Auto tune plug-ins

Hey everyone!
Just wondering if anyone knows of any auto tune plug-ins I could use through GB for vocals?

you can use GB's built in Enhance Tuning, and of course there's Auto-Tune from Antares.

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    The term "Auto Tune" comes from the Antares plug-in of the same name. It has become analogous with the term "Pitch correction", which is actually a better description.
    The "auto" part comes from a mode within the Antares plug-in that will pitch correct on the fly, or automatically. If a singer is really close, and just has a few small problem spots, this mode can work wonders. But if a vocal performance is WAY off, you need to result to graphic mode, where you have visual feedback to work with.
    I've used them all, but Melodyne gets my vote as the best available.

  • Plug-Ins not auto-updating, but auto update is set.

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    I read an earlier answer where someone said that Plug-Ins won't auto-update, perhaps that is correct, but if Plug-Ins don't auto-update, why is there an auto-update feature?
    (Tools-AddOns-Updated Automatically & Check for Updates both don't catch that plug-ins are out of date).
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    Thanks, I just wanted to warn others if they got confused, the way the options are set up it is a little confusing for us who aren't familiar with the difference between Addons & Plugins, it looks like you are choosing an Auto-Update for the Plugins too.
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  • Auto Tune 5 Demo + Garage Band Issues

    Okay so I have an issssue. I have been using Garage Band 3 and trying out the Auto Tune 5 AU Plug-in Demo for the last few days. I had it assigned to be used in one of my tracks in a project i've been working on. Now, the demo has expired. When I attempt to open my project (that uses auto-tune), an auto-tune dialogue comes up informing me that the demo has expired. Okay cool, but then after I exit this box Garage Band has an error and exits.
    I'm not sure what to do at this point, as I have deleted every trace of auto-tune using spotlight, both in the plug in folders and in the original downloaded files.

    hmm i believe i already deleted the folder from there. i checked it out and its non existant.
    when i search both terms in spotlight: antares, and auto-tune, both return with no results.
    any other tips? is there a way to manage the plug ins with garage band within the program?
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  • Opening Auto Tune EFX VST

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    I have chosen Garage Band 4.1.2 as the application to use it with.
    Does anyone know how to open up and use Auto Tune EFX once I get Garage Band opened?
    I am not familiar with plug ins.
    Many Thanks,

    ... well that is peculiar!
    I would've sworn blind that I'd been using VSTs all that time, but on closer inspection it seems that each plugin is indeed an AU.
    Which is the most confusing thing for me because I never consciously said 'Install as AU'. I am officially stumped as to how I ever got anything working!!!

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    Firefox can't find the server at
    Firefox can't find the server at
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    YES it does, HOWEVER in the past Most (not all) Beta auto updates did not trigger Comodo Firewall problem (BUT occasionally did) and I resolved the same way (namely uninstalling and installing a full install.
    I do not know if having Aurora AND BETA both installed causes any conflicts regarding this issue
    I am NOW going to uninstall Maintenance service, Beta and Aurora retaining only my add-on and preferences. I will delete all Comodo rules for them Then I will download an older update of both Beta and Aurora and see what happens
    Will report back in 30 mins

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    Thank you very,very much for helping me out, i didnt even think about the fact that Elements plug ins may not even work with Photoshop jCS5 so thanks for setting me straight on that.  I really want those plug ins but ever since i installed CS5 i cant get my Photoshop Elements 8 program open, it opens and a split second later it shuts down  and have no idea why.  I was using Elememts that day that i installed CS5 so i know it worked prior to the install of cs5.  I am using windows 7 64bit.  I put a phone call into Adobe who said they would call me back in 8 min and that was at least 2 hrs ago.  I am not to computer literate so i dont dare start messing with files until i get instructions from someone who does know what there doing. 
    Also, in response to the question about how i got the Topaz plug ins into Elements, well, i installed like normal and then had to copy the file into the Elements folder, it worked perfectly, that was Topaz instructed people to do if they didnt show up when you ran the auto installer.  I will get ahold of topaz and see if there is anything I can do about "exchanging' my elements serial number for a CS serial number, its worth a try anyway becasue i just bought them and I love what they do.
    thanks again to all of you who helped me out on this issue. 

