Attempt to fetch logical page (6:78) in database 5 failed.

Hello every one:
I am upgrading to SQL 2005 using sql 2000 datafiles in clustered environment.
I have followd note 799058 hemogenious system copy. However after attaching the database, we are getting the following error message, when running SQL 2005 upgrade tools.
I ran dbcheck on source database there is no issue, However dbcheck is failing in new database. I tried dbcheck with repais fast and dbcheck with data loss, however both attempts have failed with exact same message.
I am not sure how to handle this error.
Please advice.
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
select (@@microsoftversion / 65536) / 256
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
select count(*) from master..sysdatabases where name = 'R3T'
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
select count(*) from R3T..sysusers where name = 'r3t'
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
select count(*) from master..sysprocesses where dbid = db_id('R3T') and program_name like 'R3%' and uid = (select uid from R3T..sysusers where name = 'r3t')
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
select (@@microsoftversion / 65536) / 256
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
select case when serverproperty('Collation') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Collation')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('Edition') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Edition')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('InstanceName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('InstanceName')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsClustered') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsClustered')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsFullTextInstalled') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsFullTextInstalled')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsSingleUser') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSingleUser')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsSyncWithBackup') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSyncWithBackup')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('MachineName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('MachineName')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('NumLicenses') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('NumLicenses')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('ProcessID') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProcessID')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('ProductVersion') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProductVersion')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('ProductLevel') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProductLevel')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('ServerName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ServerName')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('Release') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Release')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('Patch') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Patch')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsSysAdmin') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSysAdmin')) end
BEGIN set @ns = @ns + @n + ';' FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @n END
CLOSE c DEALLOCATE c select @ns
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
select IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin')
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
select count(*) from master..sysdatabases where name = 'R3T'
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
select count(*) from R3T..sysusers where name = 'r3t'
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
select count(*) from R3T..sysusers where name = 'r3t'
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
use R3T
declare @info nvarchar(2000)
declare @cs nvarchar(100)
declare @tmp nvarchar(200)
declare @rel nvarchar(100)
declare @patch nvarchar(100)
declare @sql nvarchar(2000)
declare schema_cursor cursor for
select name
from dbo.sysusers
where islogin = '1'
open schema_cursor
select @info = ''
fetch next from schema_cursor into @cs
while @@fetch_status = 0
select @info = @info + @cs
select @info = @info + ':'
select @info = @info + cast(count(*) as varchar(20)) from sysobjects where uid = user_id(@cs) and name not in ('dtproperties')
select @info = @info + ':'
select @info = @info + cast(count(*) as varchar(20)) from sysobjects where uid = user_id(@cs) and type = 'U' and name not in ('dtproperties')
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 'CVERS' and uid = user_id(@cs) and type = 'U')
select @info = @info + ':1'
select @sql = 'select @rel = RELEASE, @patch = EXTRELEASE from ' + @cs + '.CVERS where COMPONENT = ''SAP_BASIS'''
exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@rel nvarchar(100) output, @patch nvarchar(100) output', @rel output, @patch output
select @info = @info + ':'
select @info = @info + @rel
select @info = @info + ':'
select @info = @info + @patch
else select @info = @info + ':0'
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name = 'BC_CVERS' and uid = user_id(@cs) and type = 'U')
select @info = @info + ':1'
else select @info = @info + ':0'
select @info = @info + ';'
fetch next from schema_cursor into @cs
close schema_cursor
deallocate schema_cursor
select @info
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
use [R3T] select count(*) from sysobjects where name like 'Y%' and type='P' and uid=user_id('r3t')
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
select count(*) from R3T..sysusers where name = 'SAPR3TDB'
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
select case when serverproperty('Collation') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Collation')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('Edition') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Edition')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('InstanceName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('InstanceName')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsClustered') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsClustered')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsFullTextInstalled') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsFullTextInstalled')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsSingleUser') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSingleUser')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsSyncWithBackup') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSyncWithBackup')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('MachineName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('MachineName')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('NumLicenses') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('NumLicenses')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('ProcessID') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProcessID')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('ProductVersion') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProductVersion')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('ProductLevel') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProductLevel')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('ServerName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ServerName')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('Release') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Release')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('Patch') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Patch')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsSysAdmin') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSysAdmin')) end
BEGIN set @ns = @ns + @n + ';' FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @n END
CLOSE c DEALLOCATE c select @ns
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
select IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin')
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
select case when serverproperty('Collation') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Collation')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('Edition') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Edition')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('InstanceName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('InstanceName')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsClustered') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsClustered')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsFullTextInstalled') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsFullTextInstalled')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsIntegratedSecurityOnly')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsSingleUser') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSingleUser')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsSyncWithBackup') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSyncWithBackup')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('MachineName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('MachineName')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('NumLicenses') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('NumLicenses')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('ProcessID') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProcessID')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('ProductVersion') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProductVersion')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('ProductLevel') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ProductLevel')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('ServerName') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('ServerName')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('Release') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Release')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('Patch') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('Patch')) end
union all select case when serverproperty('IsSysAdmin') is NULL then '' else convert(sysname, serverproperty('IsSysAdmin')) end
BEGIN set @ns = @ns + @n + ';' FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO @n END
CLOSE c DEALLOCATE c select @ns
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
select IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin')
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
reconfigure with override
exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1
reconfigure with override
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
exec sp_dbcmptlevel 'R3T', 90
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
use R3T select count(*) from sysobjects where type = 'P' and uid = user_id('r3t')
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
use R3T
declare @name sysname
declare allnames cursor for
select name from sysobjects
where type = 'P'
and (name like 'Y%' or name like 'SAP%')
and uid = user_id('r3t')
open allnames
fetch next from allnames into @name
while (@@fetch_status =0)
exec ('drop procedure [r3t].[' + @name + ']')
fetch next from allnames into @name
close allnames
deallocate allnames
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Attempt to fetch logical page (6:78) in database 5 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 71905451171905536 not to 281474979397632.
executeSQL is called with following parameters:
Server: cacgcbcrr518
Login: integrated security
Resultset will not be copied
Ignore errors is false
Append results is false
use R3T select count(*) from sysobjects where type = 'P' and uid = user_id('r3t')
executeSQL is called with following parameters:

