Audigy 2 ZS: Snap Crackle

Alright, I'm using an Audigy 2 ZS with 5. speakers. The problem is repeated snapping, crackling, and popping when sound is playing and I'm typing. It only seems to happen when I'm pressing keys on the keyboard. I installed those kX drivers someone else posted which fixed the problem immediatly, but they're too complicated for me to use so I'm forced to revert back to Creative drivers, at which point the problem comes back. It's not an IRQ conflict, and it happens with multiple sets of speakers, and keyboards. Also it happens with my old Audigy Gamer if I swap them out.
Does anyone have any ideas of what settings I could change to fix this?
Or at the very least...can anyone reccomend a new brand of soundcard? I don't really want to have to buy something new, but nothing is fixing this...

Dont worry, you are not the only one experiencing that problem.. I have it too when I upgraded my system to
CPU:Athlon64 3000+ 939
Memory : 2*52 Corsair
Dri'ves: 2 sata hdd, DVD-RW, DVD-ROM
Graphic: ATI X600 XT
And Creative Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro
And one wireless card (D-Link G520) plugged into one of the PCI slot
EDIT: Motherboard ASUS A8N-SLi
I was so annoyed by the pops, clicking, cracking noise, and I believe that it is creative that needs to do something about their driver. It is kind of impossible so many people are getting this same problem and the blame was put on user's do not know how to configure the system.
What I suggest is, for now, switch to your on board audio, and wait until creative does something about it, then switch it back..
I recently emailed them asking them what I could do to fix it, however they sent me this web, with tons of steps, and I followed each of them, but it still didn't work. I seriously dont think it is ur system's problem. I dont think mine has problem either.
Go to our web page at ... <A href="][/url] then selectthe Knowledge Base section. Then in the search field you will typesid656. This will open Solution ID #656 - Optimizing your system forbetter sound performance.
I believe its time for creative to do something about it. And of course for those who don't have problems at all, u guys are really lucky. But for us, its a torture to listen to loud clicks, pops, cracking sound during a music, movie, or game.
Pease fix it :`(
SamMessage Edited by samueltai on 05-27-2005 0:4 PM

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    I just got a new Audigy 2 ZS. My system is as follows:
    Athlon XP 2800+
    Gigabyte GA-7N400 Pro
    Nvidia 5900
    .5GB DDR
    Altec Lansing 4. speakers
    I have all the latest drivers and bios for everything. I've switched PCI slots and I've tried all the knowledge base action items. The speaker config is for 4/4. speakers.
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    Adobe Audition .5
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    If anyone can confirm this observation, then perhaps it will point toward a fix.

    Thanks for the tip. I tried it and unfortunately it didn't work.
    Since the card will produce clear sound when driving all 4 speakers, the card and speakers should be ok. I'm still getting the problem when any application is only driving 2 speakers. This one's a real head scratcher.

  • Audigy 2 ZS - snap, crackle, pop

    I know Creative cards are NOT the ones you want to use for professional audio, but I'm a gamer, too, so I bought this card primarily for gaming purposes.
    I've used multiple Creative drivers and ASIO4ALL with no change in my problem. Samplerates from 512/96000kHz to 1536/48000kHz. Whenever I play a VST, I frequently get crackles in the audio. This work with all output ports, tried with different speakers and headphones. As you can see, I've tried everything basically... The crackles become more frequent and severe when I have multiple VSTs loaded at once. Samples crackle the same as synthesis. I've also used multiple VST hosts with no difference. Nothing seems to help.
    This soundcard has become the biggest headache of my life. Does anyone experience this problem and know how to deal with it, other than simply buying a professional audio card from M-Audio or some other company?
    Edit: I forgot to mention the problem has nothing to do with my other hardware. I have an Athlon 2500@3200 and 1gb pc3200.
    Message Edited by farren on 06-10-2005 11:10 PM
    Message Edited by farren on 06-11-2005 02:47 AM