  • Plug-ins factor into crossgrade to AI CS3

    Yes, you can crossgrade to AI CS3 from FH9, 10 or MX for $199
    However, when planning a switch, make sure you also include
    the price of the
    ton of third party plug-ins you'll need to buy to get close
    the same
    functionality as many FH features you may rely on. You'll
    need to fork out
    wads of cash for features such as multiple pages, scale
    drawings, bending
    line segments, joining multiple path segments, knife tool,
    drawing. I could go on.
    If there are plug-ins and/or scripts that can fully duplicate
    functionality of FH's Find & Replace Graphics, I haven't
    found them.
    Do your research before assuming you can easily jump to
    Here are a few reasons I use FH instead of Illustrator:
    -- Name all colors in document
    -- Find & Replace color in document, page or selection
    -- Find & Replace path shape
    -- Multiple pages
    -- Paste Inside
    -- Interactive rounded corners on rectangles
    -- Live shape primitives - polygons, stars, etc.
    -- Live ellipse segments
    -- Join selected path segments (requires concatonate plug-in)
    -- Convert multiple points to curve, corner, retract handles,
    -- Split paths at multiple subselected path segments
    -- "Bend-o-matic" -- bend straight path segment by dragging
    with pointer
    -- Custom ruler scales
    -- Scale raster images numerically from original size
    -- Easy handling of linked images, including extract image
    -- Adjustable snap and pick distances set in preferences
    -- New object default preference
    -- Type on a closed path, upright top and bottom
    -- Zoom view to 512,000 X
    -- Tiled printing with specified overlap
    Additions or corrections welcome.
    Judy Arndt

