Attempted to reinstall OS X Tiger with archive Previous System Option

I tried to reinstall my OS with the ARCHIVE DATA option. The reinstall hung up in a loop after declaring that it did not have enough space to install. The only way to get it to unhang was to RESTART . This restarted the install process. It would not let me QUIT. It would not let me use the REINSTALL AND SAVE option. The only option that would work was the INSTALL AND ERASE function. Since this was the only way to get the computer back, I did the Install/erase function. Now all of my data that was supposed to have been saved under Previous System is gone. Is there ANY way to retrieve the data or did the install reformat the disk and wipe everything out?

Haven't heard of archive data option, but if you wet through that option, I suppose what the computer has done is formatted your hard drive, or at least made a fast delete. There is quite a few recovery applications out there to recover data from a formatted drive, so that shouldn't be an issue. The only issue is that it takes a lot of time to do.
Can't remember many name just now, but Stellar is supposed to be pretty good. When I recovered my hard drive I used Testdisk, which is a free open-source program, but is hard to use if you're not the "techy" guy.
Google on "recover data application mac" and Im sure you'll fine some applications!
Good luck

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    you should simply delete that folder once you know everything on your system works. there is no reason to keep it around or back it up.

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    I take it you did an archive and install without preserving your user settings.
    Otherwise all this stuff would have been automatically imported.
    you can restore your mail to the state it was in prior to the reinstall as follows.
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    Hi Deb,
    This may be ten days late, and way, way too long, but you might want to try some of these suggestions, especially if AppleCare, or someone else, hasn't fixed it for you. You'll probably need to print out all this stuff. It's all stuff I've found useful in similar situations. There is no particular order to check things, but you might want check the utility "Activity Monitor" first and then try setting up a new account. That has worked for me.
    Launch "Activity Monitor" (found in the utility folder inside the root Applications folder) and click on the CPU column to see if some background process or another application is running and using a large percentage of the processor's time. Also check the RAM columns to see if something is using a lot of the available RAM. If there is something that doesn't seem right, you can select it and double click the questionable item - a dialog box will appear that allows you to quit. That may solve the problem of spinning "pizza wheels" of death without a restart. At the least you'll have a good question to ask AppleCare (though they'll definitely suggest Activity Monitor.
    You may also want to set up a new account in Apple Menu/System Prefs/Accounts with a different name and password. Then within that account try launching some apps from the Root Applications folder. They may now work in the new account. You can also install some apps you use most within the new account. Those apps will be placed in the Applications folder within the new home folder of the new account - NOT in the root Applications folder (the one you see when you double click the hard drive icon).
    If you haven't set up a new account before it will seem strange when you first startup. Nothing is the same - the desktop, dock, etc will be like when the machine was new. But often, using the new account, and finding the sluggishness is now gone, tells you the problem was in the old account - even if you can't find what the problem was. The old account is still there. But setting up the new account will take some additional drive space if you reinstall applications.
    Whatever you do, *_don't just delete the old account_* as that will also delete all your documents, videos, photos, etc. You can copy or move between accounts with your administrator password. The Library folder in the old Home folder will contain a lot of stuff you may want to keep, but also can contain the corrupt file that caused the sluggishness problem. You may want to copy the contents of different User/New Acct Home folder/Library folders a little at a time and reboot after changes. If the sluggishness reappears, then pull out the last items you put in and try to narrow it down.
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    After you restart, and BEFORE you launch any application, press and hold the Cmd (Apple) Key and then hit tab. You will see which apps are running in addition to the Finder. If there is stuff you didn't launch, keep pressing Cmd-Tab which will highlight each application. When selected, you can quit the application [Cmd-Q ]. Or just release the Cmd-Tab keys with the app selected and it's name should appear at the top left of the menu bar. There, you can pull down the menu and quit it (or press Cmd-Q). If it doesn't quit try to Force Quit [Opt-Cmd-Escape]. Try not to quit the Finder. Then launch the apps you need and see if they are still sluggish.
    If there was stuff running and you don't know why, check your Account (Apple Menu/System Prefs/Accounts). Accounts is the first item on the System row (next to last row down). Click Accounts and when it opens, click the the account you're using (if there are more than one). Then click the Login Items tab near the top of the window. You'll see a list of apps that launch whenever you start up (sometimes in the background). If you don't recognize some of what's there you can remove them using the [-] icon. You'll have to unlock the account with your password and then re-lock it to prevent others from changing stuff.
    Restart or log-out and log-in and see if the machine is faster without one or more of the removed items. There are things that are best not touched, but you'll probably know by their names. Pretty much anything you'd add will be found in the Applications or Utility folders. Other stuff is added by applications when they are installed. Make a list of whatever you remove if you have to add it back. If an application needs something you removed, you may be asked to reinstall the app.
    That's it - hope it helps.

