Automatic creation of  settlement rule while creating sales order

Hi Friends,
Can any one help me how to create settlement rule automatically while creating sales order i.e saving sales order. Is there any function module or any badi which can be used.. please suggest.

Here is the solution , First Create a sustitution by going into OPSN Transaction , only user exit say 'U902'
and write the form routine in Program named 'ZRGGBS000'
The code is below ,
*&      Form  U902
   Automatic Generation of Settlement Rule For WBS and Company 4180
FORM u902.
Exit For Automatic Settlement Rule Creation for WBS Billing elements
  IF sy-tcode = 'CJ20N' or sy-tcode = 'CJ01' or sy-tcode = 'CJ02'.
    DATA   lv_proj TYPE ps_pspid.
    lv_proj = proj-pspid.
Calling YGPS_CJB1EXEC Program For Creating Settlement Rule
    SUBMIT ygps_cjb1exec AND RETURN.
ENDFORM.                                                    "u902
*& Program  YGPS_CJB1EXEC
PROGRAM  ygps_cjb1exec.
   Automatic Generation of Settlement Rule For WBS and Company 4180
Called From Exit For Automatic Settlement Rule Creation for WBS Billing elements
DATA: bdcdata_wa  TYPE bdcdata,
      bdcdata_tab TYPE TABLE OF bdcdata,
      itab TYPE TABLE OF bdcmsgcoll.
DATA :lv_currm LIKE bkpf-monat,
      lv_curry LIKE bkpf-gjahr,
      lv_prevm LIKE bkpf-monat,
      lv_prevy LIKE bkpf-gjahr,
      lv_proj TYPE ps_pspid,
      lv_mode TYPE c,
      lv_time TYPE sy-uzeit.
DATA :g_datfm            LIKE usr01-datfm,
      g_dd(2)            TYPE c,                         " Day
      g_mm(2)            TYPE c,                         " Month
      g_yyyy(4)          TYPE c,                         " Year
      g_sydatum(10)      TYPE c.
lv_mode = 'N'.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-program  = 'SAPLKAZB'.
bdcdata_wa-dynpro   = '1000'.
bdcdata_wa-dynbegin = 'X'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_CURSOR'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = 'PRZB-VARIANT'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'PRZB-VARIANT'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = 'ZGPS0001'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    bukrs = '4180'
    currm = lv_currm
    curry = lv_curry
    prevm = lv_prevm
    prevy = lv_prevy.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'RKAUF-FROM'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = lv_currm.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'RKAUF-GJAHR'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = lv_curry.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = '=VARC'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-program  = 'RKPSEL00'.
bdcdata_wa-dynpro   = '1000'.
bdcdata_wa-dynbegin = 'X'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_CURSOR'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = 'CN_PROJN-LOW'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'CN_PROJN-LOW'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = lv_proj.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'CN_PSPNR-LOW'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = space.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'CN_NETNR-LOW'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = space.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'CN_ACTVT-LOW'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = space.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'CN_MATNR-LOW'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = space.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = '/00'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = '=SAVE'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = '=VBAC'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-program  = 'SAPLSPO1'.
bdcdata_wa-dynpro   = '0100'.
bdcdata_wa-dynbegin = 'X'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = '=YES'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-program  = 'SAPLKAZB'.
bdcdata_wa-dynpro   = '1000'.
bdcdata_wa-dynbegin = 'X'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'RKAUF-BATCH'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = 'X'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'RKAUF-TEST'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = space.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = '=RUN'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-program  = 'SAPLKABA'.
bdcdata_wa-dynpro   = '0210'.
bdcdata_wa-dynbegin = 'X'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'KABA01-JNAME'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = 'CJB1_EXEC'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_SUBSCR'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = 'SAPLKABA'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
Extract the date format from the user settings
PERFORM f_get_dateformat CHANGING g_datfm.
Changing the current date format to User Profile Date Settings
PERFORM f_format_date USING   g_datfm
                     CHANGING g_sydatum.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'KABA01-STDAY'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = g_sydatum.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
lv_time = sy-uzeit  + 30.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'KABA01-STTME'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = lv_time.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'KABA01-PRIKZ'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = space.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'.
bdcdata_wa-fval = '=TAKE'.
APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
Calling Transaction 'CJB1' for creating settlement rule
CALL TRANSACTION 'CJB1'  USING bdcdata_tab MODE lv_mode .
IF sy-subrc = 0.
*&      Form  F_GET_DATEFORMAT
      This subroutine returns the date format in the user setttigs
     <--P_G_DATFM  Date Format
FORM f_get_dateformat CHANGING p_g_datfm.                   "#EC *
  SELECT SINGLE datfm FROM usr01 INTO p_g_datfm
  WHERE bname = sy-uname.
ENDFORM.                    " F_GET_DATEFORMAT
*&      Form  F_FORMAT_DATE
      This subroutine returns the date as per the user settings
     -->P_G_DATFM  Date Format
     -->P_G_MM  Month
     -->P_G_DD  Day
     -->P_G_YYYY  Year
     <--P_G_DATE  Date
FORM f_format_date USING    p_g_datfm
                   CHANGING p_g_date.                       "#EC *
  CONSTANTS: c_dot VALUE '.',
             c_slash VALUE '/',
             c_dash VALUE '-',
             c_1 VALUE '1',
             c_2 VALUE '2',
             c_3 VALUE '3',
             c_4 VALUE '4',
             c_5 VALUE '5',
             c_6 VALUE '6'.
  DATA: l_day(2),
  l_day = p_g_dd.
  l_month = p_g_mm.
      input  = l_month
      output = l_month.
      input  = l_day
      output = l_day.
  CASE p_g_datfm.
    WHEN c_1.
      CONCATENATE l_day l_month p_g_yyyy INTO p_g_date
          SEPARATED BY c_dot.
    WHEN c_2.
      CONCATENATE l_month l_day p_g_yyyy INTO p_g_date
       SEPARATED BY c_slash.
    WHEN c_3.
      CONCATENATE l_month l_day p_g_yyyy INTO p_g_date
          SEPARATED BY c_dash.
    WHEN c_4.
      CONCATENATE p_g_yyyy l_month l_day INTO p_g_date
          SEPARATED BY c_dot.
    WHEN c_5.
      CONCATENATE p_g_yyyy l_month l_day INTO p_g_date
          SEPARATED BY c_slash.
    WHEN c_6.
      CONCATENATE p_g_yyyy l_month l_day INTO p_g_date
          SEPARATED BY c_dash.
ENDFORM.                    " F_FORMAT_DATE

