Autority in Z-programs

Hello to all!
Our ABAP programmer creates Z-program with autority checks
        IF sy-subrc <> 0. )
When I add this transaction in PFCG I can't see this autority automaticly, I can only add in manually in profile editor.
Why ? Who does wrong ?
Thanks for answers!

this authority-check doesn't have any transaction.
The transaction for the report to be run might be SE38, SA38 or a custom report transaction created with SE93.
'ZSD_PREDSS' is a custom authority object.

Similar Messages

  • Failed to Run OLE Excel program in background JOB (SM36)

    Please help.
    I have write a program to use OLE to create a Excel file.
    The program can run successful in front end workstation. However, when I run the program in background job by SM36.
    The statement "CREATE OBJECT EXCEL 'EXCEL.APPLICATION'" return with error "SY-SUBRC = 2".
    How can I solve it ?
    Can OLE Excel be run on background job ?
    Thanks so much,

    Hi Mark:
    Your need is a very common one. I also was asked to generate an Excel in Background.
    It is not possible to work with OLE in background mode.
    The reason is: In background mode there is no presentation server. OLE is executed in presentation server.
    Below I paste the code I wrote to solve my problem.
    This class sends a mail with an excel attached. The Excel content will be the internal table you pass to the class. But the Excel is not binary, it is a plain text file, separated by tabulators. Anyway, when you open it with Excel, the columns are properly shown.
    Sorry. Comments are in spanish, I don't have time to translate it.
    I kindly ask to everybody which want to use it to keep my name in the code.
    * Autor: Jordi Escoda, 30/10/2008.
    * Descripción: Esta clase genera un correo electrónico destinado a
    *  una persona, adjuntando el contenido de una tabla interna como
    *  Excel (campos separados por tabuladores).
    *  La virtud de esta clase es su sencillez de utilización. Para lanzar
    *  el mail con el excel adjunto basta con declarar la tabla interna,
    *  llenarla, colocar el asunto del mensaje, el destinatario, el nombre
    *  del excel adjunto, y pasar la tabla interna.
    * Ejemplo de utilización:
    *  DATA: lc_mail TYPE REF TO cl_mail_builder_xls_attach.
    *  DATA: lt_anla TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF anla.
    *    SELECT * INTO TABLE lt_anla  FROM anla.
    *    CREATE OBJECT lc_mail.
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_subject( 'Excel adjunto' ).
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_recipient( 'XXX@XXXDOTCOM' ).
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_attach_filename( 'ANLA' ).
    *    APPEND 'Cuerpo del mensaje' TO  lt_body.
    *    APPEND 'Saludos cordiales' TO  lt_body.
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_bodytext( lt_body ).
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_attach_table( lt_anla ).
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->send( ).
    *       CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach DEFINITION
    CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach DEFINITION.
        METHODS: set_subject
                               IMPORTING im_subject TYPE so_obj_des,
                               IMPORTING im_body TYPE bcsy_text,
                               IMPORTING im_recipient TYPE ad_smtpadr,
                               IMPORTING im_table TYPE ANY TABLE,
                               IMPORTING im_attach_name TYPE sood-objdes,
          c_tab  TYPE c VALUE cl_bcs_convert=>gc_tab,
          c_crlf TYPE c VALUE cl_bcs_convert=>gc_crlf,
          c_singlequote TYPE c VALUE '.
        DATA: l_recipient_addr TYPE ad_smtpadr.
        DATA: send_request   TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
              document       TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
              recipient      TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
              bcs_exception  TYPE REF TO cx_bcs.
        DATA: binary_content TYPE solix_tab,
              size           TYPE so_obj_len.
        DATA: l_string TYPE string,
              l_body_text TYPE bcsy_text,
              l_subject TYPE so_obj_des,
              l_attach_name TYPE sood-objdes.
        METHODS: create_binary_content,
                        IMPORTING im_table_name TYPE tabname
                                  im_field_name TYPE fieldname
                        EXPORTING ex_medium_text TYPE scrtext_m.
    ENDCLASS.                    "cl_mail_builder_xls_attach DEFINITION
    *       CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD set_bodytext.
        l_body_text[] = im_body[].
      ENDMETHOD.                    "add_bodytext
      METHOD set_subject.
        l_subject = im_subject.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "add_subject
      METHOD set_attach_filename.
        l_attach_name = im_attach_name.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "add_subject
      METHOD set_recipient.
        l_recipient_addr = im_recipient.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "add_subject
      METHOD set_attach_table.
    *   Rellena en un string el contenido de la tabla interna recibida
        DATA: ref_to_struct  TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr.
        DATA: my_like TYPE fieldname,
              nombretabla TYPE tabname,
              nombrecampo TYPE fieldname,
              texto_mediano TYPE scrtext_m.
        DATA: l_idx TYPE i,
              l_valorcampo(16) TYPE c,
              l_long TYPE i.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_linea> TYPE ANY,
                       <fs_campo> TYPE ANY.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS: <comp_descr> TYPE abap_compdescr.
        CHECK NOT im_table[] IS INITIAL.
