Audio Input/output under windows xp

trying to stream AUDIO OVER INTERNET cant get music and mic to work at same time on my mac pro using as a pc on a seperate dhad drive via bootcamp

There is nothing wrong. Mac OS X does not play-thru the sound input to the computer speakers by itself. You need to run some application that takes the input and plays it out the speakers.
Here is a small simple app that does precisely that one function and nothing else, LineIn.
The description does not mention Snow Leopard (10.6), so if it does now work with Snow Leopard, let me know.

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  • After OS Upgrade, System Preferences won't recognize audio input/output.

    When I got an iPhone, I had to upgrade to OS 10.5.8, as well as upgrade Safari (to 4.0.3) and iTunes (to 9.0.1) for everything to run smoothly, and it does.
    However, since I went though the motions last week with these upgrades, System Preferences or Utilities doesn't want to recognize my audio input/output jacks. It won't recognize when I plug in my stereo or my headphones. I hook up my computer to my stereo all the time to listen to music in the living areas of my apartment, and now I can't because it isn't reading the jack.
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    Check your Audio MIDI Setup settings.
    These are user-to-user forums where everyday folk post questions and offer answers to each other. Apple does not contribute to this message board. None of us has any idea what Apple is going to do until they do it.
    If you feel it's a "problem" did you post in the Product Feedback area?

  • Audio Input Output on MacBook Pro 13 inch

    I want to buy a MacBook Pro 13 inch but the problem is the audio input output port.
    I usually need to use both jacks because in one I record my guitar and in the other I use my headphones.
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    A splitter would be the best solution

    From the manual:
    +"*Audio out port.* Connect external speakers, headphones (including iPhone), or digital audio equipment. You can specify audio analog line in functionality, to support line-level microphones and audio equipment, by selecting Audio In in the Sound pane of System Preferences."+
    +"Choose Apple () > System Preferences, and open Sound preferences. Specify whether you want the port to be used for audio input or audio output."+
    This means you must choose whether you want the single audio port on the 13" MBP to be input or output. It mentions iPhone headphones, but those will work only as headphones, not as a combined mic/headset when connected to the MBP.
    (As in, "Oh, now I get it!")
    Thinking on your comment, I see what you mean by 'an extra port' - the iMic has both in and out, meaning you'd actually have three counting the internal port on the MBP.
    Looking back at your first post, you mention USB headphones. That would be fine as well - set the MBP's audio port to be used for input, and connect the USB headphones and use those for output. No 'extra' port that way, and USB headphones are cheaper than an iMic.
    EDIT: The caveat there is that the audio in on the MBP (true for all MBPs, not just the 13") is a line-level input, not a microphone input. So, the MBP is expecting a line-level signal, meaning preamplified audio. If your guitar puts out a line-level signal or you're using a powered mic, fine. Else, you may need the iMic, which can take either line-level or microphone (non-preamplified) input.

  • Utility to switch between Bluetooth headset and built-in audio input/output

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    Output = Line Out (or Digital Out)
    Input = Line In (or Digital In)
    Output = (my Bluetooth headset)
    Input = (my Bluetooth headset)
    or vice-versa.
    That's it. It doesn't need to automatically detect my headset as I might be using the headset on another device. Just a button that would toggle between the built-in and Bluetooth device settings.
    Has anyone seen anything like this?

    Thanks, it works great.
    It would be even better if one could define device groups. e.g. Headset, built-in devices, etc. I'll drop a note to the developer.

  • Setting up audio input/output devices

    I'm running AA3 with an Alesis USB 2.0 mixer attached to my computer. I want the mixer to act as my audio input device, and the computer's soundcard to act as the output. Now, when using AA1.5, I could simply set the audio input device as the USB mixer, and the output device as the soundcard, and I could record and playback without any issue. However, when I go to set the mixer as my input device, AA3 also seems to want to make this my output device. I do not want the mixer to act as the output, I want all output to go through the soundcard. How can I make this distinction in AA3? Let me know if you need more information, I'll be happy to provide it.

