AUR: Museek-plus fails to compile

Continued from this thread.  For installing Museek-plus via the AUR, I had to slightly edit its PKGBUILD:
build() {
# Qt3 required
. /etc/profile.d/
I had to insert a 3 after qt or else it would give me an error.  Now when I finally begin the build, this is what I get:
==> Building and installing package
==> Making package: museek-plus 0.1.13-1 pentium4 (Thu Oct 30 19:40:33 EST 2008)
==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
==> Retrieving Sources...
-> Found museek+-0.1.13.tar.bz2 in build dir
-> Found post_release_fixes.patch in build dir
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
museek+-0.1.13.tar.bz2 ... Passed
post_release_fixes.patch ... Passed
==> Extracting Sources...
-> bsdtar -x -f museek+-0.1.13.tar.bz2
==> Removing existing pkg/ directory...
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting build()...
patching file museeq/translations/museeq_pl.ts
patching file museeq/translations/museeq_it.ts
patching file museeq/SConscript
patching file museeq/CMakeLists.txt
patching file museeq/mainwin.cpp
Updating '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/museeq/translations/museeq_de.qm'...
Generated 372 translation(s) (344 finished and 28 unfinished)
Ignored 46 untranslated source text(s)
Updating '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/museeq/translations/museeq_es.qm'...
Generated 376 translation(s) (347 finished and 29 unfinished)
Ignored 42 untranslated source text(s)
Updating '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/museeq/translations/museeq_fr.qm'...
Generated 375 translation(s) (344 finished and 31 unfinished)
Ignored 43 untranslated source text(s)
Updating '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/museeq/translations/museeq_it.qm'...
Generated 418 translation(s) (418 finished and 0 unfinished)
Updating '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/museeq/translations/museeq_nl.qm'...
Generated 390 translation(s) (367 finished and 23 unfinished)
Ignored 28 untranslated source text(s)
Updating '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/museeq/translations/museeq_pl.qm'...
Generated 417 translation(s) (415 finished and 2 unfinished)
Ignored 1 untranslated source text(s)
Updating '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/museeq/translations/museeq_pt_BR.qm'...
Generated 327 translation(s) (302 finished and 25 unfinished)
Ignored 91 untranslated source text(s)
Updating '/tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/museeq/translations/museeq_ro.qm'...
Generated 397 translation(s) (396 finished and 1 unfinished)
Ignored 21 untranslated source text(s)
mkdir: cannot create directory `workdir': File exists
Museekd options MULOG (debug and status messages), MULOG_CALLTRACE MULOG_TT MULOG_CYCLE
Prefix these declarations with -D and set them with either 1, 0 or a path.
Set -DEVERYTHING=1 if you want it all
-- FAM found at /usr/lib/ muscand will be compiled
-- Vorbisfile library found at /usr/lib/
--> PyMucipher will be installed.. [NO_PYMUCIPHER=1]
--> muscan (file scanner) will be installed..
--> muscand (FAM-based file scanning daemon) will be installed..
-- WARNING: you are using the obsolete 'PKGCONFIG' macro use FindPkgConfig
--> Museek Daemon (museekd) will be installed..
--> Python Bindings will be installed..
--> mulog, museekchat, museekcontrol, will be installed..
--> musetup, musetup-gtk, musetup-qt will be installed..
--> Mucous will be installed..
--> Murmur will be installed..
Prefix declarations with -D and set them with either 1, 0 or a path.
QSA is detected automatically
CMake Warning (dev) at museeq/Mucipher/CMakeLists.txt:10 (add_library):
Policy CMP0002 is not set: Logical target names must be globally unique.
Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0002" for policy details. Use the cmake_policy
command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
CMake Warning (dev) at museeq/CMakeLists.txt:105 (ADD_DEFINITIONS):
Policy CMP0005 is not set: Preprocessor definition values are now escaped
automatically. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0005" for policy details. Use
the cmake_policy command to set the policy and suppress this warning.
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
-- QSA available
-- moc binary:/opt/qt/bin/moc
-- lrelease binary:/usr/bin/lrelease
--> Museeq will be installed.. [NO_MUSEEQ=1]
* with Binary Relocation.. [BINRELOC=0]
* with a Trayicon.. [TRAYICON=0]
CMake Warning (dev) in CMakeLists.txt:
No cmake_minimum_required command is present. A line of code such as
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
should be added at the top of the file. The version specified may be lower
if you wish to support older CMake versions for this project. For more
information run "cmake --help-policy CMP0000".
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
-- Configuring done
CMake Warning (dev) at museeq/CMakeLists.txt:307 (add_executable):
Policy CMP0003 should be set before this line. Add code such as
if(COMMAND cmake_policy)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW)
endif(COMMAND cmake_policy)
as early as possible but after the most recent call to
cmake_minimum_required or cmake_policy(VERSION). This warning appears
because target "museeq" links to some libraries for which the linker must
dl, -lpthread
and other libraries with known full path:
CMake is adding directories in the second list to the linker search path in
case they are needed to find libraries from the first list (for backwards
compatibility with CMake 2.4). Set policy CMP0003 to OLD or NEW to enable
or disable this behavior explicitly. Run "cmake --help-policy CMP0003" for
more information.
This warning is for project developers. Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/workdir
[ 2%] Built target Mucipher
[ 3%] Swig source
[ 3%] Building C object PyMucipher/CMakeFiles/_mucipherc.dir/mucipherPYTHON_wrap.o
Linking C shared module
[ 6%] Built target _mucipherc
[ 7%] Building CXX object Muhelp/CMakeFiles/Muhelp.dir/DirEntry.o
In file included from /tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/Muhelp/
/tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/./Muhelp/DirEntry.hh:32: warning: 'typedef' was ignored in this declaration
In file included from /tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/Muhelp/
/tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/./Muhelp/string_ext.hh: In function 'unsigned int split(const std::string&, std::vector<double, std::allocator<double> >&, std::string)':
/tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/./Muhelp/string_ext.hh:102: error: 'atof' was not declared in this scope
/tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/./Muhelp/string_ext.hh: In function 'unsigned int split(const std::string&, std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >&, std::string)':
/tmp/yaourt-tmp-bryann/aur-museek-plus/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.13/./Muhelp/string_ext.hh:119: error: 'atoi' was not declared in this scope
make[2]: *** [Muhelp/CMakeFiles/Muhelp.dir/DirEntry.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [Muhelp/CMakeFiles/Muhelp.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
==> ERROR: Build Failed.
Error: Makepkg was unable to build museek-plus package.
I'm unsure how to decipher this.  Any help on a workaround or solution wouldbe greatly appreciated!

