Audio Stereo

I have a BB Curve 9320.  My phone used to connect perfectly to my car via bluetooth.  Now all of a sudden the sound is only playing through my BB and not my Car. 
the error message is something about "remote command not established"
HOW do I Fix this?  I have deleted my BB form my car, and re-installed it, but it's till not working.

If you are talking about placing a clip that you know has both tracks into a timeline and only one track is coming is try this:
Make sure the track source dohickies for both audio tracks are connected to a destination track. They are the little square things on the left side of the track that look either connected or disconnected (look just to the right of the green audio mute buttons). Both need to be connected for both audio tracks to come in.
To deal with your mismatched audio try this:
The audio tracks need to be disconnected from the video and to be NOT a stereo pair. Try Shift + L to unlink the video from the audio, then Option + L to turn the stereo pair to dual mono.
Once the audio tracks are dual mono, you should be able to slip them back into sync.
Apply the toggles in reverse order to return the dual mono to a stereo pair and to relink the audio to the video.

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    To expand on what ryclark says, you have to set the sample rate on your sound card or audio interface.  If you're just using the onboard sound chip, that'll be on the Sound menu on the control panel.  For that, go to the Playback Device menu, select your device, then properties, then Advanced.  There'll be a drop down menu listing the available sample rates you can choose.  You then have to do the same on the Recording Devices tab, at this has to match what you set on playback.  Finally, you have to make sure that Audition (Edt/Preferences/Audio Hardware) is set to the same as your sound card.
    If you have a specialist sound card, the setting will probably be in software you installed when you hooked that up.
    Note that you're unlikely to find ANY sound card or audio interface that can use 20,000Hz as a sample rate though.
    My normal advice if you need a low sample rate for some reason is to do your work at one of the standards (say 44,100 or 48,000) then convert the finished product.  I know that some things like answering machines want lower sample rates.  However, even this method won't give you 20,000.  The presets in Audition jump from 16,000 to 22,050 which are standards in the industry.
    Perhaps if you can explain why you want to use 20,000 Hz sampling?

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    well depending on how your audio is brought into your system you can select it as two streams of mono or a stereo pair. In reality, unless it's mixed in stereo, that's just two streams of mono locked together. Other streams brought in via other means, can have a lot more audio channels, e.g. 8, 16, 24.
      In your case, with what you're doing, two separate channels works best, so you can control the levels of two very different audio sources. If, for instance, you were taking the feed from the mixing board during a concert, you might want their stereo out. Otherwise you might be dealing with the 1.2 zillion channels that they're mixing live.
       I like separating the tracks coming in. I work with people who prefer to lock them together. Locking means the tracks move together during editing. Ok, fine, but I'm usually dealing with different audio sources, like you are: a camera mic (safety on location) and a close mic (shotgun, lav). Or I have a shotgun source and a lav. I want to determine the best source audio for the shot. Sometimes it's a lav, sometimes a different feed from somewhere else, sometimes the shotgun, and sometimes a mix of two sources. But if they're locked together and pre-set to come out evenly from both speakers there no way for me to make a determination. The other guys like to cut and figure out the audio later.
      To each his or her own. . .

  • LIVE audio stereo stream

    Hi there,
    I'm looking for a way to offer a LIVE audio stereo stream to
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    The client Flash Media Server app uses Microphone.get method
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    which unfortunately is mono. it uses a speech Nellymoser
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    Possible solution: I can capture the LIVE line-in stereo
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    right using the only available Microphone.get method.
    It will then maybe need some synchronization server scripts
    The trick is: In Director I use two .swf movies (action
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    and play the streams but I couldn't find a way to direct the
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    sound(1).pan = 100 for right
    sound(2).pan = -100 for left
    From all that I read I came to the conclusion that you can
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    The key is to route those two streams left and right in
    Any hints?
    Thanks for reading,
    My deepest respect,

    The microphone code is very similar to what you have posted.  I can successfully use the enhanced microphone.  When it is enabled, the issue I am having is exhibited.
    A simple test I am using:
    Use ffmpeg to stream a stereo mp3 file to the media server.  I am using the following ffmpeg command line:
    ffmpeg -re -i ~/alone.mp3 -vn -acodec copy -ac 2 -f flv rtmp://
    In this case the file is encoded at 44.1 kHz.
    The client uses a netstream to play with bufferTime = 0
    Without the microphone, the playback is as expected.  With a normal microphone, not the enhanced microphone, the playback is as expected but there is little to no echo cancellation.
    When the enhanced microphone is enabled, again using similar code to your post, the mp3 playback becomes severely distorted and is unacceptable.
    In my opinion, this is an issue with the AEC algorithms of the enhancedMicrophone and stereo playback of a 'live' stream.  If I modify the client playback code to bufferTime > 0, the mp3 playback is normal but there is no echo cancellation.