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    That's a different issue. And it's perfectly possible in 3.0, assuming that you have your sound device set up correctly to use ASIO, and Audition's input and output assignments set to use what's available in it. In fact there are more options in 2.0 and 3.0, because if you use the ASIO driver directly, you can use real-time monitoring
    through Audition rather than through the mixer direct path (which is the usual way). The advantage is that you can add channel effects like reverb to the monitor mix, which often helps singers. This only applies to the monitor feed though - what's actually recorded is 'dry', so you still have all of the effects options available afterwards. To use this mode set the monitoring to 'Audition Mix'.
    But however you look at it, the overall monitoring situation works fine - or believe me, just about every user going would have complained about it by now!
    So, you can't really compare AA1.5 and 3.0 from a monitoring point of view - the ASIO situation makes them look somewhat different. 1.5 effectively ignores monitoring - it just uses the Windows APIs and DLLs to record, which is essentially what's provided by the operating system. And that's why it works with any sound device that the OS recognises. But with 2.0 and 3.0 you are entirely reliant on a system that bypasses most of the OS in order to work faster (lower latency).
    One of the snags with this is that a lot of sound device providers that aren't producing what might be described as 'pro' devices - in other words the providers of on-board sound chips, and a few more besides - don't always provide anything like an acceptable ASIO driver for their devices, and that's why ASIO4ALL was developed.

  • Garageband Quits Every Time I Change Audio Input/Output

    Hi. I own a Plantronics headset that came with MacSpeech Dictate when I bought that software a few years ago. It shows up on my Mac as a C-Media USB Audio device.
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    Thanks for the reply. it got me halfway there. Now it will open for the audio side, but still crashes as soon as I switch to Midi.
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    I just bought a Mac Book Pro and realized there is only one jack for both input/output.  How do I record a guitar directly into Logic while still monitoring through headphones if there is only one jack for both?

    there is a USB dongle for that, they sell them at Guitar Center or online for about $30

  • About the digital audio input/output

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    so it is compatible with any 5.1 audio system like home theathers etc?
    As long as the stereo has a digital optical audio input, yes.
    The port is a "mini-Toslink" port so you'll need a mini-Toslink to Toslink adapter and then a standard digital optical audio cable (Toslink cable). Sometimes you can find a cable with one of each plug at either end.

  • [SOLVED] Switch all audio input/output to USB headset

    Hi, I have a USB headset that I frequently plug/unplug from the computer. Is there a way to make it the default sound device when plugged, and automatically switch back to the motherboard's on-board audio device when unplugged?
    Last edited by stavrakis (2012-04-26 15:57:56)

    I have an Intel HDA 5.1 internal audio card, and a 5.1 USB headset, using the modules snd_hda_intel and snd_usb_audio respectively. The internal card is set as card 0, and the usb headset is set as card 1.
    I'm using ALSA right now, but I wouldn't have a problem switching to Pulseaudio if it's easier.
    EDIT: I used pulseaudio and solved it for applications that are not already playing sound (not shown on pavucontrol's Playback tab)
    I created a udev rule, which executes a script when card1 is inserted, since I know it is the USB sound device:
    SUBSYSTEM=="sound", KERNEL=="card1", ACTION=="change", RUN+="/home/stavros/bin/"
    This script ( executes another script as the current user:
    su -c "/home/stavros/bin/ & exit" stavros contains the following:
    /usr/bin/pacmd set-default-sink alsa_output.usb-0d8c_USB_Sound_Device-00-Device.analog-surround-51
    /usr/bin/pacmd set-default-source alsa_input.usb-0d8c_USB_Sound_Device-00-Device.analog-stereo
    These 2 scripts and the udev rule automatically change pulseaudio's default output & mic input when the card is inserted. However, applications already playing music have to be switched manually through pavucontrol.
    Sometimes, the card is incorrectly identified as "Analog Stereo Duplex", with no 5.1 option. In that case killing pulseaudio and letting it start again solves the problem.
    Last edited by stavrakis (2012-03-31 11:49:43)

  • Audio input/output problems with Mac Mini

    at first, my sound just stopped working all together and for some reason the monitor was getting no signal from the mac mini. i unplugged everything for a minute and plugged it back in and the monitor was working again, but still nothing with the sound. no sound coming out from even the internal speaker, and the audio in jack (which i use frequently) stopped working as well.
    this is the really strange part: after tinkering around trying to fix the problem i realized the only sound that comes out it is from the internal speaker, but it only comes out when i have something connected to the headphones jack.
    has anyone ever had a problem like this? i'm just trying to figure out if it is something i can take care of myself, or if i might need some repairs done.

