Auto response email

I have a program which sends email messages to recipients. I need to get an autoresponse when the recipient views the email
This is what i have
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("", smtpHost);
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
InternetAddress addressFrom = new InternetAddress(from);
Any help is greatly appreciated

And before you make this question an important part of your system's design, just be aware that some servers do not send a response telling you that the user has viewed the mail, even if you ask for one.
A common way of handling this question is to send HTML e-mails and include in them a link that appears to be a link to an image, but that actually requests a servlet that logs the fact that the user is viewing the message before returning the image. But you should be aware that users consider this to be creepy and intrusive behaviour, and it's the reason that many mail clients will disable HTML, or disable images or links, unless the user overrides that. Basically there's a strong feeling among people that it's none of your business when or whether they open your mail.

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    ave an issue from my auto response email, it showing the "MIME This is a multi-part message in MIME format. " and the signature message disappeared and replaced with some unreadable message

    Hi msnyder1112,
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    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Auto Response emails: How to get rid of Adobe Forms Central Banner

    Please if someone could help, that would be greatly appreciated.
    So my company uses these forms ( a total of 10) for different purposes when getting new resellers for our manufacturers. With a few of these forms our manufacturers want a copy of the new applications sent to them
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    Thanks in advance..

    Sorry, there currently isn't anyway to get rid of the branding in the email notifications.

  • ERMS auto response mail

    auto response email template is not picked up from categorization schema, but from rule for the auto response in ruile modeler.
    i have prepared a rule for auto response in rule modeler where i have set condition as top scoring category equals the value "ERMS auto response" then action as email form, outgoing email , categorization schema, inline has been set.
    the value in rule modeler "ERMS auto response" is category in category modeler where i have assigned the email template for this category.
    problem: when i sent an email from outlook, system sends the auto response mail but email template is selected from rule modoler. it is not selected from categorization schema. however, when i see the email log in CRM_ERMS_LOGGING, i didn't find any problem adn fact gathering services CL_CRM_ERMS_ADD2FB_CA is envoking correctly and system reading the path value as my categorization schema adn category.
    rule evaluated to true
    Please help
    Suryamani is an email client not a server. it needs to be aware of an email to do anything with it. for that it has to pull that email from the server and it can't do anything otherwise. same goes for any other email client. some servers do allow server side rules but you would have to check if your does. it wouldn't have anything to do with the email client (such as you are using.

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    oh whoops i forgot to tell you, i didn't actually find apple's number, although i think they have one.........what i did was i went onto the express lane and when through a series of steps and typed in my phone number and it was SUPER fast. It scared me that as soon as i pressed enter, not more than 30 seconds later, my phone started ringing. But that's the one you have to pay for.....

  • Is there a way to create a rule that sends and Auto Response for a shared mailbox?

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    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    I would like to create a rule that would send an auto response when someone emails one of these addresses.  However, I don't want an auto response sent to [email protected] so I can't just set up an "out of office" reply for the mailbox.
    Is there a way that I can create a rule to send an automated response to 2 of the 3 addresses?

    we can enable the shared mailbox in ADUC and create Outlook rules for it in Outlook to achieve it. please follow these steps:
    1. In Active Directory Users and Computers, right-click the shared mailbox and click Enable Account.
    2. Configure the Outlook account for the shared mailbox in Outlook.
    3. Click Rules > Manage Rules & Alerts.
    4. Create a rule like the following format:
         Apply this rule after the message arrives
         Have server reply using a specific message
         Except if the subject contains specific words
         Select exception(s) (if necessary) of the Outlook Rule - (“except if from people or public group“)
    5. Apply the auto reply rules for this shared mailbox.
    Then users can receive auto reply of the shared mailbox except the exceptions we have set  when they send messages to this shared mailbox.
    Remember to mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question.That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you

  • Vacation auto response in Mac OS X Lion Server

    I just built a new Lion server for email. It worked nicely until I found that the server side rule will only work when the first short name in the list (the list you can create in server admin) is being used as the recipient. For example, vicding is my username, when people send to [email protected], the vacation server side rule works well, the sender will get a auto reply states that I am on vacation. However, when people send to my other short name, like [email protected] The vacation auto response will not be sent, but other rules (which do not triger MTA, like move the email to other folder) run well.
    Please help!!! As the vacation season is coming, need it to work urgently.
    Thanks a lot.

    Seems to be solved in 10.7.4

  • Auto respond emailer stops

    We have developed an email application, to give auto response to the mails based on the body of the text. Sometimes the application stops or terminates. We use the inbox mail properties as
               Properties props = System.getProperties();
                // Setup authentication, get session
                session =  Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
                // Get the store
                store = session.getStore("imap");
                store.connect(mailServer,userName, password );
                // Get folder
                folder = store.getFolder("INBOX");
      ;send mail properties as
    //Set the host smtp address
                Properties props = new Properties();
                props.put("", smtpHost);
                props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
                props.put("mail.smtp.connectiontimeout", "120000");// 2 minutes
                props.put("mail.smtp.timeout", "120000");// 2 minutes
                props.put("mail.smtp.quitwait", "false");
                Authenticator auth = new SMTPAuthenticator();
                Session session = Session.getInstance(props, auth);Can you please tell me, what might be the problem ?

    Hi bshannon ,
    Emailer application is running.It is not responding to the new emails. I think the mailer server might be down. We used the following code.
    int freq = 1000;
                    int cnt = 0;
                    for (; ;) {
                            // sleep for freq milliseconds
                                 System.out.println("session  "+ session);
                                 store = session.getStore("imap");
                                 store.connect(mailServer,userName, password );
                                  folder = store.getFolder("INBOX");
                                   folder.addMessageCountListener(new MessageCountAdapter(){
                                        public void messagesAdded(MessageCountEvent ev) {
                            // This is to force the IMAP server to send us
                            // EXISTS notifications.
                            cnt = 0;
                        catch(Exception ex)
                            int temp =  cnt % (30 * 60 * 1000);
                            if(temp == 0) {
                                cnt = 0;
                            cnt += freq;
    }Do we need to create a new session object ?
    Can you please tell me the procedure.

