AVCHD on Non Intel Computer

I just got a Sony SR10 AVCHD camcorder. At home, I use a non-Intel Mac. I have FCP5 as well as iMovie 08. Will I be able to use either of these programs to work with the AVCHD format? If not, are there any free converters out there?

There are no free converters.
Voltaic is one that runs about $35.00.
The best choice is Toast 9, which is slightly more expensive, but does so much more and is quite a bit faster.
Do a google search and shop for Toast 9.

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    Yeah, turn roaming on.  The work wifi issue may be a firewall.  Have you checked with your IT department?

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    Hello Forum Users!
    I'm sorry to bother you, but checked recent posts and knowledge base and cannot seem to find my problem listed.
    Problem starts and ends with older Mac operating system (10.4.11, Yes, I am still using Tiger and my G4 is said not to be acceptable to Leopard so its time for new computer..but until then)....
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    Did I leave anything out?
    I really need Adobe Flash Player as most of the web sites are just refusing to display anything but words for me, so just boring now on web without access to all the content that Flash Player provides.  (no more funny You tube videos either of course!).
    Can anyone help me with my Adobe problem?

    To both of my helpers.....Success! (Skip to end if you don't want to read the details).
    Sorry for the delay in responding to all of your suggestions!
    eidnolb:  Here is what I found on the page with red "f" this time. But using Safari, the whole top of the page says "Flash" meaning that the red "F" is part of a Flash item that is not loading in Safari, but does load in my other Browser, Sea Monkey.
    Using Safari I right clicked (was on wrong page sorry) and got the "ClicktoFlash---Settings" settings
    I do not have regular "settings" anymore on my list just:   Load Flash/Load all on this page/add www.Adobe.com to whitelist/ClicktoFlash Settings.
    And in the Click to Flash Settings there is no box to uncheck for hardware acceleration. Only things like Options/sIFR Text Updates Uninstall (of course) version 1.5.5 if that matters).
    I set up my account in Adobe using Sea Monkey which I do when Safari is fully being used for other purposes that day, so that explains why I got confused sometimes, the Flash Content in Sea Monkey "works" but the same page loaded in Safari does not work.  I do have Firefox, but that has too many saved pages that have not been gone over to "unsave" them when I'm done either printing the contnet or saving the content or bookmarking it, so that is quite unusuable right now so I don't know if any of the flash is working or not on Firefox (and I don't have Chrome loaded in yet....maybe I read it was Leopard only? I forget why it is not
    another choice for me).
    Willener pat's  (finally used a mirror!)  suggestion I try the FP uninstaller again, I made sure it was done using Safari (Sea Monkey does not like it)....and despite it appearing for the higher levels of Mac OSX I tried it....
    Its getting complicated. I can read the instructions how to do it in Sea Monkey, but Sea Monkey does not like the file (does not know what to do with it and offers my entire "Mac" database of applications i.e. word, etc to use it (very bad).  Safari can use the file but I have to click on it without the accompanying instrtuctions to help me as they are not visible or printable anymore from within Safari without Flash.  So I'm using the printed instrucitons from Sea Monkey to follow and Safari to do the downloading!
    I'll work this out yet!
    eidnolb:  I visited http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/155/tn_15507.html after uninstall as you and pat say to do.
    But the message reads:
    "The following displays the type of Flash Player version that this browser is running, and its capabilities.  Usually only developers creating content for Flash Player require this information: "
    But Guess What?  The box is a "FLASH" item!!  So I can't see what version is in there!  (Catch-22 they call that!).
    My company's Flash pages are showing up on both Safari and Sea Monkey, they pause then load even though I've not set them for "permissions" or "whitelist" on the ClicktoFlash"  because the content is created by various people and they have bad web page habits so especially I do not load Flash immediately at my company's web pages, as it can hang or cause scripts to keep working so I have to stop it.  That is why the person I deal with got me "ClicktoFlash" as just because I know how to create a web page, doesn't mean all the other ones I deal with know how!
    I'm thinking at this point, should I try installing back in the  version again?  I guess no harm can come from that so I went back to eidnolb's version in original message and tried to load it in again.
    Result is: nothing!
    I clicked on your address in Sea Monkey and copied to safari and both don't work.  "Page Not Found" Error.
    This is what I clicked on  to get the Flash installer  before!  I know it worked then, why not now?  So I'll use the copy I've downloaded before but why is the link not working now?
    eidnolb: June 15, 2011 10:53 am
    Flash installer [http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/installers/archive/fp] Open the archive to reveal yet more archives and multiple files. Select: flashplayer101r102_64_ubmac.dmg
    By the way....reading everything that came with the installer program (it appears for developers only as archived version), it says to "restart" system after uninstall.  Maybe that is what I did not do, but I've closed and restarted my computer each time I leave so I know its been "done" in middle of writing your forum replies, I just save it elsewhere and come back to continue writing!
    So closing and restarting everything had no effect.  On the Adobe Find Flash Player Version  page, I still can't "see" the box with version of Flash Player I'm currently running, as its a Flash box that does not activate. The other Adobe page with "red" F still does not show the me  "red" F just a huge "Flash" box that I can't open.
    So here goes with installing again from the saved version of download (by the by I'm now down to 9.46 GB free since I've opened and downloaded so many files so many times.  Just don't know which to delete as nothing has worked yet!
    Now it works! I think!
    I got the "Find Flash Player Version" page and I can "see" the result
    I'm using Player Version: MAC 10,1,53,64
    Debug Player:  No
    Opening system Mac OS 10.4.11
    Video Capable Yes
    Audio Capable Yes
    Local File I/O Enabled: Yes
    So I guess that is it!
    It works !
    I could have just said this part alone, but wanted both of you to see what steps I took to get it working again!  (Might be helpful to anyone else stupid enough to try to create more room by deleting any large files with unidentified names).
    Which answer fits the bill for "correct" answer? I"ll click on and award points however you both see fit (10 to best answer 5 to possible answers).
    I went to check on the one you (eidnolb) answered about Google Maps (I have a iPad now and always use it for my portable use of Google Maps so didn't notice anything like he mentioned, so I just went in to give a check and Safari and Google Maps are all working fine  with street views  (the orange man---does anyone have a name for him? Have a contest!).  It all works so thanks again.
    Best regards to everyone!

