Automatic Sequencing for Project Defination Number...

Dear All,
We are having 2 types of projects. Customer and Investment project.
We are doing customer project against sales ord nou2026so in Proj definition we are putting Sale Orders number manually.
Incase, of Investment Project there no sales order as such, since itu2019s for internal R&D purpose. Clint asking to make project definition for this Investment Project as sequential numbering. So that whenever user is creating new IM project he should get next sequential number as a project definition. i.e. we want to restrict the user from entering project definition manually in case of Investment Project and next number should come automatically.
Let me know any user exist for this where we can do ABAP coding?? Or is there any other way in customizing???
Best Regards,

Use this BAPI's
Create a project definition
Create a project definition
Change Project Definition
Change Project Definition
Delete Project Definition

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    Me again, Carol
    You also asked about the functional differences between WebHelp and WebHelp Pro, so let me elaborate.
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    As for the Browse Sequences you are trying to provide for different modules (licensed, etc.): Multiple Browse Sequences are included in a single .BRS file. The sequences are defined in the XML within the single file.
    As a workaround (for either WebHelp or WebHelp Pro) you could create a NGP Help.brs. which you have already created for one module; then backup and archive it. Then, create a modification for the different module before you generate again. The NGP Help.brs. will need to have the same name as your project so you will have to manage the desired .brs file into the project folder when you generate that version. All of your other choices (TOC, Index, Conditional Tags, etc.) would remain the same for the respective modules.
    Finally, I note that you are apparently generating WebHelp Pro right now even though you are not publishing it to the RH Server? This is really not the best practice. You should generate plain WebHelp for a web server that does not have RH Server on it (even though you may be getting away with it). As for your concern about "breaking" something; each output is placed in a different !SSL! folder automatically when you generate, so you should be able to generate WebHelp without interferring with the WebHelp Pro output. Then, you can re-publish to the RH Server using WebHelp Pro whenever the server is ready.
    John Daigle
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp and Captivate Instructor
    Evergreen, Colorado

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    Message was edited by: Mohamed Rafi - Many threads available on this topic search for those.

    Have you tried to save the project? Because validation rule will call at time of saving the Project.
    I have created the same but for start with 'U'
    When I create project and at time of saving, validation rule will call and system throw error if I don't create project start with 'U'.
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    If you want to add this column in a project center view, be careful to choose a project view in the "manage views" views' list. Also it must be a project custom field and not a task field. As Paul said, we assume that the field with the code exists
    and has been previousky created by you.
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MVP, MCP |

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    Warm Regards,
    Jatinder Bansal

    Apart from what has been mentioned, I think there is no link between SO numbering and project numbering. There is link between coding mask but not with number. The reason you are getting same numbers is probably all projects in M series are created via assembly processing. If some one creates a project manually in M series or even a sales order using this number range & which is not related to assembly processing; this corelation will get disturbed. And further you will see different number for SO and project, but theres nnothing to worry about it.

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    Prabu S.

    For project defination internal number is assigned by system.
    When you saves's project then system allocate one number to project defination, you can view it,
    SE11 >>> table  PROJ >> Click on contents >>> execute,
    here you will get your project defination & number is assigned to project defination.

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    Hello gurus,
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    Thanks & Regards,

    For project defination internal number is assigned by system.
    When you saves's project then system allocate one number to project defination, you can view it,
    SE11 >>> table  PROJ >> Click on contents >>> execute,
    here you will get your project defination & number is assigned to project defination.

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    Guru Prasad.

    Create two Transaction Types and two Sequences and assign each sequence to each transaction type.

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    The Project number has to be unique across the OUs. But Iam not sure how you will achieve it. Since having different sequence numbers will cause issues(it will create overlapping project numbers and hence you will not be able to create a project)
    But technically it is doable. The way is given below. But it may cause issues in having project number to be unique across OUs.
    1. Make the Project Number 'Manual' for all OUs.
    2. Create one sequence for each OU.
    3. When creating Project through Forms/OAF, use custom code to populate the project number automatically
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    This is just a thought. Let me know if this works.
    Have fun !!

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    You can also reach me on [email protected]
    Thanking you,
    Suresh Nagaraja

    Hi Suresh,
    don't think there is a standard functionality for this. But you could create your own number range object and fill the data via BAdi. Try DPR_ATTRIBUTES.

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    You may navigate to Projects Implementation Options, and go to the tab - Internal Billing.
    There you may find the field - Invoice Numbering. You can select Automatic or Manual.
    Per your requirement enter - Automatic, and go on entering the starting number to use for internal invoices.

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    Hi Experts,
    please can you help in the creation of manual creation of transport request for the customizing activity "Define Number Assignment for Goods Receipt/Issue Slips": settings for assigning goods receipt/issue slip numbers upon goods movements (MM) or deliveries (LE-SHP)?
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    1. functionality activation at plant level
    2. number range group/interval code assignment
    3. Groups and intervals creation
    4. Plant / Storage Location / Movement type combination assignment to number range group.
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    Please can you tell me exactly what I have to put into transport request as object:
    - Program ID     (I think R3TR)
    - Object Type
    - Object name
    and any other relevant information with all the details.
    Thank you very much
    Kind Regards

    You need to create the transport request by selecting the required number & clicking on the trnsaport icon, then a prompt for transport request will be displayed, there you can create the request & move it to production.
    Reward points if usefu;
    Thanks & Rgards

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    e.g. In SD Billing we have one User exit:- USEREXIT_NUMBER_RANGE (Module pool SAPLV60A, program RV60AFZZ). With this and depending upon certain conditions (which are maintained in Z table) we can have our own number range.
    Similarly, Can any one please suggest either a User Exit or  BAdi or some enhancement point for this requirement?
    Edited by: Aniruddha Saraf on Jan 3, 2008 2:28 PM

    Hi Anirudhdha,
    There is no standard exit for number ranges like those in SD. However, you can try using the exit EXIT_SAPMOIGS_001 for this purpose. You will still need to enter internal number range in the shipment type configuration.
    Hope this helps,

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    Dear Friends,
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    u201CSequence No. not defined for the location [Message 80072-11]u201D
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    Hi Narottam,
    Check this link
    Sequence Series

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