and you can add to any displayobjectcontainer.

  • How to dispatch events from custom AS3 classes to MXML

    I introduce some custom classes inside my SCRIPT tag in MXML.
    These classes should dispatch custom Events (or any events for that
    matter) and the listeners should be defined inside the SCRIPT tag.
    In the custom class I have:
    dispatchEvent(new Event("customEvent"));
    And inside the script tag:
    addEventListener("customEvent", testListener);
    public function testListener(evt:Event):void{
    Alert("Event fired successfully.");
    However, this event is not handled in the listener (the alert
    is not shown). What could be wrong?

    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    layout="absolute" creationComplete="init();">
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    private function init():void
    addEventListener("customEvent", testListener);
    dispatchEvent(new Event("customEvent"));
    private function testListener(evt:Event):void{"Event fired successfully.");
    Do like this
    Alert is the Class Object. This is not the Function.

  • Changing php-service in FD breaks AS3 service class and valueObjects

    I used timemachine to restore my project so that I could carefully reproduce this.  Here's the scenario:
    I've written a service in php and used the Data/Service wizard in FB to create my valueObject.  The valueObject is called "Setting".
    Now I'd like to add a parameter to one of the methods of my service object.  I open up the php script for the service object in FB for PHP.  I enter the new parameter for the function and save the file.
    I immediately see that FB has created new valueObjects Setting1, _SuperSetting1 and _Setting1EntityMetadata.
    So, I should be able to fix this be adding the required parameter to my data service call AS3.  I add the parameter to the call.  Now what?  I notice that return type in my Data/Services tab has changed from "Setting[]" to "Setting1[]".  So, I should reconfigure the return type for the function call.  I right-click on the function, select Configure Return Type... and then set the return type back to the existing Setting[].
    What happens next is I get an error "Unhandled event loop exception java.lang.StackOverfolwError".  After clicking Okay I'm told that I am recommended to exit the workbench.
    I can't figure out how to fix this.  I've gone in and manually edited the AS3 class for my service so that it's using the original Setting valueObject.  I can now at least get the project to compile, and it is using Setting, not Setting1.  But the Data/Services tab still shows that the funciton returns data type Setting1[].

    Thanks for your inputs. I will look into that construct thingie (:
    As for 'Configure Input Types' dialogue, I can also use it in most cases, but some times it's static size isn't sufficient. For example, try adding this function to service:
    public function addUserData($username, $firstName, $lastName, $company, $jobTitle,
            $country, $state, $city, $zipCode, $address, $eMail,
            $phone, $cell, $fax, $webPage, $pictureURL) {
    On my PC when trying to change values, only one row is visible, and when I try to 'Select Type' for it, dropdown just closes without changing value. It would be nice if we could resize 'Configure Input Types' dialogue when needed... Or maybe just limit the size of 'Operation:' string in that dialogue..
    PS. I just played with it for a bit. If you enter too long function name select window completly disappears:
    public function abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz($abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz) {}

  • How do I recerence Movie Clips on the Main Timeline from inside a class?

    Hey everyone, this might be a stupid question but I thought
    I'd ask cause it's making me nuts. I'm all of 2 days into AS3
    (coming from not using Flash at all in YEARS) so feel free to
    consider me ignorant. I do have plenty of application development
    experience in other areas though.
    I can't seem to create a class that can reference an instance
    of a movie clip on my main timeline. I'd post code of what I've
    tried but I've gone through so many desperate edits & wild
    guesses that it was just garbled junk before I deleted it all.
    Basically here's how I figured Flash could work, though maybe
    it doesn't work this way at all.
    I'm assuming that with AS 3 being so big on being a true
    object oriented environment, I wouldn't need to mix my code and
    interface together. Preferably I'd be using the Flash authoring
    tools just to design my interface. Create a button... place it
    somewhere... give it an instance name. Roughly the equivilant of
    Apple's InterfaceBuilder for those of you that might be familiar
    with Cocoa development. I can see maybe having to put a few lines
    of ActionScript onto frame 1 (though really I'm hoping Flash would
    have a better method of kicking off the application at this point
    that using code tied to frames) to load my classes & such, but
    after that I'd like all of my code to be held in external class
    So maybe I've got:
    Interface.fla - My interface
    TextField_1 - My main controller class using to handle all of my
    applications behavior - Some helper Class - Some helper Class would have instructions in its initialization method
    to go ahead & attach events to buttons & initialize
    anything else that needs to happen when the application starts.
    From there on it would all be objects communicating back &
    forth. Button_1 would get clicked with would fire
    Main.someMethod(). Main.someMethod() would then do it's thing and
    set the value of TextField_1. All very clean & code is very
    separated from interface.
    Unfortunately I can't for the life of me figure out how AS3
    classes reference each other like that. There doesn't seem to be
    any kind of a global 'root' or '_root' I can use to locate any
    movie clips on the stage. I've searched the help & the web for
    any kind of simple tutorial but to no avail. My job has tasked me
    with building a flash app for a project but I'd really rather not
    have a tone of ActionScript just shoved into frame 1. That just
    seems... ugh! (::shudder::)
    Can someone maybe point me in the right direction here? I'm
    really willing to do my homework but I can't seem to locate the
    info I need to get started. Also, is there an ActionScript IRC
    channel or something maybe?

    I worked with the problem last night and the solution I
    started coming to involved creating my own custom document class
    based off which extends MovieClip. My thought is that way I have
    access to the initialization routine of the timeline itself and
    that all of the elements on the main timeline should be
    "properties" of my custom class.
    Is this correct? Is there a down side to doing this & if
    so what is it & why?
    Also, just for my reference, the last time I did anything
    with ActionScript I think I was using '_root' to target the main
    timeline. WHat are the global variable names in AS 3? Is it just
    'root' & 'stage' or 'Root' & 'Stage' or what?

  • How do I display AS3 Object in only one state?

    I created a AS3 object from a SWFLoader class as an animation, which I then place in a Flex stage.  I need to display the object programmatically in only one state but there is no "includeIn()" method to include it in just one state.
    Right now, it is showing up on all of the flex states.  I add this object at different times and positions in the state.  Everything is fine except it displays in all the states.
    How do I display a AS3 object in only one state?
    Thank you.

    When i use visible property as you suggested, it works, but only on one object.  I am generating more than one of these objects, so there could be 3 or 4, etc of these objects displaying concurrently at different x y positions in the state.
    Is there a way to grab all of the objects created by this AS3 class at once and apply the visible property?

  • Mapping existing actionscript class (mx.collections.SortField) to java

    I would like to map the existing SortField actionscript class on a SortField class on my java backend.
    Is it possible to map an actionscript class from standard flex API to a java class? If so, how?

    Yeah, there is something awry with your mapped classes.  You don't use the java source files to map your classes, you use AS3
    classes that are designated to which classes they map to on the backend.  Observe..
    package shared.servicevos
       public class ShopperVO
           public var shopperId:int;
           public var shopperLocation:String;
           public var shopDate:Date;
           public var shopperAddress:Address
    If you notice the the metadata beginning with "RemoteClass", I am telling Flex "when you see an object that comes in with this type "alias" it is should be made into a ShopperVO".  On the backend, I have a folder with a directory structure of /amf and it contains a class.
    P.S This isn't exactly the setup I am working with cause I am using php, but the ideas are the same.

Maybe you are looking for

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