Auto popup lightbox - Muse

Hello guys,
I'm trying to create an automatic popup for my website.
Like: The visitor open my website, then after 2-3 seconds, this popup opens offering him something.
My idea is to look like a lightbox, but if you guys have another ideia, i really appreciate that.
I've tried all functions on lightbox widget, but no success.
Cheers from Brazil

Did you try the steps given in these threads
How to get a popup box on load working in Muse
How do I make a pop up form on my Muse site?
Do let me know if you have any question.

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    Can check this article for hints.
    Also check this thread had a similar requirement.
    Exit button for web dynpro within portal
    Edited by: AVIK SANYAL on Aug 20, 2009 12:00 PM

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    A comprehensive list of shortcuts for Mac can be found at

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    Message was edited by: Jimmy McGilchrist

    Does the crash present an error dialog? An Apple crash report? Other?
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    There is no Widget in Muse to create a Pop-up. you might have to use some custom HTM:/Javascript to achieve this.
    I would suggest you to post this as a feature request on our "Ideas for features in Adobe Muse" section of the forums :

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    yes, on the SOFM.Create-Task use a dataflow from the WIOBJECT_ID => (append table) ADHOCOBJECTS
    This will popuplate this rejection to the hyperlink-section of the workflow.
    You may also activate the outcome-even "user-cancelled" in the workflow definition (or by copying the coding to your own method that could do it) and loop around back to the user decision if he cancels the document create (which I found out is sometimes a problem for the users).
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    I then create my own ZWFNOTE-Object and append this to the ADHOCOBJECT. This usually works very fine.
    with kind regards,


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    They're not automatic in DW, but something like Fancy Box or Lightbox will do the trick.
    You can gain some level of automation with Fancybox and some PHP as demonstrated by Nancy O on this page.
    If you're a bit gunshy on coding, something from Project VII should work for you

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    thanks for responding.
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    Which version used to do that?
    You can see the event details by double clicking on it. There is also a 'Show Inspector" option in iCal's Edit menu, with that open you click once to see the event details.
    Best wishes
    John M

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    you could use the dialog framework to programatically invoke a dialog once the main page is loaded. There is no declarative way for doing this, but you can customize the caller ADF page lifecycle to detect that the page finished loading to the call the dialog window.
    Ps.: Didn't tried this in praxis but if I had to do it, this is what i would look at

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    2) Create a task based on SOFM.CREATE
    3) Binded  WIOBJECT_ID => (append table) ADHOCOBJECTS
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    If you are using the portal/UWL then search the blogs for a solution otherwise give this a try, in your step definition for the 2 steps, go to the Details tab and tick 'Advance with dialog', this will work if you execute from the business workplace.
    Good Luck!

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