Automatic Login using Script

How do i automate logging into a server using script.
i want to retrieve a specific data from a number of servers. the number of servers is too large for that to be done manually. Please find a solution for this

Trusted RSH (using .rhosts file), trusted SSH (using .shosts and known_hosts files), or SSH with the expect utility to provide passwords. Each have their benefits and drawbacks.
Information regarding each of these solutions is available en masse on the Internet. Google is a friend to all system administrators.

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    However, if I attempt to do a programmatic login (eg, in a Servlet) using something like this:
    new LoginContext("Users", new UsernamePasswordHandler(username, password.toCharArray()).login();it all goes wrong. No LoginException is thrown, the custom LoginModule authenticates them alright and the EJB context has the correct user Principal. HttpServletRequests, however, still return null for the user Principal.
    Does anyone know how to programmatically "set" the user Principal that the Servlet container associates with a particular session?
    I'm using JBoss 3.0.0 with Catalina.
    Many thanks in advance.

    I've been following the (lack of) progress of your post with interest. As I will be going down the same path very shortly. If you have any joy please send me any details.
    I've looked at Tomcat 4.0.3 source and it appears that you may have an option to get the Principal set in the request. If you can cast your request to a org.apache.catalina.HttpRequest then you'll have access to the setUserPrincipal() method.
    Otherwise you're going to have to implement a Realm (which I'm looking into as we speak) which uses JAAS. There've been a few posts in the Tomcat lists about a JAAS Realm, but seems that no-one has created one yet worth including in a build of Tomcat.

  • Using script to automatically arrange timeline and sceneline workspaces.

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    This is for those who are familiar with script writing and the Windows Script Host. The vb script below includes properties and methods from the AutoItX library (free download).
    Option Explicit
    Dim oAutoit, strWinText, strLastTime, lngX, lngY
    Set oAutoIt = WScript.CreateObject("AutoItX3.Control")
    oAutoit.WinWaitActive "Adobe Premiere Elements -"
    strLastTime = "start"
    ' Quit the script if mousepointer put in upper left corner (0,0).
    lngX = oAutoIt.MouseGetPosX
    lngY = oAutoIt.MouseGetPosY
    if lngX = 0 and lngY = 0 then
    set oAutoIt = nothing
    Wscript.Echo "Your script has ended."
    end if
    ' Read the text of the window so we can determine the workspace setup.
    strWinText = oAutoIt.WinGetText("Adobe Premiere Elements -")
    ' If DVD Menu tab selected, then don't do anything, otherwise
    ' check if in Sceneline or Timeline mode.
    if instr(strWinText, "DVD Menu") = 0 then
    if instr(strWinText,"EditTimeControl") <> 0 then
    if strLastTime <> "timeline" then
    ' Reset the Edit Workspace and then adjust the timeline panel height
    oAutoit.Send "{alt}wke"
    oAutoit.Sleep 250
    oAutoit.MouseMove 1078, 646
    oAutoit.MouseDown "left"
    oAutoit.MouseMove 1078,400
    oAutoit.MouseUp "left"
    strLastTime = "timeline"
    end if
    if strLastTime <> "sceneline" then
    ' Reset the Edit Workspace and then adjust the sceneline panel height.
    oAutoit.Send "{alt}wke"
    oAutoit.Sleep 250
    oAutoit.MouseMove 1078, 646
    oAutoit.MouseDown "left"
    oAutoit.MouseMove 1078,762
    oAutoit.MouseUp "left"
    strLastTime = "sceneline"
    end if
    end if
    end if
    WScript.Sleep 2000
    The script might work as-is if your screen is set for 1280 x 1024 and the Premiere Elements 3 window is maximized. Save the script in a text file with a .VBS extension, and then run it. Afterwards click on the Sceneline or Timeline buttons in PE3. It may take up to 2 seconds before the mouse starts moving on it's own. The screen coordinates were ascertained using the AutoIt Info tool.