2008-05-28 15:49:20.79 spid21s     Starting up database 'R3T'.
2008-05-28 15:49:20.79 spid20s     Starting up database 'msdb'.
2008-05-28 15:49:20.82 spid20s     1 transactions rolled forward in database 'msdb' (4). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2008-05-28 15:49:20.84 spid20s     0 transactions rolled back in database 'msdb' (4). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2008-05-28 15:49:20.84 spid20s     Recovery is writing a checkpoint in database 'msdb' (4). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2008-05-28 15:49:20.88 spid21s     Analysis of database 'R3T' (5) is 100% complete (approximately 0 seconds remain). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2008-05-28 15:49:20.90 spid21s     1 transactions rolled forward in database 'R3T' (5). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2008-05-28 15:49:21.06 spid21s     0 transactions rolled back in database 'R3T' (5). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2008-05-28 15:49:21.06 spid21s     Recovery is writing a checkpoint in database 'R3T' (5). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2008-05-28 15:49:21.06 spid5s      Recovery of any in-doubt distributed transactions involving Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has completed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2008-05-28 15:49:21.06 spid5s      Recovery is complete. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
2008-05-28 15:49:25.60 spid51      Configuration option 'Agent XPs' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.
2008-05-28 15:49:25.74 spid51      Using 'xpsqlbot.dll' version '2005.90.3042' to execute extended stored procedure 'xp_qv'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
2008-05-28 15:49:25.81 spid51      Using 'xpstar90.dll' version '2005.90.3042' to execute extended stored procedure 'xp_instance_regread'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
2008-05-28 15:49:25.82 spid51      Using 'xplog70.dll' version '2005.90.3042' to execute extended stored procedure 'xp_msver'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
2008-05-28 15:58:29.52 spid53      Setting database option SINGLE_USER to ON for database R3T.
2008-05-28 15:58:29.52 spid53      Setting database option SINGLE_USER to ON for database R3T.
2008-05-28 15:59:15.77 spid53      Error: 605, Severity: 21, State: 3.
2008-05-28 15:59:15.77 spid53      Attempt to fetch logical page (6:72) in database 5 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 71905451171905536 not to 281474979397632.
2008-05-28 15:59:15.78 spid53      DBCC CHECKDB (R3T, repair_fast) WITH all_errormsgs, no_infomsgs executed by sa terminated abnormally due to error state 5. Elapsed time: 0 hours 0 minutes 18 seconds.
2008-05-28 16:02:17.43 spid54      Error: 605, Severity: 21, State: 3.
2008-05-28 16:02:17.43 spid54      Attempt to fetch logical page (6:72) in database 5 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 71905451171905536 not to 281474979397632.
2008-05-28 16:02:17.44 spid54      DBCC CHECKDB (R3T, repair_allow_data_loss) WITH all_errormsgs, no_infomsgs executed by sa terminated abnormally due to error state 5. Elapsed time: 0 hours 0 minutes 10 seconds.
2008-05-28 16:04:53.26 spid54      Setting database option MULTI_USER to ON for database R3T.
2008-05-28 16:04:53.26 spid54      Setting database option MULTI_USER to ON for database R3T.
2008-05-29 00:00:06.31 spid15s     This instance of SQL Server has been using a process ID of 2016 since 5/28/2008 3:49:21 PM (local) 5/28/2008 10:49:21 PM (UTC). This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
2008-05-29 09:45:59.67 spid54      Error: 605, Severity: 12, State: 3.
2008-05-29 09:45:59.67 spid54      Attempt to fetch logical page (6:72) in database 6 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 71905451171905536 not to 281474979397632.
2008-05-29 09:45:59.69 spid54      DBCC CHECKDB (R3T) WITH no_infomsgs executed by sa terminated abnormally due to error state 5. Elapsed time: 0 hours 1 minutes 20 seconds.

