ASO_QUOTE_PUB.update_quote does not create Serv ref in Quote details table

Hi All,
We are using the API ASO_QUOTE_PUB.update_quote API to create a quote line which is of service type and we are also trying to associate the created service line to existing line of type configuration. We are able to create the new service line but in the ASO_QUOTE_LINE_DETAILS table we are not able to get the SERVICE_REF_LINE_ID and SERVICE_REF_TYPE_CODE populated even thought we pass the service reference details in the input parameters ( line detail table type).
Do we need to pass additional parameter for the API to create this association or we need to use the API ASO_QUOTE_PUB.CREATE_QUOTE_SERVICE?
Let me know if you need any more details? Appreciate your quick response.
P Prabhakar.

Please note the ASO_QUOTE_PUB.CREATE_QUOTE_SERVICE is not a public API as per discussion in (Doc ID 1350486.1).
Our recommendation is to open an SR with the details on the behavior and logic in the UPDATE_QUOTE.
Deborah Bourgeois, Oracle Customer Support

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    // Server:
    public class Server {
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    Socket socket = sock.accept();
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    // TODO code application logic here
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    public class Client {
    public Client() {
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    // System.out.println(sock.isOutputShutdown());
    System.out.println("socket hergestellt");
    ObjectInputStream sockin = new ObjectInputStream(sock.getInputStream());
    ObjectOutputStream sockout = new ObjectOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream());
    String eing = "";
    System.out.println("vor while");
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    Kunde k = (Kunde)sockin.readObject();
    System.out.println("Nummer des Kunden: "+k.getNr());
    catch(Exception e){
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO code application logic here
    new Client();
    private String erwarteEingabe(){
    String eing = "";
    System.out.println("nehme Eing entgegen");
    BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
    return b.readLine();
    catch(Exception e){
    return "";

    When you create an ObjectInputStream it tries to read the object stream header from the underlaying stream. In this case both your server and client are waiting for the other one to send the header before they can continue. This problem can be avoided by simply creating the object output streams first:ObjectOutputStream sockout = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
    ObjectInputStream sockin = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream());

  • SQLJ Translation does not create profile file

    SQLJ Translation does not create profile file.
    After translating a small file HelloWorld.sqlj
    the following files are created:
    Although there is a HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys.class, profile file HelloWorld_SJProfile0.ser has NOT been created.
    The starting file .sqlj file HelloWorld.sqlj is taken from O'Reilly book 'Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ' by Jason Price. The file contains a valid SQL statement to display the date.
    My environment variables were set up with instructions from:
    When I run java HelloWorld to run the .java file, I get the error:
    SQLException java.sql.SQLException: profile HelloWorld_SJProfile0 not found: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloWorld_SJProfile0
    I searched the internet high and low for a similar error to mine but I could not find a match.
    I read the following text from
    but it does not help me.
    "ClassNotFoundException: xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 for class xxx.yyy_SJProfileKeys
    If you see an exception such as:
    java.sql.SQLException: profile xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 not found:
    xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 for class xxx.yy_SJProfileKeys
    then you must ensure that the SQLJ profile(s), such as xxx/yyy_SJProfile0.ser, is available in the SQLJ runtime environment. This includes JARing this file as part of an applet deployment, or publishing it to the server via loadjava.
    Any ideas? Thanks in advance,
    Helloworld.sqlj before translation:
    The program HelloWorld.sqlj illustrates how to connect to a
    database, and display the words "Hello World" along with
    the current date.
    // import required packages
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;
    public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
    java.sql.Date current_date;
    try {
    // connect to the database
    // get the current date from the database
    #sql { SELECT sysdate INTO :current_date FROM dual };
    // display message
    System.out.println("Hello World! The current date is " +
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } finally {
    try {
    // disconnect from the database
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } // end of main() after translation:
    The program HelloWorld.sqlj illustrates how to connect to a
    database, and display the words "Hello World" along with
    the current date.
    // import required packages
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;
    public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
    java.sql.Date current_date;
    try {
    // connect to the database
    // get the current date from the database
    // #sql { SELECT sysdate  FROM dual  };
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTResultSet __sJT_rtRs;
    sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext __sJT_connCtx = sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext.getDefaultContext();
    if (__sJT_connCtx == null) sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NULL_CONN_CTX();
    sqlj.runtime.ExecutionContext __sJT_execCtx = __sJT_connCtx.getExecutionContext();
    if (__sJT_execCtx == null) sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NULL_EXEC_CTX();
    synchronized (__sJT_execCtx) {
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTStatement __sJT_stmt = __sJT_execCtx.registerStatement(__sJT_connCtx, HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys.getKey(0), 0);
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTResultSet __sJT_result = __sJT_execCtx.executeQuery();
    __sJT_rtRs = __sJT_result;
    sqlj.runtime.ref.ResultSetIterImpl.checkColumns(__sJT_rtRs, 1);
    if (!
    current_date = __sJT_rtRs.getDate(1);
    if (
    // display message
    System.out.println("Hello World! The current date is " +
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } finally {
    try {
    // disconnect from the database
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } // end of main()
    }/*@lineinfo:generated-code*/class HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys
    private static HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys inst = null;
    public static java.lang.Object getKey(int keyNum)
    throws java.sql.SQLException
    if (inst == null)
    inst = new HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys();
    return inst.keys[keyNum];
    private final sqlj.runtime.profile.Loader loader = sqlj.runtime.RuntimeContext.getRuntime().getLoaderForClass(getClass());
    private java.lang.Object[] keys;
    private HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys()
    throws java.sql.SQLException
    keys = new java.lang.Object[1];
    keys[0] = sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext.getProfileKey(loader, "HelloWorld_SJProfile0");