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    You can use userexit 'USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBAP' in include MV45AFZZ. This is executed every time a user changes anything on a material (e.g. put in a material number) and hits return. Just raise your pop-up window there if the user puts in the particular material you are talking about. The material number is available in xvbap-matnr.
    Hope that helps,

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    Hi Gurus,
    1. can someone help me in knowing what should be passed as receivers key while updating settlement rule if i am using Sales Order for settlement ; sales order, sales order item, object number of item or something else because i tried to pass all of these but not working.
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    Please check the indicatorsin Actual cost/cost sales  and Valid recevivers in settlement profile.
    If for cost center : 1 settlement optional is maintained in valid recevivers and also for order
    and in actual cost/ cost sales: indicator to be settled in full is selected.
    Also check Allocation structure too if you have assigned the valid allocation structure.
    **check if you have assigned the valid settlement profile to order types.
    *****Most important after doing all these settings you need to create new order. for same order you will not get the automatic settlement rule
    Hope this helps.

  • CO: IO automatic Creation of settlement rule

    Hello everyone,
    We created a customer field in internal order (ZWBS field).
    Now, I customized all transactions:
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    2. I created Strategy Seq. called 'ZC25' by T-Code 'KSR2_ORC'.
    3. I' have Assigned the strategy Seq. to the order type by T-code 'KSR2_ORC'.
    When I create and internal order and go into Settlement rule I can see the two lines (FUL & PER) exactly like I've customized, but when I'm saving the order, the settlement rules are not save with the order.
    Is anyone met with a problem like that?
    I'll be gratefull for your help.