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    There are no free converters.
    Voltaic is one that runs about $35.00.
    The best choice is Toast 9, which is slightly more expensive, but does so much more and is quite a bit faster.
    Do a google search and shop for Toast 9.

  • Avchd camcorder & non Intel iMac G5

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    AVCHD really does need an Intel Mac to import into iMovie.
    There is a workaround. You can buy a third party app called Voltaic HD. It will convert the AVCHD files to Apple Intermediate Codec so you can edit on a G5. It is quite a bit slower than importing directly into iMovie because it is a software solution and does not take advantage of hardware assists that are available in the intel chips and the associated graphics cards. Once you get the MBP, all will be well.


    I have called both sony and apple tech support and both offered little help today.
    I have a Sony HDR-SR11 that I shot some HD content with. The computer registers that the camera is there as an external HDD. Sony's FAQ suggested that I save the AVCHD file to my HDD and it should work....NOPE
    I hooked it up to a PC and installed the software it comes with and I was able to view my files but not export them into a normal format.
    I have 2 sets of files one set is .m2t and the other is .mts both say they are Unix Executable files..***!
    I have a Power MAc G5 running Leopard and Final Cut Pro 6 I ran the software update and it says that as of today 100% up to date yet it says that FCP should be 6.0.2 mine says 6.0
    Apple support said that it may not even work on a non-intel Mac.....HELP
    anyone get this to work, supposedly Imovie work s with it but the files are grayed out in the menus for imovie so I dunno all I know is I need this footage off the camera ASAP.