    OK, then two things to do.
    First reset parameter RAM - it's an area of non-volatile memory used for system settings and hardware configuration. It it gets corrupted, it can cause odd problems.
    Reset PRAM
    -Shut down the computer.
    -Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in the next step but one.
    -Turn on the computer.
    -Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    -Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    -Release the keys.
    Next, perform an SMC reset. The SMC is the device which controls system hardware and devices, so if there is a problem with hardware components not functioning, it could be that.
    To reset the SMC on an Intel mini:
    -From the Apple menu, choose Shut Down (or if the computer is not responding, hold the power button until it turns off).
    -Unplug all cables from the computer, including the power cord and any display cables.
    -Wait at least 15 seconds.
    -Plug the power cord back in, making sure the power button is not being pressed at the time.
    -Then reconnect your keyboard and mouse to the computer.
    -Press the power button on the back to start up your computer.

  • Audio Input - Output

    I am inputing a mixer/compressor signal to my Mac and want to be able to pass that signal through my system to my amp. Is this done through Garage Band or through the MIDI set-up? I also want to be able to record while simultaneously playing music. How is this possible?

    Plug the headphone jack of the computer into the input on the amp, turn on Monitor for the track on which you are recording.

  • No audio input or output when connected to bluetooth headset

    I have a MacBook Pro 15" early 2013 (MacBookPro10,1) and a Plantronic Legend.
    Since upgrading to Yosemite (I am not 100% sure it's related, it just didn't happen on Mavericks), I have the following problem: my headset connects to the MacBook correctly, but I don't see it in the sound preference panel, neither under audio input nor under audio output.
    If I open the System Information, I can see the Bluetooth Headset being recognised as such:
         Major Type: Audio
         Minor Type: Headset
    If I reset the SMC and repair the headset, it works again, but that's a hassle.
    Anybody else having the issue and maybe found a better workaround?

    Removing and pairing again the Plantronics Voyager Legend solves the issue. But it keeps on happening again. Really annoying.
    I have firmware v106 for the Plantronics Voyager Legend, which is the latest at the time of writing.

  • Using USB on MacBook Pro for audio input

    I have a turntable that outputs audio via USB for conversion from LPs to digital sound on my MacBook. It comes with Audacity software for control of the process. When I use my daughter's 5 year old Gateway I am presented, within Audacity, with a drop down of audio input choices - including the USB ports. When I try to use my MacBook the only option for audio input is the Microphone jack.
    I'm pretty sure that I should be able to use the USB port for audio input but am unsure how to make it happen. I'm comfortable using GarageBand if the Audacity software is the problem.
    Can anyone help me with this?

    The previous answer is CRAP, your turntable already provides you digital audio over USB.
    You just have to select USB Audio as the default audio input.
    Under OSX this is not done inside Audacity, as is done under Windows. It must be done on the System Preferences, Audio.
    There you will be able to select the USB interface as your default sound input.
    After this, launch Audacity, and there you will see that the USB audio is now the only available option...

  • PrPro...Soundbooth,AfterEffects also applies: BOSE Companion 5 USB speakers - No audio input!

    Several things at play with this audio setup on an Intel board 2.8GHz HT CPU, 4(6)GB ram running Window Vista Ultimate but with respect to USB speakers and stereo mix input, Vegas odds are ... ain't gonna happen.
    None of the Adobe audio manipulation front-ends will record audio from stereo mix as it stands in Vista. There is a native Intel package called IDTAudio which stands alone as the Windows hardware audio proxy and it enumerates system devices found on Intel's board. That is, the front & back jacks, etc.
    But BOSE USB speakers are independant 5.1 sound simulators and present no venue as far as input for Adobe.
    Please advise:
         Is there any way BOSE USB speakers and audio generated by the Intel hardware can be routed through any Adobe product (Premiere Pro, Soundbooth, AfterEffects)
    (Note: disabling USB speakers in windows sound and enabling all other board audio input&output devices will activate Adobe inputs in each of the above apps and recording can be done; but without monitor capabilities. The recordings can be played back after reenabling USB speakers & redisabling the default audio output devices.
         Not the end of the story though:
              Any audio recorded [then played back ... on the same system (sp?)] is RICHLY & DEEPLY reverb/echo altered.
    Thanks in advance!

    I ended up doing a format and clean install of my hdd, and did not update garageband, I will try this, thanks

  • USB audio input to voice-over tool not working

    with FCE-HD on iMac i have system preferences set to USB-122 Tascam box for audio input/output (works great with GB for instance) but when i try using it for audio input on FCE and the voice-over tool set to USB-122, i hear no audio, the level meter doesn't more, etc, its still taking the audio from the built-in mic.
    im sure its something simple im overlooking??

    See if this post helps. Not familiar with USB audio devices myself, but found this searching:
    John Hayward, "Audio out from FCE HD to USB audio iMic" #1, 10:11am Oct 4, 2005 CDT

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