Audio Background Noise Removal

I am thinking of taking the plunge with CS3 but have quick question re new audio soundbooth bundle. With PP2 I often edit a clip's audio in Audition (from within PP2) - It works well notably background noise removal. Does the soundbooth integration provide a similar easy workflow? Is soundbooth a point and shoot scaled down audition? Can I still use Audition from within PP CS3?
Thanks Mike

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    I've repeatedly encountered an unpleasant problem with the Background Noise Removal feature in Final Cut Pro X, both in 10.0.0 and 10.0.1.  If I turn Background Noise Removal on for a clip in the Timeline, and adjust the level to something other than the default of 50% (which creates squarium-like sound - I can't think when such a high setting would be appropriate), I eventually find that FCPX has thrown away all my levels and changed the level to 50% on all clips for which I have enabled Noise Removal.  I haven't yet figured out what action makes FCPX throw away my levels (simply quitting and starting again doesn't do it); but this has happened to me repeatedly over the course of the last three months.  Has anyone else seen this? - Dan Sallitt

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    For most categories, there are: the Final Cut effects; Logic effects; and Mac OS X effects (these are basically the same as you would find in Garageband) --- stay with the Logic effects!

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    Take a look at Audacity.
    Here's the process.
    Good luck.

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    insert a 5 second gap in the beginning of the timeline.

  • Audio Background Noise CS4

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    Thank you. I will check the correct answer as soon as Inail it if anyone can help me.
    Thank you.

    Your samples of video clips are old and noisy so this isn't going to help much, but it will put things in perspective.
    When films and professional videos are shot (tv shows, movies, etc.) the soundman (sound recorder / mixer ) on the set will get what is called "room tone" at the end of each scene.  This is just everyone being extremely quiet on the set for about 2 minutes while a sound recording is made of what the room sounds like when it is quiet.
    Sometimes there are lights that might be making a slight humming noise or there might be some air conditioning unit on the stage next door making some noise through the duct system...
    basically that "room tone" is background noise.
    That is used by the soundman to eliminate it from his soundtrack later on.  There are filters and special tricks to get rid of the noise.
    so the suggestions above have been about trying to steer you toward focusing on the "noise" part of your soundtrack so it can be eliminated.
    it won't be as easy for you as it is for someone who made a separate "room tone" track when the original recording was made.

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    I read that tutorial it is nice but I have only Final Cut Pro 4.5 HD not the SoundTrack Pro is there no option in FCP for editing audio I do not have much to edit I have to remove sound of a crow and in another video captured audio is having sound very low without increasing volume it is not possible to listen to it.
    So for this any thing that can be done within FCP.
    I have only Soundtrack 1.2 which is not professional version.

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    There are several 3rd party denoisers, they mostly work by first 'learning' the noise footprint of the audio, for which it is best to record a few seconds of silence (with an open mic).
    These will all do a decent to excellent (it all depends on the source material) job:
    Is it that background noise (traffic, talking etc) drowns out the words? Then you'd probably have more luck with (radical) eq-ing and/or notch filtering to find the most dominant frequency range of the speaker in relation to the background noise.
    As an interviewer myself I will point out that even with a small disctaphone you need to have some awareness of how the microphone picks up things. As soon as you nead to lean towards whoever you're talking to, just to make sure you're audible, the dictaphone on the table is probably recording mainly ambient noise, the interview being part of that. This is especially a problem when interviewing in a busy public space.

  • Removing background noise CS5

    Within my Premiere Pro project I extracted audio to soundbooth and used the Clean Up Audio > Capture Noise Print to reduce background noise.
    I set the Noise Reduction to 100% and Reduce By 30db which is what sounded best.
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    Here is the Original Premiere Pro asset and the After result by Soundbooth.
    Any suggestions?  Thxs.

    Reduce the settings, try 50% and 15db, see what that sounds like.

  • Removing background noise on only one of two tracks

    Hello and thank you in advanced for your help. I am new to STP but well versed in FCP. I've recently discovered the wonderful feature of removing background noise in my video clips.
    I'm having trouble with one instance though: I have footage shot with a microphone into only one channel of the camera. In FCP, I highlight that channel of audio and "send to" STP just as I have other clips. This time, however, no matter what I seem to try, both left and right audio channels show up in STP and I can't seem to separate them in order to remove the hiss from only one channel.
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    I'm not sure if I've explained my scenario the best, but I'd appreciate some assistance.
    Thank you!
    Eric P

    Make sure the stereo file is open in the Editor as an Audio file. Click inside the editor window area and move your mouse pointer up to the top of the left channel's window border. If done correctly a tiny "L" will appear. This lets you know you can select the left channel, or portions of it.
    Do the same for the right channel. However instead of moving the mouse pointer to the top area of the window, move it to the bottom of the Right channel's pane. Look for the tiny 'R."
    Proceed as normal: Set a noise print, adjust parameters, and process. You'll find only the selected channel will be processed.