    *   Línea con los nombres de las columnas.
        CLEAR l_string.
        LOOP AT im_table ASSIGNING <fs_linea>.
    *     Toma los atributos del componente
          ref_to_struct  =
                     cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( <fs_linea> ).
          LOOP AT ref_to_struct->components ASSIGNING <comp_descr>.
            ASSIGN COMPONENT <comp_descr>-name
                                OF STRUCTURE <fs_linea> TO <fs_campo>.
    *       Obtenemos el origen de donde proviene (like). Ej:BKPF-BUDAT
            DESCRIBE FIELD <fs_campo> HELP-ID my_like.
            SPLIT my_like AT '-' INTO nombretabla nombrecampo.
            CALL METHOD get_dataelement_medium_text
                im_table_name  = nombretabla
                im_field_name  = nombrecampo
                ex_medium_text = texto_mediano.
            IF texto_mediano IS INITIAL.
              CONCATENATE l_string <comp_descr>-name INTO l_string.
              CONCATENATE l_string texto_mediano INTO l_string.
            AT LAST.
              CONCATENATE l_string c_crlf INTO l_string.
            CONCATENATE l_string c_tab INTO l_string.
    *   Contenido de la tabla
        LOOP AT im_table ASSIGNING <fs_linea>.
    *     Toma los atributos del componente
          ref_to_struct  =
                     cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( <fs_linea> ).
          LOOP AT ref_to_struct->components ASSIGNING <comp_descr>.
    *       Asignamos el componente ue tratamos, para obtener
    *       el valor del mismo
            ASSIGN COMPONENT <comp_descr>-name OF STRUCTURE <fs_linea>
                                            TO <fs_campo>.
            CASE <comp_descr>-type_kind.
              WHEN 'P'. "Packed Number
    *           Convierte a caracter
                WRITE <fs_campo> TO l_valorcampo.
                CONCATENATE l_string l_valorcampo INTO l_string.
              WHEN OTHERS.
                l_long = STRLEN( <fs_campo> ).
                IF l_long > 11 AND <fs_campo> CO ' 0123456789'.
    *             El Excel muestra un número tal como 190000000006
    *             en formato 1,9E+11.
    *             Para eviarlo, los números de más de 11 dígitos los
    *             concatenamos con comillas simples.
                  CONCATENATE l_string c_singlequote
                              <fs_campo> c_singlequote INTO l_string.
                  CONCATENATE l_string <fs_campo> INTO l_string.
            AT LAST.
    *         Añade CRLF
              CONCATENATE l_string c_crlf INTO l_string.
    *       Añade tabulador
            CONCATENATE l_string c_tab INTO l_string.
        create_binary_content( ).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "set_attach_table
      METHOD create_binary_content.
        DATA: l_size TYPE so_obj_len.
    *   convert the text string into UTF-16LE binary data including
    *   byte-order-mark. Mircosoft Excel prefers these settings
    *   all this is done by new class cl_bcs_convert (see note 1151257)
                iv_string   = l_string
                iv_codepage = '4103'  "suitable for MS Excel, leave empty
                iv_add_bom  = 'X'     "for other doc types
                et_solix  = binary_content
                ev_size   = size ).
          CATCH cx_bcs.
            MESSAGE e445(so).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "create_binary_content
      METHOD send.
        DATA: l_sent_to_all TYPE os_boolean.
    *       create persistent send request
            send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
    *       create and set document with attachment
    *       create document object
            document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
              i_type    = 'RAW'
              i_text    = l_body_text
              i_subject = l_subject ).
    *       add the spread sheet as attachment to document object
              i_attachment_type    = 'xls'
              i_attachment_subject = l_attach_name
              i_attachment_size    = size
              i_att_content_hex    = binary_content ).
    *       add document object to send request
            send_request->set_document( document ).
    *       add recipient (e-mail address)
            recipient =
                                          l_recipient_addr ).
    *       add recipient object to send request
            send_request->add_recipient( recipient ).
    *       send document
            l_sent_to_all = send_request->send(
                                 i_with_error_screen = 'X' ).
            COMMIT WORK.
            IF l_sent_to_all IS INITIAL.
              MESSAGE i500(sbcoms) WITH l_recipient_addr.
              MESSAGE s022(so).
          CATCH cx_bcs INTO bcs_exception.
            MESSAGE i865(so) WITH bcs_exception->error_type.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "lcl_mail_xls_attachment
      METHOD get_dataelement_medium_text.
        DATA: lt_fld_info TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dfies,
          wa_fld_info TYPE dfies.
    *   Busca en el diccionario los datos del campo
            tabname        = im_table_name
            fieldname      = im_field_name
            langu          = sy-langu
            dfies_tab      = lt_fld_info
            not_found      = 1
            internal_error = 2
            OTHERS         = 3.
        CLEAR ex_medium_text.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          READ TABLE lt_fld_info INDEX 1 INTO wa_fld_info.
    *     Si lo ha podido tomar del diccionario...
          IF NOT wa_fld_info-scrtext_m IS INITIAL.
    *       Toma el nombre del nombre de campo del diccionario
            ex_medium_text = wa_fld_info-scrtext_m.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "get_dataelement_medium_text
    ENDCLASS.                    "cl_mail_builder_xls_attach IMPLEMENTATION