    You shouldn't make assumptions about what the names of the volumes are - both the Finder and System Events have terminology to determine if a disk is the startup volume (or a local volume, for that matter), for example:
    tell application "System Events"
      repeat with someDisk in (get disks whose startup is false and local volume is true)
        set someDisk to POSIX path of someDisk
        do shell script "diskutil umount " & quoted form of someDisk & " &> /dev/null &"
      end repeat
    end tell
    Note that if you are unmounting a disk from a standard account you will be prompted for administrator authentication.

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  • Using scripting with networking equipment under Windows

    It can be a challenge to use scripting to automate working with Cisco devices. The Cisco IOS does not seem to directly provide a command line interface. You are forced to find a way to automate interaction with a telnet or ssh session.
    The PERL language provides a number of object-oriented methods to help manage an interactive session, most notably Net::SSH::Expect and Net::Appliance::Session. These options can work well in a Unix environment, but not under MS Windows.
    There are PERL for Windows options, the best probably being Strawberry PERL. There is also a Unix under Windows option known as CYGWIN that is freely available. Unfortunately none of these will work well with the way Windows manages low-level terminal I/O. The curious can google "windows pseudo terminal" to see all the technical details.
    One way that does work under Windows is Tcl.  It was initially named Tool Command Language. It is sometimes shown as Tcl/Tk.
    Interestingly enough, Tcl is included within Cisco IOS as tclsh. There is no interaction with the tclsh and this example. It is just a bit of a curious coincidence.
    A Tcl port to Windows can be downloaded from Select Download ActiveTCL for Windows. A direct link to the download that worked at the time of writing is Download ActiveTcl 8.5.14 for Windows (x86)
    Once base Tcl has been downloaded and installed there is one other component that will need to be installed from the Tcl Extension Archive, the expect package.
    The teacup program that is installed with the base Tcl package makes this easy. The teacup program will work with a proxy.
    You can set these Windows environment variables to specify proxy details:
    set http_proxy=
    set http_proxy_user=
    set http_proxy_pass=
    Then run teacup install expect
    The plink tool from the PuTTY download is also needed. It can be obtained from
    The sample that follows assumes that the data files, script and plink.exe executable all reside in the same directory.
    A sample Tcl script follows that reads a file of devices and a file of commands. It will run the list of commands against each device in the device file. It has some basic error checking, but should best be considered a ‘beta’ version. You could do more complex interactions in the Tcl script by adding exp_send and expect command statements. In short, if you can type it you could script it!
    Change directory to where your script, plink.exe  and data is stored and run with  tclsh <script_name>
    # Comment lines are allowed if they start with a hash mark
    # <IP_Addr> <userid> <password> <ssh|telnet> <timeout_in_secs>
    nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn    <userid>    <password>  ssh         <timeout_in_secs>
    nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn    <userid>    <password>  telnet      30
    # term length 0 needed or else IOS will wait for an enter to be pressed at the  --More-- prompts
    term length 0
    show run
    # Run batch commands against one or more devices
    package require Expect
    exp_log_user 0
    set exp_internal 0
    set exp::nt_debug 0
    set prompt "(#\s*$|>\s*$)"
    set env(TERM) dumb
    set file_channel  [open "devices.list" r]
    set DEVICES      [read $file_channel]
    close $file_channel
    set file_channel  [open "commands.list" r]
    set COMMANDS      [read $file_channel]
    close $file_channel
    set command_entries [split $COMMANDS "\n"]
    set device_entries  [split $DEVICES "\n"]
    proc timedout {{msg {none}}} {
          send_user "Timed out (reason: $msg)\n"
          if {[info exists ::expect_out]} { parray ::expect_out }
          exit 1
    foreach device_entry $device_entries {
          if {[string length $device_entry] == 0 || [regexp {[ \t]*#} $device_entry]} { continue }
          set device  [lindex $device_entry 0]
          set user    [lindex $device_entry 1]
          set pass    [lindex $device_entry 2]
          set mode    [lindex $device_entry 3]
          set wait    [lindex $device_entry 4]
          set serial  [lindex $device_entry 5]