hello snowman,
i did everything you said but it's giving me the same error
/home/kcr/museek/src/museek+-0.1.13/museeq/museeqtypes.h:45: warning: 'typedef' was ignored in this declaration
[ 75%] Building CXX object museeq/CMakeFiles/museeq.dir/trayicon.o
[ 75%] Building CXX object museeq/CMakeFiles/museeq.dir/aclineedit.moc.o
/home/kcr/museek/src/museek+-0.1.13/workdir/museeq/aclineedit.moc.cpp:12:2: error: #error "The header file 'aclineedit.h' doesn't include <QObject>."
/home/kcr/museek/src/museek+-0.1.13/workdir/museeq/aclineedit.moc.cpp:20: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before 'static'
/home/kcr/museek/src/museek+-0.1.13/workdir/museeq/aclineedit.moc.cpp:40: error: 'const QMetaObject ACLineEdit::staticMetaObject' is not a static member of 'class ACLineEdit'
/home/kcr/museek/src/museek+-0.1.13/workdir/museeq/aclineedit.moc.cpp:40: error: variable 'const QMetaObject ACLineEdit::staticMetaObject' has initializer but incomplete type
/home/kcr/museek/src/museek+-0.1.13/workdir/museeq/aclineedit.moc.cpp:42: error: 'qt_meta_data_ACLineEdit' was not declared in this scope
/home/kcr/museek/src/museek+-0.1.13/workdir/museeq/aclineedit.moc.cpp:45: error: prototype for 'const QMetaObject* ACLineEdit::metaObject() const' does not match any in class 'ACLineEdit'
/home/kcr/museek/src/museek+-0.1.13/workdir/museeq/../../museeq/aclineedit.h:26: error: candidate is: virtual QMetaObject* ACLineEdit::metaObject() const
/home/kcr/museek/src/museek+-0.1.13/workdir/museeq/aclineedit.moc.cpp:50: error: no 'void* ACLineEdit::qt_metacast(const char*)' member function declared in class 'ACLineEdit'
/home/kcr/museek/src/museek+-0.1.13/workdir/museeq/aclineedit.moc.cpp:58: error: 'int ACLineEdit::qt_metacall' is not a static member of 'class ACLineEdit'
/home/kcr/museek/src/museek+-0.1.13/workdir/museeq/aclineedit.moc.cpp:58: error: incomplete type 'QMetaObject' used in nested name specifier
/home/kcr/museek/src/museek+-0.1.13/workdir/museeq/aclineedit.moc.cpp:58: error: expected primary-expression before 'int'
/home/kcr/museek/src/museek+-0.1.13/workdir/museeq/aclineedit.moc.cpp:58: error: expected primary-expression before 'void'
/home/kcr/museek/src/museek+-0.1.13/workdir/museeq/aclineedit.moc.cpp:58: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression
/home/kcr/museek/src/museek+-0.1.13/workdir/museeq/aclineedit.moc.cpp:59: error: expected ',' or ';' before '{' token
make[2]: *** [museeq/CMakeFiles/museeq.dir/aclineedit.moc.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [museeq/CMakeFiles/museeq.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
==> ERROR: Build Failed.
this is my PKGBUILD
# Contributer "daelstorm <[email protected]>"
# Sat Aug 25 21:41:47 IDT 2007
pkgdesc="Museek+ is a C++ daemon/client Soulseek P2P client, that includes QT, PyGTK, and Curses UIs and a PyGTK config tool."
depends=('libxml++2' 'libogg' 'libvorbis' 'python' 'qt3' 'qsa3' 'pygtk')
arch=(i686 x86_64)
makedepends=('cmake' 'pkgconfig' 'swig')
conflicts=('mucous' 'museek-plus-svn')
replaces=('mucous' 'museek-plus' 'museek-plus-svn')
build() {
# Qt3 required
. /etc/profile.d/
cd $startdir/src/museek+-$pkgver/
patch -p4 < $startdir/src/museek+-0.1.13-gcc43.patch || return 1
cd museeq
# build .qm translations from .ts
cd ..
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/
cp museekd.rc $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/museekd
mkdir workdir
cd workdir
# Museekd with debugging, Museeq with trayicon & binary relocation
# all python tools, clients, bindings
cmake -DSWIG_DIR=/usr/share/swig/1.3.31 -DMULOG=1 -DEVERYTHING=1 -DPREFIX=/usr -DTRAYICON=1 -DBINRELOC=1 .. || return 1
make || return 1 # VERBOSE=1
make install DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg || return 1
thanks for the help...
i have kdemod and qtmod..
Last edited by kcr (2008-11-22 23:20:11)

