What gives?

mountainbike2001 wrote:
ATV seems slow whenever I am pressing menu button or just navigating through the screens...
again, still vague really.
what have you done to try and resolve the issue ?
have you checked that the remote isn't at fault? low battery possibly?
have you tried fully restarting the appletv?
are you up to date on the software version on appletv?

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    You want Lion and MacBook Pro forums.
    Yes TM is slow but it depends on the drive interface and disk drive and whether they have trouble with Mac or Lion (or ML)
    I prefer to clone and use one partition for that, say 200GB out of your (1.5TB?) drive and use the rest for TM.
    How to clone your system:
    TimeMachine 101
    Time Machine stops backing up to external disk
    Mac 101: Time Machine  Get to know the ins and outs of Time Machine.
    Time Machine: Troubleshooting backup issues

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    You would be better off copying the files to a folder on the desktop and then into iPhoto as copying from a disk the file first has to be copied to a temp file and then into iPhoto. I don't know how far you are in the current disk import but for the future ones I'd definitely copy to a folder first and then into iPhoto.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
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    Note: There now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

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    Message Edited by mjsulliva on 04-03-2009 05:13 AM

  • Importing songs from cds soooo slow.....agghh ive no patients!!

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    I have an elderly Toshiba running XP Pro-SP 2. With iTunes 6.0x I was able to import CD's at 4X-6X. Considering the CD Drive maxes out at 8X - that was OK. Well, 7.0 imported at .1X that is POINT ONE X. And "upgrade" to 7.0.1 increased the speed to a wopping .8X.
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    I went back to 6.0.4 - I am not a happy camper since I couldn't find a "recent" copy of an older version of iTunes. Ended up "rebuilding" my library - lost playlist in the process.
    I am happy to have 6.0.4 back and running. I never connected my iPod to 7.0 -
    It will be a long time before I install a new version of iTunes. There was no reason for me to upgrade. I was just a little bored when iTunes announced "New Version - want to upgrade?" My fault.
    Thanks for listening to my crabbing.
    Windows XP Pro

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == When I upgraded to the latest 3.6 version

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    #1 What is the brand and model of your modem?
    #2 What is the brand and model of your router?
    #3 What software firewall is on your computer?
    #4 What anti-virus software is on your computer?
    If you are the original poster (OP) and your issue is solved, please remember to click the "Solution?" button so that others can more easily find it. If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the "Kudos" button.

  • Why soooo slow?

    I recently purchased Elements 8 and have spent the last few weeks putting all of my pictures in the Organizer. Everything was running fine, then all of a sudden the program began running so slow that it's unuseable. One minute it ran fine, the next it took 5+ minutes to import and catagorize a group of 12 photos. If I click on one of my categories and then want to switch to another it takes over a minute. I tried installing it on another computer, downloaded my catalog and have the same problem. I have approx 12000 items in my catalog but I don't think that could be an issue. Please help!

    There are a number of possibilities:
    - Make sure it isn't still generating thumbnails -- look for the spinning hourglass in the lower-left corner.  When it is, PSE 8 can be very slow.
    - Disable the Auto-Analyzer and automatic face recognition via Edit > Preferences > Auto-Analyzer Options > Analyze All Media and > Recognize People Automatically.  (You can still recognize faces when you invoke Find > Find People For Tagging.)
    - Look at the issues in this FAQ:
    Let us know if you make progress (or not).

  • Internet soooo slow kids cannot even play xbox liv...

    i live 2 miles away from an exchange yet my internet connection is about 0.5 mb, its soooooo slow, my mother lives in lanzarote and laughs at how **bleep** my connection is. i have 3 kids to want to watch youtube and skyanytime + .
    the worst thing is that my hubby is an employee and i would get free btvision, but my line it TOO SLOW for it lol
    in this day and age there is no escuse for it seriously!!

    Hi please post your full hubstats by entering your browser address bar and then navigate to advanced / connection /broadband and post the full results and also run the Bt speedtest and run the full test there and post the results
    Then some one will be able to advise you further
    Your speed is related to your line length ( attunuation) and quality even though you may be 2 miles from your exchange your line could be up to twice that depending on how it is routed to the exchange nothing to do with this day and age I am afraid but more the lawsof physics
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

  • OTN FTP Soooo Slow

    I'm trying to DL JDeveloper 3.1 for evaluation, but the FTP site is so slow... Does Oracle have any mirror sites? I appreciate being given access to these tools for evaluation as a developer, but think it reflects poorly on Oracle that the fastest DL I can consistently get on a high speed connection (cable modem) is about 8k/sec. Thanks in advance

    And sometimes totally unreachable (from NL), I complained a lot of time, but never got any positive feedback.
    Last time here :
    Re: documentation website down (again) ?
    PS: an other one
    Website docs down -> Oracle local docs search
    Edited by: N. Gasparotto on Oct 21, 2009 5:23 PM
    Edited by: N. Gasparotto on Oct 21, 2009 5:23 PM

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