          # puts "Device=$device"
          # puts "User=$user"
          # puts "Mode=$mode"
          # puts "Wait=$wait"
          set timeout $wait
          # Spawning the Session
          # If you are logging on to the remote machine using "ssh", "slogin" or "rlogin", the information
          # gets processed in a slightly different manner. With any of these methods, it is necessary to
          # include an additional -l option to specify a username.
          # Next, the $spawn_id variable is captured, storing information about this spawn session in
          # memory for future reference.
          # If you are logging in via Telnet, the final code block in this section is required to pass the
          # username to Telnet. If the login is completed before the script times out, the exp_send command
          # passes the username.
          switch -exact $mode {
                "telnet" { set pid [spawn plink -telnet -l $user $device] }
                "ssh"   { set pid [spawn plink -ssh -l $user -pw $pass $device] }
                "serial" { set pid [spawn plink -serial $serial -l $user -pw $pass $device] }
          set id $spawn_id
          if {$mode == "telnet"} {
                expect -i $id timeout {
                timedout "in user login"
                } eof {
                timedout "spawn failed with eof on login"
                } -re "(login|Username):.*" {
                exp_send -i $id -- "$user\r"
          # Handling Errors
          # The error-handling section of the script is a while loop that anticipates a number of problems
          # that could occur during login. This section is not exhaustive. For example, you could also add
          # provisions for invalid usernames and passwords.
          # If the login is not completed during the allotted time frame, which is set from the devices.list file
          # and specified with expect -i $id timeout, the program displays an appropriate error message.
          # The remainder of this loop makes use of the exp_send command to allow for other scenarios, such
          # as the user typing "yes" when prompted to proceed with the connection, entering a password, or
          # resetting the terminal mode.
          set logged_in 0
          while {!$logged_in} {
                expect -i $id timeout {
                timedout "in while loop"
                } eof {
                timedout "spawn failed with eof"
                } "Store key in cache? (y/n)" {
                exp_send -i $id -- "y\r"
                } -re "\[Pp\]assword:.*" {
                exp_send -i $id -- "$pass\r"
                } "TERM = (*) " {
                exp_send -i $id -- "$env(TERM)\r"
                } -re $prompt {
                set logged_in 1
          foreach command $command_entries {
                if {[string length $command] == 0 || [regexp {[ \t]*#} $command]} { continue }
                # Sending the Request
                # If the login is successful, the code in the if statement below is used to send the "cmd" request
                # to display files and directories. After the request is sent with exp_send, the resulting output
                # is captured in the dir variable, which is set on the fourth line of the code shown below.
                if {$logged_in} {
                      exp_send -i $id -- "$command\r"
                      expect -i $id timeout {timedout "on prompt"} -re $prompt
                      puts "$expect_out(buffer)"
                # Closing the Spawned Session
                # The exp_close command ends the session spawned earlier. Just to be sure that session
                # does indeed close, the exp_wait command causes the script to continue running until a result is
                # obtained from the system processes. If the system hangs, it is likely because exp_close was not
                # able to close the spawned process, and you may need to kill it manually.
          catch { exp_close -i $id }
          exp_wait -i $id
          set logged_in 0
    *** End of Document ***

    Your friend will have to save the templates as CS6, which he can do.

  • Wifi:  Automatic login?

    In one of the public presentations of OS X 3.0 -- probably the initial one -- a feature called automatic login for Wifi was mentioned. Unfortunately, I don't see it.
    I understood that this should solve the following problem: You're using your iPhone in the proximity of an "open" Wifi network, and so your iPhone connects to it. Actually, though, the network isn't open. If you open Safari every attempt to view a page will be redirected to a login screen. So, until you do so, Mail and anything else that depends on an Internet connection will be stuck. The automatic login, I thought, would allow you to "script" the login for a provider.
    Does anybody have anymore information?