  • Why do voice-overs split up my audio stereo pairs?

    I'm using FCP 5.1 in OS 10.5.8.
    Sometimes after I do voice-overs, I discover that all the stereo pairs on the audio tracks are split apart, and often widely separated vertically. To get them back together on adjacent tracks, I have to un-pair them in the Modify menu, push them back together on the audio tracks, and then re-pair them.
    This unwanted splitting-up of audio stereo-pairs is a nuisance. How can I make them stay together?

    Thanks Meg! From now on, I'll do as you suggest and set the target audio track for voiceovers to be a blank one beneath all audio tracks that have anything on them. The project I'm working on has scads of stacked-up sound effects, so I have to aim voiceovers clear down to track A17, which is the first blank one I have! But that way they won't split up any stereopairs on the tracks above them.
    I still don't see why the voiceover clips have to split up the stereo pairs to the right and left of them, when they're going onto a blank space on an audio track, but I guess that's just a peculiarity of the program. You've shown me that to prevent such trouble, a voiceover clip needs to appear on a completely blank track of its own, clear of all other audio clips. Then it can be moved up to wherever you want it to go on other tracks.
    I was stymied at first when I couldn't get the A1 and A2 patches to appear in the patch panel, so that I could set the target track for voiceovers. They just weren't there. I finally figured out that to get the patches to appear, I have to double-click on any video clip in the Browser. That makes them show up.
    Thanks again,

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    and found out that for some of the video clips the audio signals have been split into even 3 or 4 complementary stereo channels.
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    What can I do? I have no clue!
    My question:
    How to get one single stereo audio signal (2 channels) out of this mess?
    Thanx big time,

    Assuming we're talking about shorter takes and not a longer, spanned clip, I don't think what you want can be done in PP.  Nesting will always bring the audio over as one track.
    You may have to skim the clip sequence in the Program Monitor and copy/paste the portions you want to use into a second sequence for output.  This will preserve the audio.

  • Audio Stereo to Mono

    After reading the help manual, I don't see any info on changing a stereo audio clip to mono once it is already in the timeline. I am probably missing something, I hope. Any help? Thanks

    >Can this be done after the clip has been put in the timeline?
    Think about what you're asking for. Mono clips go in mono tracks. Stereo clips go in stereo tracks. There is no way to click a button to change one into the other.
    I would suggest you copy the stereo audio from track 1 and put it on the next empty stereo track then apply the "fill left" effect to track 1 and the "fill right" effect to the other track. Done.
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  • Audio Stereo track gone

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    If you are talking about placing a clip that you know has both tracks into a timeline and only one track is coming is try this:
    Make sure the track source dohickies for both audio tracks are connected to a destination track. They are the little square things on the left side of the track that look either connected or disconnected (look just to the right of the green audio mute buttons). Both need to be connected for both audio tracks to come in.
    To deal with your mismatched audio try this:
    The audio tracks need to be disconnected from the video and to be NOT a stereo pair. Try Shift + L to unlink the video from the audio, then Option + L to turn the stereo pair to dual mono.
    Once the audio tracks are dual mono, you should be able to slip them back into sync.
    Apply the toggles in reverse order to return the dual mono to a stereo pair and to relink the audio to the video.

  • Audio:stereo to dualmono

    Hi, i'm evaluating PP 5.5 after 8 eight of use of Final Cut.
    About 80% of my clips have with a dual mono audio, ch1 is interview, ch2 is ambient audio.
    When i import clips is adobe premiere, i get one stereo audio, instead of a dual mono.
    If i edit to timeline, the clip goes to a stereo track, and if i assign two mono track, PP edit to timeline video but not audio.
    I want the audio to go to two separate tracks instead of a single stereo one.
    ps: if i use modify -> audio channels all options are disabled: i can.'t convert to mono, i can only swap the right and left channels.
    Thank You

    Copy the audio track to a new audio track, which will be stereo as well. Then on the first audio track apply Fill Left and on the second audio track apply Fill Right then you will end up with two different tracks, one with the interview and one with the ambient sound. You can apply these effects on the track level in the audio mixer, so you do not need to apply it to each and every clip.

  • Audio stereo level adjustments

    Hi...I'm working on an edit with just two audio tracks, L + R, audio and video loaded straight from the camera via Log and Transfer.
    I have needed to adjust audio levels up and down to what's happening on the video and the only way I can do this is by adjusting the L & R tracks individually, I can't get both of the tracks up in the Viewer window simutaneously, like a stereo pair.
    Video and audio tracks are linked.
    There's obviously a setting somewhere I've missed because I do recall being able to adjust both tracks together at one time....
    Can anyone tell me how to set this up please...
    FCP Studio 7.0.3.

    select the tracks, go to the modify menu and make sure the tracks are both linked and stereo pair.
    Also, you can always copy and paste attributes if necessary.  Copy the track with the correct audio level, select the clip you want to adjust and option-v paste attributes and make sure the correct items are checked.