Similar Messages

  • Attempt to fetch logical page ERROR

    Hi all !! there are many read error from my error log :
    Attempt to fetch logical page (1:106) in database 6 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 196608 not to 281474980642816.
    I read DBCC checkDB.... the it asked me to run dbcc checkcatalog,, however there is no error.
    any one has idea ??

    I think you need to drill down to to the object level to see what happened, perhaps rebuild index will solve the problem. Use Paul's stored procedure
        , AS 'indexName'
        , p.partition_number
        , au.type_desc
        , CONVERT (VARCHAR(6),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 6, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 5, 1))) +
       ':' + CONVERT (VARCHAR(20),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 4, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 3, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 2, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_page, 1, 1))) AS 'firstPage'
        , CONVERT (VARCHAR(6),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (au.root_page, 6, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.root_page, 5, 1))) +
       ':' + CONVERT (VARCHAR(20),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (au.root_page, 4, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.root_page, 3, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.root_page, 2, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.root_page, 1, 1))) AS 'rootPage'
        , CONVERT (VARCHAR(6),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (au.first_iam_page, 6, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_iam_page, 5, 1))) +
       ':' + CONVERT (VARCHAR(20),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (au.first_iam_page, 4, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_iam_page, 3, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_iam_page, 2, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (au.first_iam_page, 1, 1))) AS 'firstIAM_page'
    FROM sys.indexes AS i
    Join sys.partitions AS p
        ON i.OBJECT_ID = p.OBJECT_ID
        And i.index_id = p.index_id
    Join sys.system_internals_allocation_units AS au
        ON p.hobt_id = au.container_id
    ----WHERE OBJECT_NAME(p.OBJECT_ID) = 'ProductReview'
    ORDER BY tableName;
    DBCC TraceOn (3604);
    DBCC Page (AdventureWorks, 1, 3038, 3);
    DBCC TraceOff (3604);
    USE AdventureWorks;
    EXEC sp_AllocationMetadata 'HumanResources.Employee';
    USE master;
    IF OBJECT_ID ('sp_AllocationMetadata') IS NOT NULL
       DROP PROCEDURE sp_AllocationMetadata;
    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_AllocationMetadata
       @object VARCHAR (128) = NULL
       OBJECT_NAME (sp.object_id) AS [Object Name],
       sp.index_id AS [Index ID],
       sa.allocation_unit_id AS [Alloc Unit ID],
       sa.type_desc AS [Alloc Unit Type],
       '(' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (6),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (sa.first_page, 6, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_page, 5, 1))) +
       ':' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (20),
          CONVERT (INT, SUBSTRING (sa.first_page, 4, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_page, 3, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_page, 2, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_page, 1, 1))) +
       ')' AS [First Page],
       '(' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (6),
          CONVERT (INT,
             SUBSTRING (sa.root_page, 6, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.root_page, 5, 1))) +
       ':' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (20),
          CONVERT (INT,
             SUBSTRING (sa.root_page, 4, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.root_page, 3, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.root_page, 2, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.root_page, 1, 1))) +
       ')' AS [Root Page],
       '(' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (6),
          CONVERT (INT,
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_iam_page, 6, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_iam_page, 5, 1))) +
       ':' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (20),
          CONVERT (INT,
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_iam_page, 4, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_iam_page, 3, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_iam_page, 2, 1) +
             SUBSTRING (sa.first_iam_page, 1, 1))) +
       ')' AS [First IAM Page] 
       sys.system_internals_allocation_units AS sa,
       sys.partitions AS sp
       sa.container_id = sp.partition_id
       AND sp.object_id =
          (CASE WHEN (@object IS NULL)
             THEN sp.object_id
             ELSE OBJECT_ID (@object)
    EXEC sys.sp_MS_marksystemobject sp_AllocationMetadata;
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • EQG-30276 Unable to fetch login page