    When I used Asio4all many moons ago on my SBLive, that's what I remember seeing; stereo in - stereo out. That's why I remained unimpressed with it. I found the kx drivers more to my liking because of the routing options and flexibility it offered.
    Recently, I experimented with WDM on my 1820 to find out exactly how many ins and outs I would get out of WDM. Of course, stereo in only, but I was surprised to find that it now offered 8 outs! Since Asio4all is merely a WDM wrapper, the same would appear in your routing options. As a sidenote, I don't use WDM since I also have Cubase SL so pure ASIO is the way to go for me; I never once considered WDM or Asio4all. As someone recording multiple sources, having 2 inputs is severely limiting and since I mix in stereo, I don't really need multiple outs.
    I guess it's my bad for not checking the present version of Asio4all; but then again, I don't need it 'coz the 1.8 drivers for my 1820m have finally been released! Now let's see what this baby can REALLY do!
    My apologies for the confusion.
    Message Edited by KitC on 06-15-2005 09:01 AM

  • Audigy SE: Snap, crackle, pop / hardware not fo

    You think you have problems... take a look at mine... all CL relavent... I have a problem that Dell says they can't isolate, and sware they will make Creative's problem if our next course of action doesn't resolve the snap, crackles and pops in games (like Flight simulator 9 and 0, and WoW). Yes,?integrated MB?Sigmatel drivers (merge between CL and another company) and PCI SB cards have the same problems... Snap-crackle-pop and the continual "SCHHHHHH..." sounds. My system is a Dell, which of course, gives me a little support, but not much. Please read... With tech support through Dell from India and Canada, my system, w/o CL cards installed creates snap, crackles and popping sounds in any 3D engine game (like FS 9 and 0, and WoW). Dell has no idea how to solve this problem, after installing drivers for DX, doing and IDE config, reinstalling my onboard Sigmatel drivers, changing the hardware acceleration and sample rates, simply unplugging and plugging back in the input jack leading to the speakers, trying a CL's sound card, like the Audigy SE (with its own problems much like what my onboard integrated Sigmatel drivers do)...etc. Now, to all of you experiencing CL's problems, I have already tried updated drivers, moving the card from one PCI slot to another (through all PCI slots), adjusting volume levels, tried playing a DVD (couldn't hear anything well from the DVD beacuse the volume, though maxed out, wasn't loud enough), tried a SB 5. Dell Digital (same problems), and the list goes on. My system:?OS: Windows Media Center 2005Dell E50 3ghz P4 w/ ATI PCI hypermemory 256 video card(2) free PCI slots available after vidoe and TV out cardSigmatel integrated sound (not a 3D sound engine...they admitted that)2.5 gb DDR2 SDRAM, 400mhz?This isn't top of the line, but the next course of action from Dell is to wipe my system clean of WMC 2005 and install Windows XP Pro, at their cost, not mine (thank God for tech support extended warranty). At least then I will have CL driver's. After reading this post, however, and many on this forum, I find that CL's has not addressed the fundamental "problem". So, I wonder, after all is said and done, CL's hasn't really isolated the problem? What gives? It would appear the OS doesn't matter, so maybe the Chipset does? or is it the 3D sound engine? i am not a tech, and Dell tech support can't figure it out, either. So, any suggestions?

    ... and by the way, the cards won't even install with CL's software from the CD on to the system. The only way to get any of the cards to work, if at all, was to force the driver to work (going in and saying "I want THIS driver installed"). The software on the CD won't run (multiple digital, Audigy SE, li've 5., etc) nor will the downloaded drivers EXE file run. When I forced the driver to work I got the "SCHHHH" sound, instead of the advertised "PERFECT UPGRADE FROM THE BASIC MOTHERBOARD AUDIO TO OUTSTANDING MUSIC, MOVIE AND GAME SOUND". In my case, the sound was no-more superior than a fart in space.

