Authorization problem in BI

Hi Gurus,
I am facing problem with BI authorizations
i have created a role in PFCG for query authoriztion
and i have created authoriztaion in RSECADMIN
with required characterists
and assigned to role in object S_RS_AUTH
i assigned the role to user
now my problem is
when user executes that report giving the Purchasing Group its give "You are not authorized"
when i checked the Purchasing group it is related with two diffrent plants
but user having access to one of the plants still it is not giving out put it is checking both the plants
can any body please help me how should i resolve this issue

Hi Parmar,
Thanks for your reply,
i tried it with authorization variables also but still i am getting the same issue you are not authorized
in BI if we restrict authorization for eg.comany code, plant it should give result in the query he/she is authorized for
but still searching for the dependent values
eg:compay 1000
is authorized to the plant related to 10* and should give the out put for only that
in my query i dont have a plant selection variable
if i give CC 1000 and execute the query it searcing for all the plants related to the 1000 and trying to give the output
there i am getting the problem till i give the * value for the plant it dotn give me the result
is any thing missing at authorization level plz. let me know

Similar Messages

  • How I fixed my authorization problem

    There have been many posts on the authorization problem that has cropped up since the latest update of iTunes, and there doesn't seem to be universal cure. I fought it myself for a couple of weeks, and recently fixed it on my PowerBook and thought I would share it with others.
    The common theme here seems to be that it affects people who have had more than one account in iTunes. For the record, I have NEVER purchased music from the iTMS using a different account, so I was confused as to why this was happening to me.
    I have two Macs in play here: an older eMac at home and a PowerBook G4. My initial iTunes library started on the eMac, and then I moved it to my PowerBook a little over a year ago when I bought it. I purchased music from the iTMS on both Macs, using the exact same account.
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    It dawned on me yesterday that I setup a .mac account on my PowerBook several months ago, although I never used it in the iTMS and I never used it on the eMac at home. I also realized that I had NOT run iTunes on the eMac since the most recent upgrade.
    I installed the iTunes upgrade on my eMac, and proceeded to authorize it with my only known iTMS account. No issues, and all purchased music was auhtorized, including songs that would not play on my PowerBook.
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    When I try to step through this logically, it makes my head hurt. There is definitely a major problem with Apple's DRM authorization relationship somewhere, as there should be no reason at ALL for any of my music to require my .mac account.
    I don't know if this will help anyone, but if you're struggling with it and you have a .mac account, give it a shot and it might work.

    The fact that you saw no glitches while running Logic before applying the update means almost nothing because that uses only a small subset of system resources. Far more significant is that Safe Mode restored some missing functionality: because it disables non-essential items like user fonts, third party drivers, & so on, it points to problems in those areas.
    Equally significant, the fact that there are relatively few reports of post-update problems among the several million Snow Leopard users points away from the update itself as the cause of your problems.
    Separate & apart from that, it so happens that I'm a sound engineer/system designer/board operator with nearly 40 years of professional touring experience. FWIW, I never have & never will update the software of any system I must rely on professionally (whether it is running on a Mac, a PC, or dedicated hardware) unless & until I can thoroughly test it first and I have a trustworthy backup/recursion strategy to fall back on in case of problems.
    I strongly suggest you learn from your unpleasant experience & do the same. I have had far fewer problems with Macs than with PC's, but nothing is 100% reliable to begin with. Changing the OS software part way through the tour is just asking for trouble, no matter how reliable that has been in the past. Even if the budget allows for nothing better than a stack of burned CD's & a couple of consumer grade CD players, no professional tour can afford to be without some fallback strategy in place. That should be self-evident & require no warning from Apple or anybody else.

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    Does anyone have a suggestion for how to fix this problem?
    Kind Regards,

    I have found the solution for the problem myself. The transation code in the Transation Launcher Wizard must be written in capitals! We had entered 'el37' and have now changed it to 'EL37'.
    Best Regards,

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    Thanks & Regards


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    2. I have reset the ATV2 to its factory settings
    3. I have tried Swiss as well as UK iTunes accounts to rent movies
    This is increedibly frustrating and I hope someone can help! Thank you in advance!

