Availabity of the material

Dear All,
We have created a new plant and trying to do sto. We have batch automatic batch determination, We have enough stocks but not getting picked in the delivery. We tried to create sales order for which automatic batch determination is there. Still the same porblem. We have maintained all the setting for the batch determination and working fine since a long time.
Following are the error message we are getting.
"The available quantity of batch xxxxxxxxxx was corrected to 0.000 NOS''.
Please help us if you have come accorss anything like this.
Eargerly awaiting for your valuble inputs.

Message no. VL150
Check note 350444 or 486949
Message no. LB046
Check note 202956 or 563980
G. Lakshmipathi

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    When you are using Oracle9i there is a procedure which can help you setup the materialized view. If some option isn't working it gives you hint why it doesn't work.
    The procedure is dbms_mview.explain_mview.
    Take a look at the documentation how to use it. (In the Oracle9i DWH guide the package is explained.)
    Hope this helps
    With kind regards,
    Bas Roelands

  • New Text in the Sales Text View in the Material Master

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    I want to create new text ID in the material master sales text tab
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    Well it may not be possible by standard SAP to create in Material.
    AN alternative might be to use a standard text type and then call it in your Text Determination Procedure.
    T-code "SO10" --> Give "Text Name  & Text ID & Language --> Click at "Create" --> On next screen --> Go to (Menu) --> change editor --> Write the text which you want
    Go to VOTXN , and maintain the required confirguation to get this standard Text copied to the material during order processing.
    Edited by: Sai on Apr 16, 2010 1:39 PM

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    thanks in advance

    Dear Deepak,
    there is standard direct upload i believe
    go to lsmw
    Execute 1st option
    then inLSMW:Object Attribute screen
    in standard batch/ direct input
    firsr radio button
    select object 005
    and method 003
    Program name RSTXLITF.
    Then go by normal process i.e source field , field mapping...
    In this way u can also upload Text in the Material master.
    Rewards if helpful
    Sanjay L

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    my requirement is I want a way  to track the material in this WIP stage. where this material is datewise or if now i want to know at which stage (melting , foundry , forging, machine shop ) the material is, how can I find ?
    Is there any std report for this?

    Unfortunately no such report was available in SAP.
    But SAP has introduced EHP4 to address the requirement.
    Follow the link given,
    You will have to activate the 'Work in Process Batches (WIP Batch)' functionality in EHP4.
    Or else go for some develop report for the WIP.
    Hope this helps you.

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    Pl suggest any standard report or through table.

    Trnx. SE16  Table MARA 
       MSTAE                           X-plant matl status
       MSTAV                           X-distr.chain status

  • Report for expiry date of the material

    All SAP Gurus,
    We have certain Materials which are expirable.
    These Materials are batch managed, and each batch is having different expiry date.
    Is there any standard report available which can give is the days remaining to reach the expiry date (for that material)?

    Try MB5M,
    Field name                                Field value
    Material                                Enter the material code to which the report is desired.
    Plant                                Enter the plant in which the report is to be generated.
    Storage Location                     Enter the storage location in which the report is to be generated. Optional entry. Leave it blank.
    Batch                                 Batch number to be displayed. Optional entry. Leave it blank.
    Remaining shelf life           Minimum amount of time for which the material must keep upon goods receipt for the goods receipt to be accepted by the system. Optional entry.     
    Remaining shelf life warehouse     Indicates that the remaining shelf life of a batch in                                                         
    Total remaining shelf life         Indicates that the system displays the total remaining shelf life of a batch.                                                                               
    The total remaining shelf life is calculated from the shelf life    
    Expiration date minus the current date.  Select this radio button.                              
         Indicates that the system also displays materials with zero stock. Optional, leave it blank.
         Display of remaining shelf life in days. Select this radio button to display the remaining shelf in days in the report.
    Pardeep Malik

  • Changes in stock value of the material even after closing period

    The client closes the accounts every month end. Say they close the books of accounts for the month of Jan’07 on 31st Jan 2007. After closing the account they are running MC.9 to know the stock value of different plants for the previous month. i.e.  for the month of Jan’07. But every day when the client runs the MC.9 they found some differences in the stock price & quantity.
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    We checked the MB51 with posting date & entered date. We could not find any back posting.
    What could be the reason for the  variation in the stock price & qty ? Any pointers will be highly appricated.

