Automation of manual functions

is it possible to send scripted commands to IDM 8.1p5?
For example. we want to control certain things that happen in our IDM that need manual intervention.
I propose scripting it to do the following:
Pause activesync of Resource "x"
Delete selected ObjectType of xmlData (sync token)
Start Full Reconcilation of Resource "z"
Delete selected ObjectType of xmlData (sync token)
Start activesync of Resource "x"
We need to be able to ensure the sync token is removed before each reconcilation is done.
Then activesync can start again until we need to do it again, probably via a cron job.
Can someone please point to possible ways this could be accomplished, hopefully with
some kind of example resource etc?!
Thanks very much...

Dear Sir,
Can you tell me what are the initial & final steps to complete a BDC program & what r the initial thing which i kept in mind before develop a BDC program
Thanks in advance.
thanks & regards

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    Your question is unclear.  As IK mentioned, the only tool you need is a new version of Oracle Forms/Reports.  Open your v10 modules in a v11 Builder and select Save.  You now have a v11 module.  Doing a "Compile All PL/SQL" before saving is a good idea, but not required.  The Builders and utilites provided with the version 11 installation are the only supported tools for upgrading your application.  If you are trying to do the conversion of many Forms files in a scripted manner, you can use the Forms compiler in a script.  Generating new "X" files will also update the source modules (fmb, mmb, pll).  See MyOracleSupport Note 955143.1
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    I am not sure whether I understood completely. Lemme try to answer your 2 questions.
    *1) If a the event is in receive state, why the automator is running first? what type of automator are accepted for each task state? So you are saying you have* defined an event when the automated task goes to Receive state ?
    Ans : As you have defined the event on the "Receive" state of an automation task, it will be the event gets executed first. Basically during execution of any order, when you hit submit in the CreationTask, automatically next task will be loaded and its task state will be in Recieve state irrespective of Task type like Automated or Manual. That is why when loading the next task, the task will be in received state and the automator runs first.
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    *2) i have an automator that complete the task to a specific state. The Jeopardy is executed but the task is not completed by the state defined? Are there any restrictions to Jeopardies in manual tasks?*
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    Windows 8 (i know... i know...)
    I can get a python IDE up and running pretty quickly
    Am happy to migrate this to my native linux for some parts of this process if there are tools/i can use the command line to get things done quicker!

    Thanks all for the replies, it's given me a great deal to think on.
    I have discoved some of this information is helpfully stowed on their website. Am going to contact the IT guy... if i could scrape right off it or better yet get access to their mySQL or whatever perhaps that'd be the fastest way to make my magic .csv and then batch import all.
    As for plans b-z:
    Eugene Tyson I looked into what you suggested about using books. I've still got a problem with importing all to one file if anyone knows a handy script that'd be much appreciated. I still obviously need to read up on master pages, when i've been dragging the style it seems to sandwich both the new style and old style together... so perhaps the data in isn't clean enough anyway (cleaning +1000 files would probably take longer than ctrl+c ctrl+v on all of em)
    Peter, you're exactly right. Dirty in dirty out on data right? I've found that given that these files were all made with the same workflow, there is a great deal of consistancy. If its 100% i cannot yet tell, but if i export using the story export .js it seems to me i could either scalp off the bottom most five files (which seem to inevitably contain the valued data) or ponder clever if statements that will detect if it's got something that might be a name or just our latin placeholder text. But yes... i figure whatever a good deal of checking will be invovled.
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    anyway I'm teetering between this being a fun challenge and a utter nightmare, but the looming idea of manual data entry is enough to propel me on. Any help / discussion or further thoughts would still be vastly appreciated!
    thanks all and have a great weekend.

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    - Greg.