    SQLJ Translation does not create profile file.
    After translating a small file HelloWorld.sqlj
    the following files are created:
    Although there is a HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys.class, profile file HelloWorld_SJProfile0.ser has NOT been created.
    The starting file .sqlj file HelloWorld.sqlj is taken from O'Reilly book 'Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ' by Jason Price. The file contains a valid SQL statement to display the date.
    My environment variables were set up with instructions from:
    When I run java HelloWorld to run the .java file, I get the error:
    SQLException java.sql.SQLException: profile HelloWorld_SJProfile0 not found: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: HelloWorld_SJProfile0
    I searched the internet high and low for a similar error to mine but I could not find a match.
    I read the following text from
    but it does not help me.
    "ClassNotFoundException: xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 for class xxx.yyy_SJProfileKeys
    If you see an exception such as:
    java.sql.SQLException: profile xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 not found:
    xxx.yyy_SJProfile0 for class xxx.yy_SJProfileKeys
    then you must ensure that the SQLJ profile(s), such as xxx/yyy_SJProfile0.ser, is available in the SQLJ runtime environment. This includes JARing this file as part of an applet deployment, or publishing it to the server via loadjava.
    Any ideas? Thanks in advance,
    Helloworld.sqlj before translation:
    The program HelloWorld.sqlj illustrates how to connect to a
    database, and display the words "Hello World" along with
    the current date.
    // import required packages
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;
    public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
    java.sql.Date current_date;
    try {
    // connect to the database
    // get the current date from the database
    #sql { SELECT sysdate INTO :current_date FROM dual };
    // display message
    System.out.println("Hello World! The current date is " +
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } finally {
    try {
    // disconnect from the database
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } // end of main() after translation:
    The program HelloWorld.sqlj illustrates how to connect to a
    database, and display the words "Hello World" along with
    the current date.
    // import required packages
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import oracle.sqlj.runtime.Oracle;
    public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String [] args) {
    java.sql.Date current_date;
    try {
    // connect to the database
    // get the current date from the database
    // #sql { SELECT sysdate  FROM dual  };
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTResultSet __sJT_rtRs;
    sqlj.runtime.ConnectionContext __sJT_connCtx = sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext.getDefaultContext();
    if (__sJT_connCtx == null) sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NULL_CONN_CTX();
    sqlj.runtime.ExecutionContext __sJT_execCtx = __sJT_connCtx.getExecutionContext();
    if (__sJT_execCtx == null) sqlj.runtime.error.RuntimeRefErrors.raise_NULL_EXEC_CTX();
    synchronized (__sJT_execCtx) {
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTStatement __sJT_stmt = __sJT_execCtx.registerStatement(__sJT_connCtx, HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys.getKey(0), 0);
    sqlj.runtime.profile.RTResultSet __sJT_result = __sJT_execCtx.executeQuery();
    __sJT_rtRs = __sJT_result;
    sqlj.runtime.ref.ResultSetIterImpl.checkColumns(__sJT_rtRs, 1);
    if (!
    current_date = __sJT_rtRs.getDate(1);
    if (
    // display message
    System.out.println("Hello World! The current date is " +
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } finally {
    try {
    // disconnect from the database
    } catch ( SQLException e ) {
    System.err.println("SQLException " + e);
    } // end of main()
    }/*@lineinfo:generated-code*/class HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys
    private static HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys inst = null;
    public static java.lang.Object getKey(int keyNum)
    throws java.sql.SQLException
    if (inst == null)
    inst = new HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys();
    return inst.keys[keyNum];
    private final sqlj.runtime.profile.Loader loader = sqlj.runtime.RuntimeContext.getRuntime().getLoaderForClass(getClass());
    private java.lang.Object[] keys;
    private HelloWorld_SJProfileKeys()
    throws java.sql.SQLException
    keys = new java.lang.Object[1];
    keys[0] = sqlj.runtime.ref.DefaultContext.getProfileKey(loader, "HelloWorld_SJProfile0");