    Hi Venkat,
    Your previous posting talked about variation in stock value and now you are saying that there are changes in stock qty also. So the better option would be to check those material which has variation and compare them with other standard reports to get a solution. Export the list of material to an excel sheet and compare them with that of the other reports. This would help you to find the materials which has changes and you can narrow down to the root cause. Once you get the material then u can go by posting date and find the movements.
    Hope this helps. Reward if u find it useful.

  • Storing the Material Sale Order Wise

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    My requirement is that if the Material is received Sale Order Wise then it shud be saved in the Store Sale Order Wise and also at the same time it will be issued Sale Order wise, to keep the track of material being issued against Sale Order Wise.
    i hope i have cleared my query, any clues.....
    abhishek suppal

    When you are trying to create PO with reference to SO what is the item category used in SO, Use item category as "TAB" then SO will generate a Purchase Requisition. Convert this Purchase requisition in to Purchase Order, account assignment will be copied as "E Individual Customer stock" Sales order and Cost element will populate from PR.
    When you post the GR for above PO, the stock is managed as Special Stock indicator "E" sales order stock, in MMBE also it displays as SO stock.At the time of GR value is booked to SO and stock will be shown in MMBE.
    This stock is reserve for particular SO against which you have procured, but you can transfer post the same from SO stock to your OWN stock
    Hope this clarifies,
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Open field for cost center on the material master

    We have a unique requirement in a facility we intend to implement plant maintenance in to track a cost center to a material by including the cost center on the material master somewhere.  Cost center is not a field on any of the material tabs we use for maintenance materials, but the requirement is just that it is tracked in a field, even if it's just an open field like a "user defined field" or another field not used often.  We realize there are disadvantages such as the field not being checked against active cost centers, but we are looking at options short of adding cost center as a field manually to a tab (which I believe would require ABAP assistance).  I don't think there are any other fields/tabs we are currently not utilizing but I could be wrong... The best option we can think of is adding it in a material characteristic so it shows on the classifications tab, but I thought I would see if anyone has any other ideas.

    Not sure what is the need of cost center on material master when you want to implement Plant maintenance module. Do you have any specific requirement for this?
    Ideally cost center will be derived from either functional location/ equipment (equivalent of material master) on to PM work order or notification.
    Can you elaborate the requirement?
    After all if you wish to go with cost center, then I suggest it should be at plant level as PM requires plant level distribution. You can add up a custom field and give the reference of cost center data element with help of developer.

  • SAP Script : to display the material description in two lines

    Hi All,
    I'm working on scripts.
    the material description field is been passed from my driver program ..into the script..
    Ex: &gs_final-maktx& ..
    There r a number of other fields to be displayed ...after this field ....
    Is there any option to split the 'Material description into two lines'?
    Ex: at present it is :
    This is material description
    Requirement is:
    This is material
    I mean that there a number of field berfore and after this field......in the same line
    I need to jst split the materia description ...& make it to appear in two lines.....!!
    Expecting your suggestions....
    Edited by: vidya vidya on Nov 11, 2008 3:17 PM
    Edited by: vidya vidya on Nov 11, 2008 3:20 PM

    ..but i handled this by code.
    DATA:      zzboldsx(18) TYPE c,
          zzboldsx2(18) TYPE c,
          zzboldsx3(18) TYPE c,
          zzboldsx4(18) TYPE c.
            r_lines TYPE tline,
            v_cnt LIKE sy-tabix.
          client                  = sy-mandt
          id                      = stxh-tdid
          language                = stxh-tdspras
          name                    = name
          object                  = stxh-tdobject
          lines                   = i_lines[]
          id                      = 1
          language                = 2
          name                    = 3
          not_found               = 4
          object                  = 5
          reference_check         = 6
          wrong_access_to_archive = 7
          OTHERS                  = 8.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
    * Only 4 lines of Header text supported. Can add if needed
        LOOP AT i_lines INTO r_lines.
          CONDENSE r_lines-tdline NO-GAPS.
          v_cnt = v_cnt + 1.
          CASE v_cnt.
            WHEN 1.
              zzboldsx = r_lines-tdline.
            WHEN 2.
              zzboldsx2 = r_lines-tdline.
            WHEN 3.
              zzboldsx3 = r_lines-tdline.
            WHEN 4.
              zzboldsx4 = r_lines-tdline.
            WHEN OTHERS.
    *   zzbolDSX =  i_lines-tdline .