  • Dialogue audio - stereo or mono?

    I shot our short using a shotgun mic. When capturing the audio it brings in 2 audio tracks. Do i want to leave those as 2 mono tracks or 1 stereo track?

    Well - i'm still confused. I had one boom mic. Channel 1 was turned pretty high - and channel 2 was the same mic at a lower level in case of clipping - but there was none.
    When i bring the track into the timeline, track 1 audio is the hotter one, track 2 is the lower one. I assume i don't want both.
    Do i want to delete track 2, copy down track 1 and make them a stereo pair?
    Or should i simply delete track 2, and make sure track 1 is panned to the center?

  • Audio-Stereo or Mono

    Hello. I'm editing a 1:30 minute video bio on a community leader and I'm finding my audio levels aren't balanced. I have three audio elements in this video:
    1) Sound bites from interviews, which seem to sound mono and only coming out of one speaker on my Powerbook g4
    2) Voice track which sounds stereo and coming out of both speakers.
    3) Music track which also sounds stereo.
    Ultimately, this video will be played at an awards luncheon on one of those huge screens. How do I get my sound bites to sound as loud as my voice track and music? Thanks for the advice.

    hmm, 3 audio sources, 2 audio layers.. Houston, we have a problem ...
    first of all, I would use a designated audio-processor (Audacity is a nice and free one..) to 'center' your unbalanced interviews... iM has no 'stereo pan' button ...
    just to mention: select clip in iM, share/Quicktime/Expert settings, choose "Sound to .aiff" as format, that creates an 'audio only' version of your clip for usage in such audio-processors... after adjusting, import back to iM ...
    now, 3 audio layers in iM....
    add Interview to A1, VoiceTrack to A2 ... use iM's audio feature 'rubber band' to adjust them as wanted...
    when 'mix' is done... drag every A1-audio clip down to A2 .. yepp, you are 'allowed' to lay audio over audio in a single track ... that is a lil' dirty trick, but works... you can NOT adjust your track anymore...
    now, add music to the now free A1, again, 'rubber band' the audio to low down the music at voices, and raise at 'empty' parts ...
    when done, I would export the project back to tape/or export 'share' as QT Full Quality, 'cause these 'audio overlayers' could probably be a cause for doing iDVD strange things... import back as 'solid file' into iDVD ....

  • Split Audio / Stereo Pairs

    I need to export a Quicktime with 4 channel Split audio, Channels 1&2 as a stereo pair, channels 3&4 as a stereo pair. Will CS6 do this? It looks like I can export mono channels, but not what I need. Currently using Final Cut 7 to do this, would like to eliminate the extra step and do it out of Premiere.

    You can get stereo track for rear channels via Adobe Audition.
    Have no idea if it's easier for you or not.

  • X220 hd audio = stereo or surround?!

    Hi everyone,
    does anyone know if the x220 hd audio supports 7.1 surround? 
    I read somewhere that this depends on the built in mainboard and was wondering if anyone knows what this means for the x220.
    Thanks a lot for your answers in advance! 

    Hi, zerg
    If you are using Combined Headphone / Microphone port, it is Stereo.
    5.1 or 7.1 Surround Sound is only possible from using DisplayPort to HDMI (Your Home Theater System, etc.) or third party USB or mini PCI sound card.
    Best Regards 
    Does someone post helps you? Give them a kudos as a reward, as they will do better to improve 
    Refunded Set: W510, 4876-A11
    Current Set: W520, 4284-A99
    Dolby Home Theater v4! Works on most system. 

  • Dark Knight Audio - Stereo?

    I just purchased a copy of the Dark Knight through iTunes, and unless I am missing something it only appears to be in stereo. I would hope that for $20 the movie would be a nice replacement to going out to the store, but without surround (and with distracting changing aspect ratios throughout) it is definitely a let-down.
    Am I missing something in my playback settings, or are there alternate versions available through the store that have a decent level of cinematic audio? I'll definitely refrain from buying any further movies through iTunes if the movies are limited in this way.

    Traveling to the url that launches iTunes works for me as well. However, this only gets you the standard definition version. For those of us wanting to rent the HD version, we're still screwed since the rent option doesn't show up on Apple TV.
    I switched my location from US to Canada on Apple TV and the rent option does show up then. I'm guessing that since my account is a US account it won't let me purchase it though, I'm also scared the purchase will go through but then I won't be able to play it for some reason.

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