    No script required:
    Here's one example:
    "If you purchased an iPhone 3G S or updated your original iPhone or iPhone 3G with the latest Apple iPhone OS 3.0 software here's how to access AT&T Wi-Fi Services:
    Activate Wi-Fi from the settings icon on your iPhone.
    Once you are in an AT&T Wi-Fi Hot Spot, select "attwifi" from the list of available networks.
    Every time you enter an AT&T Wi-Fi Hot Spot, you will be automatically and securely logged into the AT&T Wi-Fi network."

  • Automatically Login To A WebPage

    Hi Everyone! I'm trying to automatically login to a webpage. I've searched extensively on the web and I know that apache httpclient seems to be the best solution, but for the sake of education, I'd like to do this through solely the built in libraries.
    My code is here , it is a modification (only the parameters have been modified) of the code found here:
    When I run this code it just takes me back to the login page. I believe the problem is with the "login=" part of this parameter (highlighted in the above link)
    <br />
    String content = "login="  +LOGIN_ACTION_NAME+ " &"  +LOGIN_USER_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME+ "="<br />
    +encodedLoginUserName+  "&"  +LOGIN_PASSWORD_PARAMETER_NAME+  "=" + encodedLoginPassword;<br />To the best of my understanding this is unique to the original code's login page php script. The problem is I'm not sure what it should be changed to.
    Thanks for the help!
    TLDR What string do I pass to a .cfm script while posting to it.

    CodeLearnerz wrote:
    Sorry, I accidentally posted that last message long before it was ready. Here it is in full.
    Here's the relevant code, sorry for including the whole thing originally (wasn't sure how to cut it down while still getting the gist of the program across). And no, I'm not doing a GET.
    The basic idea is take the content string (where parameter_names are taken from the html source code: they're the name attribute of the input tags inside the form tag) and write it to an output stream retrieved from the original url. I've left out the housekeeping portions of the code for the sake of brevity (ie URLConnection.setDoOutput(true) and urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", POST_CONTENT_TYPE) ).
    String TARGET_URL = ""
    urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection)(new URL(targetUrl).openConnection());
    dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(urlConnection.getOutputStream());
    String content = "login=" + LOGIN_ACTION_NAME +" &" + LOGIN_USER_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME +"="
    + encodedLoginUserName + "&" + LOGIN_PASSWORD_PARAMETER_NAME + "=" + encodedLoginPassword;
    Note that nothing is actually sent to the server until you invoke urlConnection.getInputStream() which I don't see you doing in the above. The whole thing above is a no-op from the server's perspective because you never sent anything to it, unless there's more code that does it that you didn't post here.
    All of which would be mitigated better if you'd just use the HttpClient rather than reinventing the wheel.

  • How can we re-enable automatic login?

    My husband likes to have automatic login, and has always used it on his laptop. The computer belongs to his employer; yesterday, it wouldn't accept his login at all, and when he got it back from IT an hour later, there was a new account on it (the IT's, I guess, since it was named "Maintenance"), and both it and his own account were now called "admin, managed". The Guest Account was changed to "disabled". I have an admin account on that computer too, which I never use except to help him out, and it was unchanged. I was able to use this to turn off the "managed" part by turning off the Parental Controls checkbox on his account. But logging back into his account, now a simple "admin", did not allow me to re-enable the automatic login. (I couldn't do it from my own account, either.)
    Present condition: (On a Macbook Pro, running OS 10.6.8).
    1. In System Preferences, in the Security Pane (after clicking the lock and entering the password), the first checkbox under "For all accounts on this computer:" is the one to "Disable automatic login". This box is checked AND GRAYED OUT. It cannot be changed. The 4 boxes under that are all live and checked (to require a password to unlock each pane, to log out after inactivity, to use secure virtual memory, and to automatically update the safe downloads list).
    2. In the Accounts Pane, clicking on Login Options (with the lock opened), the top line, "Automatic login:" is set to "off", and GRAYED OUT. It too cannot be changed. Other options are also grayed out: can't show the Restart etc. buttons, or show the fast user switching menu.
    This is true on our home network, so it isn't something enforced by the employer's network, at least, not directly.
    Filevault isn't on, by the way, and never has been.
    Is this a condition set by a terminal command by IT? If so, how do we bypass it? It's more of a nuisance this way than anything serious, but an adnimistrator account ought to be able to access all the options, right? (And we have no idea why he couldn't log in in the first place, which started this whole mess.) All suggestions will be welcome.
    Susan K