    Hi Lior,
    Is this the same with CO: Automatic creation of Settlement rule - settlement rule not saved?
    Best Regards,

  • CO: Automatic creation of Settlement rule - settlement rule not saved

    First, We have a customer field in our internal order called 'ZWBS'.
    also, I have  customized automatic Creation of settlement rule for internal order by:
    1. T-code KSR4 - I have created Strategy called 'C25'.
    2. I created Strategy Sequences for Automatic Generation of Settlement Rule called 'ZC25'
    with T-code KSR2_ORC.
    3.I Assigned the Strategy Sequence To Order Type ZC25.
    4. I used User Exit COOM0003 in order to create Settlement rule from ZWBS field.
    In KO01, when i go into the settlement rule I can see the 2 lines that the user exit created.
    The problem is that when i'm saving the internal order the settlement rules are not saved.
    My questions are:
    1. Is anyone met this problem?
    2. is the user exit work on T-code KO02 also?
    thanks for your help.
    Best regards,

    Hi Lior,
    Hope below information can give you some hints:
    See the detailed description of the error for example for order, in transaction KO02, click button 'Master data', click button 'Settlement Rule', populate column category with 'PSG' and press
    <enter>. On the 'Assignment to a Profitabilty Segment' screen press button 'Derivation' and see the long text of message K/111. In case the generation of settlement rules fails again later use these steps to find out why and check the derivation rule by means of transaction KECM.
    Best Regards,

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    Appreciate your inputs on this.
    Thanks and Regards
    Mohammed Roshan

    Thank you Jelena,I checked the Ship. Delivery dates in the IDOC which are for Current Fiscal Year- 20140703 and 20140711,Could there be any other reason for this error?
    Could it be an issue with e Update rule in this Infostructire S008
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    Kindly advice
    Thanks and Regards
    Mohammed Roshan

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    My main question is that If i maintain condition record while creating sales order then how i can assign Tax code .
    Can it is possible ?
    if yes then How?
    please help me.
    thank you

    The "straight-forward" answer for Tax Code creation is contact the FI consultant. He shall help you, by creating Tax codes.
    I have tested, with creating a tax cond type (copy of MWST) & manually entering values. I can create Sorder, Dlv and Bill but I cannot create an Accounting document. That is because of every line (amount) a Tax code is necessary.
    I THINK, you can NOT have manually filled tax codes; access sequence is needed to get the tax value (%) and the Tax code from the condition record.
    There is lot of material on the web to understand Tax classification, code etc. etc. See a useful link below -
    In short Tax code is a must and take the help of your FI consultant for the configuration of the same.
    BTW - Tax code is already made created for MWST, therefore I suggested that you can use MWST. Furthermore, you can change the values corresponding to Tax codes in FTXP.
    But if you are a beginner in these things, better take help.

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    My requirement is
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    if order type is Zvol
    than the list of order reasons has to be restricted.
    Now 15 are coming from OVAU  tcode
    I need only 5 from these.
    Thanks & Reagrds

    By doing the user exit in IW32 we achieved the requirement of restriction of maintenance order TECO functionality if any Service Entry sheet pending with reference of maintneance order.

  • Error while creating sales order

    while creating sales order for a particular plant there is error coming
    Intailly I have check the no series we have internal no series for all plant,the 
    number series which start 195000001, only one plant the giving the above error, rest all plant it is as applicable above series.
    kindly guide me for the same.

    Hi Sanjay
    This is regarding number ranges defining and assigning tips which you can follow as below:
    Whenever there is a new Sales Org being created, you will be required to maintain Number Ranges for Sales Documents which are allowed for your New Sales Area.
    Number Ranges can be maintained Internally by the system, however it can be maintained externally also if you customize it accordingly.
    In Standard SAP the Transaction code for Maintaiing Number ranges externally is VN01.
    Defining - The same can be reached through in IMG as : Sales & Distribution>Sales>Sales Document Header-->Define Number Ranges for Sales Documents.
    Here you provide the system a specific Number range as follows:
    Number range Key Start Number range End Number Range+Current Number
    For Example: If you want to propose the following Number Range
    *1     9000076000      9000076999      0
    The Current Number field will be kept zero as you are proposing new number range and no sales documents have been created on it , Obviously..
    *1 is a Unique Two digit Alphanumeric Key, while proposing your key, you should ensure that it should not be there in the system as existing.
    If you propose a key that is there in the system or if the Number Range (Start and End Series) is there in the system already, the system will throw a message that Interval already already exists. So choose a key that is unique, and which is not there in the system.
    Here , by making this , you are assigning a Key to a Number Range Series.
    All the symbols can be used along with numbers from 0 to 9 and Alphabets from A to Z and in any order. For example: !1, ^A, BB,Z*,M2.........
    Assigning - In Assigning, you assign the particular Sales Document to the Number Range you have already proposed as above.
    The Assigning Part is done as follows:
    The Two digit Alpha Numeric Key is maintained or Assigned to the respective Sales Document type in V0V8.
    This can also be reached in IMG by:
    Sales & Distribution>Sales>Sales Document Header-->Define Sales Document Types
    Locate the particular Sales Doc Type, and double click on it to display it configuration. Here you put the Two Digit Number key in the Field- "Number range External Assignment"
    Besides this:
    If a new Shipping Point is created then Delivery Number ranges are required to be maintained.
    If a new Plant is created then Billing Number Ranges are required to be maintained.

