Audio gets cut off at the beginning of slides

I created a presentation with voice over narration, which is to be delivered via the internet.  The problem I am having is that the first couple seconds of each slide narration often get clipped. I've tried many different approaches to fix this.  One that has been marginally effective, but not 100%, is to leave a second or two of silence at the beginning of each slide.  I have also tried all of the different preload settings and lowered the audio quality as well. I just wish there was a way to make each slide pause until enough of the audio track was transferred, then start playing. Has anyone else had this problem, or better yet had any success fixing it?  Thanks in advance.

If you have not upgraded to version 7 you should do that.
If you have upgraded to Version 7, be sure to do the updates to 7.0.5
Go to the Help menu and select 'About Adobe Presenter' to see what version, if it is 7.0, to 7.0.2 you need to update it
drop down the help menu again and you will see an 'update' option.
you need to install in order - 7.0.1, then 7.0.2 then 7.0.5 - you cannot install all at once
another thing you might want to do is open the file you are working on in 7.0.5 snd save it out with a new filename in a new location to combat that pesky problem of the 'media.ppcx' file disappearing....

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  • Audio clips cutting off at the beginning, after replacing audio.

    I have received an fla for a complex game, and have been directly replacing the audio clips in it with new ones with the same file name. The game randomly chooses themes, displaying text and a corresponding audio clip.  After replacing the old files with the new ones, out of 20 audio clips, about 6 of them get cut off at the beginning. There is no discernible difference in the length of the clips, or empty space at the beginning between the original audio files and the new ones.
    Is it possible that there is something happening in the actionscript that could be causing the problem? The fla calls a file calls, this is the code in the file, case the answer is in there somewhere:
    import utils.Randomise;
    public static var THEME_1:String = "sports";
    public static var THEME_2:String = "music";
    public static var THEME_3:String = "pets";
    public static var THEME_4:String = "flying";
    public static var THEME_5:String = "new teeth";
    public static var THEME_6:String = "hats";
    public static var THEME_7:String = "bikes";
    public static var THEME_8:String = "swimming";
    public static var THEME_9:String = "zoos";
    public static var THEME_10:String = "shoes";
    public static var THEME_11:String = "bedtime stories";
    public static var THEME_12:String = "moving house";
    public static var THEME_13:String = "cleaning your teeth";
    public static var THEME_14:String = "films";
    public static var THEME_15:String = "painting and drawing";
    public static var THEME_16:String = "food";
    public static var THEME_17:String = "drinks";
    public static var THEME_18:String = "the seaside";
    public static var THEME_19:String = "trees";
    public static var THEME_20:String = "boats";
    public static var CURRENT_THEME:String;
    public static var TOPICS_SPORT:Array = ["football","cricket","tennis","balls","bowling"];
    public static var TOPICS_MUSIC:Array = ["guitar","recorder","notes"];
    public static var TOPICS_PETS:Array = ["fish","hamster","dog","rabbit","mouse"];
    public static var TOPICS_FLYING:Array = ["plane_green","plane_yellow","plane_small"];
    public static var TOPICS_NEW_TEETH:Array = ["teeth"];
    public static var TOPICS_HATS:Array = ["hat1","hat2","hat3"];
    public static var TOPICS_BIKES:Array = ["bike1","bike2","bike3"];
    public static var TOPICS_SWIMMING:Array = ["goggles","flippers","rubber_ring"];
    public static var TOPICS_ZOO:Array = ["octopus","monkey","snake","dolphin"];
    public static var TOPICS_SHOES:Array = ["shoes1","shoes2","shoes3"];
    public static var TOPICS_BOOKS:Array = ["book1","book2","book3"];
    public static var TOPICS_MOVING:Array = ["box1","box2","box3"];
    public static var TOPICS_CLEANING_TEETH:Array = ["toothpaste"];
    public static var TOPICS_FILM:Array = ["projector","camera"];
    public static var TOPICS_DRAWING:Array = ["pencil"];
    public static var TOPICS_FOOD:Array = ["cake"];
    public static var TOPICS_DRINK:Array = ["tea_pot","cups"];
    public static var TOPICS_SEASIDE:Array = ["sandcastle","bucket","spade","crabs"];
    public static var TOPICS_TREES:Array = ["tree1","tree2","tree3"];
    public static var TOPICS_BOATS:Array = ["boat1","boat2","boat3"];
    public static function fGetTopicsByTheme(p_nLength:Number):Array{
    var l_aTopics:Array = new Array();
    var l_aChosen:Array = new Array();
    case THEME_1: l_aTopics = TOPICS_SPORT.slice(); break;
    case THEME_2: l_aTopics = TOPICS_MUSIC.slice(); break;
    case THEME_3: l_aTopics = TOPICS_PETS.slice(); break;
    case THEME_4: l_aTopics = TOPICS_FLYING.slice(); break;
    case THEME_5: l_aTopics = TOPICS_NEW_TEETH.slice(); break;