  • ¿OT? Derechos de autor

    Pienso en alto:
    A un chico le retiran una psp en el colegio y su padre tiene
    que ir a
    recogerla. Surge entonces la cuestión de que el chico ha
    copiado de otro
    amigo unos archivos sujetos a la ley de propiedad
    intelectual, (unos juegos
    y unos libros electrónicos). El padre, en defensa de su
    hijo, compara el
    hecho con el antiguo intercambio de libros, o con el
    préstamo de la
    biblioteca escolar, aunque en realidad obvia que durante el
    proceso de
    copiado, en el mundo digital, se produce la duplicación
    del archivo, con lo
    que se ha generado un nuevo objeto, sin control alguno de los
    del derecho de reproducción, y eso no sucede en el caso
    del libro físico en
    el que lo que se compartía era el contenido de la obra.
    Precisamente la imposibilidad de controlar las copias en el
    mundo digital
    hace que muchos usuarios consideren injustas las leyes de
    intelectual, cuando no son los propios gobiernos quienes
    establecen medidas
    directamente injustas para cobrar los derechos, y además
    convierten a
    internet en la mayor fábrica de copiado que existe, pero
    en realidad también
    se copiaban los libros antes de internet y había una
    presión enorme sobre
    las fotocopiadoras, o mucho antes, cuando los copistas de la
    Edad Media
    duplicaban a mano. En fin, todos sabemos que evitar la copia
    de un objeto es
    imposible, salvo que lo ocultemos a los ojos de los
    demás, pero también
    sabemos eso no nos da derecho a copiarlo.
    Me cabrea mucho que haya empresas de biotecnología que
    estén registrando
    derechos sobre secuencias de ADN o genes de plantas, que son
    propiedad de la humanidad en su conjunto, y nadie dice nada,
    mientras se
    pone continuamente en duda el derecho de los autores
    intelectuales sobre la
    reproducción de sus obras, que al ser originales
    solamente les pertenecen a
    Quizá la falta de un modelo eficiente para el comercio
    legítimo de las obras
    intectuales, y los conflictos que se derivan de los
    diferentes canones que
    se cobran de obras digitales, se deban a las
    ambigüedades que existen en
    este debate.
    Juan Muro

    El tango dice "el que no llora no mama y el que no afana es
    un gil", jajaja.
    La parte final es desagradable pero es la verdad.
    En mi humilde opinión, es la misma gente la que
    está forzando un cambio en
    esto de vivir de las regalías y no del oficio de crear.
    Porque sino el
    artista tiende a producir cada vez menos y va a terminar
    cobrando hasta
    porque mencionemos su nombre (bueno, algunos ya lo hacen).
    Me acuerdo que hace no mucho tiempo hubo un artista que
    absurdamente pedía
    el cierre de Internet porque lo perjudicaba y a la semana
    (sí, a la semana),
    estaba vendiendo sus canciones a 1 dólar cada una. Si
    mal no recuerdo era
    Elton John y vi las dos noticias en el mismo diario. Me
    causó mucha gracia.
    "Fco. Moreno" <[email protected]> escribió
    en el mensaje
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hola Juan, te contesto tarde, pero espero que no por
    ello en vano.
    > Supongo que en una sociedad idílica; las fuentes de
    conocimiento deberían
    > ser de libre tránsito dentro de la sociedad. En
    especial la cultura.
    > Muchos movimientos llevan ya tiempo apoyando la libre
    cultura, pero el
    > pensamiento occidental, basado en el capitalismo
    desorbitado nos impide
    > incluso a nosotros mismos ver que en realidad hay una
    gran base económica
    > en las industrias que difunden y distribuyen los
    contenidos culturales. De
    > qué si no, vivirían los creadores de
    contenidos culturales, si no de su
    > obra...
    > El problema está en que en la actualidad, la
    recaudación de derechos de
    > autor por parte de las entidades implicadas, y el acoso
    a los medios
    > digitales mediante canonnes; impuestos y sobreprecios es
    desorbitada, y
    > desde luego, representa una barrera a la
    incorporación de la cultura al
    > dominio público; degradándola a un mero
    producto de consumo.
    > Como comentas, es por la falta de un modelo eficiente
    para el comercio de
    > los contenidos culturales, del conocimiento en general;
    por eso no hay que
    > dejar de luchar en reivindicar que las autoridades que
    manejan la cultura
    > de bien común y la educación estén
    más atentas en ese sentido; que se
    > limiten de forma temporal los derechos de autor, no que
    se eliminen; que
    > se potencien los modelos de derechos de autor de libre
    distribución, como
    > el copyleft; protestar por el registro de patentes que
    deberían ser
    > universales, y que la sociedad, la industria y los
    autores busquen un
    > nuevo modelo de relaciones económicas que, en vez
    de constreñir el uso de
    > las tecnologías de la comunicación, potencie y
    se aproveche de su
    > desarrollo y multiplique sus beneficios.
    > Aunque es muy facil hablar así; existen dos
    problemas de base: las
    > personas por nuestra naturaleza y la sociedad de consumo
    en la que vivimos
    > y a la que nos hemos acostumbrado. Quien me diga que
    existe libre
    > comercio; miente; cuando estamos acostumbrados a que los
    gobiernos entren
    > dentro de las operaciones de las empresas; y en muchos
    casos beneficiando
    > al menos indicado; y a ver como gigantes económicos
    pactan que sus
    > productos sean introducidos a la fuerza, como algunos
    sistemas operativos,
    > creando de esta forma una dependencia. Y quien me diga
    que se dedica a
    > esto y nunca ha usado un programa de dudosa procedencia
    o sin pagar una
    > licencia, también miente.
    > En fin se podrían escribir y se han escrito rios de
    tintas (o de bytes, en
    > este caso) pero pienso que todo pasa, por lo menos la
    parte que nos
    > concierne, por un consumo responsable; y por vigilar y
    protestar por los
    > abusos. En mi pueblo se dice que quien no llora, no
    > Vaya rollazo he soltado.
    > "Juan Muro" <[email protected]> escribió
    en el mensaje
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> Pienso en alto:
    >> A un chico le retiran una psp en el colegio y su
    padre tiene que ir a
    >> recogerla. Surge entonces la cuestión de que el
    chico ha copiado de otro
    >> amigo unos archivos sujetos a la ley de propiedad
    intelectual, (unos
    >> juegos y unos libros electrónicos). El padre,
    en defensa de su hijo,
    >> compara el hecho con el antiguo intercambio de
    libros, o con el préstamo
    >> de la biblioteca escolar, aunque en realidad obvia
    que durante el proceso
    >> de copiado, en el mundo digital, se produce la
    duplicación del archivo,
    >> con lo que se ha generado un nuevo objeto, sin
    control alguno de los
    >> propietarios del derecho de reproducción, y eso
    no sucede en el caso del
    >> libro físico en el que lo que se compartía
    era el contenido de la obra.
    >> Precisamente la imposibilidad de controlar las
    copias en el mundo digital
    >> hace que muchos usuarios consideren injustas las
    leyes de propiedad
    >> intelectual, cuando no son los propios gobiernos
    quienes establecen
    >> medidas directamente injustas para cobrar los
    derechos, y además
    >> convierten a internet en la mayor fábrica de
    copiado que existe, pero en
    >> realidad también se copiaban los libros antes
    de internet y había una
    >> presión enorme sobre las fotocopiadoras, o
    mucho antes, cuando los
    >> copistas de la Edad Media duplicaban a mano. En fin,
    todos sabemos que
    >> evitar la copia de un objeto es imposible, salvo que
    lo ocultemos a los
    >> ojos de los demás, pero también sabemos
    eso no nos da derecho a copiarlo.
    >> Me cabrea mucho que haya empresas de
    biotecnología que estén registrando
    >> derechos sobre secuencias de ADN o genes de plantas,
    que son objetos
    >> propiedad de la humanidad en su conjunto, y nadie
    dice nada, mientras se
    >> pone continuamente en duda el derecho de los autores
    intelectuales sobre
    >> la reproducción de sus obras, que al ser
    originales solamente les
    >> pertenecen a ellos.
    >> Quizá la falta de un modelo eficiente para el
    comercio legítimo de las
    >> obras intectuales, y los conflictos que se derivan
    de los diferentes
    >> canones que se cobran de obras digitales, se deban a
    las ambigüedades que
    >> existen en este debate.
    >> Salu2
    >> *8¬]
    >> Juan Muro

