AutoCompleteBox max displayed items

I am using AutoCompleteBox in my WPF and ObservableCollection as Itemsource.
I'm having performance issues when displaying large numbers of items (1000+).
is there any way to limit the number of displayed items in the dropdown?
For example , display only 10 items .
I test this solution but it does not work.
Thanks for help

>>is there any way to limit the number of displayed items in the dropdown?
The only way to limit the number of items is reduce the number of items in the ItemsSource or implementing a custom filer. The following code works just fine, i.e. only the first 10 items of a total of 100 is displayed when you type "aaa"
into the TextBox:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private int count = 0;
public MainWindow() {
List<string> names = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
names.Add("aaaa" + i.ToString());
act.FilterMode = AutoCompleteFilterMode.Custom;
act.ItemFilter = new AutoCompleteFilterPredicate<object>((s,e) =>
//return only the first 10 items:
return count++ < 10;
act.ItemsSource = names;
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<toolkit:AutoCompleteBox x:Name="act" />
However, AutoCompleteBox is not part of WPF nor the .NET Framework, it is a third-party product that is part of the WPF Toolkit. Please ask any questions about third-party software to the creators directly or at their discussions page on CodePlex as these forums
are indented for Microsoft's products and technologies only.
And please remember to close your threads my marking helpful posts as answer.

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    The maximum number of menu items for TestStand 2.0.1 is set to be 256. This is pre-defined and cannot be changed. The message "'Max Menu Items Reached" should be displayed once you have inserted 256 menu items.
    Hope that helps!
    Shannon Rariden
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Please help as I am using APEX for the first time.
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    decode(&maj_def_met,'Y',1,0) from dual) then
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    return 1;
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    ORA-06550: line 2, column 23: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "&" when expecting one of the following: ( ) - + case mod new not null others select table avg count current exists max m ORA-06550: line 2, column 48: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "&" when expecting one of the following: ( ) - + case mod new not null others table avg count
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    Thanks in advance

    hi thanks for the help.
    I tried this time source type SQL Query:
    with both suggestions
    select (case when
    2<=to_number((select decode(v(Leg_Req),'Y',1,0)+decode(v(maj_funct_chg),'Y',1,0)+
    decode(v(maj_def_met),'Y',1,0) from dual)) then
    (select decode(v(Customer_Priority),1,1,v(Customer_Priority)-1) from dual)
    ELSE v(Customer_Priority) end) from dual
    ORA-00904: "CUSTOMER_PRIORITY": invalid identifier
         Error      ERR-1019 Error computing item default value: page=2 name=QA_TIER.
    select (case when
    2<=to_number((select decode(:Leg_Req,'Y',1,0)+decode(:maj_funct_chg,'Y',1,0)+
    decode(:maj_def_met,'Y',1,0) from dual)) then
    (select decode(:Customer_Priority,1,1,:Customer_Priority-1) from dual)
    ELSE :Customer_Priority end) from dual
    ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CHAR
         Error      ERR-1019 Error computing item default value: page=2 name=QA_TIER.
    Both didn't work.

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    Still not clear what you are trying to achieve...
    it is just a non database item that i want to view the data in the database item in itIf it a "non database item", how can it have a relationship with a database value?

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    once you retrive po number from ekko then retrive data from ekpo and loop at ekpo and append all the item details to your internal table.

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    When I select this, OK, and then go back to the page, **the portlet doesn't show at all any more! There is no link, no nothing. Note that I have defined a Display Name, which should be the text for the link.
    It would seem that this feature flat out doesn't work.
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    Yes -- I did do that after reading an article on metalink about such issues.
    This actually changes the problem.
    When I add the "Display name and image link" attribute to the region, I now do get a link.
    However, clicking it brings up an undefined Discoverer portlet.
    It works great for non-Disco portlets. For instance, I was able to pop up the "Developer News" portlet from the Oracle 9iAS Community portlet provider.
    I think the problem is that the link that Disco produces does not provide enough information to bring up the particular portlet. For instance, the URL does not have the workbook name, the worksheet name, the parameter values, etc.
    If anyone uses Disco w/ the portal, I would be curious to hear if anyone can reproduce this apparent bug / limitation.