Similar Messages

  • Unsupported: museek-plus … =1&ID=4147
    I've posted the error I get there. Here it is again, it happens while configuring museek+. I checked for the file 'mucipher.i' and it exists in src/museek+-0.1.12/Mucipher. Does anyone have this working?
    Headers for Mucipher...
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'mucipher.i':
    File "/root/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.12/SConstruct", line 385:
    SConscript(os.path.join(dir, 'SConscript'), build_dir = bd, duplicate = 1)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/Script/", line 579:
    return apply(method, args, kw)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/Script/", line 516:
    return apply(_SConscript, [self.fs,] + files, subst_kw)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/Script/", line 244:
    exec _file_ in call_stack[-1].globals
    File "/root/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.12/build-i686-linux/Mucipher/SConscrip
    t", line 17:
    SConscript(os.path.join('python', 'SConscript'))
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/Script/", line 579:
    return apply(method, args, kw)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/Script/", line 516:
    return apply(_SConscript, [self.fs,] + files, subst_kw)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/Script/", line 244:
    exec _file_ in call_stack[-1].globals
    File "/root/museek-plus/src/museek+-0.1.12/build-i686-linux/Mucipher/python/SC
    onscript", line 29:
    mucipherc = env_swigpy.SharedLibrary('_mucipherc', sources, SWIGFLAGS='-pyth
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/", line 188:
    return apply(self.builder, (self.env, target, source) + args, kw)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/", line 615:
    return self._execute(env, target, source, OverrideWarner(kw), ekw)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/", line 784:
    tlist = bld._execute(env, None, [snode], overwarn)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/", line 784:
    tlist = bld._execute(env, None, [snode], overwarn)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/", line 567:
    tlist, slist = self._create_nodes(env, target, source)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/", line 536:
    target, source = self.emitter(target=tlist, source=slist, env=env)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/", line 204:
    target, source = emitter(target, source, env)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SCons/Tool/", line 88:
    f = open(src)
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed. Aborting...

    museek+ compiles if you alter two files in the src-package:
    1) in src/museek+-0.1.12/Mucipher/python/SConscript:
       delete mucipher.i from sources in line 7
       delete the line 25 ( env_swigpy.Command("mucipher.i", "../mucipher.i", file_copy) )
    2) i also had to take out the Tools from compiling; in src/museek+-0.1.12/SConstruct:
       delete 'Tools' from subdirs in line 365 and
       delete 'Tools' in line 379
    Make a new tar.gz-file from src: "tar -czvf museek+-0.1.12.tar.gz src/museek+-0.1.12" and move the package to /var/cache/pacman/src/.
    Then alter the first md5sum in PKGBUILD according to the new md5sum of the src-package.
    Now it should compile.
    (I also changed the line 17 in PKGBUILD to:
    scons RELEASE=yes MULOG=debug QSA=1 MUSEEQ=yes MUSETUPGTK=yes MUSEEQTRAYICON=no MUCOUS=no PREFIX=/usr || return 1)
    Last edited by otti (2007-03-15 14:12:40)

  • Ocaml and mldonkey failed to compile [solved]

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    The output is:
    Now execute 'make' to start compiling. Good luck!
    To compile a static code execute: make mlnet.static
    To produce a release tarball execute: make release.mlnet.static
    To clean the build directory execute: make maintainerclean
    /usr/bin/ocamlc.opt -linkall -o ocamlpp.byte
    -custom unix.cma str.cma -ccopt " " -cclib "-lz " -cclib -lbz2 -cc
    opt "-pthread"
    -I build tools/ocamlpp.cmo
    /usr/lib/ocaml/libcamlrun.a(unix.o): In function `caml_dlopen':
    (.text+0x21b): warning: Using 'dlopen' in statically linked applications require
    s at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking
    In function `dlopen':
    (.text+0x1b): undefined reference to `__dlopen'
    /mnt/usr/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../libdl.a(dlclose.o): In function `dlclose':
    (.text+0x5): undefined reference to `__dlclose'
    /mnt/usr/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../libdl.a(dlsym.o): I n function `dlsym':
    (.text+0x1b): undefined reference to `__dlsym'
    /mnt/usr/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../libdl.a(dlerror.o): In function `dlerror':
    (.text+0x5): undefined reference to `__dlerror'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    Error while building custom runtime system
    make: *** [ocamlpp.byte] Error 2
    Maybe the problem is in ocaml... so I've tried to recompile ocaml-3.09.3. But this also failed. The output of './configure -prefix /usr -verbose':
    hasgot.c:1:25: error: mach-o/dyld.h: No such file or directory
    hasgot dlopen: gcc -O -o tst hasgot.c
    /tmp/ccY2Fm1p.o: In function `main':
    hasgot.c:(.text+0x12): undefined reference to `dlopen'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    hasgot -ldl dlopen: gcc -O -o tst hasgot.c -ldl
    /tmp/ccw39ciL.o: In function `main':
    hasgot.c:(.text+0x12): warning: Using 'dlopen' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking
    /mnt/usr/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../libdl.a(dlopen.o): In function `dlopen':
    (.text+0x1b): undefined reference to `__dlopen'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    It looks like ocaml has issues with linking to libraries, but I don't know how to solve this. Anyone else have this same problem?

    These problems started after I repartition my harddisks. I had to remove certain paths to a new partition on a new harddisk because some of these partitions were almost full.
    On an other forums (1,2) I've fread that /usr/lib (and maybe also other paths) SHOULD NOT BE SOFTLINKED!!!
    Now everything works fine again

  • Far tool fails to compile

    This worked a couple weeks ago on my linux machine - suddenly it's not.
    In my directory I have a server-side asc file (myapp.asc). If I type:
    /opt/adobe/fms/tools/far -compile myapp.asc
    I get a dump that looks like:
    Copyright(c) 1993-2009 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
    Failed to compile script : myapp.asc
    *** glibc detected *** /opt/adobe/fms/tools/far: free(): invalid pointer: 0x08764330 ***
    ======= Backtrace: =========
    ======= Memory map: ========
    00124000-00149000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 37290028   /lib/
    00149000-0014a000 r--p 00024000 fd:00 37290028   /lib/
    0014a000-0014b000 rw-p 00025000 fd:00 37290028   /lib/
    0014d000-0022d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 34753334   /usr/lib/
    0022d000-00231000 r--p 000df000 fd:00 34753334   /usr/lib/
    08117000-0811c000 rw-p 000ce000 fd:00 19104144   /opt/adobe/fms/tools/far
    08751000-08772000 rw-p 08751000 00:00 0          [heap]
    b7fea000-b7fee000 rw-p b7fea000 00:00 0
    b7ff7000-b7ff8000 rw-p b7ff7000 00:00 0
    bfc9a000-bfcaf000 rw-p bffea000 00:00 0          [stack]
    I'm running Centos 5.5 - uname shows
    If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. I just need it to compile. Thanks.

    Oh, nevermind... turns out there was a syntax error in myapp.asc. Yeah. That's some tasty shoe-leather.

