"Auto-Submit" using select lists

hi, i have a few select list boxes that display data on a form, is there a way where i can have it "auto_submit" just by clicking an item on the list, instead of having a button with a branch to the same page?
Edited by: Daniel Garcia on Nov 24, 2008 1:10 PM

Edit the select list item and in the "Display As" field, select "Select List with Submit"

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    I've got a report region based on a 'PL/SQL function body returning a SQL query'which gets generated on selecting a value from a Select list item, The Select List action is 'Redirect and Set value' but this causes the whole page to refresh rather than just the report region. I've tried to refresh the report only using a dynamic action on the Select List item (Action now reset to  'None') but now the report is not appearing on choosing from the List. Can anyone suggest a solution that will allow me to refresh this report without refreshing the page? I am using APEX 4.2.2 and the report syntax is as follows:
      v_statement VARCHAR2(500);
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       FROM sql_queries
       WHERE query_id = :P2_QUERY ;
       RETURN v_statement ;
    END ;
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    KevinFitz wrote:
    The report region being displayed is conditional on P2_QUERY item being NOT NULL. I assume the region not appearing is because the Action for the Select List Item is set to None and so P2_QUERY is always NULL.
    No, the region is not appearing because it is conditional on P2_QUERY being NOT NULL. This means that the report region never exists on the page shown in the browser, so it can't be dynamically refreshed. (Dynamic refresh doesn't evaluate region conditions, and it only re-renders the report content, not the entire region.)
    Remove the condition on the report region, check the refresh is working, then reconsider exactly what the requirements here are. If you want the region to appear only when P2_QUERY has a value, and you want it to be refreshed without submitting and re-rendering the page, then the region needs to be hidden rather than conditionally rendered, and shown via a dynamic action when P2_QUERY gets a value.
    I tried adding an additional Set Value True Action for the DA event but got an error as listed above,
    All irrelevant if Page Items to Submit on the region is used properly.

  • Using select list as default value in tabular form.

    I am using Application Express I have two questions that are related.
    I have a Select item *'P1_SELECT'* and a tabular form My Items.
    Question 1. The My Items tabular form col1 Attributes are set Display As Text Field, and the Tabular Form Attributes are set Default Type = item(application or page item name), Default = P1_SELECT. I have checked the session state value is set on P1_SELECT ie. Fred. What I need to know is, why, when adding a row to the tabular form My Items does col1 not display 'Fred' as the default value from the select item P1_SELECT? I can change col1 of the Tabular form to be Display as Text (save state) and this will work. However that leads me on to:
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    Your help is needed.

    Howard (DBA in Training) wrote:
    Do you submit the page or set the value after changing the selection? If not, the display value seems to be Bob but the working value is still Fred. That's what you are seeing right? In the "Settings" section, what do you have for "Page Action when Value Changed". I've been using "Redirect and Set Value" because I was staying on the same page after the selection.
    Additional info which might be helpful (or NOT). ====================
    NOTE: I am just a novice's novice with APEX and I had much agony with Select Lists. It was challenging to have the Select List value displayed because there seem to be so many different sources of the Select List value, namely:
    1) the current value in the session state
    2) the value you can specify in "Source value or expression" in the "Source" section of the Select List item
    3) the value you can specify in the "Post Calculation Compution" in the "Source" section of the Select List item
    4) the value you can specify in the "Default value" of the "Default" section of the Select List item
    [Now, if I've misdescribed any of these, remember, this is from a novice's perspective.]
    It's like putting a clock (back) together. Get any of the pieces wrong and it will probably not work right.
    I had an addiitonal challenge in that I wanted the same Select List displayed on multiple pages and for the currently selected value (from the former page) to already be set on the new page when it was displayed. What fun!
    To see what I did here: http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=43250:101 login Dever/Ima9Dever
    Remember, I'm doing many things you will likely not need to do. I iniitalized the Select List for the first time it displayed. I copied the Select List value from old page to new page by storing it in an application item F217_SYS_NIC_NM.
    Best wishes,
    HowardHi Howard,
    You don't have submit the page for just setting one item's session state. you can use a Dynamic Action OR use Page Items to Submit property if available (this is available in various places such as sql region,chart region etc)
    In context to this question you don't have to do any of those..just see my example above

