Audio indication of pending notifications (sort of)

Every cell phone I have previously had would do the following:
     If there were any unanswered incoming calls and/or
     if there were aNy voice mails waiting for me...
I would get an audio "reminder" beep of some type like every 5, 10 or 15 minutes.
I find this to be a great feature, otherwise I have to continually fire up the iPhone and LOOK at the screen and see if there are any pending notifications. As it stands now, I will go for HOURS not knowing that I misssed a call or have a voice mail waiting, since I dont grab the phone every so often to "check" the display.
Is there any way to set up my iPhone to give me these audio "notifications" of misssed calls or waiting emails?
Or is this something that there may be a seperate App that can do (if so, I cannot find one).
Not having this functionality is seriously annoying and a real deteriment as to the iPhone truly meeting my needs,

I've been searching for ananswer ot the same question. But I have a plain iPhone 4 from Verizon.
Did you ever get a way to solve the problem thorugh Apple?
Have you found an app that will work?
I've had no luck with any of these and just continue to miss important calls.
<Edited By Host>

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    This is not an option in itunes. The only way to rectify the problem is to rename each track with a prefix so that the alphabetical order is the actual order. I have been trying to solve this problem for a couple of years, hoping that each itunes update will come with a fix, but nothing. As it turns out, if I had spent less time searching every forum and discussion on the web to solve this problem and just changed the names in the first place, I could have saved myself a ridiculous amount of time. Good luck.

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    Hi, welcome to Apple Discussions.

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    Sorry but there isn't any options for what you are asking. if you care to suggest it.

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    FWIW, none of these devices are actually driverless. They rely on drivers either supplied separately by some company (not necessarily the vendor of the product) or bundled into the OS. Usually, the bundled drivers are based on open standards like UVC mentioned in the link. Apple writes a lot of the bundled driver code itself but some of it comes from outside sources like LSI or Intel.
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    Here is my post from another thread concerning the same issue:
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    I am currently rendering my project after changing the sequence's editing mode to Quicktime ProRes Proxy to see if it will help. Preview is still preview but as you said maybe the issue is to be with preview settings set to i-frame mpeg. I have read about the mpeg importer plugin to be an issue in previous versions of premiere pro concerning issues with media pending but i might be wrong.
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    For Adobe support and for others to know here is a wiki concerning the issue in CS5. FAQ:Why does my clip show as "media pending"? - Adobe Premiere Pro

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    Sort Album Artist : Audio Bullys
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    Cheers Nick

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  • KIMYONG: Outbound Workflow Notification Event Message 를 tracking하는 방법

    Outbound Workflow Notification Event Message 가 발송됐으나 user가 받아보지 못한경우 가 발생했으나 user
    이를 tracking하는 방법을 알아보고자 한다.
    1. notification 이 발송될때 event발생한다
    event key 로 Notification ID 를 사용한다.
    2. 다음 조건에서만 The e-mail notification이 발송된다.
    i) Notification status is OPEN or CANCELED
    ii) Notification mail_status is MAIL or INVALID
    SELECT status, mail_status
    FROM wf_notifications
    WHERE notification_id = '&nid';
    iii) Recipient Role has a valid e-mail address and notification preference is in the format MAIL%
    SELECT email_address,
    nvl(WF_PREF.get_pref(name, 'MAILTYPE'),notification_preference)
    FROM wf_roles
    WHERE name = upper('&recipient_role');
    iv) Workflow Deferred Agent Listener is running
    v) Workflow Notification Mailer is running
    3. e-mail로 발송되기전 message가 2번 정지한다.
    Raised --> WF_DEFERRED Queue --> Processed by Deferred Agent Listener --> WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT Queue --> Processed by Notification Mailer and sent as e-mail
    4.을 dispatch 할때 error가 발생하면
    message 는WF_ERROR queue에 enqueue되고 .
    Error Agent Listener 가 WF_XML.Error_Rule 을 수행하는 의
    ERROR subscription 을 dispatch합니다.
    5. notification id 와 WF_DEFERRED and WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue 의 message stauts 등을 확인하기 위해 $FND_TOP/sql/wfmlrdbg.sql 를 수행합니다.
    PROCESSED in WF_DEFERRED - The message is enqueued to WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT
    PROCESSED in WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT - The message is sent as e-mail
    READY in WF_DEFERRED - Check if Deferred Agent Listener is running
    READY in WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT - Check if Notification Mailer is running
    6. notification id 의 outbound XML message 를 분석합니다.
    . The wfmlrdbg.sql output provides the XML message generated by WF_XML.Generate at the time the script is run. If the original XML message used by the mailer is required to be analyzed following SQL may be used.
    SELECT tab.user_data.text_lob text_lob
    FROM$wf_notification_out tab
    WHERE dbms_lob.instr(tab.user_data.text_lob,'&1') > 0
    7. 필요하다면 WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue 를 rebuild 합니다.
    The wfntfqup.sql script rebuilds the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue by dropping and recreating
    that queue, removing pending notification messages from the WF_DEFERRED queue, and
    repopulating the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue from the Oracle Workflow Notification System
    Wfntfqup.sql Version >=115.9
    If you have implemented Oracle Alert and the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue contains any pending
    alert e-mail messages, those messages must be processed before the queue can be rebuilt. The
    wfntfqup.sql script checks the queue for any alert e-mail messages and, if it finds any, the
    script returns an error message that specifies how many alert e-mail messages are pending
    and indicates that these messages must be processed before the script can run.
    Wfntfqup.sql Version <= 115.8
    If you have implemented Oracle Alert and the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue contains any pending
    alert e-mail messages, those messages must be processed before the queue can be rebuilt. The
    wfntfqup.sql script checks the queue for any alert e-mail messages and, if it finds any,
    exits without performing any changes.
    Stop Notification Mailer, rebuild Mailer Queue using $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/wfntfqup.sql.
    Note 433359.1

    Thanks for your update.
    I have checked as per the metalink doc "242941.1" . i am getting below message only for IMAP.
    *C:\prod\scripts>%AFJVAPRG% -classpath %AF_CLASSPATH% -Dprotocol=imap  -Ddbcfile=
    c:\prod\prodappl\fnd\11.5.0\secure\PROD_qlng-s-012\prod.dbc -Dserver=qlng-s-003. -Dport=995 -Dconnect_timeout=120 -Ddebug=Y -Daccount=oracle1@qlng
    .om -Dpassword=System123 -DdebugMailSession=Y
    MLRTST : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Logger.Logger(String, int) : Logging to System.o
    ut until necessary parameters are retrieved for Logger to be properly started.
    DEBUG: getProvider() returning javax.mail.Provider[STORE,imap,com.sun.mail.imap.
    IMAPStore,Sun Microsystems, Inc]*
    Kindly suggest need to any setup in ms exchange server or firewall level.

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    Actually you helped me to notice the solution! lol
    Setting>Notifications>Sort Apps BY Time (it was set as manually)

  • User status for Notification and Work order

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    Do you have any suggestions?

    Hey Chandra,
    The customer intent behind this requirement must be to check in reporting / List Display Transaction about the Order Status. If they want to know looking at a Pending Notification List about the Order Status, you can always provide similar report using SAP Query Builder or with help of your Developer.
    Apart from that If the Requirement is to have these User Statuses in Notification itself, Please advice them that it will be extra activity while performing transaction.
    I dont see any other benefit of having User Statuses added to Notification as well.
    Do let me know if you have some more info on Why Customer is requesting this....

Maybe you are looking for

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