  • LMMS fails to compile

    As the topic title says, LMMS fails to compile from AUR. Here's the output...
    Making all in plugins
    make[2]: Entering directory `/var/abs/local/lmms/src/lmms-0.2.1/plugins'
    Making all in audio_file_processor
    make[3]: Entering directory `/var/abs/local/lmms/src/lmms-0.2.1/plugins/audio_file_processor'
    make all-am
    make[4]: Entering directory `/var/abs/local/lmms/src/lmms-0.2.1/plugins/audio_file_processor'
    if /bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.. -I../../include -I../../src/lib -I. -I/opt/qt4/include/Qt -I/opt/qt4/include -D_REENTRANT -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -DPLUGIN_NAME="audiofileprocessor" -g -O2 -floop-optimize2 -fgcse-sm -fgcse-las -ftree-vectorize -ftree-loop-linear -funsafe-loop-optimizations -Wunsafe-loop-optimizations -DSINGLE_SOURCE_COMPILE -ansi -Wall -fno-exceptions -I/usr/local/include -MT audio_file_processor.lo -MD -MP -MF ".deps/audio_file_processor.Tpo" -c -o audio_file_processor.lo audio_file_processor.cpp; \
    then mv -f ".deps/audio_file_processor.Tpo" ".deps/audio_file_processor.Plo"; else rm -f ".deps/audio_file_processor.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
    g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.. -I../../include -I../../src/lib -I. -I/opt/qt4/include/Qt -I/opt/qt4/include -D_REENTRANT -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -DPLUGIN_NAME=audiofileprocessor -g -O2 -floop-optimize2 -fgcse-sm -fgcse-las -ftree-vectorize -ftree-loop-linear -funsafe-loop-optimizations -Wunsafe-loop-optimizations -DSINGLE_SOURCE_COMPILE -ansi -Wall -fno-exceptions -I/usr/local/include -MT audio_file_processor.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/audio_file_processor.Tpo -c audio_file_processor.cpp -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/audio_file_processor.o
    ../../include/track.h:511: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'QPtrList' with no type
    ../../include/track.h:511: error: expected ';' before '<' token
    make[4]: *** [audio_file_processor.lo] Error 1
    make[4]: Leaving directory `/var/abs/local/lmms/src/lmms-0.2.1/plugins/audio_file_processor'
    make[3]: *** [all] Error 2
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/var/abs/local/lmms/src/lmms-0.2.1/plugins/audio_file_processor'
    make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/var/abs/local/lmms/src/lmms-0.2.1/plugins'
    make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/abs/local/lmms/src/lmms-0.2.1'
    make: *** [all] Error 2
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed. Aborting...
    You may also want to know that I'm using the non-cvs version of LMMS from AUR, and I am running 64-bit Arch.

    Susu wrote:make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/yaourt-tmp-sushi/aur-lmms/lmms/src/lmms-0.2.1'
    Making all in buildtools
    make[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/yaourt-tmp-sushi/aur-lmms/lmms/src/lmms-0.2.1/buildtools'
    if g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -march=i686 -O2 -pipe -floop-optimize2 -fgcse-sm -fgcse-las -ftree-vectorize -ftree-loop-linear -funsafe-loop-optimizations -Wunsafe-loop-optimizations -DSINGLE_SOURCE_COMPILE -ansi -Wall -fno-exceptions -I/usr/local/include -MT bin2res.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/bin2res.Tpo" -c -o bin2res.o bin2res.cpp; \
    then mv -f ".deps/bin2res.Tpo" ".deps/bin2res.Po"; else rm -f ".deps/bin2res.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
    [b]cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-floop-optimize2"[/b]
    make[2]: *** [bin2res.o] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/yaourt-tmp-sushi/aur-lmms/lmms/src/lmms-0.2.1/buildtools'
    make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/yaourt-tmp-sushi/aur-lmms/lmms/src/lmms-0.2.1'
    make: *** [all] Error 2
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed. Aborting...
    Error: Makepkg was unable to build lmms package.
    Remove the -floop-optimize2 switch from the compile lines. If it can't be done with a configure option, patch the Makefiles. You can use sed:
    sed -i 's/-floop-optimize2//g' path/to/Makefile
    Do that to all Makefiles.

  • MythTv failed to compile :(

    I'm trying to compile mythtv 0.21 from abs.
    First it fails to do the integrity check on mythbackend script.
    Then, it fails on compiling:
    Tried also to compile mythtv-svn from AUR and get errors again:

    Bloody. Problem is caused by catch block without definition of exception. I replace catch by catch all and it is work now.

  • Hyperlink to a zip file fails during compile

    RoboHTML v.5.0.3
    Windows XP, Office 2007
    In my help file I create a hyperlink to a *.zip file (128MB) that is located on my C drive.
    The Zip appears in my baggage files.
    The Zip file contains an .exe and .msi file.
    Everything compiles when creating the chm except the zip file.
    Media Manager Demo
    HHC5001: Error:
    Media Manager Demo :
    An error occurred while reading "c:\Program Files\RoboHelp Office\RoboHTML\ESI Demo Kit\!SSL!\Microsoft_HTML_Help\!chm_tmp_folder_0\Media Manager Demo".
    HHC5003: Error:
    Media Manager Demo :
    Compilation failed while compiling Media Manager Demo
    The following files were not compiled:
    Media Manager Demo
    I've searched for info on this topic but can't find any. Is it possible to create a hyperlink to a Zip file?
    Any help is appreciated.