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    2. MACBOOK PRO: I cannot use my macbook pro itunes to order and watch movies (music yes, movies no): "Authorization is required..." even though I have authorized/reauthorized the laptop 10 times. And I have reset/restored ATV 2.
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    could you anyone please help me out.

    I don't think giving access to tx SWNWIEX allows all users access to all workitems.
    Where did you read that? It could be the case for your account, but not everybody's.
    Test it out.
    Rick Bakker
    Hanabi Technology

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    i have authorization problems to execute query on the Web.
    When i try to execute query on web i have these messages:
    - Missing display authorization msg R9 108
    - Missing authorization to execute query msg R9 108
    - User doesn't have authorization for selected component
      Component selected can not be executed
      Contact person responsible for the authorizations if user need authorization to execute this component
      Function is checked with object "Business explorer - components" with these fields:
        - InfoCube ZSD_007
        - Component type ERP
        - Component ZTEST_SD_007
        - Activity  16
      Message number BRAIN 800
    In BI i have add to my usere all these profiles and role, but the problem still again:
    S_A.SYSTEM               System administrator (Superuser)
    S_RS_ADMWB_A        All Administrator Workbench Authorizations
    S_RS_EXPL_A             All Business Explorer Authorizations
    T-BS590005                  Profile for role Z_RS_RREPU
    T-BS590006                  Profile for role Z_RS_RREDE
    Z_RS_RREDE   (copy from template  RS_RREDE)
    Z_RS_RREPU   (copy from template  RS_RREPU)
    I can not understand if this problem is related to BI authorization or maybe something in Netweaver
    please help me
    Kind regards

    i can execute query from transaction RSRT, anyway also from this transaction when select "ABAP WEB" , web page is open but i have same authorizations problem.
    In transaction SU53 seems everithing correct (i have all authorizations) .... this is probably becouse my problem is in Portal or netweaver side and not in BI ???
    any suggestion?
    Thanks in advance

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    I'm still configuring the SolMan 4.0 . I did all the basic customizing but still have an authorization problem. If I want to create a new support message and want to choose the System/IBase, i get the message "no authorization". And the "KeyUser"-User or "FirstLevelSupport"-User even cannot open the transaction "notif_create".
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    The "KeyUser" has the Roles:
    The "Processor" has the roles:
    Has anyone an idea??
    Best Regards

    Hi Phillipp,
    did you do the step 1.4 from media library technical papers Service Desk: Additional Information ? You have to create the ibase ....
    P>S> Don't forget the points if this answer is hepfull

  • Authorization Problem (I am Using Authorization For Custom Forms)

    Hi All,
    I am Using Authorizations To My Forms (I created One Addon For This Addon I am Using Authorization).I created Authorization For My Addon But While Working It Showing Some Errors
    . In My Addon Four Forms are there For  this four forms I am Using Authorization based on usres some screens only super  user can access. normal user he is not a super user he  cliekd on that authorization form it shows one message  Your not a authorized user to permitted this operation in this message box we have two butons one is ok button and one is Authorized by another user . When i clicked on Ok Button  I am getting error Internal error (-10) occured [131-183]. Please give me Your Valable Suggestion.
    I am waiting for  your Reply.
    Thanks & Regards