  • Problem with threads, program always crash

    new to threads, may be doing something COMPLETELY wrong. When I run the program I get a couple of NullPointerExceptions in Thread-0 and Thread-1. I'm confused because it screws up when I call size() for arrayList, and in the API size doesn't throw anything.
    public class ProducerConsumerRunner
       public static void main(String args[])
          Queue q = new Queue(QUEUE_MAX_SIZE);
          ProducerRunnable producer = new ProducerRunnable(q, ITERATIONS);
          ConsumerRunnable consumer = new ConsumerRunnable(q, ITERATIONS);
          //works good up to here
          Thread t1 = new Thread(producer);
          Thread t2 = new Thread(consumer);
       private static int ITERATIONS = 50;
       private static int QUEUE_MAX_SIZE = 25;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
    public class Queue {
         public Queue(int maxSize)
              list = new ReentrantLock();
              underLimit = list.newCondition();
              MAX_SIZE = maxSize;
         public void add(String line)
                           System.out.println("add method of Queue");
                   while(record.size() >= MAX_SIZE){//things get screwed up when this condition is evaluated
                        //size method is crashing the program
              }catch(java.lang.InterruptedException e){
                   System.out.println("await interupted: "+e.getMessage());
         public void remove(int line)
         public  ArrayList<String> record;
         private final ReentrantLock list;
         private final java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition underLimit;
         private final int MAX_SIZE;
    import java.util.Date;
    public class ProducerRunnable implements Runnable{
         public ProducerRunnable(Queue q, int itterations)
              this.q = q;
              ITTERATIONS = itterations;
         public void run()
              String date;
              for(int i = 0; i<ITTERATIONS; i++)
                   date = new Date().toString();
                   q.add(date);//this is where it screws up
                   System.out.println(date+" added");
                   }catch(java.lang.InterruptedException e){
                        System.out.println("ProduccerRunnable's sleep was interupted");
         private final Queue q;
         private final int ITTERATIONS;
    public class ConsumerRunnable implements Runnable{
         public ConsumerRunnable(Queue q, int itterations)
              this.q = q;
              ITTERATIONS = itterations;
         public void run()
              //Queue q = new Queue();
              int length;
              for(int i = 0; i<ITTERATIONS; i++)
                   length = q.record.size();//things are getting screwed up here
                   while(q.record.get(length) == null)
                   }catch(java.lang.InterruptedException e){
                        System.out.println("ConsumerRunnable's sleep was interupted");
         private final Queue q;
         private final int ITTERATIONS;