  • Displaying items in a single line in ALV grid using  ALV_TOP_OF_PAGE.

    Hello Guys,
    I am having a problem in displaying items in a single line in the ALV Grid using event ALV_TOP_OF_PAGE.
    My requirement is to group items on a single line i.e. in the example below, Vendor code and posting date are on the same line. The next line the prints Vendor Name and Document no.
    Vendor Code: 123123                               Posting Date : 01.01.2011
    Vendor Name: ABCD                                 Document No: 152246598.
    Here is my code in subroutine 'ALV_TOP_OF_PAGE', 
      wa_list_comments-typ = 'S'. 
      wa_list_comments-key = ''.
      wa_list_comments-info = 'Vendor Code'.
      APPEND wa_list_comments TO it_list_comments.
      wa_list_comments-typ = 'S'. 
      wa_list_comments-key = ''.
      wa_list_comments-info = 'Posting Date'.
      APPEND wa_list_comments TO it_list_comments.
    The above code prints in the following format i.e one below the other,
    Vendor Code: 123123                              
    Posting Date : 01.01.2011.
    I also tried using HTML_TOP_OF_PAGE, but it didn't work.
    Can anybody please help me out with this.

    Hi Danish,
    Your problem is with the alignment and you need some fix positions .
    The solution i feel is u can use as below :
    i_callback_html_top_of_page       = 'HTML_TOP_OF_PAGE'.
    Now on calling routine call use cl_dd_document class :
    FORM html_top_of_page USING document TYPE REF TO cl_dd_document .
    data : doctable TYPE REF TO cl_dd_table_element,
              col1_t1 TYPE REF TO cl_dd_area,
              col2_t1 TYPE REF TO cl_dd_area,
              col1_t2 TYPE REF TO cl_dd_area,
              col2_t2 TYPE REF TO cl_dd_area.
    add quick table with five columns
        CALL METHOD lw_document->add_table
            no_of_columns               = 2
            border                      = '0'
         cell_background_transparent = ' '
            width                       = '100%'
            table                       = doctable.
    Filling columns in row
        CALL METHOD doctable->add_column
            width  = '40%'
            column = col1_t1.
    Filling columns in row
        CALL METHOD doctable->add_column
            width  = '60%'
            column = col2_t1.* Filling columns in row
    Call method doctable->new_row.
        CALL METHOD doctable->add_column
            width  = '40%'
            column = col1_t2.
    Filling columns in row
        CALL METHOD doctable->add_column
            width  = '60%'
            column = col2_t2.
    *Now adding the texts
    lw_text1 = 'your first text'
    CALL METHOD col1_t1->add_text
            text = lw_text.
    *Similarly add text for other columns
    *Adujust % in width to adjust the column as required
    Hope this will solve your problem .

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    twinklin_girl wrote:
    I figured out it's a folder. How to add folder functionality to a customized form please ?Please see the following docs/links -- Search for "APPFLDR"
    Customization in Oracle Applications [ID 743490.1]
    Folder Functionality in custom form

  • Multi-Line Display Item

    I need to populate a multi-line display item in Forms 6i.
    The problem that I am having is the actual assignment to the display item.
    For example:
    :DISPLAY_ITEM := '10';
    :DISPLAY_ITEM := '11';
    This makes the display item show the value '11' only.
    I need '10' on the first line and '11' on the second line, etc.
    Thanks in advance,

    well, you can write:
    but for this- 1. block should have one navigable item. 2. display_item should not be the first item of the block.
    Otherwise you will need to create a non-databse text_item with width 0 on the canvas for that block.
    Hope this helps.