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    The questions about time was not only because of thinking about the Time Machine, but also possible impact on recognizing which messages remaining on a POP server (doesn't apply to IMAP) have been already downloaded. In the Mail folder, at its root level, in Mail 3.x there is a file named MessageUidsAlreadyDownloaded3 that should prevent duplicate downloading -- some servers may not communicate the best with respect to that, and the universal index must certainly be involved in updating that index file. If it corrupts, it can inhibit proper downloading. However, setting the account up in a New User Account and having the same problem does not point that way, unless your POP3 server is very different from most.
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    This was working in the previous release.  After going through all of the steps to perform a multi-machine render, not only does it say it is limiting it to 5 machines instead of the usual 99 (and I have over 100 cores on the render farm) but "Collect Files" (File/Dependencies/Collect Files) does not create the Render Control File (RCF) that kicks off the process on the other machines, like it did before and is supposed to do.
    This release was supposed to fix the 32 core limitation on render nodes (my server has 48), but now does nothing at all.
    Anyway, I assume there is a check box somewhere that says "do something" that hasn't been checked and another that says "Maybe my machine has more than 5 cores", and I would appreciate being steered in the direction of these new mis-features.
    Just as background, the 48 core server does show the little TV screen that monitors the watch folder, and I know for a fact that process looks for the "RCF" file.  Looking at the directory specified for "collect files", I can see that no RCF file is created, only 1 file, a report.txt file which contains this information is produced:
    Report created:
      7/9/2014 1:54:12 AM
    Project name: highup.aep
    Source files collected to:
      P:\temp\highup folder
    Source files collected: All
    Collected comps: 
      Thomas Falke - High Again High On Emotion)
    Number of collected files:  1
    Size of collected files:  63.4 MB
    Collected source files:
      C:\Users\Jeff K\Videos\Down\2014-2015\Thomas Falke - High Again High On Emotion).mp4
    Rendering plug-ins:
      Classic 3D
    Effects used:  1
    Effect:  Detail-preserving Upscale

    The dialog box has been slightly refactored.  You must click "Allow watch folder rendering" and then all is good.  Hope this helps anyone else.  Thanks to Rafil at customer support chat for this.