    Forgive what may be a dumb question on my part, but did you click the lock icon at the lower-left of the Accounts pane to unlock it? You can't change those settings until the pane is unlocked, which you should be able to do if you have adminstrator privileges unless his company has in some way locked off those settings, something which may well be company policy.
    Hope this helps.

  • How can I shut off the automatic login when I turn on my MacBook Pro?

    Ever since I updated to Yosemite I have been forced to enter my password whenever I turn on my MacBook Pro. I went to System Preferences/Users & Groups and see that the automatic login option is set to off, but it is shaded and I can't use the dropdown menu, even though I've unlocked it.
    Is this a common issue? Am I just going to have to get used to signing in every time? I'm the only one who uses it, and it's a little annoying.
    I've tried searching for help in the discussions and also on google, but I'm not finding any answers.
    Help, please!

    Did you turn on FileVault when you upgraded to Yosemite? If it is on then a login password is required (sort of obviously). You can tell whether it is on by going to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Security & Privacy and click FileVault at the top and see if the words "Turn off FileVault" are in the button. I'm the only one who uses my Mac also, but the remote possibility of it being stolen makes it worth it to me to have FileVault turned on and a password required. OS X: About FileVault 2 - Apple Support

  • How to avoid the anonymous login using  RIMLoginModule?

    Hi everybody,
    we have configured the RIMLoginModule on a WebAS to enable SSO on Blackberry devices. The login module works as expected when the Rim-device-email header parameter is available in the request. But without this header an automatic login occures using the anonymous user. How should we configure the module or the security provider to avoid this behaviour?
    Note: if we lock the anonymous user, the problem is solved. But, we want to keep the anonymous user unlocked and configure the module to use a basic authentication when the Rim-device-email pamaeter is missed in the request.
    Edited by: Michael Kinder on Nov 7, 2008 9:20 AM

    You need to set up the anonymous user (via Admin). Add him to the
    defaultRole and then you can assign the channels to the anonymous user as
    per normal.
    Sean Xue wrote:
    I setup a domain only have anonymous authenticate module and I can't add
    the channels that I like to be displayed to the login page. Is anybody
    know how to do that. Thanks.

  • How can I create a simple app that will automatically add folder script

    Hi! I hope I can get a little help on this.  I tried searching online and haven't found anything.
    Is there away I can make a simple "application" that will automatically add a folder script to a users folder?
    Basically I need a folder script to run but I don't want to explaint o a user how they'd have to do it in automator.
    I'd like to be able to create an application they double click.  The app tells them to select a folder then automatically runs the script.
    Does anyone have any ideas of how'd I'd do this?

    Oh I get it. Yeah I read you post on one of the other pages and didn't quite understand, but not that you say that your're makeing this for another user, it makes sence.
    So what you want to do is have the computer automatically install a script on a customer's computer, right?
    (I'm using "custumer" loosly; i.e. just another user)
    If that's what you'd like to do, then you'll probably have to write an actual program in Xcode, since I imagine automiticlly installing folder action scrips will be highly discuraged by Apple because it would cause a huge security hole in the OS. (You wouldn't want some random person sending you a folder action installer disgused as a regular app LOL.)
    But I will actually suggest the following, which I think will work great for your users:
    Make a regular Automator app, and drag it to your Dock. Now, have the user click and drag a bunch of photos to the application icon, and it will run the app automatically on those files.
    You could try a work flow like this:
    ask the user Are you sure?
    convert pictures
    save pictures to ConvertedPics folder
    pop up a confirmation message saying that everything was resized
    Hope this helps

  • Call BEX-Query from VBA with BEX-automatic login?