    I have set up a portal source, created a user in portal with view priveleges, succesfully registered the OID identity management plugin.
    But when I attempt to crawl the portal source, my crawl fails with the above message in the log. It displays the url it is attempting to fetch, and the url displayed is not our login page. There is a custom login form at this site. Is this the issue?
    The log is as follows:
    EQG-30276: Unable to fetch login page
    EQG-30025: https://test-sso.<removed>.com/pls/orasso/orasso.wwsso_app_admin.ls_login?site2pstoretoken=v1.2~DE163018~99DDE599DEFD2008E680EF5788E480B7064256ECFB58461AE39D93D6FD3FE4B5D9E6D3D2999BFF44D0C6E9F0E092C69625990CB3D0CCE46061F69A2CAC97D2CA63692C981879F25C57B714FF2E78AB6F14C3648A9560EE07CC585404C08C585FDACD12BCFE09D6DBBAAB881DFCC8268851B0834141B66490E76C21D7CB7E967E331839C221BE7ECAF158E6EB172F35FC12C45B7DB67D5B29544E934B93CB64822DF303A295A0AC5A2C8B43E78
    I removed the domain name.
    If I copy this url to a browser window, it fails as well. If I remove all but the base url (before orasso.wwsso_app_admin.ls_login), can at least get to the SSO home. Like I mentioned, we have a custom login form.
    Can I configure the Id managment to go to the custom form, or do I need to create a new Id management plugin?
    Thanks for any help!

    I have made a little progress on finding the answer to this, but would like a second opinion before I have our SA go down a path.
    It seems that we are have a problem with our certificate. If I paste the url into the browser, it returns a message saying that there is a problem with the certificate and asks if I want to continue. If I continue, it goes to the custom login page.
    Could the certificate issue be causing the problem I am seeing? I think it is, but would like a second opinion.

  • How to print logical page number in TOC of report

    My report has three sections - header, main, trailer.
    after each group break in the main section the page number is saved using the srw.get_page_num(pageNum).
    this records are used to build the toc in the trailer section.
    Problem: srw.get_page_num delivers only the logical pagenum of the section,
    means if the header section spans more than one page (for example 2), the main section starts at physical pagenum 3.
    If I don't know how many pages my header contains I never have the real page number in my toc, beacuse i have to add the number of "header pages" to the saved pagenum of the main section to compute the "physical pagenum".
    Is there a possibility to save the physical pagenum in the header section (in a trigger) ?
    Message was edited by:
    [email protected]