  • Left for vacation 5.27: firefox was accessible / returned from vacation 5.31: message on screen reads "unable to access server", "does not recognize server"

    left for vacation 5.27: server was accessible / returned from vacation 5.31: message on screen now read: "does not recognize server" / this is for both internet & email access
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == i turned on my personal computer / this condition has remained for two days

    I realise this doesn't help you but I have reported this exact same issue (well, the part about being unable to login to webmail from abroad anyway) for MONTHS and all I get told is 'well you SHOULD be able to login'. I am no further forward and have come to the conclusion the only way to resolve this is to change ISP/phone provider.
    I had to create (and pay for) a domain with 1and1 in order to be able to send and receive e-mail while abroad, I didn't want to use Gmail or the like.
    As you say, it is INCREDIBLY FRUSTRATING, especially when I work for at least 6 months of the year overseas and BT just seem to ignore these posts.
    My trace is:
    1 1 ms 3 ms <1 ms
    2 1 ms 4 ms 16 ms
    3 3 ms 20 ms 3 ms []
    4 15 ms 13 ms 16 ms []
    5 109 ms 117 ms 109 ms []
    6 109 ms 111 ms 153 ms []
    7 113 ms 110 ms 182 ms []
    8 109 ms 170 ms 167 ms []
    9 116 ms 114 ms 111 ms []
    10 122 ms 115 ms 139 ms []
    11 113 ms 122 ms 112 ms []
    12 118 ms 121 ms 117 ms []
    13 115 ms 117 ms 115 ms
    14 * * * Request timed out.
    15 * * * Request timed out.
    16 * * * Request timed out.
    17 * * * Request timed out.
    18 * * * Request timed out.
    19 * * * Request timed out.
    20 * * * Request timed out.
    21 * * * Request timed out.
    22 * * * Request timed out.
    23 * * * Request timed out.
    24 * * * Request timed out.
    25 * * * Request timed out.
    26 * * * Request timed out.
    27 * * * Request timed out.
    28 * * * Request timed out.
    29 * * * Request timed out.
    30 * * * Request timed out.
    Trace complete.

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    When I open is adobe acrobat I get this message.
    "This is an Adobe® Illustrator® File that was
    saved without PDF Content.
    To Place or open this  le in other
    applications, it should be re-saved from
    Adobe Illustrator with the "Create PDF
    Compatible File" option turned on. This
    option is in the Illustrator Native Format
    Options dialog box, which appears when
    saving an Adobe Illustrator  le using the
    Save As command."

  • MRP does not creates Shcedule Line

    I have a valid scheduling agreement LPA in place. Scheduling Agreement is approved and released status.
    I have source list also maintained for same scheduling agreement with long validity and MRP indicator as 2 - Create Schedule line automatically. 
    I am running MRP using following parameters in MD02.
    Processing key          NETCH               Net Change in Total Horizon
    Create purchase req.    3                   Planned orders
    Delivery schedules      3                   Schedule lines
    Create MRP list         1                   MRP list
    Planning mode           3                   Delete and recreate planning data
    Scheduling              2                   Lead Time Scheduling and Capacity Planni
    Even schedule line and other parameters maintained properly, MRP creates planned order and does not creates Schedule Line automatically. Material Master is maintained MRP Type PD, Lot Size as Replenishment to maximum stock level, Safety stock, No strategy and availability on.
    What I am doing wrong? With same setting in other system it is working perfectly fine.
    Any feedback appreciated.

    Check whether the Agreement Open Target value .
    If the target quantity was completed . so system will not create the Schedule lines for the material
    2. If you mainatian the open period in the smk.
    so system will create the planned order instead of schedule agreement. check

  • Payment Wizard Does not create the File

    Hi I am trying to run the payment wizard and in the final step it says it ran successful and create the outgoing payments but it does not create the payment file for the bank.
    Step 1
                Start a new Payment run
    Step 2
               payment type : out going
               payment method : bank transfer
               File Path : Go to Desktop and file name is test
              Select the business partner
    Step 4
             Select the date range
    Step 5
            Select the payment method
    Step 6
            Select the Invoices
    Step 7
    It says successfully Executed the payment and create outgoing payment for the business partner.
    But it does not create the payment file (test in the Desktop)
    Please help me!!!

    Hi Sanjaya,
    Check the link
    Payment Wizard
    Payment Wizard Run does not create Payment/Check
    Payment Wizard/Engine - creation of Bank File
    *Close the thread if issue solved.

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    Here's a workaround by the team:
    Right click on the message from Explorer list view or folder view and chose the option to convert to PDF.