    I'm trying to call a query from VBA. I have two problems/questions:
    1. Automatic login?
    I want to do an automatic login. I found this peace of code here, but I get an error:
    Public Function  LogonToYourBW()
    ' create Logon & RFC-Handle
    logonToBW = False ‘ clear connect Flag the flag can be used to find out if connected or not
        'load SAP functionality by opening BEX file ( use your installation path)
            Workbooks.Open (“c:\sappc\bw\sapbex.xla”)
        With Run("sapbex.xla!sapbexGetConnection") ‘ call the connection
           ' Set the params for Auto logon
           .client = “YOUR CLIENT NO”
           .user = “YOUR BW USER”
           .Password = “YOUR BW PWD” ‘ I recommend to create a dummy reporting user for this task
           .Language = “YOUR LANGUAGE YOU LIKE TO USE FOR QUERY DISPLAY ( i.E.  “EN”)”
           .SystemNumber = “YOUR SYSTEM NO” ‘
           .ApplicationServer = “YOUR SERVER Name OR IP-ADDRESS”
           .UseSAPLOgonIni = FALSE 'important for automatic connection
           .logon 0, True ‘ This will provide a dialog to appear
            If .IsConnected <> 1 Then
                .logon 0, False
                If .IsConnected <> 1 Then Exit Function
                Set g_oFunction = CreateObject("SAP.Functions")
                Set g_oFunction.Connection = g_oConnection
            End If
        End With
        Run "sapbex.xla!sapbexinitConnection" ‘ this will enable the connection you just created
        logonToBW = True
    End Function
    The error is by this row:
    Set g_oFunction.Connection = g_oConnection
    Object is needed! How is the g_oConnection-object defined?
    2. How can I pass values for the parameters from VBA?
    If I open the query usually from SAP-BEX-Toolbar, after selecting the query, I get a parameter mask, where I must put in a value. How can I this automatize from VBA? Has anybody a short samplecode for that?
    Thank you for your help
    [email protected]

    Peter and others:
    What I really want to do … is write a stand-alone application that I can run from windows scheduler … that queries our BW for sales data for certain items (in a tabular form) … and pulls that data into a VB recordset, or a .NET dataset … so that I can insert the rows into another database (SQL Server, or Access) … I already know how to do all the data movement to/from datasets and databases … I just cannot figure out how to programmatically grab this sales data from BW … our company has “workbooks” already set up that aggregate WW sales information by region (IE, there is a separate workbook for each region of the world) … I can manually go into the Excel interface, tell it which items to pull the sales info for, and it dumps the data into the worksheet (organized by customer, and then by cat #) …
    So, what I’d like to do is write an app that will pull data every week or so from the BW (from each region’s sales invoice detail “workbook”), and insert it into another database that we use for reporting other, non-sales, data.
    Thoughts on this ?  Is there another, non-BEx method that is better ?
    thanks !!

  • Can't disable automatic login (wifi) in Mt. Lion 10.8.4

    Dear all, why i can't disable automatic login in Mt. Lion 10.8.4??
    i'm using a MBP 2.4Ghz/Intel core i5 / late 2011 model, running 10.8.4
    each time i turn the wifi on and select the name of network, it will automatically login without asking my password, (I just want it ask me for password every time coz i don't want the password stay on the computer!)
    and i had did the following already but the nightmare still go on, please kindly let me know if the issue can be fix? thanks a lot!!!
    1. network panel : click advance and remove all network names in the window, and unchecked the box "Remember networks this computer has joined".
    2. Security Panel : selected "Disable automatic login"
    3. Users & Groups panel : Automatic login : selected "off"
    4.inside the Library / Preferences folder : "", "" & " NetworkInterfaces.plist" all are deleted
    thanks again!!!