    Thats my huge problem - i can not calculate the number of pages
    nor in the main section neither in the header section.
    The problem is not to know how many pages are in the trailor section.
    I have to know, how many pages are in the header section without to start multiple the report.
    If I have this number i can add it to the "logical" page number" of the main section to get the physical page number of the report.
    the page numbers of the main section are available.
    Message was edited by:
    [email protected]

  • Trying to create logical page numbers

    I'm working in Acrobat XI 12.0.02 (Architecture: i386, Build:, AGM: 4.28.131, CoolType: 5.11.131, JP2K: I'm on a top-of-the-line iMac under OS X 10.7.5.
    I'm trying to set up logical page numbers in an existing PDF file from This is one of their rather fancy PDF's that has invisible searchable text over the page image. Really nice to work with, but in this case, the original book has very strange page numbering. The original editor decided that illustrations, figures and blank pages would not be numbered. Instead, the numbering skips to the next text page. That makes it a massive pain in the neck to try to get to any particular page in the book. I will be using this book extensively for months to come, so it's well worth my time to fix this by setting up logical page numbers. The original file has no security set of any kind.
    In Acrobat XI, Preferences, Page Display, I've checkmarked "Use logical page numbers."
    In the Page Thumbnails tab, I've selected a range of pages (7-16 in the original book.) I right-click on the selected page range. I select Number Pages. The "Pages" part of the dialog box comes up with "Selected" marked. The "Numbering" part of the dialog box comes up with "Begin new section." "Style" is set to None. "Prefix" is blank. I set "Start" to 7. I hit OK. I see no error messages. I see nothing in the page number box in the navigation bar. I see no page numbers in the Page Thumbnail tab. Entering page 10, for example, in the page number box takes me to the Acrobat page 10, not to the logical page 10. Saving and re-opening the file in Acrobat XI doesn't work, nor does opening the file in Acrobat Reader 10.1.6 work.
    What's wrong? What am I missing?

    Thanks for these scripts, they will be very helpful.
    My main problem is understanding the integration of the javascript with the pl/sql as the values in both the lovs need to be dynamic (the values in both tables could potentially change quite often). I need to take the value selected in the first lov (using javascript I think) and pass it somehow to the pl/sql select statement to get the values to be used as the options in the second.
    Any guidance on combining the use of javascript and pl/sql would be most welcome.

  • Logical page/Physical page/Page Break

    I have to create a form like report. Without data it takes 3 A4 pages, with data it can expand to 5 pages or more. So in report developer I create for Main section: Width=21 Height=29.7, Horizontal Panels per page=1, Vertical Panels per page=3.
    First problem:
    When I run the report with data, which coused that report expands to more then 3 A4 pages, I can only see and print 3 pages. I want to have all pages.
    Second problem:
    Inside report there is repating frame with more repeating frames inside for displayin some sort of tables. I want that each record of outer repeating frame is on new A4 page. I set Page break before=Yes for outer frame. When I run report I can see the data before the frame and then two blank pages. I think that Page break before=Yes makes page break for logical page (in my case 3 A4 pages) and then I am on the first problem. How to make Page Break for one A4 (physical) page only?
    Any ideas how to solve these problems?
    Regards, Sasa

    Hi Nguyen,
    It was pretty difficult running the report. Here are the changes I made so that the report runs sucessfully:
    1. Changed "Vertical Panels per Page" to 1. The reason: this property equates pages in your report to priter pages. Eg, a value of 2 means that each page in your report is equivalent to 2 physical printer pages. This may be needed if you design very large pages, but the dimensions of physial printer pages are smaller. We do not need this. So I changed it to 1.
    2. In Paper Layout editor, fit everything on 1 page. At runtime it can flow to more than 1 page, no problem. But we want to 'design' 1 page. It was just overflowing a little bit on to the 2nd page, I changed it so that it fits on 1st page itself.
    3. Changed "Print Object On" to First Page, instead of All pages for all frames and boilerplate text objects. Reason - page breaks here refer only to Logical pages, not to physical pages as you might have imagined. For the report, everything is 1 logical page, even though you see the output on 3-5 physical pages. Pl see Report Builder Help on this property, it explains things with graphics.
    The hardest part was step 3 - it took me a long while to figure that out.
    Now the report appears correctly with all the data. Now the only problem is to figure out how to do a page break before M37. We can figure that out, but first can you try these changes, and let me know that you are at least getting ALL DATA in your report output?