    I am using Sap Authorizations For My Custom Form  See The Code Also U Can Get Clear Idea
    Private Sub CustomAuthorization()
            Dim li_RetVal As Integer
            Dim pUserPer As SAPbobsCOM.UserPermissionTree
                pUserPer = Me.SBO_Company.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oUserPermissionTree)
                'Purchase Indent
                If pUserPer.GetByKey("NHCL_PM") = False Then
                    pUserPer.PermissionID = "NHCL_PM"
                    pUserPer.Name = "Purchase Module"
                    pUserPer.Options = SAPbobsCOM.BoUPTOptions.bou_FullNone
                    li_RetVal = pUserPer.Add()
                End If
                'Purchase Indent ->New Purchase Indent
                If pUserPer.GetByKey("NHCL_PM_NPI") = False Then
                    pUserPer.PermissionID = "NHCL_PM_NPI"
                    pUserPer.Name = "New Purchase Indent"
                    pUserPer.Options = SAPbobsCOM.BoUPTOptions.bou_FullNone
                    pUserPer.ParentID = "NHCL_PM"
                    pUserPer.UserPermissionForms.FormType = "2000010002"
                    li_RetVal = pUserPer.Add()
                End If
                'Purchase Indent->View For Approval
                If pUserPer.GetByKey("NHCL_PM_VIE") = False Then
                    pUserPer.PermissionID = "NHCL_PM_VIE"
                    pUserPer.Name = "View For Approval"
                    pUserPer.Options = SAPbobsCOM.BoUPTOptions.bou_FullNone
                    pUserPer.ParentID = "NHCL_PM"
                    pUserPer.UserPermissionForms.FormType = "2000010003"
                    li_RetVal = pUserPer.Add()
                End If
                'Purchase Indent ->Selection For RFQ
                If pUserPer.GetByKey("NHCL_PM_SEC") = False Then
                    pUserPer.PermissionID = "NHCL_PM_SEC"
                    pUserPer.Name = "Selection For RFQ"
                    pUserPer.Options = SAPbobsCOM.BoUPTOptions.bou_FullNone
                    pUserPer.ParentID = "NHCL_PM"
                    pUserPer.UserPermissionForms.FormType = "2000010006"
                    li_RetVal = pUserPer.Add()
                End If
                'Purchase Indent ->Purchase Quotation
                If pUserPer.GetByKey("NHCL_PM_PUR") = False Then
                    pUserPer.PermissionID = "NHCL_PM_PUR"
                    pUserPer.Name = "Purchase Quotation"
                    pUserPer.Options = SAPbobsCOM.BoUPTOptions.bou_FullNone
                    pUserPer.ParentID = "NHCL_PM"
                    pUserPer.UserPermissionForms.FormType = "2000010007"
                    li_RetVal = pUserPer.Add()
                End If
                'Purchase Indent ->Final Quotation
                If pUserPer.GetByKey("NHCL_PM_FIN") = False Then
                    pUserPer.PermissionID = "NHCL_PM_FIN"
                    pUserPer.Name = "Final Quotation"
                    pUserPer.Options = SAPbobsCOM.BoUPTOptions.bou_FullNone
                    pUserPer.ParentID = "NHCL_PM"
                    pUserPer.UserPermissionForms.FormType = "2000010008"
                    li_RetVal = pUserPer.Add()
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
                Dim ErrCode As Long
                Dim ErrMsg As String
                Me.SBO_Company.GetLastError(ErrCode, ErrMsg)
                Me.SBO_Application.StatusBar.SetText("Authorization Problem" & ErrCode & li_RetVal, SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Short)
            End Try
        End Sub

  • Authorization problem

    Hi experts,
    I have the following authorization problem:
    I have a role containing authorization for company code. The role contains several queries.
    Some of the queries contain authorization variable of company code but some are not restricted by any authorization.
    When I run the queries that are not restricted by authorizations I get an error: User is not authorized
    from RESCADMIN:  
    Message EYE007: You do not have sufficient authorization   
    No Sufficient Authorization for This Subselection (SUBNR)   
    Following CHANMIDs Are Affected:
    182 ( 0COMP_CODE )
    267 ( 0COMP_CODE__Z_EBUKR )

    Dear Hagit,
    Iu2019m going to try helping you regarding your question,
    Before give you some suggestion. I would like to check with you some item,
    The first is the authorization structure. The main authorization structure includes:
    Characteristics and Attribute Navigational are relevant authorization, as 0COMP_CODE.
    Roles, where are included authorization object to execute queries as S_RS_COMP, S_RS_COMP1, S_RFC and S_TCODE. In field of S_RS_COMP and S_RS_COMP1 is very important include the right technical name of the queries. Furthermore, add the S_RS_AUTH authorization object to join an analysis authorization.
    Analysis Authorization, where are included each characteristic and attribute navigational relevant authorization with specific value, as: u201C*u201D full access, u201C:u201D aggregate value, single value, range value or node of hierarchy.
    Query, where are include in some cases the characteristic relevant authorization with its variable authorization.
    InfoProvider, where are contain characteristic an attribute navigational relevant authorization.
    Regarding your Error:
    from RESCADMIN:
    Message EYE007: You do not have sufficient authorization
    No Sufficient Authorization for This Subselection (SUBNR)
    Following CHANMIDs Are Affected:
    182 ( 0COMP_CODE )
    267 ( 0COMP_CODE__Z_EBUKR )
    I suggest you, to try the following action:
    Query, in some queries where you havenu2019t included the characteristic 0COMP_CODE in the row. Put in the default value the characteristic  0COMP_CODE with its variable authorization, not ready for entry and optional.
    Analysis authorization, you should add all of characteristic and attribute navigational relevant authorization available in the InfoProvider. Must be matching characteristic and navigational attribute relevant authorization, between analysis authorization and InfoProvider.
    Try to include in your analysis authorization the u201C:u201D value.
    Furthermore,  try you execute tcode RSUDO, then RSECPROT you can get more information about your authorization system behavior. The first transaction is to execute a query with other user (select u201Cwith error logu201D), and the second is to display the error log.
    I hope these comments can help you,