    Hi there
    Colum may be spot on, but in case that isn't quite it, you may wish to change the file name so that instead of this:
    Media Manager Demo
    It's something like this:
    Note that each space now has an underscore as well as each of the dots having underscores.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7 or 8 within the day - $24.95!
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp HTML Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    RoboHelp eBooks

  • Crystal Reports XI - failed to compile

    We purchased Crystal Report Nov 2007 and had no problem opening a report that was extracted from an accounting database.  We are in the process of upgrading this person to a new machine.  We installed Crystal and tried to open the report but we get this error "The saved data will be discarded since one or more formulas failed to compile."  We have uninstalled and reinstalled and we get the same thing.  We checked to see if the versions were different and they are not there both running Crystal XI version on Windows XP SP2.  We have changed machines and we get the same thing yet we go to other machine with the same specs and we have no problems so we don't know what to try next.  Can you help?  Jill

    Hi Jill,
    It sounds like the report you are trying to open has a formula that is using an external function.  The external function requires a separate DLL that was not installed onto this new machine. 
    The difficult thing is determining which function in which formula is being used.  Have a search on the old machine for U2L*.dll.  Copy these to the new machine and into the same folders. 
    Close Crystal and restart. 
    Good luck,

  • SSIS Job is getting failed with an error "0x00000005 : Failed to compiled scripts contained in the package.

    Hi All. Could anyone resolve my issue.
    I was created a package with an Script task written in VB.Net.
    The Package was executing Successfully in BIDS.
    But when i tried to exceute the same using Sql server Agent Job, Its getting Failed with the below error message
    "Executed as user: Admin. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility  Version 11.0.2100.60 for 32-bit  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.    Started:  5:12:27 PM  Error: 2013-03-13 17:12:32.33    
    Code: 0x00000005     Source: Checking Alcon Files Checking Alcon Files     Description: Failed to compiled scripts contained in the package. Open the package in SSIS Designer and resolve the compilation errors. 
    End Error  Error: 2013-03-13 17:12:32.33     Code: 0x00000005     Source: Checking Alcon Files Checking Alcon Files     Description: BC30179 - enum 'ScriptResults' and enum 'ScriptResults' conflict
    in class 'ScriptMain'., ScriptMain.vb, 156, 22  End Error  Error: 2013-03-13 17:12:32.36     Code: 0x00000005     Source: Checking Alcon Files Checking Alcon Files     Description: The binary
    code for the script is not found. Please open the script in the designer by clicking Edit Script button and make sure it builds successfully.  End Error  Error: 2013-03-13 17:12:34.28     Code: 0x00000005    
    Source: Formating Excel Sheet Formating Excel Sheet     Description: Failed to compiled scripts contained in the package. Open the package in SSIS Designer and resolve the compilation errors.  End Error  Error: 2013-03-13 17:12:34.28    
    Code: 0x00000005     Source: Formating Excel Sheet Formating Excel Sheet     Description: BC30179 - enum 'ScriptResults' and enum 'ScriptResults' conflict in class 'ScriptMain'., ScriptMain.vb, 191, 22  End Error 
    Error: 2013-03-13 17:12:34.29     Code: 0x00000005     Source: Formating Excel Sheet Formating Excel Sheet     Description: The binary code for the script is not found. Please open the script in the
    designer by clicking Edit Script button and make sure it builds successfully.  End Error  Error: 2013-03-13 17:12:51.56     Code: 0x00000004     Source: Checking Alcon Files      Description:
    The binary code for the script is not found. Please open the script in the designer by clicking Edit Script button and make sure it builds successfully.  End Error  Error: 2013-03-13 17:12:51.56     Code: 0xC0024107    
    Source: Checking Alcon Files      Description: There were errors during task validation.  End Error  DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1).  Started:  5:12:27 PM  Finished: 5:12:51 PM 
    Elapsed:  24.336 seconds.  The package execution failed.  The step failed."
    Please give some solution to this.
    Thanks in advance

    Are you editing this job in SQL 2012? Is it wrapping your paths in \"? Like for example does the command line tab on the step look like this:
    /FILE "\"D:\yourPathGoesHere.dtsx\""  /CONFIGFILE "\"D:\yourPathGoesHere.dtsConfig\"" /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING E
    That's the problem I had, and I resolved it by recreating the whole thing via SQL Script and getting rid of all those \" things. I think that is preventing SSIS from looking up the precompiled binaries for your Script Task. So you should edit the command
    line manually:
    /FILE "D:\yourPathGoesHere.dtsx"  /CONFIGFILE "D:\yourPathGoesHere.dtsConfig" /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING E
    Please write back whether that helps you. David Dye's answer didn't help me at all.

  • Sun C 5.9 Build13_0 2006/01/06 fails to compile stdlib.h

    On both IA-32 and AMD64, c89 fails to compile a single-line
    test file containing
    #include <stdlib.h>
    "/usr/include/stdlib.h", line 537: long long not allowed in Xc mode
    "/usr/include/stdlib.h", line 537: invalid type combination
    I suggest that the "no long long" in Xc mode be dropped
    on these platforms, because that type is used in standard
    header files needed by most software.

    We will consider turning this into a warning and supressing that warning in system header files.

  • Java.lang.RuntimeException: failed to compile execlets (JAVA embeding issue in BPEL 2.0)

    HI i was trying to use java code in BPEL 2.0 by using java Embedding. while deploying the application getting the error.
    even after importing the corrsponding class
    below is the code snippet for the same :
    <import location=""
         <import location=""
         <import location=""
          <bpelx:exec name="Java_Embedding1" language="java">
            <![CDATA[Locator locator = LocatorFactory.createLocator();    
    String compositeRevision = (String)getVariableData("compositeRevision");  
    String compositeNameRevision = "ASG/ImportCustomerData!"+ compositeRevision; 
    Composite prowessCustomerComposite = (Composite)locator.lookupComposite(compositeNameRevision);   
    CompositeInstanceFilter filter = new CompositeInstanceFilter();    
    while deploying gettting below error.
    06:18:58 PM] Error deploying archive sca_ImportCutomerData_rev1.0.jar to partition "default" on server AdminServer []
    [06:18:58 PM] HTTP error code returned [500]
    [06:18:58 PM] Error message from server:
    There was an error deploying the composite on AdminServer: Deployment Failed: Error occurred during deployment of component: importCustomerData_BPEL to service engine: implementation.bpel, for composite: ImportCutomerData: ORABPEL-05250
    Error deploying BPEL suitcase.
    error while attempting to deploy the BPEL component file "E:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\Raja_domain\servers\AdminServer\dc\soa_3ca99378-812f-460f-9760-d19a15c0ef44"; the exception reported is: java.lang.RuntimeException: failed to compile execlets of importCustomerData_BPEL
    This error contained an exception thrown by the underlying deployment module.
    Verify the exception trace in the log (with logging level set to debug mode).
    [06:18:58 PM] Check server log for more details.
    [06:18:58 PM] Error deploying archive sca_ImportCutomerData_rev1.0.jar to partition "default" on server AdminServer []
    [06:18:58 PM] ####  Deployment incomplete.  ####
    [06:18:58 PM] Error deploying archive file:/C:/JDeveloper/mywork_Arbonne/CustomerInboundApp/ImportCutomerData/deploy/sca_ImportCutomerData_rev1.0.jar
    Thanks in Advance...

