Available to Rerseve Quantity

Hi All,
Any body can Tell me
How to write a query to get "Available to Reserve Quantity" in Sales Order Form..?( I want query to display in JSP page)
I am unable to get that query............plz help me
Any Help would be greatly Appreciated
Thanks in Advance
Best Regards

Just try with this query
select mo.TRANSACTION_QUANTITY on_hand_quant
, mr.RESERVATION_QUANTITY reservation_quant_UOM_code
, muom.UNIT_OF_MEASURE reservartion_quant
where 1=1
     and mo.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = :Item_id
     and mo.RESERVATION_UOM_CODE = muom.UOM_CODE(+)

Similar Messages

  • Move Order & Available to Reserve Quantity

    Hi Everybody,
    Is there any relation between Move Order transaction and Available to Reserve Quantity in oracle Inventory Management R12.0.6?
    I have create a Move Order for an item with 50 as quantity; on-hand quantities before Move Order transaction:
    - available quantity: 980
    - available to reserve: 980
    - available to transact: 980
    after Move Order created on-hand quantities are:
    - available quantity: 980
    - available to reserve: 980
    - available to transact: 980
    My question here is why is available to reserve quantity not reduced to be 930 as available to reserve quantity???
    after Allocating and Transacting Move Order on-hand quantities are
    on-hand quantity before Move Order transaction:
    - available quantity: 930
    - available to reserve: 930
    - available to transact: 930

    Hi Ahmed,
    As far as my knowledge Available to Reserve will not change with just the creation of Move Order.
    It will change only when you allocate the quantity.
    Hence you are not seeing the reduction of 50.
    When you allocate a record will be created in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP.
    This quantity is treated as pending and hence it will be removed from ATR.
    But when you just create MO you will not have record in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP.
    Hence you cannot see the reduction.