  • Profit center and comapny code missing authorization problem.

    Could you help any body,i have some missing authorization problem with profit center and company code,
    How to search the roles  which having require profit and company code values.
    Is there any way to search.
    Please let us know very fast.
    Thanks in advance

    Another, and probably much easier way, is just to use Ctrl + Y... and use subsets of the selections in the SUIM reports.
    But I can well understand the temptation to use tables or at least double-check the SUIM output against them.
    The bugger with tables is that you can easy make the same mistakes or more than the SUIM reports do, or use old obsolete tables, or incorrect logic when interpreting single fields of the user tables.
    Personally,  I would normally check the exits first. Developers don't always raise self-explanatory messages...

  • Workflow binding not working - authorization problem?

    Hi Experts,
    I have the following problem in 4.6C that happens only for a specific user, so maybe an authorization problem.
    There is a task in the workflow that calls a method with ME21N. The method takes the PO after the transaction call, creates a BUS2012 object from it and passes it to the task. The task then passes it back to the workflow. The next step of the workflow uses this PO object.
    For this specific user, the ME21N method executes fine, PO is created. The task container in the wf log shows the object in it. But the workflow container does not have it, so it was not passed from the task to the workflow. Hence, the next task that uses the object does not start but the workflow system raises an error:
    OL 808: Object with runtime number '0' not defined
    WFEA 031: Step 0000000058 of WS********: Binding from workflow to work item aborted
    This happens only for one specific user, everyone else can execute the tasks without a problem, the PO object is passed to the workflow.
    Is there a specific authorization object required for the bindings of the workflow to work correctly?
    Any help is appreciated.

    You can check for authorization problems in SU53.
    Did this suddenly start happening for this user, since when? I'd doublecheck that binding.
    Rick Bakker
    Hanabi Technology

  • Workflow 2013 get data from user profile - Authorization problem...

    Hello. I am trying to get data from
    in my WF2013....But there is an authorization problem
    {"error":{"code":"-2147024891, System.UnauthorizedAccessException","message":{"lang ......
    If I test this link in web browser everything is OK and I can access data.... So I try to add almost all permissions to my WF service but still without any success....I am testing this in SharePoint 2013.
    Please can some help me with this problem. Thank you

    Have you register the workflow against your site ?
    If not register it and check the "Authorization header"
    Register-SPWorkflowService -SPSite 'https://myhost/mysite' -WorkflowHostUri 'https://workflowhost:12990' -AllowOAuthHttp -Force
    Register SPWorkflowService
    Murugesa Pandian| MCPD | MCTS |SharePoint 2010

  • Upgrade authorization problems

    I've upgraded to 7 and itunes is telling me that I don't have access to 350+ songs due to authorization problems. These are all songs that I've purchanced on the same computer that I've upgraded. They are counting this as a compter transfer? I don't want to lose the rights to the songs that I've paid for because I've upgraded the media player! Any help here? I hope that there is an easy fix to this.