  • Found Audacity for my background noise. Can I edit my audio files in the FCPX event folder in Finder?

    I think I found the solution to my background noise problem using Audacity.
    But can I edit my audio files that are in FCPX Event folder in Finder? Or do I actually have to edit my project all over again to put in new audio (edited by Audacity)?

    No, copying the whole Project and Event is just too much of a waste of time.
    Do this, in the Browser, select the audio file you need to take to Audacity.  Export it as a Master File, and in the Settings section of the Share window, set Format to Audio Only.  Set Audio File Format to AIFF.  Set Open With to "Other" and select Audacity.  Then pick your Desktop as the location to save the file.
    In Audacity, do whatever it is you want and save it.
    Back in FCP X, import the new "fixed" file, be sure to check the box to copy it to your Event folder.
    Finally, if necessary, do a Replace edit with the new version to the old one if it has already be edited into a Timeline.

  • Removing background "noise" from an interview recording

    I was wondering if it was possible on Soundtrack Pro to remove continuous background "noise" from a recorded interview? An example would be someone clicking a pen or a tapping his foot during the duration of the interview. Any advice would be extremely helpful.
    Thanks so much!

    It can, but what you are describing are not continuous, but points of sound. Continuous refers more to hums and vibrations, things like air conditioner noise or the sound of traffic. That said you can still give it a try. You can also try running the click and pop filter and see what you get.
    Regarding these point sources I have better luck removing them with Adobe's Soundbooth. Their cascading frequency display allows you to draw irregular shapes around sounds like these and then extract them without disturbing the other sounds around them.
    Take a look at the manual.
    Good luck

  • Remove Background Noise

    Im trying to remove some background noise (pool sweeper clicking) in a video documentary of my mother-in-laws life (has cancer).
    It is a really annoying sound (clicking) I have tried to set a noise print and remove it but i cant seem to get a print of just the noise because she is talking all the time.
    I am a new-bee to sound track and I'm unsure if I am doing the right thing. is there anyone that can give me some idea on what i would need to do?
    Any Help / Tutorials would be greatly appreciated.

    If there are various sounds in the background, the noise and ambient print may not work so well as it covers too broad a range of tones. You might try a very narrow EQ reduction, trying to find the frequency the click is at. You probably won't be able to get rid of it completely, but you may be able to reduce it some.

  • Remove background noise from imovie '09

    Can I remove background noise from imovie '09 more than one clip at a time?

    Ya you got it rightly I read a guide here
    so I am aware of basic things at least.Like you gave an example of Main Parameter in your previous reply similarly I feel if some where I can get these parameters in Filter what do they do that may help.

  • Reduce background noise and increase audio volume?

    I have a movie with very bad static/background noise and low volume. I've been playing around the NewBlue cleaner AB, but I have yet to get a satisfactory results. Any hints/tips that might help me out? Or is it not powerful enough to get a good result?
    Also, I've noticed the volume becomes even lower after running the filter.
    How do I adjust the "clip volume" in edit effects past 6dB? If this is not possible, why?
    Thank you!

    Well, increasing the audio volume is easy. But doing it without also increasing your background noise is much harder. In fact, unless it's of a specific frequency that you can filter out, it's pretty much impossible. That's why a lot of Hollywood movies and TV shows have to "loop" or re-record dialogue for a scene if there was too much wind or background noise.
    The easiest way to raise a clip's audio level is to click on it and select Audo Gain, and then increase the gain level.
    This, though, won't get rid of the background noise.
    Bill Hunt has some tips that may be helpful.

  • HELP! "Reduce background noise" changes from audio clip to clip, even though the percentage is the SAME. At my wit's end...

    I am working on a lengthy editing project and am near tears at this point. Any and all advice would be deeply appreciated.
    I am using  a2012 MacBook Pro running Mavericks (10.9.5) and iMovie 10. I have been using the "reduce background noise" feature in iMovie 10, with movies where audio is detached, and I have a series of clips stitched together (the result of editing, or adding voiceovers). I'll add 4% reduce to the first clip, and it sounds great. I do the same to the second clip and it sounds as though the setting is at 100% — even if it's at 0%. In other words, the audio is really distorted.
    I have tried relaunching iMovie and the MacBook itself, to no avail. The first clip is fine, all those that follow sound horrible, no matter how I change the setting.
    Again, any and all advice or suggestions would be very welcome. Thanks!

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