    제품: Applications
    작성날짜 : 2006-05-30
    Onhand quantity setup을 확인하는 방법
    script을 통해, 여러 setup사항들 및 onhand수량을 check할 수 있다.
    1. Check Organization controls
    2. Check Subinventory controls
    3. Check item attributes and controls for lot, locator, serial and
    4. Check onhand quantity stock records a) non lot control
    b) lot controlled
    5. Check that stock records agree with attribute settings including
    the following:
    - Check that stock has a lot number if under lot control.
    - Check expiration date, lots which have expired still show in
    transaction screen
    - LPN containerized items
    6. Show reservations for the item
    7. Show overall quantities (from an internal routine called qtytree)
    8. Check that cost groups are correct.
    9. Check that quantities agree.
    아래의 script을 onhand.sql로 생성하여 수행하시기 바랍니다.
    $Header: onhand.sql 115.9 2005/05/25 $
    Gives information regarding quantity values for an item within an organization,
    subinventory, revision and lot to determine why the system does not find
    available stock.
    Quantity on hand
    Reservable quantity on hand
    Quantity reserved
    Quantity suggested
    Quantity available to transact
    Quantity available to reserve
    The retrieved information will be written to an O/S file called: onhand.lst
    This script should be used for Release 11.5 only.
    Bug 3089073, 4349223
    lot_number => return over this if item is not lot controlled
    revision => return over this if item is not revision controlled
    spool onhand.lst
    set linesize 125;
    set pagesize 200;
    set verify off;
    set serveroutput on
    PROMPT 1/ To check Organization controls
    SELECT organization_id ORG_ID,
    primary_cost_method CST_TYP,
    cost_organization_id CST_ORG,
    master_organization_id MAST_ORG,
    default_cost_group_id DEF_CST_GRP,
    project_reference_enabled PROJ_FLG,
    wms_enabled_flag WMS
    FROM mtl_parameters
    WHERE organization_id = &&org_id;
    PROMPT 2/ To check Subinventory controls
    SELECT secondary_inventory_name, organization_id org_id, default_cost_group_id DEF_CST_GRP,
    locator_type LOC, asset_inventory ASSET_INV
    FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
    where organization_id = &&org_id;
    PROMPT 3/ To check item attributes
    from mtl_system_items_b
    where organization_id= &&org_id
    and inventory_item_id = &&item_id;
    prompt control = 2 for on
    prompt serial_number_control 1-No serial number, 2-Predefined serial number, 5-Dynamic entry at inventory receipt
    prompt 6-Dynamic entry at sales order issue
    PROMPT 4/ To check onhand quantity stock records a) non lot control b) lot controlled
    select moqd.inventory_item_id ITEM_ID, moqd.organization_id ORG_ID,
    moqd.primary_transaction_quantity PRIM_QTY, moqd.subinventory_code, moqd.revision REV,
    moqd.locator_id, moqd.lot_number,
    moqd.cost_group_id CST_GRP_ID, moqd.project_id, moqd.task_id, moqd.lpn_id,
    from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moqd
    where moqd.organization_id = &&org_id
    and moqd.inventory_item_id = &&item_id;
    select moqd.inventory_item_id ITEM_ID, moqd.organization_id ORG_ID,
    moqd.primary_transaction_quantity PRIM_QTY, moqd.subinventory_code,moqd.revision REV,
    moqd.locator_id, moqd.lot_number, mln.expiration_date EXPIRE_DATE,
    moqd.cost_group_id CST_GRP_ID, moqd.project_id, moqd.task_id, moqd.lpn_id,
    from mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moqd, mtl_lot_numbers mln
    where moqd.organization_id = &&org_id
    and moqd.inventory_item_id = &&item_id
    and moqd.inventory_item_id = mln.inventory_item_id
    and moqd.organization_id = mln.organization_id
    and moqd.lot_number = mln.lot_number;
    PROMPT Check that stock records agree with attribute settings ie. stock has a lot
    PROMPT number if under lot control. Also check expiration date, lots which have expired
    PROMPT still show in transaction screen but cannot be reserved (bug 3818166) and for
    PROMPT negative balances, if found apply patch 3747966.
    PROMPT Also check for LPN containerised items will not show as available on forms need
    PROMPT unpack the material and then try to issue out from desktop or Perform the Misc
    PROMPT issue of the LPN from the Mobile (bug 4349223).
    PROMPT 5/ Show reservations for item
    select organization_id, inventory_item_id, demand_source_name, demand_source_header_id,
    demand_source_line_id, primary_reservation_quantity, revision, subinventory_code,
    locator_id, lot_number
    from mtl_reservations
    where organization_id = &&org_id
    and inventory_item_id = &&item_id;
    PROMPT 6/ Show overall quantities from qtytree
    x.organization_id organization_id
    , x.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
    , x.revision revision
    , x.lot_number lot_number
    , To_date(NULL) lot_expiration_date
    , x.subinventory_code subinventory_code
    , sub.reservable_type reservable_type
    , x.locator_id locator_id
    , x.primary_quantity primary_quantity
    , x.date_received date_received
    , x.quantity_type quantity_type
    , x.cost_group_id cost_group_id
    , x.containerized containerized
    FROM (
    x.organization_id organization_id
    , x.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
    , NULL revision
    , NULL lot_number
    , x.subinventory_code subinventory_code
    , x.locator_id locator_id
    , SUM(x.primary_quantity) primary_quantity
    , MIN(x.date_received) date_received
    , x.quantity_type quantity_type
    , x.cost_group_id cost_group_id
    , x.containerized containerized
    FROM (
    -- reservations
    mr.organization_id organization_id
    , mr.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
    , mr.revision revision
    , mr.lot_number lot_number
    , mr.subinventory_code subinventory_code
    , mr.locator_id locator_id
    , mr.primary_reservation_quantity
    - Nvl(mr.detailed_quantity,0) primary_quantity
    , To_date(NULL) date_received
    , 3 quantity_type
    , to_number(NULL) cost_group_id
    , 0 containerized
    FROM mtl_reservations mr
    Nvl(mr.supply_source_type_id, 13) = 13
    AND mr.primary_reservation_quantity > Nvl(mr.detailed_quantity,0)
    -- onhand quantities
    moq.organization_id organization_id
    , moq.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
    , moq.revision revision
    , moq.lot_number lot_number
    , moq.subinventory_code subinventory_code