  • The question about max line item in material document

    Dear  sir:
    I want to excute CO27 for an FP . It will create material documents. The max line item is 100 in each material document. But I want to record 400 lines in a material document.  Is it possbile to change the number of max line in material document?   How could I do to change that ?   Thanks !!

    I know about 333 in case of physical inventory because the finacial document has a technical limitation of 3 digits for Fi document item number, which means the FI document cannot take more than 999 lines.
    In case of physical inventory a material document item can create up to 3 FI item lines. So the limit for physical inventory became 333.
    I dont know from where you have the 100 as limitation, but take the above said into consideration before you change anything.

  • Display item visual attribute

    Is there a way to use set_item_instance_property on display item?
    Or change font color of disabled text item?

    Set_item_instance_property is the new built-in. Don't use the old display_item. Help says: "Maintained for backward compatibility only."
    Use the new one. There are all properties in the built-in you need for changing the visual attributes.
    try it

  • Sorting on non-displayed items - can it be done ?

    I'm very new to Discoverer (and this forum), so apologies if I'm covering old ground.
    I've created a simple discoverer table report and the folder I've based the data on has a number of columns that determine the sort order i.e. called 'activity_type_sort_order', 'activity_sort_order', 'enclosure_order_order' - this is because the related columns activity_type, activity and enclosure are VARCHAR but contain numeric values.
    Hence, the existing application displays the data in the correct order in the Forms and Reports without showing the user the underlying columns that are determining the order.
    I want to do something similar in Discover i.e. produce a report that displays the columns activity_type, activity, enclosure but sorts the data based on 'hidden' columns activity_type_sort_order, activity_sort_order and enclosure_sort_order.
    I tried creating my first Discoverer report and it seems to need the activity_type_sort_order, activity_sort_order and enclosure_sort_order as displayed items in the workbook in order to all the rest of the data to be sorted.
    Is there any way I can sort using these fields but not actually display them ?
    I've read that I can create an alternate sort in the EUL but I've got 1000's of values.
    Can anybody help ?
    Many thanks

    You should be able to use the hidden sort option. In the sort tab add the sort columns and then change the sort type to be hidden.
    Rod West

  • Max line items in FI reached..

        We are posting an invoice using MIRO and it is giving an error that "Max line items in FI has reached".
    So is there any way that we can post if the total line items are more than 999.

    Please check the note
    36353 - AC interface: Summarizing FI documents
    But be aware that contents in many fields can prevent the summarization.
    So please thoroughly compare the entries in database table BSEG, which were not
    summarized together, with each other. Do really all fields have the same content in all line items, of course except for the amount fields? If not, these fields, which are no amount fields and whose
    content is different in the line items, can be added in transaction OBCY.
    As per the note 1070206 if you have the setting Determine taxes line-by-line (Customizing transaction OBCO: TTXD-XTXIT = X. Please implement the notes 1051914 and 1070206 this should help here.
    The enhanced logic also makes postings from MM and SD are not summarized completely although the settings in note 36353 are correctly made. As a solution, note 645356 releases BSEG-XREF3 in transaction OBCY.
    The aggregation is prevented through different content in the fields of EBELN (Purchasing document or purchase order) and EBELP (Purchasing document or ordering item). Thus a higher aggregation could be achieved with SAP Note 77161 (for dummy operation 'VBRK').
    Per note 77161, you have to setup up point no. 2 by maintaining table TTYPS with fields
    BSEG     EBELP
    BSEG     EBELN
    In point no. 3 setup in your system. Please insert the following field in table TTYPV for object type 'RMRP'
    Please take note that the account assignments to the purchase order (EBELN) and to the purchase order item (EBELP) are NOT deleted by default. In both the goods receipt with reference to the purchase order (MB01) and the invoice verification, they are assigned to an account in the FI document and thus PREVENT the summarization of the FI document.
    This makes it possible to clear the GR/IR clearing account at PURCHASE ORDER ITEM level.
    By implementing the changes as per notes 77161 and 36353, the clearing of the GR/IR is at PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER level.
    Also, refer to the following notes:
      645356 No summarization of FI documents from MM due to
      545137 FAQ Interface - summarization
      117708 A maximum of 999 items can be posted in the FI doc
      743744 MIRO/MR1M: FI follow-on documents or MM documents missing
    Please, check carefully the customizing with the reference notes.
    I think that this should help to resolve your inquiry.
    Best Regards,