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    Mate so far i have tried my soundcard on every slot in my machine, i have 5 slots and the only slot that will actaully recognise the card is the slot it normally uses, i've uninstalled and reinstalled, i've updated the drivers which was a waste of time, i've even cleaned the card and also where my PC is situated it is in a nice cool place, the room temp is actually cold, my pc is running at 33oC so theres no problem there with 5 fans inside it running it nice and cool. Temparature is not the issue, its these crap drivers that creative have made, my pc health is in very good condition and im running out of idea's on what to try next... i know its not an irq problem as i've checked that aswell so i dont think there is much more to check...
    A reply from Catherine or Dale wouldnt go a miss seeing as they seem to be the know all and end all of creative products, sorry if im sounding like im having a dig here, im just fed up with all the crap that creative are coming out with over this issue and not attending to the real problem and that is a solution to fixing these cards instead of blaming N-Videa all the time.
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  • I fixed my soundcard snap crackle pop is

    hello, good news i hope for all. ever since i upgraded my system to a 939 chip i experienced the dreaded snap crackle pop. i use to do the restart thing, then the problem would go away. untill recently i formated my ide hardri've in to 2 80gb dri'ves for xp, the other to x64. my free comcast mcafee antivirus would not work for x64 so i deleted x64. i still have the the option in my bios for which os i want to select xp pro or x64. but who cares. i can hit my sleep button or hibernate button and i don't have to restart. no snap crackle pop. my specs are (a8v) motherboard, (x2 4400+ dual core) cpu-oc'd to 2.45, (crucial ballistix tracer) memory 5:3 3-3-3-8 @246 , audigy 2sz platinum. i hope this work for all. i am sure you can resize your hardri've to give you more gb back. i am afraid to mess with it right now. i would like to know if this works for others.

    / Im on an X58 build too, except I run Crossfire, my XtremeGamer XFI PCI shares an IRQ with 2 pci express roots, and 5, and 2 microsoft UAA bus drivers(my cards have HDMI audio controllers) I get the worst crackling in BF242 during orbital strikes...... have you tried to update to INF 9..0.04?Message Edited by Radnsmash on 04-8-2009 2:00 PM

  • 10.4.10 Snap, Crackle, Pop - a workaround

    If you're suffering from the Snap, Crackle, Pop problem, here's a little workaround if you don't mind sacrificing some CPU cycles and know how to open the command line.
    The basic strategy is to use mpg123 to play a silent mp3 file continuously in the background. By doing this, the audio subsystem doesn't have a chance to go to sleep, and therefore the pops disappear.
    Open up a Terminal window
    cd ~
    mkdir nopop
    cd nopop
    bunzip2 mpg123-0.66.tar.bz2
    tar xvf mpg123-0.66.tar
    cd mpg123-0.66
    sudo make install
    obviously you can change the locations to your heart's content.
    The command below will play a 4 second silent mp3 file continuously until you log out. This means that the audio subsystem never goes to sleep, and therefore you won't get the Pops.
    mpg123 -Z -q ~/nopop/4second.mp3
    Perhaps one of you Cocoa programmers could package this up nicely for everyone else?
    On my macbook, it'll cost you about 2% of your CPU, but at least you won't get the pops.
    Any suggestions, improvements, feedback very welcome!

    cd ~
    # change the working directory to your home directory
    mkdir nopop
    # make a new directory called 'nopop' in your home directory
    cd nopop
    # make that directory your current directory
    # download a 4 second silent mp3 file
    # download the compressed source code archive for mpg123
    bunzip2 mpg123-0.66.tar.bz2
    # decompress the archive
    tar xvf mpg123-0.66.tar
    # extract the files from the archive (creates a new directory, 'mpg123-0.66')
    cd mpg123-0.66
    # make the new directory current
    # configure the source code so that it can be compiled on your mac
    # compile the source code, ready for installation
    sudo make install
    # running as administrator, install the mpg123 utility (into /usr/local/bin)
    If this is too complicated, I can make the mpg123 program and sound file available as part of a zip file - let me know.

  • Snap, Crackle and Pop!