    case THEME_6: l_aTopics = TOPICS_HATS.slice(); break;
    case THEME_7: l_aTopics = TOPICS_BIKES.slice(); break;
    case THEME_8: l_aTopics = TOPICS_SWIMMING.slice(); break;
    case THEME_9: l_aTopics = TOPICS_ZOO.slice(); break;
    case THEME_10: l_aTopics = TOPICS_SHOES.slice(); break;
    case THEME_11: l_aTopics = TOPICS_BOOKS.slice(); break;
    case THEME_12: l_aTopics = TOPICS_MOVING.slice(); break;
    case THEME_13: l_aTopics = TOPICS_CLEANING_TEETH.slice(); break;
    case THEME_14: l_aTopics = TOPICS_FILM.slice(); break;
    case THEME_15: l_aTopics = TOPICS_DRAWING.slice(); break;
    case THEME_16: l_aTopics = TOPICS_FOOD.slice(); break;
    case THEME_17: l_aTopics = TOPICS_DRINK.slice(); break;
    case THEME_18: l_aTopics = TOPICS_SEASIDE.slice(); break;
    case THEME_19: l_aTopics = TOPICS_TREES.slice(); break;
    case THEME_20: l_aTopics = TOPICS_BOATS.slice(); break;
    if(l_aTopics.length < p_nLength){
    //make it long enough!
    var l_nDif:Number = p_nLength - l_aTopics.length;
    for(var i:Number = 0; i< l_nDif; i++){
    //add the list itself, in case its length is 1!
    l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(l_aTopics);
    //now trim it
    l_aChosen = l_aTopics.slice(0,p_nLength);
    return l_aChosen;
    * get a random selection of topics of a fixed length, not including those from the chosen theme
    public static function fGetRandomTopics(p_nItems:Number):Array{
    var l_aTopics:Array = new Array();
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_1) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_SPORT);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_2) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_MUSIC);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_3) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_PETS);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_4) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_FLYING);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_5) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_NEW_TEETH);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_6) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_HATS);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_7) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_BIKES);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_8) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_SWIMMING);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_9) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_ZOO);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_10) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_SHOES);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_11) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_BOOKS);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_12) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_MOVING);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_13) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_CLEANING_TEETH);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_14) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_FILM);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_15) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_DRAWING);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_16) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_FOOD);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_17) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_DRINK);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_18) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_SEASIDE);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_19) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_TREES);
    if(CURRENT_THEME != THEME_20) l_aTopics = l_aTopics.concat(TOPICS_BOATS);
    l_aTopics = Randomise.fRandomise(l_aTopics);
    return l_aTopics.slice(0,p_nItems);
    public static function fGetThemeByTopic(p_sTopic:String):String{
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_SPORT)) return THEME_1;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_MUSIC)) return THEME_2;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_PETS)) return THEME_3;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_FLYING)) return THEME_4;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_NEW_TEETH)) return THEME_5;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_HATS)) return THEME_6;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_BIKES)) return THEME_7;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_SWIMMING)) return THEME_8;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_ZOO)) return THEME_9;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_SHOES)) return THEME_10;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_BOOKS)) return THEME_11;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_MOVING)) return THEME_12;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_CLEANING_TEETH)) return THEME_13;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_FILM)) return THEME_14;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_DRAWING)) return THEME_15;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_FOOD)) return THEME_16;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_DRINK)) return THEME_17;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_SEASIDE)) return THEME_18;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_TREES)) return THEME_19;