    , moq.locator_id locator_id
    , decode(NULL, NULL, moq.transaction_quantity, nvl(pjm_ueff_onhand.onhand_quantity
    , nvl(moq.orig_date_received,
    moq.date_received) date_received
    , 1 quantity_type
    , moq.cost_group_id cost_group_id
    , decode(moq.containerized_flag,
    1, 1, 0) containerized
    mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moq
    -- pending transactions in mmtt
    --changed by jcearley on 12/8/99
    --added 1 to decode statement so that we make sure the
    --issue qtys in mmtt are seen as negative.
    --This problem arose because create_suggestions stores
    --the suggested transactions in mmtt as a positive number.
    -- added 5/23/00
    -- if quantity is in an lpn, then it is containerized
    mmtt.organization_id organization_id
    , mmtt.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
    , mmtt.revision revision
    , NULL lot_number
    , mmtt.subinventory_code subinventory_code
    , mmtt.locator_id locator_id
    , Decode(mmtt.transaction_status, 2, 1
    , Decode(mmtt.transaction_action_id
    , 1, -1, 2, -1, 28, -1, 3, -1, Sign(mmtt.primary_quantity))
    * Abs( decode(NULL, NULL, mmtt.primary_quantity, Nvl(apps.pjm_ueff_onhand.txn_quantity(NULL,mmtt.transaction_temp_id,mmtt.lot_number,
    'N',mmtt.inventory_item_id, mmtt.organization_id, mmtt.transaction_source_type_id,
    mmtt.transaction_source_id, mmtt.rcv_transaction_id,
    ),mmtt.primary_quantity)) )
    , Decode(mmtt.transaction_action_id
    , 1, To_date(NULL)
    , 2, To_date(NULL)
    , 28, To_date(NULL)
    , 3, To_date(NULL)
    , Decode(Sign(mmtt.primary_quantity)
    , -1, To_date(NULL)
    , mmtt.transaction_date)) date_received
    , Decode(mmtt.transaction_status, 2, 5, 1) quantity_type
    , mmtt.cost_group_id cost_group_id
    , decode(mmtt.lpn_id, NULL, 0, 1) containerized
    mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
    mmtt.posting_flag = 'Y'
    AND mmtt.subinventory_code IS NOT NULL
    AND (Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) <> 2 OR -- pending txns
    -- only picking side of the suggested transactions are used
    Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) = 2 AND
    mmtt.transaction_action_id IN (1,2,28,3,21,29,32,34)
    -- dont look at scrap and costing txns
    AND mmtt.transaction_action_id NOT IN (24,30)
    -- receiving side of transfers
    -- added 5/23/00
    -- if quantity is in an lpn, then it is containerized
    , 3, mmtt.transfer_organization
    , mmtt.organization_id) organization_id
    , mmtt.inventory_item_id inventory_item_id
    , mmtt.revision revision
    , NULL lot_number
    , mmtt.transfer_subinventory subinventory_code
    , mmtt.transfer_to_location locator_id
    , Abs( decode(NULL, NULL, mmtt.primary_quantity, Nvl(apps.pjm_ueff_onhand.txn_quantity(NULL,mmtt.transaction_temp_id,mmtt.lot_number,
    'N',mmtt.inventory_item_id, mmtt.organization_id, mmtt.transaction_source_type_id,
    mmtt.transaction_source_id, mmtt.rcv_transaction_id,
    ),mmtt.primary_quantity)) )
    , mmtt.transaction_date date_received
    , 1 quantity_type
    , mmtt.transfer_cost_group_id cost_group_id
    , decode(mmtt.transfer_lpn_id, NULL, 0, 1) containerized
    mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
    mmtt.posting_flag = 'Y'
    AND Nvl(mmtt.transaction_status,0) <> 2 -- pending txns only
    AND mmtt.transaction_action_id IN (2,28,3)
    ) x
    WHERE x.organization_id = &&org_id
    AND x.inventory_item_id = &&item_id
    x.organization_id, x.inventory_item_id, x.revision
    , x.subinventory_code, x.locator_id
    , x.quantity_type, x.cost_group_id, x.containerized
    ) x
    , mtl_secondary_inventories sub
    x.organization_id = sub.organization_id (+)
    --AND Nvl(sub.availability_type, 1) = 1
    AND x.subinventory_code = sub.secondary_inventory_name (+) ;
    PROMPT Check that cost groups are correct see Bug 4222079
    PROMPT 7/ To find stock values from system nb.<cr> over lot and revision if item
    PROMPT is not under lot or revision control, <cr> over subinventory for all subinvs
    L_api_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
    l_qty_oh NUMBER;
    l_qty_res_oh NUMBER;
    l_qty_res NUMBER;
    l_qty_sug NUMBER;
    l_qty_att NUMBER;
    l_qty_atr NUMBER;
    l_msg_count NUMBER;
    l_msg_data VARCHAR2(1000);
    l_rev varchar2(100):=NULL;
    l_lot VARCHAR2(100):=NULL;
    l_loc VARCHAR2(100):=NULL;
    l_lot_control BOOLEAN :=false;
    l_revision_control BOOLEAN :=false;
    l_lot_control_code NUMBER;
    l_revision_qty_control_code NUMBER;
    l_location_control_code NUMBER;
    l_org_id NUMBER;
    l_item_id NUMBER;
    l_subinv VARCHAR2(10);
    into l_lot_control_code, l_revision_qty_control_code, l_location_control_code
    from mtl_system_items_b
    where organization_id= &&org_id
    and inventory_item_id = &&item_id;
    if l_lot_control_code = 2 then
    l_lot_control :=true;
    end if;
    if l_revision_qty_control_code =2 then
    end if;
    dbms_output.put_line('Transaction Mode');
    apps.INV_Quantity_Tree_PUB.Query_Quantities (
    p_api_version_number => 1.0
    , p_init_msg_lst => apps.fnd_api.g_false
    , x_return_status => L_api_return_status
    , x_msg_count => l_msg_count
    , x_msg_data => l_msg_data
    , p_organization_id => &&org_id
    , p_inventory_item_id => &&item_id
    , p_tree_mode => apps.INV_Quantity_Tree_PUB.g_transaction_mode
    , p_onhand_source => NULL
    , p_is_revision_control=> l_revision_control
    , p_is_lot_control => l_lot_control
    , p_is_serial_control => NULL
    , p_revision => l_rev
    , p_lot_number => l_lot
    , p_subinventory_code => '&&subinv_code'
    , p_locator_id => NULL
    , x_qoh => l_qty_oh
    , x_rqoh => l_qty_res_oh
    , x_qr => l_qty_res
    , x_qs => l_qty_sug
    , x_att => l_qty_att
    , x_atr => l_qty_atr );
    dbms_output.put_line('Quantity on hand --> '||to_char(l_qty_oh));
    dbms_output.put_line('Reservable quantity on hand --> '||to_char(l_qty_res_oh));
    dbms_output.put_line('Quantity reserved --> '||to_char(l_qty_res));
    dbms_output.put_line('Quantity suggested --> '||to_char(l_qty_sug));
    dbms_output.put_line('Quantity available to transact --> '||to_char(l_qty_att));
    dbms_output.put_line('Quantity available to reserve --> '||to_char(l_qty_atr));
    PROMPT Check that quantities agree with script 4 and 5.
    Spool off;
    PROMPT *** Print file onhand.lst created ***
    Reference Documents
    Bug 4529874