  • Drop ship line did not split, the material have partial receipts, can the PR and PO be canceled?

    I need some help with this issue. We have a drop ship line that have 270 cartons in status awaiting receipt, but in the inventory already received 624 cartons.  The line of that sales order needs to be closed now, to invoice the customer. But the PR and PO looks like OPEN.
    I tried to manually split the line in the sales order. To have two lines; one with the 624 already received, and other one for the 96 cartons left. But an error message shows when i do this.
    The error its :  You are not allowed to split Order Line because:Line is released to purchasing
    I found in the ORDER ORGANIZER when i chek the Sales Order, the ORDER SOURSE LINE REFERENCE the last line (which suppose to be splitted with the reception of the material) have a number lower than the line before it.
    example: line 2.5 have OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL27231981  and line 2.4 OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL27232315
    Can somebody help me with this?
    i also found a bug in meta link but i think something can be done. bug 2281449.
    Thank you,
    Paloma Cadena

    We had similar issues in the past. We solved them by doing a mini customization.
    The customization created an short-text attachment of the type "Note to receiver" at the PR level. The attachment included the Sales order # and line#.
    This attachment flows from the PR to PO and is also available to the receiving clerk during receipt.
    However, once the PO is received, we did not transfer the information to onhand. I don't think one can unless the item was serialized or lot controlled.
    Hope this helps,
    Sandeep Gandhi
    Independent Techno-functional consultant

  • Link between Delivery schedule line counter from PO and the material docume

    Dear Gurus,
    I have one PO with single line item having delivery schedule -
    Material 1 -
    delivery schedule 01.01.2009     2000
                                                         01.03.2009    5000
    I have received quantity against this Po
    I want to know where I can find the link between Delivery schedule line counter from PO and the material document
    Best regards

    There is no link from the MAterial document line item (Table Mseg) to the PO Schedule Line (EKET).
    If this is for Evaluating an on time delivery or GR, you may consider the following approach.
    PO details Po Date  QTY
    Sch1   01Jun2009   200   
    SCH2  08Jun2009   100
    GR Details
    GR1   01Jun2009   180
    GR2   07Jun2009   110
    GR3  09Jun2009      10
    Calculate a *** total qty for the PO Line.
    PO details Po Date  CUMUL QTY
    Sch1   01Jun2009   200   
    SCH2  08Jun2009   300
    Calculate a *** total qty for the ontime GR.
    PO details Po Date  CUMUL PO QTY  CUMUL GR on time
    Sch1   01Jun2009   200                180
    SCH2  08Jun2009   300                 290 (180+110)  the 3rd GR was too late
    Evaluate the PO SChedule Lines as follows:
    SCH1 01Jun2009
    200 + 180 - 200 = 180 on time for 01Jun2009 date ( 90% fill rate)
    SCH2 08Jun2009
    100 + 290 - 300 = 90 on time for 08Jun2009 date (90 % fill rate) the first 20 of the GR on 07Jun2009 went to fill the late, early date.
    Best of luck !
    SCH2 100 +290 - 300 = 90 on time for 07Jun2009 date

  • Licence   is not included for the material - J1IH

    Hi All
    We are working on ECC 6.0.
    While doing J1IH ( Additional Excise) with Subtransaction Type 01, we are getting a warning message as -
    Licence   is not included for the material
    Message no. 8I993
    However if we process without any Subtransaction Type, no warning is flashed.
    Please let me know the reason for the same and what could be done so that system doesnt prompt it?

    Check SAP note 1223591

  • Error :Maintain pricing conditions for the material for the excise invoice

    i have maintained excise data for material, after that i have created scheduled agreement with lp and with 0 value private and dummy tax code  and delivery schedule is released. Now when i do the goods receipt i am getting error " Maintain pricing conditions for the material for the excise invoice date
    Message no. 8I629" can some body can help me.
    with regards
    Narendra kumar

    goto tcode fv11 u have to maintained the condition.
    first enter the condition type like jmop -
    then enter, next screen u have the select the below comination.
    select the plant/vendor/material base u have to maintain the conditions.

Maybe you are looking for

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