    if(fIsInList(p_sTopic,TOPICS_BOATS)) return THEME_20;
    return "";
    private static function fIsInList(p_s:String,p_aList:Array):Boolean{
    var l_n:Number = p_aList.length;
    var l_b:Boolean = false;
    for(var i:Number = 0; i < l_n;i++){
    if(p_aList[i] == p_s){
    //trace("!!! ** match >> " + p_aList[i] + " matches " + p_s);
    l_b = true;
    return l_b;
    public static function fRandomTheme():String{
    var l_aThemes:Array = [THEME_1,
    //THEME_10, << removed the shoes topic as we didn't have the audio for it!
    var l_s:String = String(Randomise.fPickRandom(l_aThemes));
    CURRENT_THEME = l_s;
    return l_s;
    public static function fGetHeader(p_n:Number):String{
    var l_sHeader:String = "Can you find " + p_n + " people who ";
    l_sHeader += fGetActivity();
    l_sHeader += "?";
    return l_sHeader;
    public static function fGetEndTxt(p_n:Number):String{
    var l_sTxt:String = "That's brilli-Ant! You found " + p_n + " people who ";
    l_sTxt += fGetActivity();
    l_sTxt += "!";
    return l_sTxt;
    public static function fGetActivity():String{
    var l_sHeader:String ="";
    case THEME_1: l_sHeader += "played sports today"; break;
    case THEME_2: l_sHeader += "are learning a musical instrument"; break;
    case THEME_3: l_sHeader += "have a new pet"; break;
    case THEME_4: l_sHeader += "have been flying"; break;
    case THEME_5: l_sHeader += "have lost a tooth"; break;
    case THEME_6: l_sHeader += "are wearing a hat"; break;
    case THEME_7: l_sHeader += "can ride a bike"; break;
    case THEME_8: l_sHeader += "went swimming"; break;
    case THEME_9: l_sHeader += "went to the zoo"; break;
    case THEME_10: l_sHeader += "have new shoes"; break;
    case THEME_11: l_sHeader += "read a book"; break;
    case THEME_12: l_sHeader += "are moving house"; break;
    case THEME_13: l_sHeader += "cleaned their own teeth"; break;
    case THEME_14: l_sHeader += "watched a film"; break;
    case THEME_15: l_sHeader += "drew a picture"; break;
    case THEME_16: l_sHeader += "baked a cake"; break;
    case THEME_17: l_sHeader += "made a cup of tea"; break;
    case THEME_18: l_sHeader += "went to the beach"; break;
    case THEME_19: l_sHeader += "climbed a tree"; break;
    case THEME_20: l_sHeader += "have been in a boat"; break;
    return l_sHeader;
    public static function fGetSuggestion():String{
    var l_sTxt:String = ""
    case  THEME_1: l_sTxt = "How many sports can you think of that you play with a ball? How many of them have you played?"; break;
    case  THEME_2: l_sTxt = "Do you know any songs? Why not sing it right now?"; break;
    case  THEME_3: l_sTxt = "How about taking the dog for a walk? You don’t have a dog? Take someone else’s dog for a walk!"; break;
    case  THEME_4: l_sTxt = "Not everyone can go flying, but everyone can fly a kite! Why don’t you make your own kite and see if it flies?"; break;
    case  THEME_5: l_sTxt = "Have you got a wobbly tooth? Don’t forget to put it under your pillow when it falls out!"; break;
    case  THEME_6: l_sTxt = "Does your Mum have a hat? What does it look like on you?"; break;
    case  THEME_7: l_sTxt = "Can your Dad ride a bike? Why don’t you ask him?"; break;
    case  THEME_8: l_sTxt = "Can your Mum swim? Why don’t you ask her?"; break;
    case  THEME_9: l_sTxt = "How many animals can you think of that begin with the letter M? Ask someone else and see who thinks of the most!"; break;
    //case  THEME_10: l_sTxt = "shoes..."; break;
    case  THEME_11: l_sTxt = "What’s your favourite bedtime story? Can you read it to yourself?"; break;
    case  THEME_12: l_sTxt = "Have you ever moved house? Why not ask a grown-up about a time when they moved house?"; break;
    case  THEME_13: l_sTxt = "Have you cleaned your teeth today? I hope so! How many toothbrushes are there in your bathroom?"; break;
    case  THEME_14: l_sTxt = "What was the last film you saw? Do you have a favourite? Ask a grown-up to tell you about their favourite film!"; break;
    case  THEME_15: l_sTxt = "You can draw your news too! Draw a picture of what you did today!"; break;
    case  THEME_16: l_sTxt = "Have you ever baked a cake? Cooking can be fun - and if you make something delicious, that’s definitely news!"; break;
    case  THEME_17: l_sTxt = "Fruits make great drinks. How many different fruits can you think of that you can drink?"; break;
    case  THEME_18: l_sTxt = "You can do lots of different things at the beach. How many different things can you think of?"; break;
    case  THEME_19: l_sTxt = "Can you see any trees outside the nearest window? How many can you see?"; break;
    case  THEME_20: l_sTxt = "Why don’t you make your own boat and see if it floats in the bath?"; break;
    return l_sTxt;
    Any help would be extremely appreciated.
    Thank you,