    this works right
         public void remove()
              int line = 0;
                   *while(record.size() < 1)*
              }catch(java.lang.InterruptedException e){
                   System.out.println("await interupted: "+e.getMessage());
         }this is deadlock
    *int list = 0;*
    *while((list = record.size)<1) was screwing things up because of the assignment*record is ArrayList of strings. when better to use Vector instead of ArrayList? i notice no differnce and i use threads
    initially I thought record.size was being evaluated and before could be assigned to list, time slice ran out. this could not be case because I use ReentrantLock (list) to lock it.
    Edited by: bean-planet on Apr 1, 2009 4:31 PM

  • ITunes & Windows Vista Home - Error File C:\Program Data\Apple Computer\Installer\Cache\iTunes 10.5.142\iTunes.msi was rejected by digital signature policy.

    and al-signature.html
    with no avail!!!
    iTunes opens after I click OK on the above message however I cannot do anything within the app its like Windows it preventing it from running.

    I tried what the diagnostic told me to do, and repaired the installation. I was able to burn a CD in iTunes, but after I restarted, the drives have disappeared again! Here's the diagnostic info now:
    Microsoft Windows Vista Home Edition (Build 6000)
    QuickTime 7.4
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    iTunes Serial Number 20D6EAF059AB94B4
    Current user is not an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2008-01-15 19:09:32.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    Video Display Information
    ATI Technologies Inc., Radeon X1600/X1650 Series
    ATI Technologies Inc., Radeon X1600/1650 Series Secondary
    ** External Plug-ins Information **
    Plug-in Name: iTunes plugin
    Plug-in Loaded: Yes
    Plug-in Version: 0.0.13
    Plug-in File Version:
    Plug-in Path: C:\Program Files\iTunes\Plug-ins\itw_scrobbler.dll
    No drives showed up to be tested.

  • Error while running a Java Program

    Can anyone help me,
    I am getting the following error while running a Java program, Below is the exception thrown, please help.
    at java.nio.Buffer.nextPutIndex(
    at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.putChar(
    at org.jetel.graph.DirectEdge.writeRecord(
    at org.jetel.graph.Edge.writeRecord(
    at java.nio.Buffer.nextPutIndex(
    at java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.putChar(
    at org.jetel.graph.DirectEdge.writeRecord(
    at org.jetel.graph.Edge.writeRecord(

    Ok, let's see. Write the following class:
    public class Grunt {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello Mars");
    }Save it as "C:\", compile by typing:
    javac c:\Grunt.javaRun by typing:
    java -classpath "C:\" GruntDoes it say "Hello Mars"? If yes, go back to your program and compare for differences (maybe you used the "package" statement?).

  • How do I install all my old programs and data from an old system folder after I have reinstalled the same OSX system after a crash?

    The system is OSX10.5.8 Leopard on a 2009 imac. A new system was installed from the installation disks and the original system saved to a folder.
    I need to use my Adobe programs, rescue my email, i-tunes and iphoto data.  The disk utility indicates that my Time Machine back-up disk is damaged and I don't want to take a risk of having Time Machine erase my hard drive and try to reinstall the exact system existing at the time of the crash.  There was over 650 gb of stored files that I was copying and removing from the drive at the time it crashed. The total size of the original system file is still about 650 Gb.
    I would prefer to go back in Time Machine and only rescue the programs as most of the files have been copied to external hard drives, but I can't access the back-up hard drive from the new version of the Time Machine.  Or by I don't want the Time Mchine to start copying the new operating system which would include all the data in the old system file. Time Machine was working fine at the time of the crash.

    No, the disk was backed up with time machine a few hours prior to the crash.  I was unable to open the computer when I tried to restart it- got a grey screen with the spinning disk- after a few minutes the screen would go black and would reboot continuously, but not load any images or programs. I started the computer from the 10.5.4 installation disks and checked both the time machine external hard drive and the Imac internal drive with the disk utilities. Both showed as damaged --the internal drive and permissions were repaired, but the external drive (time machine back-up)  was damaged and not repairable by disk utilities. I don't believe that the external drive for Time Machine was connected to the computer at the time of the crash as I was copying files to a different hard drive drive. And I was not having any problems with the TM back-up drive prior to the crash.
    I accessed the Imac internal disk by firewire (as a target disk) and copied as many data files as I had room for on my external hard drives available.  And I deleted quite a few files from the imac internal drive (mostly just jpegs, duplicate tifs, etc--nothing that was used by i-photos, i-tunes or the Mail program).
    Then I installed a new OSX10.5.4 system from the installation disk and the old system was moved to a folder on the hard drive.  I previousy had had the option to reinstall the complete system from Time Machine when I connected that drive and booted with the installation disks with the C key depressed.  But it didn't seem like a good option because I was unsure of the condition of that external disk and whether it would be able to reinstall my data correctly, once it had erased my internal hard drive. 
    I'm considering buying some new external hard drives and backing up the present system to time Machine (so I'll still have my old data in the old system folder).  And then I would try using the old Time Machine back-up to try to reinstall the sytem previous to the crash.  That back-up would reinstall about 700gb of data and operating software and programs which sounds like a lengthy back-up.  Since I have never used Time Machine to do a full reinstallation (I've only used it for individual files), I'm reluctant to do anything rash.
    I'm a professional designer (with a deadline) but I can still use my Illustrator and Photoshop by opening them from the old system folder and saving the files to an external drive.  So it's not neccessary to do anything hasty except to delete some of the excess art and document files that were causing the computer to run slowly and the  Adobe programs to crash when I tried to save my work. I have quite a few books on tape in the i-tumes folder which is probably talking up tons of space but I don't where the i-tunes files live.
    Thanks for any help. Peggy
    Message was edited by: peggy toole