  • Multiple panels per logical page

    I am working on a customer statement report. It has one logical page with three panels(physical pages). The records on third panel will expand to the next logical page at runtime. I thought it could continue to show on the first panel of the next logical page, but they are showed on the third panel which is at the same level of the previous logical page. The first and second panels of the second logical page are blank. How can I remove the blank pages and move the continuing records start from the first panel of the next logical page.
    Your help will be highly appreciated.
    It is urgent, please help!

    Hi there Otto... If I understand you correctly, you might need to look into the LEAD function.
    Here's an example:
    with table1 as
    (SELECT ROWNUM rn, 'Line ' || ROWNUM text
    FROM all_objects
    WHERE ROWNUM <= 10)
    SELECT *
    FROM (SELECT rn, text AS text_col1,
    LEAD (text, 1) OVER (ORDER BY rn) AS text_col2,
    LEAD (text, 2) OVER (ORDER BY rn) AS text_col3
    FROM table1)
    WHERE MOD (rn, 3) = 1
    1,Line 1,Line 2,Line 3
    4,Line 4,Line 5,Line 6
    7,Line 7,Line 8,Line 9
    10,Line 10

  • ABAP OO data fetch logic

    Hi Experts,
                     I have normal report with dat fetch logic. I need to convert my normal code logic to OO abap logic using classes & methods..
          select knumh kotabnr vakey datab datbi knuma_bo
                 from konh
                 into corresponding fields of table i_konh
                 for all entries in i_kona
                 where knuma_bo eq i_kona-knuma.
    Is there any easy way to write the code in OO using classes & methods.

    Hi Khan,
    Here is the code for your query with OO abap logic i.e. Class and methods.
    TABLES: konh.
    data: i_konh TYPE TABLE OF konh,
          i_kona Type TABLE OF kona.
    CLASS class_name DEFINITION.
    CLASS-METHODS get_details.
    METHOD get_details.
    DATA: knumh   TYPE REF TO konh-knumh,
               kotabnr  TYPE REF TO konh-kotabnr,
               vakey    TYPE REF TO konh-vakey,
               datab     TYPE REF TO konh-datab,
               datbi       TYPE REF TO konh-datbi,
              knumabo TYPE REF TO konh-knuma_bo.
    select knumh kotabnr vakey datab datbi knuma_bo
                 from konh
                 into corresponding fields of table i_konh
                 for all entries in i_kona
                 where knuma_bo eq i_kona-knuma.
    *Global data.
      data: obj TYPE REF TO class_name.
    *Event block.
    CALL METHOD obj->get_details.
    Edited by: K.Soundarya Singh on Mar 24, 2010 8:42 AM
    Edited by: K.Soundarya Singh on Mar 24, 2010 8:43 AM

  • Printing bug with logical page numbers

    I have a PDF file set up with logical page numbering. If I want to print page 7-10 and type this in the Pages field, Reader prints physical pages 7 through 10 from the PDF file instead of logical page 7-10. I tried it in Reader X and XI and the problem occurs in both. I am pretty sure it worked in early versions, but I don't know what version it stopped working on. Is this a known issue?

    Could it be that this file contains duplicate page labels? Can you share the file?

  • How do I delete pages based on logical page number?

    I have a large combined PDF document and am using logical page numbers. I only want to see the first page of each document in the combined file. How do I delete all of the page 2, 3... at once rather than deleting them from the thumbnail section or going page by page.
    This is a large document combined from 300+ other documents. It does recognize 300 page 1, and 300 page 2 and so on
    Using Adobe Acrobat XI Pro

    Hi thebestjake,
    You might have to use javascript for the purpose to automate the process.
    Else you have to manually delete via Acrobat > Tools > Pages > Delete  and specify the range of pages to be deleted :
    Refer : Acrobat Help | Rotating, moving, deleting, and renumbering PDF pages