    If you have not upgraded to version 7 you should do that.
    If you have upgraded to Version 7, be sure to do the updates to 7.0.5
    Go to the Help menu and select 'About Adobe Presenter' to see what version, if it is 7.0, to 7.0.2 you need to update it
    drop down the help menu again and you will see an 'update' option.
    you need to install in order - 7.0.1, then 7.0.2 then 7.0.5 - you cannot install all at once
    another thing you might want to do is open the file you are working on in 7.0.5 snd save it out with a new filename in a new location to combat that pesky problem of the 'media.ppcx' file disappearing....

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    I got a text saying that I don't pay my bill, my service is going to get cut off by the end of the day. I don't have the funds to pay it in full, so I paid half the amount. Would that suffice? Or would I have to pay it in its entirety to save my service from being cut off?

    As it was pointed out making prior arrangements could of helped extend the time you need to get your account back in order..
    But if you have to have the phone and its the only thing you have to make calls, I would try other means ( Family, Friends, or other )  to get the rest of the balance payed and you can pay at a Corporate store using the stores Kiosk machine.!   You can pay with Cash, Credit or I think with a  check  but using a check I'd ask the Local store how the policy is on that..
    Hope that Helps.!  Good luck..

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    When uploading videos to iWeb, the video screen gets cut off at the top. It only happens in Firefox, but not in Safari. Has anybody else had this problem?

    I'm using pure HTML5 for mobile websites although you need to provide an OGG file for Firefox. See the movie page on this site...
    If you don't have an iPhone, grab the browser handle and drag it to the left to reduce the width to see how it responds to mobile devices' fixed width browsers .
    This will play in all modern browsers and on mobile devices. You can use QuickTime Pro for the OGG or OGV conversion or get the freeware Miro Video Converter...
    If you only want to upload an MP4, you can use a flash fallback player and this will cover Firefox and those geriatrics that still use older versions of Internet Explorer....
    If you use any of the four fallback players above, take advantage of the fact that you can add a poster image and stop the video file from preloading. This makes for a faster page download time.
    You can also achieve this using HTML5 by adding preload="none" and poster="URL to the poster image" into the code shown on this page...

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    I downloaded this album but some of the songs are not complete they get cut off at the end what can i do?

    If you are in a country where re-downloading is possible (iTunes in the Cloud and iTunes Match Availability by Country -, delete the track and download again (Downloading [using iOS or computer] past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store -  See tips on downloading in
    If you cannot download a second time, contact iTunes Store support staff through the report a problem links in your account history or,
    iTunes Customer Service Contact - > Get iTunes support via Express Lane > iTunes > iTunes Store

  • Tape delay gets cut off in the middle of a project

    I'm working on a multichannel 24bit, 48kHz audio project in Soundtrack Pro version 1.1.
    I'm using WAVs as source material.
    One of the audiotracks contains a short sample of 1 second, that has a Tape Delay effect on it with the feedback on 55%, so it keeps repeating for about a minute. At least, that's what is should do.
    The problem is that it gets cut off after around 15 seconds.
    This does not happen when I solo the track or some of the tracks.
    I've converted the 24bit, 48kHZ source WAVs to 24bit & 16bit AIFFs, but this doesn't make a difference.
    I found a work around, by solo exporting & importing the track with the delay on it, but this is not how it should be.
    Has anyone had similar problems and maybe found a solution?
    G5 Dual 1.8Ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    For everybody who has the same problem: I found a solution.
    Soundtrack appears to end an effect abruptly after around 15 seconds when there are no new clips on the timeline in that track.
    The solution is adding 'silent clips' in those tracks every 10 or 15 seconds for as long as the effect has to continue. Not very elegant, but it works.