    So I am pretty sure the answer is yes, but I unplugged my Time Capsule today in the hopes of resetting it, and when I went to replug it into the power supply all I heard was a snap, crackle and pop. Then, about 2-5 mins later I smelled burnt rubber...I am guessing this means my Time Capsule is pretty much dead?

    Would wireless transfer of data be slower than a USB connection? and ....I believe that there is a built in router withe Time Capsule? would this go down with my present BT router?...BT being my current ISP.
    Not John but can assist.
    Wireless is slower than USB. Are you currently using wireless to connect to the modem/router?
    If you want to use TC you can certainly turn off its router... it is there but optional..
    For iMac though an external drive is nothing bad.. and TM is faster and less issues than remote network drive. Definitely go for drive you plug directly into the iMac. And although USB is much easier to get and more readily available Firewire is the port of choice. You occasional see them for sale as FW is dropping out of popularity.

  • Disable 24-bit crystalizer... and where did the snap/crackle/pop

    For the longest time, I thought the crackling and popping was because of the CMSS3D Headphone option being enabled, but just for kicks, I tried disabling the 24-bit crystalizer, and poof! Where did the snap/crackle/pop go? It seems to be gone! I can li've without the crystalizer, after all there is really no way to make something sound better than the source. This gives me hope that it is a driver issue after all. I have a Rev A fatalty.

    It is still there... you cant just hear it as good anymore.. i never have crystalizer on, i still got my rice crispies. So good if you dont hear it anymore.. but i know this wont fix it for many of us. I can agree that if i have cmss3d enabled but have MacroFX and Elevation Filter off, the pops& crackles are lower in volume.

  • Snap, Crackle, & Pop! Not the cereal but rather, Audio problems.

    My 12 minute short has developed annoying audio Snaps, Crackles, and Pops. I saw a work around from a 2005 archived discussion that involves applying a blank title which works but now there is a pop at the end of each sequence that I insert.
    Is there anything a bit more current as in, did Apple fix this audio glitch yet (not for me ...on imovie6). If not, is there an effect that I can set to last for 12 minutes so I can sync our voices to the footage of the animated characters and not have this distraction? Also, sometimes when I play the movie thru, the sound that is there gets out of sync with the video. I stop the movie and start up again and it corrects itself.
    I have a maintainance program to repair permissions, dump cache, ect and have done that. Also re-installed the OSX software from a clean hard drive wipe and then upgraded to Tiger 10.8 (which the movie was created in). Any ideas?
    G4 Mirror Door Mac OS X (10.4.8) imovie6 - Available HD 50.3 GB

    My 12 minute short has developed annoying audio
    Snaps, Crackles, and Pops. I saw a work around from a
    2005 archived discussion that involves applying a
    blank title which works but now there is a pop at the
    end of each sequence that I insert.
    Is there anything a bit more current as in, did Apple
    fix this audio glitch yet (not for me ...on
    imovie6). If not, is there an effect that I can set
    to last for 12 minutes so I can sync our voices to
    the footage of the animated characters and not have
    this distraction? Also, sometimes when I play the
    movie thru, the sound that is there gets out of sync
    with the video. I stop the movie and start up again
    and it corrects itself.
    I have a maintainance program to repair permissions,
    dump cache, ect and have done that. Also re-installed
    the OSX software from a clean hard drive wipe and
    then upgraded to Tiger 10.8 (which the movie was
    created in). Any ideas?
    G4 Mirror Door Mac OS X (10.4.8)
    imovie6 - Available HD 50.3 GB
    Hi, Can you apply a very quick fade in and or fade out on the audio clips that are generating the noise. This works with Avid Express Pro, not sure if this will work with iMovie but you can give it a try. Are you monitoring the audio from the internal speaker, headphone jack, or are you running it through a mixer / amp / monitors, you could just be "clipping" audio (signal too hot) or the problem may be from within your external audio gear set up ( a bad patch cable, etc ) Hope this helps.
    Mac OS X (10.3.9)
    Mac OS X (10.3.9)
      Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