  • Fixed date quantity

    Is it possible to have the configuration so that the FIxed date and quantity (vbap-fixmg) is not defaulted to Sales Area.

    Check this
    [Fixed Quantity and Date in APO Product Availability Overview|Fixed Quantity and Date in APO Product Availability Overview;
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Production Order Header - Committed Quantity

    Hi Team,
    I have created the production order with quantity 2. In order to produce the 2 header item, i need to 2 components (BOM item). But currently i have only 1 quantity of  BOM item in stock. With this condition, i am performing the ATP check in my production order. Since i have only one BOM item in stock, i can able to produce only one header item. So after executing ATP check in my production order, i am expecting the below field to be updated as "ONE" (refer the screen shot). But it is not getting updated. Why? When this field will be updated?

    I have tried testing this in various ways on my system but I cannot get the committed quantity to 0 unless there is 0 available. The quantity is always updated for me.
    Can you do the following?
    Set a breakpoint here:
    CALL FUNCTION 'AVAILABILITY_CHECK'  <<<<<<<< Breakpoint here
                P_SCHEDSH     = P_SCHEDSH
                P_SCHEDTR     = P_SCHEDTR
    When your breakpoint is hit during the availability check, hit "F6" and then check the values in table P_MDVEX. If possible, post the results back here; ensure that you have included the MNG01 and MNG01 fields.
    This internal table holds the result of the availability check. By looking at this, we might be able to narrow down if this is an availability or PP issue.

  • Withdrawal quantity more than Committed Quantity

    Hi Gurus,
    I am facing 1 problem with Withdrawal quantity for 1 component for  Production order.
    I have a Production Order of 430 Quantity .
    When I check components , it is showing Committed Quantity as 435 while withdrawal Quantity as 439.
    We have activated backflush.
    Can anyone tell me why Withdrawal quantity more than Committed Quantity and order quantity?

    Commited quantity is the quantity which, according to the availability check, is available.
    Wwithdrawal quantity is the quantity that has already been issued.
    Probably, you issued this component more than you planned, however you have done this issue with backflush of production confirmation. Therefore, issue is still on planned issue and withdrawal quantity exceeds your planned quantity, and commited quantity is less than withdrawal quantity.