    > However, when planning a switch, make sure you also
    include the price of the
    > ton of third party plug-ins you'll need to buy to get
    close the same
    > functionality as many FH features you may rely on.
    I rave as much as anyone about the ill-advised need to build
    dependency upon third party add-ons in AI. However, it can also be
    argued that Illustrator offsets some of that with other features
    which FreeHand has never had. Yes, GF&R saves time in FH. On
    the other hand, AI's built-in macro facility (Actions) saves huge
    amounts of time, too. FH has never had a macro utility.
    Illustrator's (and the rest of the CS apps') support for
    Javascript is another huge productivity advantage. And I'm not just
    talking about building Javascript substitutes for FH features like
    joining multiple paths, reversing paths, retracting handles, etc.
    I'm talking about the ability to create your own features for your
    own specific needs. Just a few examples which I use:
    A simple Javascript instantly creates a set of numerically
    serialized text objects for such things as callouts in maps and
    tech illustrations, or for serialized items like tickets.
    Another script randomly fills a user-defined rectangular area
    with any number of copies of any object.
    Another randomly assigns defined swatches to any number of
    selected paths.
    Another creates a halftone from a raster image in which each
    halftone dot is an instance of a user-defined Symbol.
    Another corrects the z-stacking order of selected objects,
    based upon their vertical position on the page. (I use this for
    processing tabular text in CAD imports.)
    Okay, you don't want to build Javascripts. Point is, the more
    AI users do it, the less likely you have to. AI Javascript is
    completely cross-platform. People share them all the time, for
    free. So for me, this is a huge productivity advantage which FH
    cannot match. I miss having GF&R when using AI, too. But I've
    already become just as dependent upon AI's Javascript support and
    Actions. Moreover, the JS advantage is compounded because the same
    thing is supported in both InDesign and Acrobat.
    > You'll need to fork out wads of cash for features such
    as multiple pages, scale drawings,
    And you'll find after doing so that even the most often-cited
    plug-ins for those fall far short of the elegance of built-in
    features. CAD Tools' treatment of custom scales looks to me like a
    bitmap overlay over the AI rulers. I don't have the latest version,
    but in the version I have its performance is quite poor.
    On the other hand, FH's custom rulers compare rather weakly
    against those in other programs, too. Just the other day, Judy, you
    answered someone needing to set up a scale using microns as the UOM
    with a rationalization that FH "is not a CAD program." Well, Canvas
    isn't either, but the kind of scale the correspondent needed can be
    set up in seconds in Canvas.
    Third party plug-ins for "multiple pages" are really nothing
    more than schemes to use layers or page tiling as pretentions of
    multiple pages. Those who offer them just don't get it. FH's
    innovative approach to multiple pages offers illustration-centric
    advantages none of the AI plug-ins I've seen offer.
    On the other hand, Adobe did in CS2 add a reasonable
    interface for managing an array of same-size page tiles on AI's
    artboard. No, it does not even come close to measuring up to FH's
    versatile page handling (and I tell Adobe that at every
    opportunity). But again, when it comes to the bottom line of total
    productivity, an advantage in one program can compensate for an
    advantage in the other. For example, it's pretty dang handy to be
    able to be flipping through a multi-page PDF in Acrobat, rightClick
    the page with the TouchUpObject tool, select EditPage, and have
    that page open in Illustrator for editing. Make the edits, select
    Save, and you are returned to the PDF in Acrobat.
    > Do your research before assuming you can easily jump to
    Always good advice.
    > Name all colors in document
    > Find & Replace color in document, page or selection
    I haven't laid hands on it yet, but reading between the lines
    of the new color handling in CS3, I suspect it may provide those
    and more. If not exactly those, then other color handling features
    which FH does not have. I, for one, will welcome the color schemes
    Find & Replace path shape
    > Paste Inside
    I'm not sure if this has changed in CS3, but I suspect it may
    have. The problem with AI's Clipping Masks is not functional, but
    interface. The interface displays the edges of masked portions of
    whole clipping path group when selected, and displays the whole
    contents' dimensions, and performs alignments upon the whole
    contents' bounds, rather than those of the clipping path. But I've
    see mention of ability to align points having been added to CS3,
    and it seems logical to me that some of the Clipping Mask problems
    may have been addressed as part of that. Again, we'll see.
    Live shape primitives - polygons, stars, etc. [including
    rounded rectangles and ellipse arcs]
    Agreed. On the other hand, the ability to apply Convert To
    Shape as a live effect to individual stroke or fill attributes in
    the Appearance Palette is a somewhat offsetting advantage of AI.
    > Join selected path segments (requires concatonate
    I built a pair of Javascripts for this, which work much like
    FH's Join command, but which gives me the option of whether
    pre-existing outboard handles are respected. I use it every day.
    Understand, this is NOT to make any excuse for the inexcusably poor
    Join command in AI.
    > Convert multiple points to curve, corner, retract
    handles, automatic handles
    Judging by the screenshots of CS3, most, if not all, of that
    is now provided. Yes, 20 years late, but today is what matters
    > Split paths at multiple subselected path segments
    Actually, you can do that in AI, but by different means.
    DirectSelect the segments instead of the points. Cut, tap Delete,
    PasteInFront. For my own purposes, I wanted it to work more like
    FH, so again, I wrote myself a pretty simple Javascript to just
    break selected points.
    > "Bend-o-matic" -- bend straight path segment by dragging
    with pointer
    As you may recall, you're singing one of my favorite tunes
    there. On the consolation side, though, selection behavior has been
    altered in CS3 (something I really figured would be "holy ground",
    never to be improved). According to what I read between the lines
    in Teri Petit's description, the tedium of having to continually
    deselect when using AI's white pointer should be aleviated in CS3.
    > Easy handling of linked images, including extract image
    Like multiple pages and Collect For Output, it should be
    built into AI. But for those who may not know, it's not that big a
    deal to save the AI file as PDF, have it automatically launch
    Acrobat, and then use Acrobat's Extract All Images command.
    > Adjustable snap and pick distances set in preferences
    Has been added in CS3. Also settings for the display of
    points and handles.
    > Tiled printing with specified overlap
    You can do that in CS2. It's in the Print Dialog's Setup
    pane. Select Tile Whole Pages, set the desired overlap, click Done.
    Turn on View>Show Page Tiling.