  • Using select list value as column name in SQL

    Thanks in advance for any help with this
    I have a select list with two values (Instance and Username) created by
    I am trying to pass the value of this (:P2_SELECT) and use it as a column name in a SQL query as below
    select USERNAME,
    from table_name
    where :P2_SELECT like '%'||:P2_TEXTSEARCH||'%'
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    Any help would be much appreciated!

    Thanks Munky that worked a treat!
    The next hurdle I have now is that because I have changed the region type to "PL/SQL Function(returning SQL Query)" there is no longer the option to add sorting to the columns as I have had to change the Source option to "Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only)"
    I will have a scout around and see how I can get around this

  • Need to use Select List value as column name

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    'TO_DATE(:P1_START,''dd-MON-YYYY HH24:MI'') AND '||
    'TO_DATE(:P2_END,''dd-MON-YYYY HH24:MI'')';
    I have no problem, but I have 2 date columns, STARTDATE and ENDDATE, and would like to use the value in a select list and not have to hardcode "STARTDATE" in there. I have not been able to do this, does anyone know how to use a bind variable as a column name? From reading some posts I think it might not be possible.

    You're on the right track, just glue in the column name so that it becomes part of the returned query string from the function (...'WHERE '||:COLNAME||' IS BETWEEN '|| ...).
    Note that the bind variable is not part of the returned query string, but the column name obtained from the bind variable when the function executes does become part of the query string.

  • Using Select List value for building report

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    The default value for the Select List is the first day of the current week. And then all of the first day of the week from the WEEK_OF table.
    I would like the LOAD process to use the value in the Select List. So at start up I would like the List to show the current week and report to begin with data from the current week.
    So I have tried to use the variable :WEEK_OF_DATE (Item name) as the beginning date for the report. However :WEEK_OF_DATE is null.
    Also, after I have the report displayed, I would like to select a new date from the list and have the report automatically refresh with that new data.
    Any Ideas what I am doing wrong?

    Hi Lyle,
    When setting a default value for a select list that is to be used to filter a report, I have found it best to do that using a computation, conditional on the item being NULL and running Before Header. If other computations rely on this value, then it should have the lowest sequence number to ensure that the value is available for those.

  • How use select list whit ajax?

    when I use this code in my application I get this error
    XML Parsing Error: junk after document element
    <select><option value="1">- All Emps -</option></select><html lang="en-us" xmlns:htmldb="http://htmldb.oracle.com">
    code use in application process.
    l_counter number;
    l_o_name varchar2(2000);
    owa_util.mime_header('text/xml', FALSE );
    htp.p('Cache-Control: no-cache');
    htp.p('Pragma: no-cache');
    for rec in (select "RANDOMDATA"."CATEGORY" as "CATEGORY",
         "RANDOMDATA"."NAME" as "NAME",
         "RANDOMDATA"."ID" as "ID"
    htp.prn('<option value="' || rec.id || '">' || rec.name || '</option>');
    end loop;

    Hi Andi.
    thanks for answering. But my problem dose not solved.
    XML Parsing Error: junk after document element
    <data><select><option value="1">-rec.name-</option></select></data><html lang="en-us" xmlns:htmldb="http://htmldb.oracle.com">

  • Using a Select list with Submit

    I am trying to use the select list with Submit on my page.
    I have 3 select lists.
    On the first one,I am showing the list of all jacks.
    When the user selects a jack from the first list, I want to show all the jacks except the one which was selected.
    When the user selects a jack from the second list, I want to show all the jacks except the ones selected in the first list and the second list.
    I have created the select lists with submit and then I have put the query for getting the jacks. I created an unconditional branch. I am also passing the variables so that I can set the values of the items on submit.
    I also created a computation as mentioned in one of the OTN discussions, and have mentioned the value of second list to be calculated from the first and 3rd from first and second.
    But after clicking the first select list, I am losing all the existing values on the first page. I wonder what I am missing here. Can anyone hellp?