  • Cannot turn off auto response in Mac Mail rules.

    I set up a vacation auto response as a rule on Mac Mail. Now the auto response is still running but does not appear under the rules in my Mail preferences. How do I turn it off? I did not set it up under my server.

    Hey Barbara Rohrer,
    Thanks for the question, and welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    It might be helpful to delete and re-add your account from the Preferences menu. Please note, that if the account is setup as POP, this may remove the email messages from your computer.
    For more help, see
    Matt M.

  • Mail 4.4 Reply Forward Icon Not Displaying for Auto-generated emails

    Does anyone have a problem with Mail 4.4...
    For auto generated emails (system generated or confirmation emails), when forwarded these email, little icon on the left that pops up, its just simply not showing up...???!!!
    And for the all other emails it works like it should...
    Anyone? Solution? Help?

    I finally figured out how to make this work for 2 accounts on exchange.  I created my main account and then adding another account  that I'm delegated for within the account.  I also tried my main account and adding IMAP account with still no luck.  What I ended up doing was adding two separate exchange accounts and named them appropriately.  This solved the problem of sent messages going to the proper sent items folder and arrows appearing for Reply and Forward email responses on all machines.  Works like a charm

  • Help setting auto response rules in Apple Mail

    I am trying to setup an auto response for my Apple Mail. I need to configure my mail account to automatically respond to someone when they email me. However, if that individual were to email me again, they would not receive a response because one was already sent. I know this may be slight confusing so I included a step-by-step outline below:
    1. I receive an email from a client
    2. An auto response replies, "Thank you blah, blah"
    3. The same individual sends me another email
    4. No automated response because one has already been sent to this sender.
    Thanks again for anyones help and or direction!

    Mail does not have such a feature. I'm not even sure there's a third-party solution for you, but check at VersionTracker or MacUpdate.

  • Problem wit auto response on my .mac mail -- keeps sending.

    I set up an auto response for my mac mail address.  I then sent myself an email to see if the auto response was working.  It works, except it works like spam.  It just automatically kept sending me email after email after email, up to 20 of them.  So I closed out my email on my computers, then reopened, and they started auto sending again.
    I've been having an issue with mail doing this.  I had an app on iPhone and then deleted the app.  I kept getting automatic mail sent to me that was like I sent an email to THEM, except I never did.  I would get up to 250 emails as fast as they could be sent BING BING BING BING. 
    Happens anywhere I get .mac and .me mail.
    Anyone know why the auto responder went whacko? LOL

    So, if I'm understanding correctly, you're not currently having this problem, but did before you set up iCloud?  Or is your old MobileMe auto-responder still functioning, but not showing up in iCloud in Mail's rules or vacation message settings?  If the latter, you'll need to contact Apple about that, so they can fix it on their end.
    I don't remember how it worked in MobileMe, but in iCloud, you can set up some very basic rules and there is a separate setting for a vacation message.  An auto-responder provided by the server like that ought to be okay-ish.  It shouldn't create mail loops, since the people who wrote the code for it know their stuff when it comes to e-mail protocols.  However, if you used a rule that you created yourself (which doesn't look possible on iCloud, as there's not a "reply" action), that could cause mail loops.
    Of course, even the best auto-responder is only okay-ish, because there are going to be messages that you get that you wouldn't want it to reply to, but it's going to anyway.  Like spam that didn't get caught by spam filters.
    As to the forums, I'd guess this would be best posted in one of the iCloud forums, probably the iCloud on my Mac forum.  I can ask the hosts to move this topic there, but in the future, what you want to do is go to the home page and scroll down to the list of "communities" (ie, forums) and select one first.
    Thanks for the info on how you posted...  many of us regulars have been wondering why so many misplaced posts have been showing up in this forum lately!  That's valuable information that we can use to alert the hosts to a potential problem with the interface of the site.

  • Mail 6.0 and auto response

    According to default setting, mail 6.0 sends out auto response if Mail 6.0 is running. The reason of setting an out-of-office response is that most of the time mail 6.0 is NOT running, so correspondents will not be informed that they cannot expect an answer until a certain date.
    Can someone help me with a setting that Mail 6.0 responds automatically even when Mac is shut off?
    Thank you

    Mail cannot send a response if it isn't running. There's no setting that will change that. However, depending on what service you use for email, it can be done at the server level. For example, if you use iCloud, go here and log on. Click on the Mail icon and then on the gear icon in the top right corner. Select Preferences and then select Vacation.

  • Mail and auto response

    Rules - Auto Response to email
    I will be at a convention, trying to establish a rule for auto response. Have followed all the instructions as I know them. The auto message doesn't appear and the message loops. The only way I have been able to correct it is to delete the rule. Does anyone know the correct syntax to set up an auto response and how do you keep it from looping. I am using the following:
    Name of Rule -- Out of Office
    Begins with
    my name
    Reply to message
    Reply message text
    Would appreciate any assistance available

    It works for me, so maybe there's something wrong with your Rule. Maybe you should try having the To condition be so that it Contains your name instead of beginning with it.

  • Auto response

    Can I set up an "auto response" in Mail while I'm away on vacation?

    Yes by creating a Rule in Mail but this requires leaving the Mail application launched and running while you are away which may not be a good idea.
    Your email account provider for this email account probably includes such an option at the incoming mail server for the account via webmail access for the account preferences. If so, I recommend setting this up there instead.

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