  • Error:  "Could not complete your request because of a program error" (photoshop CS2 9.0.2 on MAC OSX

    Today I started my program (photoshop CS2 9.0.2) and opened a JPG file. When I went to print the file the program crashed and closed. When I restarted the program and went to open the file I got this error message, "Could not complete your request because of a program error".
    I have tried several different file types/sizes and all result in the same error message since the program crashed. It will not open any file I try to open. As I indicated above I am using Photoshop CS2 9.0.2 it is on a MAC with OSX 10.4.11.
    I called Adobe and the Rep directed me to Tech Note 331307 and told me to Re-create the Photoshop preferences files. Which I did and restarted the program, but when I tried to open a file (any file) I still get the same error message so it doesn't appear to be the preferences.
    Does anyone have any info as to what the problem may be and how to correct it.

    Thanks for the response. OK... This is the first day I have been able to get back to the problem.
    My system I am running Photoshop on is a Power Mac G4, AGP Graphics ATY Rage 128Pro chip set 16MB VRAM LCD 1280x1024 32-bit color, 500MHz, 1.75GB of memory, 1 MB L2 Cache, 100 MHz Bus Speed. I had installed the latest security update and repaired the permissions the day the problem started.
    Now to day I started the system and went in and created a Guest Account. I logged into the guest account and started Photoshop. Low and behold it worked just fine. So I logged out of guest and logged into my main user account And started Photoshop. Wouldn't you know it.... It works just fine. I can open any file I want with now problems.
    I got to thinking after I had done all of this that I wished I had tried to open a file in Photoshop today prior to creating the guest account to see if it still had the problem in my main user account.
    I did not change anything else on the system and all seems to work fine now. So at his point I am really not sure what the problem was.
    Again thanks for taking the time to respond to this issue.

  • Photoshop CS2 (program error msg)... Help please!!

    I have installed the full creative suite 2 on my new iMac. everything works fine except photoshop?!!?
    Illustrator works great, In-Design works great, But when i try to open a file or create a new page in PS it tells me "Could not create document because of a program error"???? ***?
    I had a previous version of CS and it worked fine for one day, then that started happening. I installed the CS2 trial version, and it would still give me the same error msg. I erased everything and installed the new CS2 (photoshop, illustrator , in-design and acrobat). It still gives me the same darn msg.???
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    See the Adobe Knowledge Base document"Error 'Could not complete your request...' or 'Could not create a new document...' (Photoshop CS2 on Mac OS X v10.4)"
    I suggest whenever you have problems with third-party applications, the first place to start troubleshooting is with the application's documentation, then vendor's web site. Usually their sites have FAQs, lists of known bugs, or application-specific forums similar to these Discussions. Sometimes, unlike the Apple Discussions, the questions are even answered by employees of the vendor.
    The document cited above was found in 10 seconds by searching the Adobe support site.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

  • PhotoShop CS2 "Program Error" when printing

    I am posting this to the Adobe Forums as well, but thought someone here might have some ideas. am having an intermittent problem printing from PhotoShop CS2 to an Epson 9800. When printing large files (200 MB average) to the Epson, PhotoShop will spool the job, taking about 50% longer than normal, and when complete, displays the following message..."The file XXXX.tif could not be printed because of a program error" No job ever gets to the print que. This happens about 80% of the time when printing. Quitting and restarting PhotoShop generally fixes the problem, and the file can be printed from another computer without issue, so this is not file specific. I have 8GB of RAM installed and PhotoShop running under 100% available memory, cache level at 8, with a dedicated 180GB scratch disk. Memory should NOT be the problem, though I do often have the full layered version of the file open in the background (I am printing from a flattened copy. I have observed that the problem is less likely to occur if no other files are open. I have a second G5 with the exact same software setup (OS, Print Driver and PhotoShop down to the decimal version #) that works perfectly every time. I have run all of the System utilities (Repair Permissions, FSCK, etc), reset the OSX printing system, reset PS preferences, trashed and re installed CS, as well as the Epson printer driver, all with no success. Any other trouble shooting ideas would be greatly appreciated. I would love to avoid a System reinstall.