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    We need to create a no cost sales order - that does not create demand
    In our current set-up when we try to create a no cost sales order with a material ( It Cat = Norm) we see demand being created in MD04
    What configuration settings will allow us a deliverable order - that does not create demand (no MRP run?)

    For this set of requirement i think the best option would be to configure a New Sales Order Type and a new Schedule Line Category. In VOV6, While you are defining a new Schedule line category in the transaction flow make sure to switch off the three check box.
    Transfer of requirements / Begin assembly order from SD
    Availability check for sales
    Product allocation active
    Then when we are assigning this newly defined Schedule line Category to Item category, make sure to leave the field of MRP Type as blank in VOV5.

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    Hi experts,
      I use SE80 to change GUI status, but system does not create a transport request for me to transfer? why?

      Thanks for replay. Actually, the SE80->program->Gui status have some objects and they are already transfered. But I can't see them on target system. But When I create exactly the same name, the system tell me they are already created. I think it becuase the original language is 'DE' but I use default language 'EN' to modify and create the request?

  • SQLJ translator for ISO/ANSI does not create .SER profile (Jdev 9.0.0 prev)

    The SQLJ translater that comes with JDeveloper 9.0.3 preview does not create profiles (.SER) when running with -codegen=ansi or iso. Thus producing none runnable code.
    It is not possible to set any switches in JDev.
    Previous versions of the translated did produce the .SER files.
    Is there a workaround possible?

    Fo the answer and a workaround look here:
    Re: A field is missing in my table.....

  • SQLJ translator for ISO/ANSI does not create .SER profile (Jdev 9.0.3 prev)

    The SQLJ translater that comes with JDeveloper 9.0.3 preview does not create profiles (.SER) when running with -codegen=ansi or iso. Thus producing none runnable code.
    It is not possible to set any switches in JDev.
    Previous versions of the translated did produce the .SER files.
    Is there a workaround possible?
    P.S.: I posted this also in the SQLJ forum.

    My mistake - you are correct, the change I mentioned was put in just after the Preview Release. The .ser files will go into the project source directory in the Preview Release. But this should be the same behavior as in previous releases - are you seeing a difference in behavior between a past release and the Preview Release? Everything up to and including the 9.0.3 Preview Release should put the .ser files in the project source directory. When the 9.0.3 Production Release is available, they will be put into the project output directory instead.
    The fix to put the .ser files into the output directory is not in the translator.jar file. It is in the core JDeveloper code (in jdev.jar). So unfortunately it is not a fix that could be easily dropped into the Preview Release. However, it will be available in the 9.0.3 Production Release.
    -Matt Hawkins, JDeveloper Team

  • JCO.server could not create server function - IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS

    Hello all.
    On this platform I have found some threads for the above error we get, but unfortunately the solution was not described in detail.
    We get this error in sending Idocs from a SAP 4.7 system to our Business Connector.
    Complete error info is :$Exception: (120) JCO_: JCO.Server could not create server function 'ä¥u201Eä½u0192å½u2030ä¹u201Aä½u2022ä¹u201E彁åu2122ä¹u0192ä¡u2019'$Exception: (123) JCO_: Server repository could not create function template 'ä¥u201Eä½u0192å½u2030ä¹u201Aä½u2022ä¹u201E彁åu2122ä¹u0192ä¡u2019' caused by:$Exception: (102) RFC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION: Connect to SAP gateway failed Connect_PM GWHOST=CPAAQAT.US.CPO.COM, GWSERV=sapgw01, ASHOST=CPAAQAT.US.CPO.COM, SYSNR=01 LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host ERROR partner not reached (host, service 3301) TIME Fri Jul 15 10:35:58 2011 RELEASE 640 COMPONENT NI (network interface) VERSION 37 RC -10 MODU
    Typically the message gets rolled-back and no sender, receiver or message info in visable in the transaction list.
    Transaction List
    Date    TID    Sender    Receiver    Msg Type    State   Delete
    2011-07-14 08:00:19 BST  AC140C4150524E1E92E80002     Rolled back   
    Who can help us.
    Thanks in advance.

    looks like a character encoding error. Did you check the Unicode, code page at the RFC destination, and related SAP notes?

Maybe you are looking for

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