  • Whenever I call my home phone, I hear a lot of snap crackle pop sounds with 3G active.

    whenever I call my home phone, I hear a lot of snap crackle pop sounds with 3G active. If I turn off 3G, this stops. How do I fix this?

    there is no fix. It's a GSM 3G thing. I used to be able to go to the movies and put my phone next to a movie theatre speaker and it do the same thing....
    i just figured the newest 3G technologies did away with it

  • Snap crackle pop noices from iMac 27

    Brand new 27" making intermittent snap crackle pop sounds around the speaker area.
    Is it faulty electronics?   I am planning on taking back to store for an exchange. 
    Does anyone else expereince this with a late 12/13 iMac?

    Hello dawg,
    im experiencing this one too.. bought my brand new 27 inch imac and then 3 days later i hear this crackle pop noise around the speaker area. it gets less when im on the imac for about half an hour and disappears pretty much from there on.i've wondered if this is caused by the imac's external case heating up? bu the applecare employees say this can't be the case. so if somebody could tell hifidawg and me if this problem is just because we have the first ones with baby sickness or what? really leaning t,.wards asking for a new one later on... now just wait and cee if more people get this problem..
    let me hear from u plz,
    srry for the english im dutch
    grtz obi-k

  • Questions concerning the Snap-Crackle-P

    I have been contemplating purchasing a Creative X-Fi sound card.
    Before I decide to make a purchase, I would like to know a few details about the Snap-Crackle-Pop (SCP) issue.
    commonalities of the affects of Snap-Crackle-Pops (SCPs)
    . Are the SCPs an issue on all X-Fi cards?
    2. Does the SCP issue arise with the nVidia 590 chipset (AMD)?
    3. Do the motherboard onboard sound drivers affect the SCPs?
    <blockquote dir="ltr">a. Do the SCPs only happen with onboard audio drivers installed?
    b. Do the SCPs happen without the onboard audio drivers installed?
    [/quote]4. The X-Fi drivers
    <blockquote dir="ltr">a. Do the soundcard drivers need to be installed BEFORE the soundcard is installed?
    b. Do the soundcard drivers need to be installed AFTER the soundcard is installed?
    [/quote]5. Has anyone had any problems with the X-Fi cards on an EPoX motherboard?...(I could give a rats ass about GAYSUS).
    6. PCI bus
    <blockquote dir="ltr">a. If I remember correctly, I saw something about the SCP issue possibly being a result of the PCI bus? Is this true?
    b. Would overclocking the PCI bus help to eliminate this issue?
    [/quote]7. After reading as much as I could about the X-Fi cards (in the SCP forums) without getting a headache, I would probably say that the SCP issue is a problem regarding software and/or hardware. However, could it be something as simple as a bad ground? I didn't get to read everything about the problems people were having with their cards, but the symptoms that I have read about (Snap, Crackles, Pops, Hiss, Unexplained behavior, Surges, ect) all point to having a bad electrical ground. That may sound ignorant, but as odd as it may seem, some of the most complex problems are resolved by a simple solution.
    Anyway, relevant and detailed input would be appreciated (No fanboys).