    Hi have solved the issue by importing the  class file.
    <import location=""
      <import location=""
      <import location=""
      <import location="java.util.List"
      <import location=""
      <import location=""

  • Control & Simulation Loop failed to compile

    Dear Forum Members,
    I have a problem with a Control & Simulation Loop program (attached) that just doesn't compile & run.  I believe that the problem is associated with the 'Feedback Node' at the bottom of this Control & Simulation Frame since if this is taken out the program will run ok.
    Can anyone please advise me if this 'Feedback Node' is incorrectly used or in violation of anything.  I have tried various ways to overcome the problem i.e. initialising it at the start but nothing works.  The error message that I received just says "VI failed to compile".
    Appreciate any help with this.

    Hello bunnykins, 
    The Feedback node really isn't a supported function in control design and simulation. The behavior you're reporting, and the work around are both documented in the know issues of the module here: 
    A Feedback Node on a Simulation Diagram causes the VI to fail to compile
    The Feedback Node does not make sense semantically within a Simulation Diagram, due to the fact that most ODE Solvers will execute the diagram multiple times per iteration and may need to reject steps and try again, filling the Feedback Node with bad data.
    Workaround: Use the Memory block from the Simulation Utility palette. If a delay of greater than 1 is desired you can chain multiple memory blocks in sequence.
    Reported Version: 8.5
    Resolved Version: N/A
    Added: 07/31/2010
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    CLD Certified

  • Weblogic.appc failed to compile your application. Recompile with the -verbo

    [exec] <Jan 25, 2012 9:24:39 AM IST> <Warning> <J2EE> <BEA-160214> <Output location exists C:/views/932_wls/cfm/conformia/pcm/dist/maven/cfmlib/pcmwebapp.war>
    [exec] <Jan 25, 2012 9:26:38 AM IST> <Error> <J2EE> <BEA-160187> <weblogic.appc failed to compile your application. Recompile with the -verbose option for more details. Please see the error message(s) below.>
    [exec] There are 1 nested errors:
    [exec] weblogic.utils.compiler.ToolFailureException: jspc failed with errors :weblogic.servlet.jsp.CompilationException: CFMWFAdminStates.jsp:24:4: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec]           <cfm:resultstabcontainer id ="primaryPartyAdd" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" width="500"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFAdminStates.jsp:24:4: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec]           <cfm:resultstabcontainer id ="primaryPartyAdd" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" width="500"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFAdminStates.jsp:41:6: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec]           <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "backupPartyAdd" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}" width="200"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFAdminStates.jsp:41:6: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec]           <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "backupPartyAdd" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}" width="200"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMRoleBackupParty.jsp:28:8: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}" width="200"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMRoleBackupParty.jsp:28:8: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}" width="200"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMUserPrimaryParty.jsp:20:10: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMUserPrimaryParty.jsp:20:10: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMUserBackupParty.jsp:24:8: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec]                <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMUserBackupParty.jsp:24:8: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec]                <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditMacroBackupParty.jsp:35:10: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditMacroBackupParty.jsp:35:10: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditMacroBackupParty.jsp:56:6: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr1"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditMacroBackupParty.jsp:56:6: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr1"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFPrimaryParty.jsp:10:4: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec]           <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "No" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" height = "400" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFPrimaryParty.jsp:10:4: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec]           <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "No" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" height = "400" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditMacroPrimaryParty.jsp:32:16: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_MacroaddAttr"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditMacroPrimaryParty.jsp:32:16: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_MacroaddAttr"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditMacroPrimaryParty.jsp:51:7: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_MacroaddAttr1"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditMacroPrimaryParty.jsp:51:7: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_MacroaddAttr1"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditUserBackupParty.jsp:35:7: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditUserBackupParty.jsp:35:7: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditUserBackupParty.jsp:52:7: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_addAttr1" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditUserBackupParty.jsp:52:7: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_addAttr1" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditUserPrimaryParty.jsp:31:18: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditUserPrimaryParty.jsp:31:18: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditUserPrimaryParty.jsp:46:10: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_addAttr1" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditUserPrimaryParty.jsp:46:10: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_addAttr1" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMRolePrimaryParty.jsp:25:7: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_RoleaddAttr" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" width="500"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMRolePrimaryParty.jsp:25:7: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