  • Captivate 5: Audio is cut-off at the end of the published file

    I'm using Captivate 5. I published my projects to Flash 10 (SWF/HTM) format and the audio is always cut-off at the end. For example, if my last slide has this audio "Thank you for time and have a good day.", what you will hear is only "Thank you for your ti" or "Thank you for your time and have". This only happens on the published file. The audio is not cut-off when you preview the project.
    Here are additional observations:
    -> If I published with playback controls, the audio is cut-off the first time i view the output; however, the second time I view the output or if I drag the playhead, the audio is no longer cut-off. The timing of the elements (mouse, highlights, audio, etc.) is also way better when I view it the second time versus the first time.
    -> If I published without playback controls, the audio is always cut-off no matter how many times I view the flash file.
    -> I have tested publishing to Flash with different # of slides (10 slides, 50 slides, 100 slides) and the result is the same. So I don't think it has something to do with the number of slides.
    > Note also that the last slide has enough audio to match the slide's length. So I don't know why it's cut-off.
    Thank you in advance for your assistance.

    Hi MagicBBB,
    A patch to address this issue is available. Check for updates from the application through Help >> Updates.
    Also have a look at the release notes here.
    Please try out the patch and let me know.
    Ashwin Bharghav B
    Adobe Captivate Team

  • HT203175 I recently updated my iphone 4 with the 6.0 updatw, ever since my i heart radio app has been acting up. While listening the words get cut off and the stations just quit playing.

    I recently updated my iphone 4 with the 6.1 update. Ever since then my iheart radio app has been acting up. While listening words are getting cut off as well the stations just cut off playing. I have tried shutting my phone down and turning it back on but it doesn.t seem to help.

    i have same problem in UK - my phone no longer works with my car cable - it will charge the phone, my ipad works fine, as does my old itouch so I know that the cable is ok.  It comes up with no connection even though it is charging it. It used to be fine I dont understand why this would happen?

  • Why does Large text in a Form get cut off at the top when I save it as a PDF

    Hi. I've created a form in Acrobat with 2 text fields. I set the size to 40pt and 30pts using Helvetica. When I fill out the form and save-as a PDF the text displays as cut off at the top.
    Here's what I've tried so far:
    Making the text fields MUCH larger than the font.
    Changing fonts. I've tried Helvetica, Verdana, Arial
    Selecting Multi-line
    Does anyone know how I can keep it from cutting off? The only solution I've been able to find thus far is reducing the font size significantly, which is not an option.

    I'm using Acrbat Pro version 10.1.4
    The text looks perfect in Acrobat. I'm choosing File > Save As from Acrobat and then when I open it with Preview or Reader it cut's off the text.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Events Created in iCal get cut off Below the Screen

    For the last few versions, iCal has had a problem with Event windows going below the screen; when this happens, users can no longer see what they are typing in the Event. I was able to duplicate this problem on every current Mac model in an Apple Store, so it is not a hardware issue, or an issue with screen size. Models tested include all MacBook Pros, Macbook, MacBook Air, iMac, Mac Pro with 24" Display, and Mac Pro with 30" Cinema Display. The problem was also reproduced by Apple Support.
    I use a MacBook Pro 15" with a display resolution of 1440 x 900. All software is up to date. (Mac OS 10.6.1, and iCal 4.0, Build 1362). Here are the steps to reproduce the problem:
    1) Set the System Preferences for the Dock to 'Automatically hide and show the Dock', to get it out of the way.
    2) In iCal 'Month View', create a new Event in any day on the bottom row of the calendar.
    3) The easiest way to duplicate the problem is to type about 7 lines of text in the 'note' section.
    If more than 7 lines total (in Event Description and 'note' sections) are entered, the bottom of the Event pop-up window goes below the screen and is obscured. This means that if you are typing something in the 'note' section, you cannot see what you are typing. Also, the 'Done' button can no longer be accessed when you are finished.
    NOTE: When you leave the Event, then come back to edit it again, the window often moves up, eliminating the cut-off problem, but this does not always happen.
    Here are the two problems that need to be fixed in order for the user to be able to view what is being typed, and to access the 'Done' button when finished:
    1) The Event Description window (at the top of the Event) currently will stop moving the bottom down after typing 4 lines, and then begins to scroll upward, in order to save space. However, at this point, the 'Done' button has already disappeared below the screen. This needs to changed so that the 'Done' button never goes below the bottom edge of the screen.
    2) When typing in the 'note' window of the Event, a vertical bar eventually appears on the right, but only after the bottom lines of text have disappeared below the screen. The data ABOVE the note window begins to scroll up, but the bottom area of the note remains obscured, so users cannot see what they are typing. Moving the bar up and down still does not let users see what they are typing below the screen. The 'note' window needs to be changed to scroll like the Event Description window does, and not have the 'Done' button go below the bottom edge of the screen.
    NOTE: A similar problem happens in Day View and Week View, when listed Events start going below the bottom edge of the screen. They do not scroll either, and everything past a certain point cannot be viewed. Scrolling would solve this problem as well. In the absence of scrolling, the only way around that problem currently, is to cut Events from that day and paste them into another day. Then you can see the rest of the Events.
    So, anyone else out there notice these problems or have an explanation for them?