    See the Adobe Knowledge Base document"Error 'Could not complete your request...' or 'Could not create a new document...' (Photoshop CS2 on Mac OS X v10.4)"
    I suggest whenever you have problems with third-party applications, the first place to start troubleshooting is with the application's documentation, then vendor's web site. Usually their sites have FAQs, lists of known bugs, or application-specific forums similar to these Discussions. Sometimes, unlike the Apple Discussions, the questions are even answered by employees of the vendor.
    The document cited above was found in 10 seconds by searching the Adobe support site.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

  • KABA connection issue - program not registered

    I am trying to troubleshoot a connection error between SAP and KABA.  I have the RFC created in SAP and when I test the connection I get a program not registered.  The KABA "amsproc" service on the KABA side has been restarted, we have occasionally received a password locked message in the SAP system log after restarting the KABA service (I believe this means SAP and KABA are communicating).  We have since reset the password, but we can not successfully test the RFC and when attempting to send IDOC's out we get the program not registered error.  Is there something on the SAP side that needs to be done to register the program or is starting the service on the KABA side going to register the program with SAP?  Any assistance would be appreciated.

    In Central Management Console ie, Admin application of BOE, you need to configure the BW system. Use the below URL,
    After logging in Select the Authentication and SAP as authentication type.  Regarding how to configure, follow the configuration steps mentioned in the below article:
    Once you import the roles with the above configuration, the user with which you are validating the RFC connection will be imported in the BOE.
    Now, verify the RFC in the BW system.

  • Help me to Edit this program

    Hi All,
    Can anyone kind enought to help me to add the START and STOP button for this "bouncing ball" program that i got from the internet ? Below is the java coding.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    class Obstacle
         public Rectangle r;
         Graphics g;
         public Obstacle(int x,int y,int w,int h)
              r=new Rectangle(x,y,w,h);
         public void paint(Graphics gr)
    class CollideBall
         int width, height;
         public static final int diameter=20;
         //coordinates and value of increment
         double x, y, xinc, yinc, coll_x, coll_y;
         boolean collide;
         Color color;
         Graphics g;
         Rectangle r;
         //the constructor
         public CollideBall(int w, int h, int x, int y, double xinc, double yinc, Color c)
              r=new Rectangle(150,80,130,90);
         public double getCenterX() {return x+diameter/2;}
         public double getCenterY() {return y+diameter/2;}
         public void alterRect(int x, int y, int w, int h)
         public void move()
              if (collide)
                   double xvect=coll_x-getCenterX();
                   double yvect=coll_y-getCenterY();
                   if((xinc>0 && xvect>0) || (xinc<0 && xvect<0))
                   if((yinc>0 && yvect>0) || (yinc<0 && yvect<0))
              //when the ball bumps against a boundary, it bounces off
         if(x<6 || x>width-diameter)
              if(y<6 || y>height-diameter)
              //cast ball coordinates to integers
              int x=(int)this.x;
              int y=(int)this.y;
              //bounce off the obstacle
              //left border
              //right border
              //upper border
              //bottom border
         public void hit(CollideBall b)
         public void paint(Graphics gr)
              //the coordinates in fillOval have to be int, so we cast
              //explicitly from double to int
    public class BouncingBalls extends Applet implements Runnable
         Thread runner;     
         Image Buffer;
    Graphics gBuffer;          
    CollideBall ball[];
         Obstacle o;
    //how many balls?
    static final int MAX=10;
         boolean intro=true,drag,shiftW,shiftN,shiftE,shiftS;
         boolean shiftNW,shiftSW,shiftNE,shiftSE;
         int xtemp,ytemp,startx,starty;
         int west, north, east, south;
         public void init()
              ball=new CollideBall[MAX];
              int w=size().width-5;
              int h=size().height-5;          
              //our balls have different start coordinates, increment values
              //(speed, direction) and colors
              ball[0]=new CollideBall(w,h,50,20,1.5,2.0,;
    ball[1]=new CollideBall(w,h,60,210,2.0,-3.0,;
    ball[2]=new CollideBall(w,h,15,70,-2.0,-2.5,;
    ball[3]=new CollideBall(w,h,150,30,-2.7,-2.0,Color.cyan);
    ball[4]=new CollideBall(w,h,210,30,2.2,-3.5,Color.magenta);
              ball[5]=new CollideBall(w,h,360,170,2.2,-1.5,Color.yellow);
              ball[6]=new CollideBall(w,h,210,180,-1.2,-2.5,;
              ball[7]=new CollideBall(w,h,330,30,-2.2,-1.8,;
              ball[8]=new CollideBall(w,h,180,220,-2.2,-1.8,;
              ball[9]=new CollideBall(w,h,330,130,-2.2,-1.8,Color.gray);
              o=new Obstacle(150,80,130,90);
         public void start()
              if (runner == null)
                   runner = new Thread (this);
    public void stop()
              if (runner != null)
         runner = null;
         public void run()
                   try {runner.sleep(15);}
         catch (Exception e) { }               
                   //move our balls around
                   for(int i=0;i<MAX;i++)
         boolean collide(CollideBall b1, CollideBall b2)
              double wx=b1.getCenterX()-b2.getCenterX();
              double wy=b1.getCenterY()-b2.getCenterY();
              //we calculate the distance between the centers two
              //colliding balls (theorem of Pythagoras)
              double distance=Math.sqrt(wx*wx+wy*wy);
                   return true;          
                   return false;     
         void changeCursor(int x, int y)
              Rectangle r=new Rectangle(o.r.x+1,o.r.y+1,o.r.width-1,o.r.height-1);
              Frame BrowserFrame;
              Component ParentComponent;
              ParentComponent = getParent();
              while ( ParentComponent != null &&
              !(ParentComponent instanceof Frame))           
              ParentComponent = ParentComponent.getParent();          
              BrowserFrame = (Frame) ParentComponent;
              else if(shiftNE||shiftSW)
              else if(shiftW)
              else if(shiftN)
              else if(shiftE)
              else if(shiftS)
              else if(r.inside(x,y))
         public boolean mouseMove(Event evt,int x,int y)
              //the corner areas of the obstacle
              Rectangle nw,sw,ne,se;
              nw=new Rectangle(o.r.x-2,o.r.y-2,4,4);
              else shiftNW=false;
              sw=new Rectangle(o.r.x-2,o.r.y+o.r.height-2,4,4);
              else shiftSW=false;
              ne=new Rectangle(o.r.x+o.r.width-2,o.r.y-2,4,4);
              else shiftNE=false;
              se=new Rectangle(o.r.x+o.r.width-2,o.r.y+o.r.height-2,4,4);
              else shiftSE=false;          
              else shiftW=false;
              else shiftE=false;
              else shiftN=false;
              else shiftS=false;
              return true;
         public boolean mouseDown(Event evt,int x,int y)
              Rectangle r=new Rectangle(o.r.x+2,o.r.y+2,o.r.width-4,o.r.height-4);
              else drag=false;
              return true;
         public boolean mouseDrag(Event evt,int x,int y)
              Rectangle bounds=new Rectangle(5,5,size().width-5,size().height-5);
              int endx, endy;          
              //disable mouse actions past boundaries
                   //disallow to move past border
                   int ox=endx+xtemp;
                   int oy=endy+ytemp;
                   else if(shiftNE){east=x;north=y;}
                   else if(shiftSW){west=x;south=y;}
                   else if(shiftSE){east=x;south=y;}
                   else if(shiftW)west=x;
                   else if(shiftE)east=x;
                   else if(shiftN)north=y;
                   else if(shiftS)south=y;                                                       
                   //disallow resizing below 40*40
                   int MIN=40;
              //report altering of obstacle to ball objects and obstacle
              for(int i=0;i<MAX;i++)
              o.r.resize(east-west, south-north);
              return true;
         private void handleCollision()
              //we iterate through all the balls, checking for collision
              for(int i=0;i<MAX;i++)
                   for(int j=0;j<MAX;j++)
                                  if(collide(ball[i], ball[j]))
         public void update(Graphics g)
         public void paint(Graphics g)
              //paint the obstacle rectangle
              //paint our balls
              for(int i=0;i<MAX;i++)
                   gBuffer.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 12));               
                   gBuffer.drawString("You can move and resize the rectangle!",20,30);
                   gBuffer.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 10));
              g.drawImage (Buffer,0,0, this);                    