_RoleaddAttr" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" width="500"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMMacroPrimaryParty.jsp:20:11: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_RoleaddAttr"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMMacroPrimaryParty.jsp:20:11: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_RoleaddAttr"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditGroupBackupParty.jsp:35:12: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditGroupBackupParty.jsp:35:12: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditGroupBackupParty.jsp:53:6: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr1" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditGroupBackupParty.jsp:53:6: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr1" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditRolePrimaryParty.jsp:36:18: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_RoleaddAttr" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" width="500"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditRolePrimaryParty.jsp:36:18: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_RoleaddAttr" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" width="500"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditRolePrimaryParty.jsp:55:5: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_RoleaddAttr1" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" width="500"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditRolePrimaryParty.jsp:55:5: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_RoleaddAttr1" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" width="500"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMGroupBackupParty.jsp:25:11: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMGroupBackupParty.jsp:25:11: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditRoleBackupParty.jsp:39:14: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}" width="200"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditRoleBackupParty.jsp:39:14: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}" width="200"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditRoleBackupParty.jsp:60:5: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr1" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}" width="200"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditRoleBackupParty.jsp:60:5: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr1" title = "PCM_WF_BACKUP_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" tabData = "#{CFMBackupPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMBackupPartyBean.selectedIds}" width="200"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMMacroBackupParty.jsp:25:10: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMMacroBackupParty.jsp:25:10: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addBkup_addAttr"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditGroupPrimaryParty.jsp:33:17: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_GroupaddAttr" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" height = "200" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditGroupPrimaryParty.jsp:33:17: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_GroupaddAttr" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" height = "200" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditGroupPrimaryParty.jsp:48:8: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_GroupaddAttr1" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" height = "200" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditGroupPrimaryParty.jsp:48:8: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_GroupaddAttr1" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "no" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" height = "200" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}"/>
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditTransSetNotifUsers.jsp:43:9: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec]           <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "PCM_WFADMIN_TRANS_NOTIF_USER_RESULT1" hasFooter="yes"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditTransSetNotifUsers.jsp:43:9: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec]           <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "PCM_WFADMIN_TRANS_NOTIF_USER_RESULT1" hasFooter="yes"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditTransSetNotifUsers.jsp:59:7: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id="PCM_WFADMIN_TRANS_NOTIF_USER_RESULT2" hasFooter="yes"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMWFEditTransSetNotifUsers.jsp:59:7: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id="PCM_WFADMIN_TRANS_NOTIF_USER_RESULT2" hasFooter="yes"
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMGroupPrimaryParty.jsp:20:10: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_GroupaddAttr" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" height = "200" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec] CFMGroupPrimaryParty.jsp:20:10: This tag is not recognized.
    [exec] <cfm:resultstabcontainer id = "rt_addPrim_GroupaddAttr" title = "PCM_WF_PRIMARY_PARTY" collapsible = "Yes" resultsData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.resultsData}" rowSelectionType ="Radio" height = "200" tabData = "#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.tabs}" selectedIds="#{CFMPrimaryPartyBean.selectedIds}" />
    [exec] ^---------------------^
    [exec]      at weblogic.servlet.jsp.jspc20.runBodyInternal(
    [exec]      at weblogic.servlet.jsp.jspc20.runJspc(
    [exec]      at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspcInvoker.compile(
    [exec]      at weblogic.application.compiler.AppcUtils.compileWAR(
    [exec]      at weblogic.application.compiler.WARModule.compile(
    [exec]      at weblogic.application.compiler.flow.SingleModuleCompileFlow.proecessModule(
    [exec]      at weblogic.application.compiler.flow.SingleModuleFlow.compile(
    [exec]      at weblogic.application.compiler.FlowDriver$
    [exec]      at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
    [exec]      at weblogic.application.compiler.FlowDriver.nextState(
    [exec]      at
    [exec]      at weblogic.application.compiler.WARCompiler.compile(
    [exec]      at weblogic.application.compiler.flow.AppCompilerFlow.compileInput(
    [exec]      at weblogic.application.compiler.flow.AppCompilerFlow.compile(
    [exec]      at weblogic.application.compiler.FlowDriver$
    [exec]      at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
    [exec]      at weblogic.application.compiler.FlowDriver.nextState(
    [exec]      at
    [exec]      at weblogic.application.compiler.Appc.runBody(
    [exec]      at
    [exec]      at
    [exec]      at weblogic.application.compiler.Appc.main(
    [exec]      at weblogic.appc.main(
    [exec] [ERROR] Result: 1