    I have been contemplating purchasing a Creative X-Fi sound card.
    Before I decide to make a purchase, I would like to know a few details about the Snap-Crackle-Pop (SCP) issue.
    commonalities of the affects of Snap-Crackle-Pops (SCPs)
    . Are the SCPs an issue on all X-Fi cards?
    2. Does the SCP issue arise with the nVidia 590 chipset (AMD)?
    3. Do the motherboard onboard sound drivers affect the SCPs?
    <blockquote dir="ltr">a. Do the SCPs only happen with onboard audio drivers installed?
    b. Do the SCPs happen without the onboard audio drivers installed?
    [/quote]4. The X-Fi drivers
    <blockquote dir="ltr">a. Do the soundcard drivers need to be installed BEFORE the soundcard is installed?
    b. Do the soundcard drivers need to be installed AFTER the soundcard is installed?
    [/quote]5. Has anyone had any problems with the X-Fi cards on an EPoX motherboard?...(I could give a rats ass about GAYSUS).
    6. PCI bus
    <blockquote dir="ltr">a. If I remember correctly, I saw something about the SCP issue possibly being a result of the PCI bus? Is this true?
    b. Would overclocking the PCI bus help to eliminate this issue?
    [/quote]7. After reading as much as I could about the X-Fi cards (in the SCP forums) without getting a headache, I would probably say that the SCP issue is a problem regarding software and/or hardware. However, could it be something as simple as a bad ground? I didn't get to read everything about the problems people were having with their cards, but the symptoms that I have read about (Snap, Crackles, Pops, Hiss, Unexplained behavior, Surges, ect) all point to having a bad electrical ground. That may sound ignorant, but as odd as it may seem, some of the most complex problems are resolved by a simple solution.
    Anyway, relevant and detailed input would be appreciated (No fanboys).