  • Page Numbering on repeating frame with 3 logical pages per physical page

    We have a report in Reports 6i that prints a form on continous multi-part paper. We are converting the report to print to a laser printer with three forms per page. Each form has page numbers in the format of "page 1 of 15". The "page" refers to the form number and the "of" refers to the total number of forms for the outer group. So we could have page 1 of 15 through page 15 of 15 followed by page 1 of 112, etc.
    I have tried all of the suggestions on how to base page numbers on a repeating frame and non of them seem to work. All the examples seem to be based on the idea that the logical page contains 1 or more physical pages; whereas my situation is that I have multiple logical pages on each physical page.
    Does anyone have a thought on how to do this?

    Create one summary column (lets say cs_pagenumber) in inner group and provide following:
    Function: Count
    Source: any field from innrer group
    Reset At: outer group
    Create one summary column (lets say cs_totalpages) in outer group and provide following:
    Function: Count
    Source: any field from innrer group
    Reset At: outer group
    (above will work if one field is printed only once in a form)
    Create a field in inner repeating frame for cs_pagenumber and create a boilerplate text (&cs_totalpages) in the same repating frame for cs_totalpages. This should solve the problem.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to use logic page numbers on android device?

    I have some pdf files which include a few pages with table of contents, this  way i changed the meta data of the pdf document and set up logical page count on my computer. Works great on my windows pc, but when i transfer these pdf's on my android device the android version of adobe does not show pages in not logical page count. Is there a possibilitx to show pdf's with logical page count using the android version of adobe reader?

    Easy dial you mean? Not all region's firmware are having this feature if I don't remember wrongly..
    Press any numbers on the standby screen > options > easy dial
    If the easy dial word is there, that means you have this feature enabled for your region.

  • Attempt to fetch cache data from Integration Directory failed

    while checking cache connectivity testing: status is
         green:   Integration Repository     
         green:    Integration Directory     
              green: Integration Server - JAVA     
                  red:Adapter Engine af.axd.aipid     
               yello:Integration Server - ABAP
    Jun 30, 2007 1:16:08 PM - Cache notification from Integration Directory received successfully
    Attempt to fetch cache data from Integration Directory failed; cache could not be updated
    [Fetch Data]: Unable to find an associated SLD element (source element: SAP_XIIntegrationServer, [CreationClassName, SAP_XIIntegrationServer, string, Name, is.00.aipid, string], target element type: SAP_BusinessSystem)
    [Data Evaluation]: GlobalError
    what to do?
    and there is nothing under integration server and integration engine but there is an green status under Non-Central Adapter Engines > from this i am doing send messeage testing fro xi to bi ,
    send message to: http://aibid:8000/sap/xi/engine?type=entry
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    i can sent message from there (component monitoring > Non-Central Adapter Engines) but unable to get it at message monitoring and at BI side.

    but i have adepter type XI
    and i am folowing step of this lonk and there is no need to create fild adepter type according to that and almost done but while sending message through config. monitor in RWB it goes but not coming in mess monitoring and at bi side
    see 4.5 > 3 and 4 topic and 4.6 > 3,4,5
    now what to do?

  • Force logical page numbers?

    Is there a way to force my documents to open with this preference
    setting ("Use logical page numbers") turned on? I have this turned on,
    and my documents sometimes begin on a number other than 1, but my client
    has it turned off. I want him to be able to type in, for instance, 73,
    and have it take him to the 3rd page in a file that begins on page 71.
    Kenneth Benson
    Pegasus Type, Inc.

    Could it be that this file contains duplicate page labels? Can you share the file?

  • Fetch web page with PL/SQL

    How do I fetch web page with as short PL/SQL code as possible. I don't want to send headers, read requests, just download it at once. Are there alternatives to UTL_HTTP.REQUEST which hangs on my system? Can I use one of the XDB packages to do that?

    Call from your browser with
      PROCEDURE HomePage;
    END AAA001A;
      PROCEDURE HomePage IS
                 htp.p('Hello World!');
      END HomePage;
    END AAA001A;
    /Just re-read your OP and realised this is not what you were looking for and is in context of your request absolute drivel!
    Message was edited by:

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