    Can you drag the bottom right corner of the Safari window to the left then click and hold the title bar and move the window to the right?
    You can zoom in Safari on your keyboard, Command + or -

  • I am using Acrobat Reader 11.0.10 . I cant print mixed originals and also I cannot print letter size correctly . printing of first two pages ok but the rest gets cut off at the top

    How can I print from MAC with Acrobat Reader. I can't seem to get it to print correctly , first two pages of letter size works ok after the remaining pages get moved up and the printing is cut off.

    I arrived here looking for a solution!  And while reading your post the penny dropped that I didn't have a serious problem.  I have a booklet of 112 pages and all I needed to do was re-order the pages as printed so that 1 is followed by a sheet with 2 on the under-face but same side and so on.  The pages had printed back to front and needed flipping.  But then I have a duplex printer and maybe that makes a difference.  Is it to do with your manual duplexing and the order that the second pass is presented to the printer.  As my duplex sheets effectively needed flipping over each one I'm wondering if you can solve your problem with a little experimentation and re-ordering before your second pass.

  • Content getting cut off at the top on my mobile Firefox

    Hi - after the most recent update to my mobile Firefox browser (on a Galaxy GT-19300, running Android 4.1.2) its started to cut off the top of my content on certain websites I've built using a full screen background slideshow: . These are all fine on Chrome and Bing on my phone, and they're Ok on my desktop's Firefox, Chrome etc.... any thoughts? Thanks, Sean.

    Tried that thanks, no joy.

  • Bluetooth Audio gets cut off during iMovie editing

    Hey Users,
    Just started using iMovie09 and finding some "bugs".
    When moving clips from the event window to the project window, bluetooth audio randomly gets severed, and the only way to get it back is to turn off then turn back on the device.
    Anyone else having this problem?

    Hey Seatpant Flyers, just another tag on this bug. Not just adding event clips to the project destroys bluetooth but only skimming the mouse along the project will blow away the Bluetooth sound. FWIW.

  • Things getting cut off on the bottom

    On the bottom of my facebook games AND on the bottom of youtube videos... I cannot see about 1 inch
    of the bottom of the screen.
    I tried re-installing... No change. Not sure what to do.
    Using ie8
    Windows 64x
    Newest flash.

    Hi, You may want to go to this site: Right click on the Flash logo, Settings,
    then UNcheck the hardware acceleration in Display Settings.
    I hadn't heard of what you are experiencing before, so it may not be Flash Player related. Try the above, that is the only thing I can suggest.

  • Audio cutting off at the end of audio clips w no change in waveform?

    Audio cuts off right at the end of some of my clips... I can still see the waveforms that have the full audio on them, but no audio plays for those last two or three seconds! My audio level is the same throughout the clip, so its not like its fading out or anything. This has been happeneing for a few weeks now, in multiple seperate projects.

    Hi David,
    Thanks for the response. I did look at the song that got cut off and it's a .m4a file. However, I also have normal audio that comes from an external Zoom recorder in .wav format that is getting cut off in the same way. The strange thing is I've never had a problem with this before a couple weeks ago. I've used this same song before and my external audio is always in .wav format

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