  • Availability check of material against sales order

    Dear All,
               Please let me know how to check the material availability against a sales order during despatch stage. We are following make-to-order scenario & do create order bom based on Customer requirement. in such case how to generate the list of material available against the sales order line item by entering the following parameters:
    1. plant
    2. sales order no.
    3. line item no.
    4. material group
    Please help me!!!
    Edited by: anil pawar on Jul 30, 2010 11:40 AM

    Dear ,
    When system perform ATP  for any Sales Order , it checks the Total Replishment Lead Time-MRP3 .The total replenishment lead time is the time needed before the product is completely available again, that is, after all BOM levels have been procured or produced. It is not calculated by the system, but defined in this field as the total of the in-house production time(s) and/or the planned delivery time(s) of the longest production path.
    This time is necessary if, for materials produced in-house, the replenishment lead time is to be taken into consideration in the availability check.
    In an availability check where the system takes the replenishment lead time into consideration, it only checks whether there are sufficient incoming quantities and stocks available to cover the requirements within the replenishment lead time. Outside the replenishment lead time,the system assumes that the material is available in sufficient quantity.
    Therefore, in this situation, it is usually necessary to depict the product's total replenishment lead time with all BOM levels as the replenishment lead time.
    Now , unless the Requirement Pass through MRP , you can not have BOM explosion  at the lowest level and system will give you the result based on the MRP Net Requirement Calculation till the lowest level of BOM as dependent as well as FERT.
    At the Sales Order Stage it only checks the Availablility of FG with in RLT which can be proposed or committed but not confimred because BOM Lead Time for compoenets are differnet and it does not perform any requirement planning .
    But , you can check after MRP run , you can check the Material Availabity in MD4C , CO46 , MD04 etc where it will also give you a clear report on the Requirement Date , Committed Date , Qty to be procurede , Qty to in Stock all of them .
    Before MRP  if you want to check  the Order BOM , then you may have to go for Z-report based MARD , VBAK , MARC , STPO  etc .
    Please refer some of the beautiful threads on this topic :
    changing Availability Checks in Sales orders
    Sales Order - Availability check for components
    Hope it is clear

  • ATP and reservation of material quantity

    Dear Gurus,
    I am trying to configure ATP and find that when i create a sales order using  a material that is not batch managed the correct message fires to let me know how much material is present and how much i can have. If i accept the proposed quantity and then make a second sales order  for the same material the system lets me know that i cannot have any of the material, this being because the material quanity would already be reserved by the previous sales order. this is how i would like it to work but when i use a batch managed material the reserved effect is lost, i get the message telling me how much of the product is available but the quantity once accepted in the order is not reserved.
    How can i solve this problem and can anyone send detailed instructions giving an example?

    Hi Ottley
    Please find the following links will be of help for you

  • Confirmed quantity at sales document without stock at storage

    Dear Gurus,
    Im having problems with availability check, when creating a sales document with a material without stock available system confirms quantity.
    Can somebody tell me where can i check in order to solve this error?
    Best regars

    If there is no stock available and the system is confirming stock, then this suggests that an availability check is not being executed.
    There are three places where you should check:
    > OVZ2: Ensure that "No Check" is not selected for the relevant checking Group
    > OVZG: Ensure that "Availability" is switched on for the relevant requirements class [In the sales order - go to procurement type where you see the requirement type; then in OVZH, you will see the requirements class assigned to this requirements type]
    > VOV6: Ensure that "Availability" is switched on for the relevant schedule line category
    If all of these indicators is set, then an availability check is being executed.
    If an availability check is being executed, then this is likely to be a RLT issue, as iindicated in one of the previous replies.
    Hope this helps.

  • Scheduled ship date using PO /  On-hand Quantity

    Hi All,
    ATP calculates the scheduled ship date using the pegging from PO or from the available On-Hand-Quantity when the order lines are created.
    I couldn't find any difference in the order tables whichever way the scheduled ship date is created.
    Any idea how to find based on what this date is calcualted from OM?

    Seeing sales order in OM you can identify whether schedule date is coming from onhand or purchase orde or lead time. But this information is not stored anywhere.
    You should check this sales order on planning workbench and pegging area should tell you the required info.
    So whatever you are asking is available on planning instance (MSC data).
    if you are not using ATP based on planning output then I don't think you will be able to get required information.

