ATT and Starbucks to offer "free" wifi

I read this in the NY Times this morning :>) slogin
SEATTLE (AP) — Starbucks and AT&T said Monday that they would start offering a mix of free and paid wireless Internet service in most of Starbucks’s American shops, beginning this spring.
Skip to next paragraph
Bits: Cheaper Wi-Fi Access at Starbucks (February 11, 2008)
The move ends a six-year partnership with T-Mobile, which did not include free Wi-Fi and charged higher fees than AT&T will.
Starbucks said it would give customers who use a Starbucks card two hours of free wireless access a day. An additional two-hour session will cost $3.99; monthly memberships will cost $19.99 and include access to any of AT&T’s 70,000 hot spots worldwide.
Nearly all of AT&T’s broadband Internet customers, about 12 million people, will automatically have unlimited free Wi-Fi access at Starbucks, the companies said. The deal will increase the number of AT&T hot spots in the United States to 17,000.
Current T-Mobile HotSpot customers — who pay $6 for an hourlong session, $9.99 for a day pass and $39.99 a month for unlimited access — will get Wi-Fi access at no extra charge through an agreement between AT&T and T-Mobile.
Chris Bruzzo, Starbucks’s chief technology officer, would not disclose how many customers used the T-Mobile service in Starbucks stores, but said he expected many more would use the new service. Starbucks will start introducing it this spring and aims to have it available in its more than 7,000 company-operated domestic stores by the end of the year.
Robert Toomey, an analyst with E. K. Riley Investments, said it was smart for Starbucks to link the new Wi-Fi service to its purchase card, which tens of millions of people use to buy their mochas and lattes, he said.
“I think it’s a double positive for both product sales and traffic,” Mr. Toomey said.

I heard that as a rumor, but who knows.
I'm sure you'll have more time than us freeloaders

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    Message was edited by: ckuan

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    Hope this helps
    If you found this post helpful, please click the green button. Thanks!

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    ArmyOfOne33W wrote:
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    Message was edited by: Dadof2Girls

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    The Starbucks free WiFi is for iPhones, not iPods.
    However for your iPod, when you register your Starbucks Card and use it at least once a month, you'll receive two consecutive hours a day of complimentary Wi-Fi, courtesy of AT&T.
    Read more here:


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    This is a recent press release from BT re C&CC Wifi
    Happy Campers to Get Wi-Fi!
    BT Openzone will provide Wi-Fi access at major UK holiday and leisure parks including 77 Camping and Caravanning Club sites, three Pontin's sites plus locations at Coastfields Leisure sites in Skegness through a new partnership with Wicoms it announced today.
    With more Brits opting for a 'staycation' this summer, the anticipated 50,000 visitors expected at the sites over the August bank holiday can surf, game or make cheap VoIP calls regardless of the weather. BT Openzone users can use any wireless-enabled device to connect to the service via the BT Openzone landing page.
    Chris Bruce, general manager, BT Openzone said: "Having the option to get online and stay entertained will provide a useful 'plan B' if the weather does its worst, and being able to look up tourist information and hunt out local gems will make for a better trip."
    The service is inclusive/at no extra cost for 4.8 million BT broadband customers with inclusive BT FON Wi-Fi minutes, BT Openzone subscribers, plus O2 iPhone and mobile broadband users with inclusive Wi-Fi minutes in their contracts. Other users can buy a BT Openzone voucher online at, with access from as little as ½p per minute.
    Simon Davies, chief technology officer, Wicoms, said: "Lots of Brits have stayed in the UK rather than head overseas this year. Families tell us that holiday sites are another location where they want to get online. Teenagers and gadget addicts are set to be heavy users."
    BT is seeing huge demand for Wi-Fi in the leisure and hospitality sector. Customers can also connect at more than 400,000 residential and commercial hotspots in the UK and Ireland including BAA airports, BA lounges, Cafe Nero, Hilton, Thistle and Ramada Jarvis hotels and Starbucks coffee stores.

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    So is the wifi actually there as a free wifi or are you just using someone else's who hasn't secured it. There may be problems with each. Free wifi often comes with restrictions, movie downloads my well be far too slow to be useful, you could try renting a movie on the laptop to test this.
    If you are just using someone else's that hasn't secured it, you could of course find that they do secure it should they discover often and frequent usage.

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    Try disconnect your internet, then launch iTunes.
    Connect your device, then reconnect your internet.
    See if this resolves the issue.

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