    In this case using 'select list with redirect' makes more sense rather than with SUBMIT. So change all the select lists to 'select list with redirect' (it redirects to same page inserting 'select list' value session state).
    Now for the 2nd select list query add a condition in where clause like
    WHERE sl_col != :P1_SL1And for the 3rd select list query add a condition in where clause like
    WHERE sl_col NOT IN (:P1_SL1, :P1_SL2)Hope it helps :-)

  • Keeping cursor in same item where Select List with Submit is ued

    I am using Select List with Submit and when I do this and redirect to same page, cursor focus goes to first item in region or page.
    How to keep the cursor in same item?
    Pl Help as I am not very sure to it in Java Script and i am having such items more than 50 per page.

    Try this:
    Suppose ur select list with submit is "P1_SELECT" and the item to set focus on is "P1_MAIN".
    In ur page HTML Footer, use something like:
    <script language="javascript">
    if($x('P1_SELECT').value!="")   ---> when a value is selected in the select list (assuming that the select list can also display a null value)
    </script>Hope this at least gets u started.

  • Pass Select list value to URL as a parameter

    I am trying to pass the selected value from a select list via a button to a URL.
    P_VALUE is set to USER SESSION.
    It shows as prevous session value. If I show the the session value is not set to the selected value.
    If I call a PDF report via a button, it displays the correct value and the session values is correct.
    If I select the button for the URL again, is shows the previous value.
    When I go back to the form and call select the button again, the correct parameter is passed to the URL.
    Any Ideas?

    If you use substitution at the time, the button gets generated, you don't have the new value - the button is generated with the rest of the page, and then later the user changes value of the select list. You have two choices:
    1)Use Select list with submit - and transfer the user to second page using branch (which get's calculated after submit when select list has already the new value)
    2)Use Javascript to catch the onChange/onClick event of SelectList, read the current value and do the redirect from JavaScript.

  • AJAX dependent Select lists

    Can anyone please help me figure out where am going wrong?
    I have 2 regions on page 1. Region 1 is supposed to have 2 drop down lists (cascading i.e values in second drop down Drop List HJ are dependent on value selected in first lov Ajax Select HJ). Region 2 will be a report.
    I am trying to create AJAX cascading lovs based on eg. provided on carl's application so that Region 2 is not refreshed each time I select a value from the drop down's
    I have downloaded the application and tried to do the exact same steps, but my child lov is not updating its values after I select a value from in Ajax Select HJ.
    My application is available at http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=33829:1:2010637670427735:::::
    Appreciate any help on this
    Thank you

    Thank you Denes !! The example really helped me. Now I am stuck at the next level. I am new to apex and learning and building dashboard for my organization. So, please bear with me.
    I have a page that is divided into 4 regions. Each region displays a chart that is generated dynamically. When I say dynamic, each region has 2 drop down lists.
    First pull down has Org and Year as values, if they wish to view chart by Org or Year. If they choose Org, second drop down defaults to Org. If they choose Year, second drop down displays Year's as 2010, 2009,2008 so on. Depending on which year they choose they should be able to view that Year's chart by month in that region.
    Initially I had used select lists with submit for drop down's but that was refreshing the whole page. But now after using your example with AJAX I was able to accomplish the cascading Lov's stuff. Now, after user selects a value in second drop down, is there a way that I can display the chart and refresh only that region each time user selects a value from the drop down.
    I want to avoid refreshing the page each time, I need each region to refresh based on user selection in drop down's. Is this possible in apex? Is there any example that you could direct me to.
    Thank you so much for all your inputs. Appreciate it very much