    I think the easiest way of getting some of this functionality would be to write a PL/SQL wrapper to a Java Stored Procedure that implements calls to the Java InetAddress class. It doesn't haven't the full set of operators but I'm not sure what 'less than' actually means in the context of an IP address . If you really need them you could always extend the InetAddress class to implement such tests.
    Cheers, APC

  • Servers where patches will not install automatically or manually, Live updates are broken and when checking installed updates shows "NO UPDATES ARE INSTALLED ON THIS COMPUTER" SFC \SCANNOW will not run

    Hello, (Bit of a long one but please read)
    We have 3 servers in same physical location and server OU etc that are exhibiting the exact same behaviors (we have server servers in this location that are not), as above theyt are all W2008 R2 SP1 and all built from the same standard
    image we use on hundreds of other computers, they have also been in production for different amounts of time and we started to see this behavior at different times with them: (Its odd they are all in the same site where there are also several other servers
    that are not effected, there must be a link ? )
    These servers are all missing several patches when checking our internal tool that reports from IBM endpoint management that we use to deliver patches (they are not all missing the exact same patches some ore or less than other), although
    SCCM (we used SCCM to deliver patches until around 6 months ago) and IBM EM are both running (some ptches hark back to the SCCM Delievry days) they are not patching and when attempting to patch manually by downloading the exact patch coresponding to the fixlet
    ID and the KB , the stanbdalone installer starts and after some time you receive an error message “The update is not applicable to yoru computer”. Windows update returns error 80070006 for all of the servers.
    it is worth noting that other applications and products also using the .MSU extension will insatll so it is not a problem with the installer service.
    The above led me to think a corrupt patch may have stopped the sequence of patching so I then looked in “Programs and Features” => “Installed updates” and this is blank for all of them returening the message:
    “NO UPDATES ARE INSTALLED ON THIS COMPUTER”.  (this I believe is a part of the fundamental issues and resolving this may resolve the patching)
    Another issue is that if you run  “SFC /SCANNOW” It starts the scan and then returns: “Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation” (Also in safe mode and both from an elevated CMD and WMI is started as a service)
    The all three are probably related so I think fixing the “SFC and NO UPDATES SHOWN” issues will resolve the first.
    The things I have tried so far are:
    Running : wmic qfe list full /format:htable > c:\updates.htm             Should produce a list of updates but instead returns :  No Instance(s) Available (this is not hopeful)
    Result : Update Ran successfully but NO CHANGE
    Fix: Ran the automated and manual fix “RESET WINDOWS UPDATE COMPONENTS” here : then undated windows update agent.
    Result : All ran successfully and NO CHANGE
    Fix: Ran MBSA
    Result : Runs successfully and then stays at “Done downloading security update information” (Log gives no obvious information)
    Fix: Renamed the software distribution folder/restarted services (Various variations of this fix online, tried a few)
    Result: Runs as described in article with new Software distribution folder being created,
    Fix: Create/Correct the  reg key for windows trusted installer located here HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Version (several articles relating to this and the above issues)
    Result: the existing key was correct as should be from internal system information gathered , required in article.
    Fix: Ran the “Windows update trouble-shooter”
    as here :
    Result:  It detected and fixed error’s but still no change.
    The WMI Repository checks out on them all for both of the methods I know to verify “Get-wmiobject –list |measure” and ensure count is over 900 and also “C:\>winmgmt /verifyrepository” and the repository came back as “WMI Repository is consistent”. I guess
    this is not hard evidence the WMI is OK, but these are the only methods I know.
    I have also tried removing the server from its OU , running a GP Update and then rebooting and testing but to no avail (Bit of a longshot but tried to link the distinction between the three servers and the OU GP is one of them)
    I have tried a few other articles registering .Dll’s etc , but I did not take a note of links as I was at the start of this and didn’t expect it to go so long so please reply with anything you see not above im happy to try again.
    I have thought about removing SP1 and reinstalling it but this will require a major downtime and only possible if the backup files of SP1 have not been removed.
    Any help is apreciated !

    Please try to rebuil the WMI repository.
    For detailed information, please refer to the blog below,
    If issue persists, due to sfc doesn't work, could you try to repair your system with the installation disk?
    Best Regards.
    Steven Lee
    TechNet Community Support

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    Best Regards,

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