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    If you are in the United States, you can use this search page to find the Authorized Apple Service Provider closest to where you live:
    Attempting to upgrade a computer (i.e., to Leopard) which is having problems is not a good idea.
    System requirements for Leopard can be found here:

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    John in Houston

    Please uninstall all instances (any residue left) of PSE first using CS Cleaner tool (
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    Then, I upgraded to Panther and later to Tiger, (doing archive and install installations).
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    THIS topic at Apple support says that I should insert the "Additional Software & Apple Hardware Test" disc that came with my computer, double-click "Install Additional Software, and follow the onscreen instructions.
    That’s what I've done with the "gray" DVD I mentioned above: a utility called "Software restoration" (again, as translated from French) has been installed and has been automatically launched, asking me to insert again that grey DVD -it even displayed a picture of the DVD label. However, it looks like the DVD was not recognized as the right one, so nothing happened and the only button displayed was "Quit". I've repeated the same steps several times with no success.
    I’m sure doing something wrong, but what ?
    Thanks for any help

    Thanks to both of you.
    BDAqua was perfectly right:
    I ran again Software Restore, but this time under Panther instead of Tiger, and O Miracolo the DVD was accepted and all the restoring options displayed neatly aligned, as well as the Continue button.
    Actually, Software Restore looks like it is not compatible with Tiger. Note also that the grey DVD in question was shipped with Jaguar (and has Jaguar on it), not Panther.
    Anyway, I'm going to upgrade to Leopard, but I'll keep Tiger at hand for Classic. Since I'm also going to abandon Panther -RIP , I won't be able to run Software Restore anymore. So, I'll follow BDAqua advice by saving a fresh, clean copy of Classic that I could copy back to my Tiger partition in case I need to reinstall it.

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    Let's try the following user tip with that one:
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    That one's consistent with disk/file damage. The first thing I'd try with that is running a disk check (chkdsk) over your C drive.
    XP instructions in the following document: How to perform disk error checking in Windows XP
    Vista instructions in the following document: Check your hard disk for errors
    Windows 7 instructions in the following document: How to use CHKDSK (Check Disk)
    Select both Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors, or use chkdsk /r (depending on which way you decide to go about doing this). You'll almost certainly have to schedule the chkdsk to run on startup. The scan should take quite a while ... if it quits after a few minutes or seconds, something's interfering with the scan.
    Does the chkdsk find/repair any damage? If so, can you get an install to go through properly afterwards?

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    See Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.

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    Try the following user tip:
    Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates

  • Archive and reinstall - can't find previous system and want to delete

    Hey everyone,
    I just did an archive and reinstall with OS 10.5 and now am running out of disk space. I've been trying to find the "previous system" folder but can't locate it with finder. Any ideas?
    Is it in the system folder? What can I delete without killing my computer?
    Noob here, thanks a bunch!

    Current system is OS 10.5
    previous was the latest update - 10.5.6?
    I have about 10 GB less space now that I need to recover!
    I'm running this: MacBook Pro 2.4Ghz, 2GB 15", 160GB

  • I work with a Mac & I had to restore my computer for my time machine back-up.  When I attempt to open/edit a photo with either camera raw or photoshop I get the following error message: Error 150:30 , it also sys that licensing for the product has stopped

    I work with a Mac & I had to restore my computer for my time machine back-up.  When I attempt to open/edit a photo with either camera raw or photoshop I get the following error message: Error 150:30 , it also sys that licensing for the product has stopped working?

    Unfortunately when Adobe products are restored from backup, especial CS4 and especially Mac, it breaks licensing.
    There is a python script included in the license recovery kit that should work if you are familiar with Terminal.
    If not, you must reinstall your CS4 suite.  You don't need to delete your preferences, so it should be the same as before.
    Error "Licensing has stopped working" | Mac OS

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