    I took the sample integration domain. It is an integration domain. Just to be sure, I tried to extend WLI on top of the existing sample domain, and got a few "the feature already exist" warning dialog.
    I just tried to build again, this time it worked. I think you are right, the sample domain has some problem, and extending it helped.
    Thanks a lot,

  • Problem with BPM workspace - Failed to compile JSP /bpmHome.jsff

    I have instaled SOA Suite 11gR1 ( All console woks, except bpm workspace. I have following error after login
    Incident Id: 3
    Incident Source: SYSTEM
    Create Time: Thu Sep 22 09:21:36 CEST 2011
    Problem Key: BEA-101017 [HTTP][weblogic.servlet.jsp.CompilationException]
    Application Name: OracleBPMWorkspace
    Error Message Id: BEA-101017
    Incident detected using watch rule "UncheckedException":
    Watch time:             2011-09-22 09:21:36 CEST
    Watch ServerName:       soa_server1
    Watch RuleType:         Log
    Watch Rule:             (SEVERITY = 'Error') AND ((MSGID = 'WL-101020') OR (MSGID = 'WL-101017') OR (MSGID = 'WL-000802') OR (MSGID = 'BEA-101020') OR (MSGID = 'BEA-101017') OR (MSGID = 'BEA-000802'))
    Watch DomainName:       SOADomain
    Watch Data:
       DATE : 2011-09-22 09:21:36 CEST
       SERVER : soa_server1
       MESSAGE : [ServletContext@9413464[app:OracleBPMWorkspace module:/bpm/workspace path:/bpm/workspace spec-version:2.5], request: weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl@31c41d[
    GET /bpm/workspace/faces/jsf/worklist/worklist.jspx?_afrLoop=4649677285821&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=7b5s8pm1s_4 HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; pl-PL; rv: Gecko/20101209 CentOS/3.6-2.el5.centos Firefox/3.6.13
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: pl,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3
    Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
    Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-2,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
    Keep-Alive: 115
    Connection: keep-alive
    Referer: http://localhost:8001/bpm/workspace/faces/jsf/worklist/worklist.jspx
    Cookie: JSESSIONID=XS3VT6hZBFLPZvqGZsnjQWnhgG06NTnDHMX9QY8Wbf1FvBZ4QYTK!-276213214
    ]] Root cause of ServletException.
    weblogic.servlet.jsp.CompilationException: Failed to compile JSP /bpmHome.jsff
    Exception occurred while processing '/home/kuba/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/SOADomain/servers/soa_server1/tmp/_WL_user/OracleBPMWorkspace/jx2oeu/war/bpmHome.jsff'java.lang.NullPointerException
         at weblogic.jsp.internal.jsp.JspParser.jspParse(
         at weblogic.jsp.internal.jsp.JspParser._parse(
         at weblogic.jsp.internal.jsp.JspParser.parse(
         at weblogic.jsp.internal.jsp.JspAnalyzer.parseFile(
         at weblogic.jsp.internal.jsp.JspAnalyzer.parse(
         at weblogic.jsp.internal.ProxySourceFile.parse(
         at weblogic.jsp.internal.SourceFile.getAst(
         at weblogic.jsp.internal.SourceFile.getAst(
         at weblogic.jsp.internal.SourceFile.check(
         at weblogic.jsp.internal.ProxySourceFile.codeGen(
         at weblogic.jsp.internal.SourceFile.codeGen(
         at weblogic.jsp.internal.client.ClientUtilsImpl$
         at weblogic.jsp.internal.client.Job.performJob(
         at weblogic.jsp.internal.client.ThreadPool$
         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JavelinxJSPStub.reportCompilationErrorIfNeccessary(
         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JavelinxJSPStub.compilePage(
         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspStub.prepareServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspStub.prepareServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.onAddToMapException(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.invokeServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.include(
         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.PageContextImpl.include(
         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.PageContextImpl.include(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.taglib.region.IncludeTag.__include(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.taglib.region.RegionTag$
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.taglib.region.RegionTag$
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.taglib.region.RegionTag.doStartTag(
         at jsp_servlet._jsf._worklist.__worklist_jspx._jspx___tag27(
         at jsp_servlet._jsf._worklist.__worklist_jspx._jspx___tag26(
         at jsp_servlet._jsf._worklist.__worklist_jspx._jspx___tag14(
         at jsp_servlet._jsf._worklist.__worklist_jspx._jspx___tag13(
         at jsp_servlet._jsf._worklist.__worklist_jspx._jspService(
         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.library.webapp.LibraryFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at Method)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.invokeServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestDispatcherImpl.forward(
         at com.sun.faces.context.ExternalContextImpl.dispatch(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.ExternalContextDecorator.dispatch(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.ExternalContextDecorator.dispatch(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.ExternalContextDecorator.dispatch(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.ExternalContextDecorator.dispatch(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.ExternalContextDecorator.dispatch(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.context.FacesContextFactoryImpl$OverrideDispatch.dispatch(
         at com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl.executePageToBuildView(
         at com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl.renderView(
         at javax.faces.application.ViewHandlerWrapper.renderView(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.application.ViewHandlerImpl.renderView(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._renderResponse(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._executePhase(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.render(
         at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at Source)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$FilterListChain.doFilter(
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.activedata.AdsFilter.doFilter(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$FilterListChain.doFilter(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl._doFilterImpl(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl.doFilter(
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.TrinidadFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at oracle.adf.library.webapp.LibraryFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at Method)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at Method)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at oracle.dms.servlet.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at Method)
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
         at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
       USERID : <WLS Kernel>
       SEVERITY : Error
       THREAD : [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'
       MSGID : BEA-101017
       MACHINE :
       TXID :
       CONTEXTID : 2910bfe82460a9b3:63a8fc67:1328fe13615:-8000-00000000000022a6
       TIMESTAMP : 1316676096720
    Diagnostic Dumps
    Name: jvm.threads
    Dump Files: jvm_threads13_i3.dmp
    Name: dms.metrics
    Dump Files: dms_metrics14_i3.dmp
    Name: odl.quicktrace
    Dump Files: odl_quicktrace15_i3.dmp
    Name: odl.logs
    Dump Arguments: ecid=2910bfe82460a9b3:63a8fc67:1328fe13615:-8000-00000000000022a6
    Dump Files: odl_logs16_i3.dmp
    Name: odl.logs
    Dump Arguments: timestamp=1316676096814
    Dump Files: odl_logs17_i3.dmp
    Name: wls.image
    Dump Files: diagnostic_image_soa_server1_2011_09_22_09_21_48.zipKuba

    Hi Kuba
    I guess you are getting this error in Linux Env and not Windows. Basically SOA/BPM opens lots of files (JARs and WARs) and I guess it do not close them properly. The root cause for your error is something else. Here is the fix. This should work.
    Login into the linux machine with the root user privileges. Or ask the person who have root privileges to do this. Basically you have to increase the open file limits to much bigger number like 8192.
    To change the open file limits, login as root and edit the /etc/security/limits.conf file. If the following lines are already there, just change the number to 8192. Otherwise add below 2 lines exactly. Means for all the users on this OS, the nofiles is set to 8192, instead of single user.
    * hard nofile 8192
    * soft nofile 8192
    after this, make sure to RESTART the Linux box. Otherwise changes will not get reflected.
    Login into unix box from any client and run this command and it should return 8192
    ulimit -n
    Then start the soa server and you should be all set. Let me know if this fixes your issue (I am hoping it should).
    Ravi Jegga

  • Cobol files fail to compile

    I'm applying the latest MP(cumulative) to FSCM9.0. Cobol files fail to compile with the below error and also some of the cobol files compiled successfully.
    Please find the below error and helps are highly appreciated:
    cob64: error(s) in compilation: CPPIPRDN.cbl
    cp: cannot stat `CPPIPRDN.gnt': No such file or directory
    cp: cannot stat `': No such file or directory
    ./pscbl_mf.mak : Error : The list of file(s) failed to compile.
    CPPIPRDN fail to compile
    Thank You!
    Best Regards

    See if CPPIPRDN.lst exists in $PS_HOME/src/cbl/lst and check it for error messages. (might be in a different directory depending on your platform).
    Also, make sure you follow the manual instructions for the MP to copy cobols to the correct directory on UNIX. There is typically a note that says:
    For non Windows-based servers, you must manually copy COBOL files included in this Change Package from %ps_home%\src\cbl\base into %ps_home%\src\cbl before compiling the COBOL programs.
    Edited by: BobLilly on May 7, 2012 1:14 PM

Maybe you are looking for