  • Snap crackle pop issue....fixed - audigy 2 plat/

    My first post, Hope the title doesn't mislead/anger anyone, but i truly believe these solutions
    are uni'versal and can be applied with just about everyone.
    My card is almost 5 years old now or so... I've seen the frustration on this board about this
    nasty issue.... i felt SO bad for some of you guys that i just had to sign up and share my
    knowledge (or lack of!) for the multiple, possible 'fixes' to this. its not entirely CREATIVE's
    fault and there is ways to fix it, you just need a bit of Patience and the willingness to learn
    a bit more about your hardware if you arent too savy with tweaking it. this might of all been
    said before, but i really hope this helps some of you.
    Lets get the blahblahblah's outta the way just to be safe, shall we? Obviously, make sure your
    card isn't sharing an IRQ with a cd/dvd device, or any kind of hardware that transfers a lot of
    data constantly or uses a lot of power like a hard-dri've, maybe even certain gpu's. In my case,
    my bottom PCI-slot (3/3) only shares an irq with a USB port and as corny as it sounds it did
    improve the issue (i disabled that USB, but that isn't necessary its overkill/fail-safe
    precaution, probably doesn't even help at all, paranoia setting). download Si-Software Sandra to
    see exactly what belongs to where and what irq is being shared with what. Also before i forget,
    clean out your dri'ves with bleach/acid/napalm with a program such as Drivercleaner, just to be
    safe, right?
    If you have anything on your Motherboard that's VIA/raid related, its imperati've you upgrade the
    drivers for it, it could very well be your single solution, for example the latest via_hyperion did it for me and my particular setup just recently after a small hardware upgrade.
    this fixed the MAJORITY of the pops in several different machines with these motherboards as well
    i might add. Also make sure the Cable is newer than 2 years old, dirty worn cables can
    cripple/weird out any piece of hardware, that goes for HD's, CD roms, ...anything that uses
    IDE/serial cables etc. lots of people toss their dvd/cd roms out thinking they've used its
    life-span, when a brand new ide cable is all it really needed. but... this VIA/raid driver
    problem seems to be a pretty common fix in my experiences.
    Gamers who suffer from "sudden" or "random" pops here and there while gaming......... with time
    will notice this occurs usually when the HD is seeking a lot of info and is under a decent amount
    of stress, OBLIVION is a good example of the HD being as important as ram/cpu/gpu IMO. that's
    why....... "it seems to do it more (pops/cracks) with certain games than others". ACOUSTIC
    MANAGEMENT is Often to blame for this in My opinion, and some maxtor dri'ves come with this
    enabled from the factory (why, why why?!! ...die die die!!!). Imagine setting the In-game HD
    cache setting Tweak for obilivion enabled to , + Acoustic turns
    preformance into a bloody mess, and will (possibly, most likely?) crack annoyingly often whenever
    a new area is being loaded and sufficient data is being called, not to mention make a less
    experienced gamer think his machine is completely screwed for no reason. Acousitc Mangemtn
    enabled on a hard-dri've can be suicidal for certain games and will almost guarantee preformance
    issues, cracks, burns, bruises, broken bones, stab wounds.....and most likely the lovely POPS...
    the nasty loud firecracker can be so bad to the point where many of us will not even
    play anymore out of frustration, especially for you audiophiles... leaving us angry and desperate
    for a fix. Acoustic management CRIPPLES performance and destroys seek-time, that i AM sure of,
    so fix it anyway for your own good, unless you don't care for performance. Please, get rid of
    this nasty, possibly/commonly built in feature that turns a 7200rpm dri've into a 5400rpm (ouch),
    make SURE this is disabled for you maxtor/seagate HD owners who play games or just want better
    performance period. You'll have to google those instructions, I wouldnt dare say more.
    On a separate machine, "tad in" and "cd audio" had to be muted to stop a lot of it, as well as EAX
    effects (i know you love eax, but its worth the sacrifice) slider turned DOWN to 0% even when disabled.
    this may not be necessary for everyone, but a lot of us suffer from those soft "echoey crackles"
    and its a quick fix. im sure you've all read this "solution" 5 billion times, but it doesnt hurt
    to put it out there. that, or dxdiag or control panel audio properties the slider to Standard acceleration, better to lose eax IMO.
    there is no support or guarantee with this patch, and it supposedly doesn't support/work properly
    with XP Servicepack 2, however this worked on my dads machine and a friends' as well. GOOGLE
    "down vlatency", (not "download" vlatency) and click on the "" link and try his
    vlatency_v020_beta2.exe. this simply overrides some BIOS settings that many of us cant access
    easily or at all, and boosts IDE latency and on a lot of different PC setups and gives more
    juice to the PCI bus by editing how much the CPU will control the pci bus for, or something like
    that. point is, its a redbull for your PC's pci related bandwidth/juice management and it cant
    hurt to try (lets hope not j/k).
    i don't recommend messing with IRQ assignments in bios or pci latency utilities unless you really
    know what you're doing and consider yourself a power user, just a personal opinion, 32 is fine
    and a lot of people end up regretting messing with these settings.
    there is also the "turbo off" setting (think there's a "patch" for that registry setting too),
    but i seriously doubt it will resolve a users problem who suffers Heavily from this syndrome, but
    i guess you could try it.
    Last but not least, another "ghetto" fix that could improve your issue is killing your CMSS
    feature. i have no idea why that setting always acts up (at least for my machine it does) and
    causes rice crispies to go off.
    Its 2am on a Friday, I've been writing for a while, and i really don't know if i was clear enough
    with what i said, but no way im going back to read/correct cause ill be here forever. if you've all tried this before with no luck, sorry. i'm just trying to help if
    i can, and if 2 single words out of this post can even spark an idea to help fix somebodies rig, its worth it, right?
    Remember to never trust anyone with anything (especially advice) or put your hopes and dreams
    into a randomer's advice (such as mine!), keep in mind I'm just an average guy with no
    qualifications or credentials that could be wrong about EVERY single thing i just said, i could
    be completely out of my mind for all we know, listening to me could very well make your PC
    explode and set your house on warned!! haha that's my surgeon generals warning for ya. GOOD NIGHT and good luck!

    Here's the link to the download:
    Mac Pro 3.0   Mac OS X (10.4.10)   4GB RAM

  • Audigy 4-Snap-Crackle-

    I have a new Audigy 4 card. My issue is that I keep getting an annoying popping noise out of the speakers when playing music, watching TV on the computer, videos etc. I was hoping someone new of a fix because I'm at my witts end. I have a gateway computer 3.2GHZ Windows XP media edition and 4gb of memory.
    Things I have tried to date:
    Swapped out speakers: Not the speakers
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    Did everything on this page that creative has listed, but I still have the problem to include playing around with latency.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks all

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