    I have finally solved the problem myself. iTunes email support suggested that I rename my /Library/Preferences/SystemPreferences folder and reboot. The idea being that the error was a network problem and the reboot would repopulate the defunct SystemPreferences folder. Of course this will hose all of your network settings as well. Unfortunately my SystemPreference folder didn't repopulate correctly. I was left without access to the AirPort and no way to reconfigure it through the GUI. This is where iTunes support pawned me off on applecare, who was also unable to resolve the problem. They wanted me to mail them my macbook and wait 7 days for them to have a "product specialist" reinstall the OS. So, I reinstalled the OS myself. No luck. Having saved the old SystemPreference folder I began swapping out some of the old files for new, eventually finding a combination that allowed for iTunes to authorize purchases and the AirPort to be configurable. In the process I learned a bit about the .plist configuration files OSX uses. If you have the same problem I did, save your old preferences.plist file and make certain the new airport.plist points to the correct alphanumeric identifier for your airport.

  • Authorization problems after upgrading software

    I seem to have some sort of mismatch between the iPod and iTunes with respect to computer authorization. And when I try to authorize this computer, a messags states that this computer is already authorized.
    Background: My young son connected our iPod to his computer, where (I think) there is no authorization. Next time I tried to sync it on my own computer, iTunes displayed a message that the iPod was corrupt and I should try to restore it. When I tried that, I got a message, "The iPod ... could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (1415)."
    Instructions on this website said I should try upgrading iTunes and rebooting, then try restoring again. I did so, with the result that I got the same error message except with error number 1418.
    Other instructions said to make sure the iPod was fully charged. So I charged it overnight and, weirdly, now it seems to be fine. (I didn't even have to "restore" it.)
    Except now every time I try to sync, I get this message: "This computer is no longer authorized to play purchased items that are on the iPod ... Would you like to authorize this computer for items purchased from the iTunes store? ..." So I click Authorize and apparently succeed.
    But then I got another message, saying that a specific song (purchased yesterday) "was not copied to the iPod ... because you are not authorized to play it on this computer." DOH!
    So I go back to iTunes and select Store -> Authorize Computer. But it says this computer is already authorized (which of course it was). But I still can't sync that new song with the iPod mini.
    So, as I said, there seems to be some sort of mismatch between the iPod and iTunes with respect to which computer is authorized. Yet when I try to authorize this computer via the iPod message and via Store -> Authorize Computer, both say that this computer is already authorized. Infuriating.
    Any suggestions? Please?

    I had a similar problem with iTunes when I upgraded to the new 7.5 version. I didn't upgrade my system software or hardware, but I found the Article: 306424 helpful. My problem was with some music that I had purchased with an older Apple ID. I went to the Apple "password recovery" webpage to reset my password for the songs that wouldn't play using the old ID. It worked fine.
    If it is any consolation, I am an experienced Mac technician and I am very religious about maintaining my system so that upgrades and updates to software go well. I'm not saying that you haven't maintained your system, but you may want to "repair permissions" using disk utility. I find this step very important to do before and after any software installation or upgrade. I hope this reply helps in some way and best wishes on solving your particular issue.

  • ACS 5.3 Authorization problem with using Identity Groups in Access Policy Rule

    Hello guys, I am found a problem which I can't solve regarding authorization with using Identity Groups in Access Policy rule.
    ACS version: (internal build B.839)
    I have very simple RADIUS Authorization rule which authorize user on behalf of right Identity Group.
    Requested Identity Group exist
    Testing user is created in Internal Users and has assigned requested Identity Group
    Radius Access Policy: 
    Authentication against Identity Store Sequence, where authorization server is external RSA SecurID device and additional attributes retrieval is configured from Internal Users.
    Authorization is very simple – One Rule with only one Condition which is: Identity Group - in - Requested_Testing_Rule. Then Default rule is set to Deny.
    When I will try login with my testing user then authentication against RSA SecurID is OK, but authorization will be denied by Default rule – It looks like my Rule with Identity Group is totally omitted.
    I am managing several other ACS servers (version 5.3 but with older patches) where similar rules are working without problem.
    What I am tested:
    Remove testing user and create his account again.
    Rename Identity Group
    Use another Identity Group
    Remove Access Policy rule and create it again
    Use Compound Condition: System:Identity Group
    Use Compound Condition: System:UserID instead of Identity Group in Rule (it is working without problem)
    Do you have any idea where problem can be?

    OK guys, it started working yesterday without any configuration change. Maybe it was some database inconsistence wich was solved by ACS itself.

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