  • Error while creating sales order with ref to contract

    while creating sales order, with refernce to contract system is giving a message
    Configuration not possible for material : Reason 3 --> Help
    Message no. V1360
    and the message is as follwed can any one explain
    This may have been caused by one of the following:
    1. The configuration profile for the material allows or requires the bill of materials to be exploded during order processing. However, a plant has not been specified in the item.
    2. The configuration profile of the material allows or requires the bill of materials to be exploded during order processing, but the order quantity in the item must be greater than 0.
    3. A configuration profile has not been maintained
    A configuration is not permitted for the material
    4. The configuration profile of the material allows or requires the bill ofmaterials to be exploded during order processing. However, the system could not determine a date because important data is missing from the item (see incompletion log).

    I think you have both Variant configuration and BOM.
    Pls ensure the following.
    1. BOM masterdata is maintained for the variants
    2. Variant configuration is configured correctly
    Configuration profile is created for the material
    Knowledge base object and run time version are available
    3. Maintain materials as not relevant for delivery or dont give delivery quantity as 0
    Once you are sure that these are in proper shape, you can start creating order. The problem wont come.
    Reward points if it helps you.

  • Error while create sales order

    Please help.
    I am facing error while create sales order.
    No item category available (Table T184 OR VERP  )
    Message no. V1320
    No item category could be determined for the combination OR VERP .
    System Response
    The system does not allow further processing of this item.
    Check the entries in table T184 by means of which item category determination is controlled.
    If you do not have the authorization to do this yourself, contact your system administrator.

    Check in spro whether Item categorygroup VERP is assigned to sales document type.if not assign.
    SPRO-SD-sales-sales douments-sales document item-assign item categories.

  • End of Valid Logistic Calender error while creating Sales Order

    While creating Sales order in VA01 the following error message comes for particular material code for a particular site only:
    24.01.2202 date comes after end of valid logistics calendar. (Please
         Message no. 61062
    Can anyone suggest on the same.

    The input value given in Sales order is " Req Delivery date: 31.03.2012", but the error comes with the below date such as
    "24.01.2202 date comes after end of valid logistics calendar.(Please correct)"
    We also face one more error such as
    " Incorrect index structure for table XMVERF_POS/0000224110/000040 ".
    From where system is taking 24.01.2202 date?

  • Hi   error while creating  sales order

    i am getting 'not able to save' message while i am creating sales order.
    how should i proceed to know where is the problem???
    i tried debugging but it is taking lots of time, is there any other way i can know the reason for this error in standard code.
    there is no wrong data entry while creating sales order.
    i just want to know what are the ways to know where is the problem in the standard code.

    hi ,
    try too create a sales order after that check transaction code ST22 U WILL FIND AN SHORT DUMP  then check in the source code extract an pointer will be visible where the error is coming and it will also show the program name , please read the dump analysis care fully

  • Run time error while creating sales order in VA01

    Dear all,
    In our develpment server(ecc 6.0),while creating sales order in VA01 for a sales area, when ever entering material number and quantity and press enter, it is giving error and taking to Runtime error long text showing syntax error in program RK2LSFOC
    application patch level for both production and development is same.
    can any one suggest the solution please
    Moderator message - Cross post locked
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Jan 7, 2010 10:03 AM


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