  • Pricing and availability

    In pricing and availability form item quantity available on request date is not equal to reservable quatity?
    how can we do the setup for tht?

    Available on request date is a calculation field and it can be different than reservable qty and onhand quantity.
    It is not a setup.
    1. Onhand = 12
    2. sales order of quantity 11 with request date and schedule date on 20th April.
    3. Reservable qty = 12 (because we have not done any reservation for above order)
    4. Available on request date = 12 -11 = 1
    We can say Available on request date = onhand - existing sales order demand (reservation = onhand case)
    Check ATP or GOP user guides for more details on these fields.

  • Repetitive Manufacturing - Availability Check

    I have some problems with availability check. I have defined "Planning with final assembly" as Strategy Group in the material. When I create an order there is always Availability although there is no stock and no planned orders. In addition to this, the quantity is always confirmed.
    Can somebody tell me how can I  give availability and confirm quantity just if there is stock or if there are planned orders?
    Thank you!!

    Hi there,
    make corosponding settings in availability check (shop floor control-master data-operations)and create a new checking rule create scope of check of Individual req. in that select what ever stock in inward out ward movement you want to consider.
    i hope this will help you

  • Availability Check Issue

    We were using on similar batch ZZZZZ for all migration purpose so that all material will be received in ZZZZZ batch & sold from Z1000 batch whose date of production is 31.12.2008 and got expired on 29.06.2009.we have restricted Z1000 batch in MSC2N transaction.
    And some of the sales orders are incomplete due to stock issue and are reflecting in MD04 and these sales orders will be processed separately by loading the stock manually.
    Now the issue is that when the end users are creating sales order system undergoes availability check and quantity is not being confirmed. But when I make the batch ZZZZZ  unrestricted system confirms the stock provided ZZZZZ  batch should no contain any free stock. The bottleneck in making ZZZZZ  batch unrestricted is, if any of the free stock is available in ZZZZZ batch system confirms that quantity which is not supposed to be.
    I have checked in availability checking rule also u201CInclude restricted stocku201D is deactivated so system is not checking restricted stock.
    Kindly suggest any solution for this issue.

    Hello Jayant,
    Check out the material status in Stock/Requirement list (MD04), it will give you better picture about the open items.
    Hope this helps.
    Arif Mansuri
    Reward if answer is helpful.

  • Checking Stock (Available Stock)

    I have a requiremnt to develop a report to show Available Stock of the material.
    While displaying the stock it should check the quantity of the open orders and duduct that from the stock.
    i.e Available Stock = stock - quantity of open orders
    As I know we can see all open orders using transaction VA05
    or we can find all open orders in VBUK/VBUP with status = A
    from where we can calculate the quatity of open orders.
    but I have gone through one program in which the developer used table VBBE and field OMENG for quantity of open orders,
    here I have noticed that I have taken some orders where we get using transaction VA05 but those orders not exist in table VBBE so I am bit confused in this, please let me know if any one have clear idea on this...
    Thanks in Advance

    Try Tcode CO09 to view the ATP quantities. The ATP quantities are the Available To Promise - which are not assigned to any sales orders or customers and are free for sale.

  • Sales order confirmed quantity

    Dear  all
    There is a requirement by which when user creates the sales order, the confirmed qty must not exceed the available material stock quantity.
    e.q if sales order qty is 100 and material stock (MMBE) is 70  then confirmed quantity  in sales order sch line tab must be 70 , not 100.
    What setting are required to make in configuration to achieve that.
    Pls reply ASAP
    Deepak Mehmi

    Dear Deepak,
              Did you check the settings given above reply. In OVZJ-checking rule= A
    As I understood your requirement:-
    M1 - stock= 75 Ea
    M1- 100 Ea
    Schedule lines ( as per current system settings): - (C = Delivery proposal)
    Confirmed date -         Order qtty - Conf. qtty
    line 1  -req delivery date -        100 - 75
    line 2  -future date(proppsed)   0    - 25
    Schedule lines ( as per current system settings): - (B = Full Delivery)
    Confirmed date -         Order qtty - Conf. qtty
    line 1  -req delivery date -        100 - 0
    line 2  -future date(proppsed)   0    - 100
    Your requirement: ( One - Time delivery)
    Confirmed date -         Order qtty - Conf. qtty
    line 1  -req delivery date -        100 - 75
    if is this you are looking for, then the above setting will resolve.
    Reazuddin MD

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