  • Auto FX Plug-in Suite 1.0 problem with PS CS6

    Hello everyone!
    After making the migration to the new computer, I started to re-install the plugins that I use. No problem with OnOne Suite (which I have in Automate and also in Extension), but Autofx is driving me crazy.
    I have already Suite 1.0 and while installing the various programs I noticed that despite having always selected the x64 setup, all the   programs were installed in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Auto FX Software and not in C: \ Program Files \ Auto FX Software.
    When I opened Photoshop CS6 I saw that none of the  Autofx programs appeared between the filters and even in Automate.
    In the old PC with Seven had not had any problems ....
    What should I do?
    All the programs work perfectly in the standalone version, but do not appear in PS.
    My OS is Windows 8 x64 and PS  is part of the Design suite.
    Thanks for any help you can give me and sorry for my bad english ....
    Just a few updates
    I have uninstalled and reinstalled everything again, forcing the installation folder and then putting everything in C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit) \ Plug-ins \ Auto FX Software that must be the installation folder.
    But even this is done I do not see any of the plugins AutoFx.
    Any idea?
    Message was edited by: LioCanada

    Thanks, Ann. I hadn't realised there was a 5.8.1 update, which seems to have solved the problem (I thought it was something deeper as the error appeared when I tried to open AE through the DL.

  • Strange behavior after using NIK plug-ins

    Every once in a while I encounter this strange behavior of Aperture. I first process the NEF's in Aperture (white balance, Exposure, Enhance... and, when needed, Cropping) and then I fine tune the image with the NIK plug-ins; when needed DfIne 2.0, Viveza, Color Efex Pro 3.0 and Sharpener Pro 3.0 Output Sharpener.
    If I look at the processed picture then, I get a perfect presentation of the photo;
    But when I press Z to zoom into a 100% preview I get this;
    When I select the Loup in the normal view mode I get this;
    This doesn't happen with all my pictures, yesterday I processed a series of 8 pictures an 6 of them showed this behavior the other two acted normal and I can't see what I did differently whit these last two.
    When I export the strangely behaving photo's to a Tiff or a Jpeg, I get perfectly normal pictures.
    The original NEF behaves normal. I have seen this behavior with NEF's from a Nikon D200, D2x and a D300. I have Aperture 2.1.2 running on a 2.33 GHz Intel Core Duo MacBook Pro running Mac OS X 10.5.6
    Does anybody know what's happening and if so, how to solve this problem?

    I did some testing and what I found is too weird to be true.
    First this mashed up look doesn't only happen after using NIK plug-ins, it also happens when making a roundtrip to Photoshop, given that certain conditions are met.
    Give it a try yourself. Crop an image to an uneven pixelcount dimension, for example 4227 x 2797 and make a roundtrip to Photoshop. Then have a 100% view look at the new image in Aperture. You'll have a mashed up view, at least I do.
    Now crop the same original image to an even pixelcount dimension, for example 4228 x 2798 and make an roundtrip to Photoshop once more. When you have a 100% view of the new image now, you'll see a perfectly normal photo.
    Do you think Aperture developers are reading this forum?

  • Is Pitch Shifter II the same thing as Auto Tune?

    I'm looking for a plug-in on Logic Express 7 that is similar to the vocal effect you always catch T-Pain using. I believe it is called Auto Tune. I just wanted to know if this is available in LE7. Thanks.

    RyConn M.D. wrote:
    I'm looking for a plug-in on Logic Express 7 that is similar to the vocal effect you always catch T-Pain using. I believe it is called Auto Tune. I just wanted to know if this is available in LE7. Thanks.
    No. it is not the same. to get those fast pitch rises and falls, you either need auto tune, or a really good Vocoder.
    Try using a Vocoder instead. This will be closer to that sound. BTW I work in syndicated radio, and it is the single most overused effect right now, so IMHO, try something else. We're starting to get listener complaints about having so many songs with it on our chart. Seriously...

  • Developing plug-ins for BEA Weblogic Studio

    Can anyone provide pointers on documentation on developing plug-ins for BEA Weblogic Studio (e.g like this one )

    film leaders clips can be downloaded online if you dig around a bit ... Peter Wiggins has a nice Motion Template clock he offers for free (which is a bargain by anyones reckoning)
    easy enough to create your own film leader style countdown with a few back to back text generators separated by clock wipe transitions
    color bars can already found in your fcp video generators bin
    color bars and a film leader style countdown can also be auto generated during output (print to video and edit to tape)
    distort faces and license plate like they do on tv? ... ok i give up, what do you mean? if you mean you want to disguise them (Mosaic, Blur etc) then you can have a bash with my Region Blur plugin
    Message was edited by: Andy Mees

  • Anyone using Antares Auto-Tune 5 with Logic Pro 8 on a Mac Intel?