    Hello, please use code tags next time you post code. You can do so by adding [code] [/code] round blocks of code. So
    class Code {
    private static final String codeHere = "code here";
    will be rendered as
    class Code {
      private static final String codeHere = "code here";
    We will not do your homework for you, we will however help when you are stuck and point you in the right direction. So what have you tried? What happened?
    Don't know how to begin? What makes the ball move?

  • I dont see text options in the RFEBKA00 program

    Hello friends,
    When I run the RFEBKA00 program, I don´t see the text of the every radio button options.
    How I can solve this problem,
    Can you help me please,

    did you solve this problem? can you tell me how?

  • I am unable to open my Photoshop program after installing the entire Creative Suite: Premium Production 6. All other programs work, but with Photoshop it says that the program is "locked or in use by another user". I need this fixed immediately.

    I am unable to open my Photoshop program after installing the entire Creative Suite: Premium Production 6. All other programs work, but with Photoshop it says that it "Could not open a scratch file because the file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file. Use the 'Properties' command in the Windows Explorer to unlock the file." Then I select "OK" and the next message comes up "Could not initialize Photoshop because the file is locked, you do not have the necessary permissions, or another program is using the file. Use the 'Properties' command in the Windows Explorer to unlock this file. I installed all of the programs on the same day from a CD. I need this fixed immediately.
    I am not interested in switching to Creative Cloud, so don't even suggest it. I spoke to Mashmi (or something to that effect) on the "Support" Chat and there was absolutely no support. Useless actually.
    Thanks in advance.

    Could not open a scratch file because the file is locked or you do not have the necessary access privileges. (…) | Mylen…

  • I am trying to install after effects, but no matter what version I try to download, there is always a different error not allowing me to open or use the program after I have already installed it.

    I have recently repurposed an iMac from late 2009 as an editing machine, and have been trying to install preferably After Effects CS6.  When I install and try to open it for the first time, the program quits unexpectedly and continues to do the same every time I try to reopen the program.  After no luck experimenting trying to fix the problem, I attempted to download the trial of After Effects CC 2014 to see if the problem was with the computer or with the application.  After installing CC, there was another error when I attempted to open it.  My final attempt was taking After Effects CS5 from an old hard-drive and attempting to open it on the iMac.  When I open CS5 I am greeted with another error message telling me to reinstall After Effects.  After reinstalling I get the same message. 
    I am confused to whether my computer can handle After Effects, or there is another error occurring.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    (Mac OSX 10.10
    3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo,
    4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    NVIDIA GeForce 9400 256 MB)

    I don't know if these are important or not, but I thought I would include them anyways.
    Thanks again

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  • About Master data loading

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