  • Select List with the current value

    I have a Page suppose Page1 with 2 region.
    Region1 is having SEARCH button (target page 1 itself) and a SELECT LIST called Deptno (10,20,30,40)
    Region2 is just a simple employee report based on Deptno (where deptno = :p1_deptno)
    Now when I suppose select deptno 30 and press SEARCH button, report is not displayed and also Dept select list current value becomes the first one in the list i.e 10.
    My question is after submitting the same page 1 using SEARCH button, how can I display the selected value (dept 30) in the select list.
    Note:- If I am using Select List with Submit then it's working fine and also displaying the current value (30) in the list, But I am looking for using SEARCH button.
    Edited by: Deepak_J on Aug 6, 2009 2:14 PM

    Then the value that is selected in the list will not be submitted, so it will not be saved. You need a button that submits the page.

  • Size of select lists

    I am a newbie to app express have a query.
    I have defined dynamic LOV's using select list with submit.
    I have 5 of these LOV's.
    Based on the selection in the LOV's & a GO button i run a report.
    My question is regarding the size of the LOV's. they get sized based
    on the size of the data that gets populated in the LOV.
    Is there a way I can set the size as say fixed size 30 or something of
    that sort.

    In the HTML Form Element Attributes of your select list put the following:
    and all the select list items will have the width of 195px.
    Denes Kubicek

  • Embarrassing questions.. :/  Dependent Select Lists

    One more embarrassing question to feature my narrow knowledge.
    I want to create dependent select lists. Have tried following the procedure as in help:
    <p>You can have one LOV drive another LOV by: </p>
    <li type="disc">
    <p>Creating a basic form. </p>
    <li type="disc">
    <p>Defining two lists of values. Note that the driving LOV must submit the page after a value is chosen. </p>
    <li type="disc">
    <p>Defining a branch that branches back to the current page. </p>
    <p>Consider the following example. The first LOV enables the user to pick a state. </p>
    <pre xml:space="preserve">SELECT state_name d, state_id v FROM states </pre>
    <p>The second LOV selects the country name and country ID based on the state selected in the first LOV. </p>
    <pre xml:space="preserve">SELECT county_name d, county_id v FROM counties WHERE state_id = :Px_STATE_ID </pre>
    I try to follow the procedure and I get nothing in list two.
    I am trying to make it this way that if a country selected in 1st list then only regions to that country get listed in 2nd select list.
    Can someone "spell" this out for me? With an example? I had previously asked similar question here and never figured out solution out of it, so I am embarrasingly asking once more...
    Hrefna the persistent

    Hi Earl,
    Can you please help me out? Hope so.
    I then created a page with a text field called
    P1_EMPNO.You're not using select list items on the page? That's what this thread is about - although the specifics can be adapted to other page item types.
    I added onblur="get_AJAX_SELECT_XML(this,'P1_ENAME')"
    in the Form Element Attributes.
    My question is, how do I create P1_ENAME? Is it a
    LOV, text, etc.Don't know. What are you trying to accomplish? I thought you wanted one select list item to help you narrow down the number of items in a second select list - but it sounds like you've got something else going on. Please explain exactly what your UI requirements are.

  • Select list pagination not working for big tables

    i am trying to view a table with large amount of data using tabular form. the pagination using select list is not working in this page. i have selected select list kind of pagination but it is showing "row range 1-15 16-30(with set pagination)' type of pagination. when i lowered the amount of data in the table the pagination type will automatically change to select list pagination. could you please tell me why this happens and any possible work around if any.

    Hi Jo,
    I don't know what you call a large amount of records, but the effect you describe might be intentional by apex.
    The select list pagination would generate a selection tag with (number of records in table/15) options in your page HTML.
    Although there isn't a hard limit to the number of options a select list can have there certainly is a limit to what your browser/pc can render.
    Think about it
    Let's say you table contains a million rows. this would result to a select list with 66666 options. Which your browser won't handle :)
    I very possible the apex team resolved this by simply reverting to row range pagination when the number of select options would grow to large.

Maybe you are looking for

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