    I just bought the upgrade from Auto-Tune 4 to Auto-Tune 5 since v4 didn't work with the Intel machines, and I'm using a Mac Pro.
    After trying to tune one simple part of one song, I'm going nuts. The plug-in is full of bugs, it seems -- mostly in graphical mode. Is anyone else either successfully using this set-up or experiencing major bugs with it?

    I'm thinking it's an Intel thing.
    When I try to use the various tools in the graphical view, the plug-in will just basically stop responding. I can't close out the plug-in window, and sometimes the "options" window of AT 5 will pop up for no reason and freeze. Its "cancel" and "OK" buttons are non-functioning at that point.
    I've hard to force quit Logic a few times now, which pains me to say. Not to mention that it's setting my project back.
    Antares doesn't have a forum, and I can't find anything else about this apparent anomaly online anywhere.
    Unrelated: I've had problems with Drumagog in LP8 as well. If I try to drag the Drumagog pop-up window around the screen, the only thing that moves is the semi-transparent LP 8 "container". The actual Drumagog window stays put as the LP 8 window that frames the Drumagog window moves about. Very strange.

  • Plug-ins for Final Cut Studio

    Please post your recommendations for plug-ins for FInal Cut Studio (Final Cut Pro and Motion).

    film leaders clips can be downloaded online if you dig around a bit ... Peter Wiggins has a nice Motion Template clock he offers for free (which is a bargain by anyones reckoning)
    easy enough to create your own film leader style countdown with a few back to back text generators separated by clock wipe transitions
    color bars can already found in your fcp video generators bin
    color bars and a film leader style countdown can also be auto generated during output (print to video and edit to tape)
    distort faces and license plate like they do on tv? ... ok i give up, what do you mean? if you mean you want to disguise them (Mosaic, Blur etc) then you can have a bash with my Region Blur plugin
    Message was edited by: Andy Mees

  • Logic 9 no longer recognising 3rd party plug ins

    Without any change to OS or software versions, Logic 9 has decided not to recognise any of the 3rd party AU plug ins that have been working perfectly in all projects ... until today.
    How do I fix this?
    I'm using:
    Logic Pro 9.1.1 (1697.53) in 32 bit mode
    OS 10.6.4
    Novation Automap Pro 3.5
    On starting Logic, a notification window tells me
    Logic Pro: Plug-in "Battery 3 ("Not available
    Logic Pro: Plug-in "FM8 (Autom" ("Not available
    Logic Pro: Plug-in "Kontakt 3 ("Not available
    Logic Pro: Plug-in " Massive ("Au available
    Logic Pro: Plug-in "Ozone 4 ("A Not available
    Logic Pro: Plug-in "Predator ("A Not available
    Logic Pro: Plug-in "Predator (" Not available
    Logic Pro: Plug-in "Sylenth1 ("A Not available
    Logic Pro: Plug-in "Sylenth 1 ("Not available
    If you have a definitive answer, I'd love to hear it.

    I think logic is missing your Auto-mapped synths all of a sudden.
    It happened to me with Predator just now.
    After Automap was updated to 3.5 I got the same message.
    Rescan with the Automap Plugin manager without Logic running and see if the plugins are available.
    Tick the boxes of all the synths Logic expects to see auto-mapped, press OK, close Automap Server and restart logic.
    Now Logic and Automap Server are started in order.
    If the plugins are not available you can also try to move the AU components that are mentioned to another location on the drive.
    Start logic, on your Channel Strip the names of the synths will be crossed out because you moved them.
    Close Logic and Automap Server, move the AU components back to their original location and restart logic.
    If I am correct they should be rescanned.
    After this, scan with the Automap Plugin manager.
    Check the boxes and tick the boxes of the plugins Logic expects to see Auto-mapped and restart logic again.
    It is a lot of restarting I know, but the goal is to flip that bit in the software that is giving all this hassle.
    I hope this works for you, It worked for me on logic 8.

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