Audible books syncing

Hi All,
Can someone tell me why all of my Audible books Sync EVERY TIME I sync my 3G phone? I hate to add ANY more time to the back-up sync process!
Thanks for the help.

This is how I manage my books from
I created a playlist called Current Audible. I move any books I want on my iphone to that playlist. In the Music tab of the iphone sync in itunes, I select the Current Audible playlist and don't select the regular Audible playlist.
Since the books stay in Audible when I copy to Current Audible, I can just delete them from Current Audible when I don't want them on my iphone any more.
Of course, you still have the problem that the sync backs up everything and resyncs everything, but at least it's only those things you currently want on your iphone. I have the old 8G so I can only have a couple books on it anyway.

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    I download from Audible as well, and I haven't come
    across anything like this yet. I did want to note
    that I've always downloaded from Audible in their "4
    format" (which, they tell me, is the optimal format
    for my 4th Gen iPod). I don't use a nano, so I'm not
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    back to and click on "my library" and
    download the file a second time. I then reimported
    the new file to iTunes in place of the older one,
    synced the iPod, and it worked OK after that.
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    I installed Classic by MotionApps on my Pre (free from the app catalog) and using The Missing Sync software from MarkSpace, which is the software I use to sync my Mac and Pre, I now have my audible books working on my Pre. Here are the websites, and instructions from MarkSpace, below.
    Use The Missing Sync to get classic Palm apps onto your Pre.A wonderful app from MotionApps lets Palm Pre users run Palm OS applications on their phone. It's called "Classic". This is great news for Palm Pre owners who used to use a Palm OS device, like a Treo smartphone or Tungsten handheld. They can continue to use many of their favorite Palm OS apps, like SplashID, HanDBase and iSilo, and even games like Bejeweled 2 and Warfare Incorporated.*
    The Missing Sync for Palm Pre can help easily install Palm OS applications on a Pre phone from a PC or Mac.
    Follow these easy steps:
    1. Create a folder on your computer named, "Palm OS Apps" and place your application PRC and PDB files in this folder.
    2. Connect your Pre to your computer with the USB cable and mount it as a USB Drive.
    3. Launch The Missing Sync for Palm Pre and open the Folder Sync settings by double-clicking Folder Sync in the Plugins list.
    4. Add the new folder you created in step 1 as a folder to be synchronized.
    5. Next, change the Device Folder by double-clicking the device folder path in the Device Folder column. Set the destination to "/ClassicApps/Install".
    6. Close the settings window and you're all set!
    The next time you sync with The Missing Sync, Folder Sync will copy your PRC and PDB files to your Pre, ready to be used in Classic! And, The Missing Sync for Palm Pre does a whole lot more.

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