  • Populate multi record display item

    Hellou gurus!
    I have forms 10g and i need to populate display item in enter query mode. My problem is that I have table T1 with some static values. Table T2 is through ID connected (reference) to table T1 1:1 cardinality and T2 table also have reference to T3 table.
    I have block B2 based on table T2 and in this block I have multirecord item for inserting and updating new values for T2, but in this block ii also have no DB, multi record display item (because i don't want to allow editting in T1 table records) for diplaying static values for table T1. I want to display all static values from T1 next to the editable values in T2 (T2 multi record field is not insert yet). I tried for loop, select into but it not work. T1 values need to be selected before I started to inserting values into T2 items, but off course they need to be referenced It is hard to explain but i belive you understand.
    Can you help me how I can populate multi record item??

    You have to write the code again for your second list item....
    group_id RecordGroup;
    list_id Item  := Find_Item('button.tyear');
    list_id1 Item  := Find_Item('button.tperiod');
    status NUMBER;
    rg_name varchar2(40) := 'recgroup';
    ----------------------------- LIST
    group_id := Find_Group(rg_name);
    IF NOT id_null(group_id) then
    End if;
    group_id := Create_Group_From_Query(rg_name,
    'select vm_year, vm_year from fwqgl.vouchermaster
    group by vm_year');
    status := Populate_Group(rg_name);
    Populate_List(list_id, group_id);
    /* --------------------SECOND LIST ITEM...BUT REC. GRP NAME CAN BE SAME,better to use another name if you need to retrieve list and store qry..other wise the fol. code is enuf-----------------------*/
    group_id := Find_Group(rg_name);
    IF NOT id_null(group_id) then
    End if;
    group_id := Create_Group_From_Query(rg_name,
    'select vm_period, vm_period from fwqgl.vouchermaster
    group by vm_period');
    status := Populate_Group(rg_name);
    Populate_List(list_id1, group_id);
    END;Edited by: Dora on Dec 5, 2009 10:41 AM

  • MRP creating cancel notices for min max purchased items

    We use min max planning for many repetitive purchased items. These same items are also set to MPS/DRP Planned as well. This is only so we can use the Planned Order report to identify material shortages to flow schedules.
    However, MRP exceptions is requesting we cancel our min max purchased items since there is no demand. Can MRP be modified to NOT include min max planning method in cancel requests?
    If not, where can I find a tool to identify material shortages for flow schedules?

    Many thanks for this.
    I can see entirely why it's designed as such, but I just find it slightly frustrating that there's no way to break the link between the order and the shipment out to the depot. Just to clarify, we're not requiring the orders to change - they will still be made and will come in - but just that the orders themselves don't specifically need to be the stock that is used for the replenishment.
    So -
    1. Min Max identifies depot needs replenishing.
    2. Central distribution does not have (enough) stock to replenish.
    3. Order is made to replenish central distributions stock.
    4. We ship whatever we've got, when we've got it, to depot to replenish.
    It's the bit where Min-Max is trying to replensih a specific depot rather than our central distribution centre that's my problem.
    I suspect that, as you say, that specific issue is not directly fixable without getting our IT contractors to do a customisation.
    I'm going to look into your Supply Date Offset suggestion now, though I'm not sure how this affects the shipping after the orders are placed. The orders themselves are approved manually after we've checked our stock position (i.e. what's in with the recycling team), but we recycle & refurb probably 60% of our maint stock so there'll always be kit turning up after the order has been made because of the long lead times.
    Thanks again.

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