Audio Only Segment With Other Video?

Ok, here's the scenario. I used two cameras to film an event. Camera A up front and Camera B in the back.
Camera A's volume is much clearer and the main track I would like to keep on the final video segment.
Can I keep Camera A's video and sound for most of the presentation and maintain Camera A's audio only track to continuously run without interruption while switching to Camera B's video at certain points throughout?
Camera A sound & video :01 through 1:05 timeline
Switch to Camera B video only while keeping A's audio track 1:06 through 1:13 timeline
Back to Camera A without interrupting audio track 1:14 to 1:45 timeline...etc.
Thanks in advance!
iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Final Cut Express 3.5 HD

Edit camera A into the timeline video and audio onto V1/A1/A2. Edit camera B into the timeline on V2/A3/A4. In the canvas resize the images down about 50% so you can see them both. Sync up the two cameras. Hold the Option key and select the audio on A3/A4 and delete it. With the images resized cut up the B camera to edit out the bits you don't need. When you're done reset the scale values for all the clips back to 100%.

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    Hello Tetnus,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iPhone: No sound or distorted sound from speaker
    If an audio issue occurs when using a specific application, try testing other applications to see if the issue persists.
    If the iPhone is paired with a Bluetooth headset or car kit:
    Try turning off Bluetooth.
    If you experience difficulties with the Bluetooth feature, follow these troubleshooting steps.
    Restart the iPhone.
    If restarting doesn't fix the issue, ensure that your iPhone is updated to the latest version of iOS.
    If the issue is not resolved after restoring the iPhone software, please contact Apple Support.
    Best of luck,

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    Hi Kitty.
    Seems to be quite a popular problem. In another post, I posted the following.
    "The red light is the data signal that is transmitted if you plug in an Optical Audio device such as surround sound speakers. I had the same problem for a short while with my 17' MBP. Sound was working fine from my built in speakers but I plugged in some earphones to listen to something that I did not want the rest of the office to hear and after pulling the hearphones out, the optical signal (red light) was being transmitted. The switch Cessna is referring to is the switch that is triggered inside the port that tells OSX that earphones/optical audio device is plugged in and to shut down power to the built in speakers. When the device is un-plugged from that port, the switch should get triggered again and power up the built in speakers and disable the optical light signal. Perhaps there is the slightest defect on the earphones you are plugging in that are preventing it from triggering the switch when the earphones are un-plugged.
    Try a different sent of earphones to maybe trigger the switch if you are uncomfortable with the paper clip solution."
    That seemed to solve the problem for that user.
    The link to the post is
    Good luck

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    skype is the best option from mac to PC, for video or audio ...
    the mac user should download the beta 2.0 version for video chatting....
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    Hi Tim,
    You need to add this setting:
    The actual value can be higher or lower. The best practice is to use a value that is twice the keyframe distance. Anyway, try different values and see which performs the best for your content.
    I know that the setup page does not contain this option and it is not documented in the UserGuide. We simply missed it. Sorry.
    Also note that the dynamic buffering algorithms are not being used for dynamic streaming content. I tried to explain this here:
    Looking forward to your confirmation that this solved your issue.

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    I would try the "Run the Combo" Trick.
    Download and Install the Combo version of 10.5.6 over the top of what you have.
    This often correct issues like this that are hard to find.
    If this does not work I would then delete
    This holds the camera and Mic info and the volume settings (But normally the Speech volume of the Alerts in iChat Preferences > Alerts)
    However deleting this is fairly destructive as things go for iChat.
    You lose any setting you have made in the Preferences :- Font choice, Font Colour, Balloon/Text IM background colour, Saved Transripts, tabbed Chats, Alerts you have set other than defaults, Menu Bar Icon (it's sub sections about Logging off fully on Quit and changing to Available on Launch)
    You also Lose Saved Status Messages.
    I would use this as a Last Resort.
    8:16 PM Tuesday; February 17, 2009

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    What device are you calling? Is this happening to all devices?
    Have you tried to use JabberFree ([email protected]) from a real public IP (without any firewalls between JabberFree and internet)?
    Should work: JabberFree > Internet > FW > MCU
    In most cases, doesn’t work (depends on the firewall!): JabberFree > FW (on Corp network etc.) > Internet > FW > MCU. This is the normal cause of no media (or Audio only) with Jabber.
    So try without any firewalls between, or provide me more information, and I'll look into it.
    Hope this helps,

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    Can CWMS achieve Audio only deployment that is possbile with MP 8.5 Express Media Server. ? The objective is to have a cost effective Audio Only conferencing solution.
    Appreciate your feedback.

    Currently, just audio only is not supported.
    But in next version of CWMS 1.5 (plan to be released around this year Sept), that got some good audio only capability like PCN (Personal Conference Number). Similar to continous meeting.
    Let us know if need any more info.
    Thanks, Arun

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    i'm buffaloed at this point: how can i capture longer clips without a loss of sync?
    could the problem still be related to having shot the material on an xl-1? could it be related to only having 256mb of ram?
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    imac g4 1ghz 256mb   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

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