    Open Keychain Access and locate the entry for the network logon, select the entry and press the Delete key. That will remove the password from your Keychain and the system will have to request your password to log onto the network. Note: keychain entries are securely encrypted so even if someone has access to your computer, it would be highly unlikely they would be able to retrieve the network password.

  • Windows 7 automatic login to AD and Edir

    Any one have clear instructions on how to accomplish automatic login to a windows AD domain and edirectory?
    Using Novell Client 2 Sp3 for windows 7 (IR6). Novell is the primary login.
    Goal is to enable the automatic login to both as user "install" .. sysprep the image.. deploy the image so it automatically logs in as the user. Installs associated default zenworks bundles, with the last bundle removing the automatic login registry keys.. then reboot and be ready for the user to login to.
    used to use autolog.exe from Tommy for XP, which I understand doesn't work with windows 7.

    Lol apparently I just need to talk myself through this process :P
    Seems to be working at the moment. Here's what I did. Computer is joined to AD domain and has Novell Client installed/primary logon. I haven't tried this with a sysprep'd image yet, but hoping the sysprep process doesn't change any of these keys:
    REG_SZ AutoAdminLogon = 1
    REG_SZ DefaultLocationProfile = Default
    REG_SZ DefaultUserName = install (or whatever username you intend to use)
    REG_SZ DefaultPassword = password (or whatever password associated with above username)
    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
    REG_SZ AutoAdminLogon = 1
    REG_SZ DefaultDomainName = yourdomainname
    REG_SZ DefaultUserName = install (or whatever username)
    REG_SZ DefaultPassword = install (or whatever password associated with above username)
    REG_DWORD DisableCAD = 1 (disable the Ctrl+Alt+Del prompt)

  • Automatic login to wireless problem

    We have several computers at home, all connected to the internet through a wireless router hooked up to our main PC. Then there is my laptop, my old iMac, and my son's PC. Everything was working fine ... when I'd start my PowerBook G4, it would automatically detect our wireless network and connect my laptop to the network.
    However, we had our son hook up his Playstation3 to the router via an ethernet cable. This way would could take away the ethernet cable to limit his playing time and encourage him to do his homework. The Playstation3 also "hijacks" the IP address, basically blocking anyone else in the house from using the internet.
    Well, my son found the WEP password for the wireless, and decided to put it on his Playstation3 so he could play online whenever we weren't looking. Well, when we found out he had pinched the WEP password, we reset the it on the wireless Linksys router, and I went into my Keychain and changed the WEP key for the wireless network on my PowerBook. Problem solved, right?
    Well, now when I start up my G4 Powerbook, it detects our home wireless network but no longer automatically signs in to the network. Additionally, when I try to select our wireless network from the AirPort pull-down menu from the Finder window menu bar, it says that an error occurred and it can not connect. Hitting the "Try Again" button is futile. I have to go into Internet Connect, select "Other" from the available wireless networks, then pick our home wireless network from the list. I then have to type in that annoying 26 digit WEP 128-bit Hexidecimal security key! Only then do I get the connection to our wireless. Additionally, I have to do this EVERY SINGLE TIME I boot my Powerbook -- it doesn't seem to want to remember the password, even though it is stored in the keychain.
    This problem is very frustrating! Why won't my Powerbook automatically login to our network?

    Good news!
    Yep, that was the WEP I was talking about, 104/128bit/26Hex.
    Now it takes just 3 seconds to extract a 104-bit WEP key from intercepted data using a 1.7GHz Pentium M processor...
    WPA or better yet WPA2... if your Airport card & Router both support it...

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