    I came here actually looking for a different solution and not the one I'm about to say... but I will tell you that the new iMovie will import the video straight off the camera (in either 960x540 or 1920x1080). It's not ideal, but it works.
    In fact, I'm doing so right now, but I came here hoping there might be news of a new fix so that FCP will import it directly (it will not, log & capture will not do it, just so others are clear on this).
    That said, the video off the camera looks very nice. I'm still happy with the camera, even if I do have to do one hoop jump before I can edit.

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    front row to access home movies stored on the computer.

    Front Row is included with Mac OS X 10.5.x (Leopard) for all Macs.

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    I have a non intel iMac with 10.5.8 and no 800 Firewire. I have just purchased a new iMac with Snow Leopard and of course, no 400 firewire. The wrong adapter (400 to 800) was sent with the machine. The setup instructions said I could use ethernet after installing a "Setup Program" on the old Mac that was included on the new Mac's disk. When I tried to install the program, it wouldn't install as I did not have 10.6 on the old computer.
    Please tell me the best way to set up this new computer: using the ethernet cable and migration assistant, or wait and get the correct adapter and use a firewire cable to transfer. I have not set up the new computer; it is just sitting right now.
    Many thanks.

    You're probably referring to the section of this article: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3231
    in the first point under *Starting your migration:*
    "Always ensure that the computer you are migrating from is updated with the latest releases of Apple Software. Determine if your computer is up-to-date by going to the Apple menu and selecting Software Update. Apply all the latest updates, including the Migration and DVD/CD Sharing Update, before you start your migration."
    The Migration and DVD/CD Sharing Update link is to this: http://support.apple.com/downloads/Migrationand_DVD_and_CD_SharingUpdate
    Which also refers to this: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3174
    As I read that, it seems to indicate that it's only needed on 10.5.5, so it may not apply to your 10.5.8 Mac.
    Try using +Setup Assistant+ anyway -- it may work.
    See How do I set up a new Mac from my old Mac or its backups? or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of the +Snow Leopard > Installation and Setup+ forum, for more info and step-by-step instructions.
    If you've already set up a user account on the new Mac, you'd have to erase the internal HD and reinstall OSX to use Setup Assistant.
    Or, use the similar +Migration Assistant+ per the pink box in the link above. Just note that you can't be logged on to the new Mac with an account that has the same name as any on the old one -- see the last window there.

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    I know what you are saying. I had purchased the CS5.5 upgrade, and a week later got the CS6 upgrade. I did this back in 2012. I had a old Mac Power PC which does not allow you to install CS5.5 or CS6 because it was not an intel processor. So even though I had the upgrades I never installed them. I waited until my old MAC died which it did this past weekend. And now that I have a new iMac I tried to install the new software. All of my past upgrades referenced my original Photoshop that was still resident on my old Mac. But since the install no longer has that reference because of the new computer, it will not accept any of my past serial numbers that it needs for the install.

  • What kind of camcorder can I get with a non Intel Mac

    I am looking to buy my first camcorder and plan to spend about $300.00. After reading the following quote about a Sony camcorder I am a bit concerned, as I do not have an intel mac, I have a iMac G5 Isight -2.1 cpu,2.5GB ram. I have iMovie 08 and Leopard. What kind of camcorder should I get with my set up?
    "I also have new unibody 2008 Mac Book pro OS X - laptop detects camera right away and launching iMovie08, offering video transfer. If you have older, non Intel Processor Mac - forget about this camera - and ALL OTHER's AVCHD/H.264 camcorders - most likely they will not be working for you. So, please, do not write negative reviews, do not confuse people, OK? "

    [email protected] wrote:
    ... about $300... I have a iMac G5 Isight ... iMovie 08 and Leopard. What ... camcorder ...?
    Something like this should work: http://tinyurl.com/ycy4rnu
    Although list price is only about $200, with the extra battery(s?), Firewire cable, camcorder case, blank media, etc., that you will need if you do not already have them, $300 is not far off.
    You can also consider other Firewire connected camcorders that are compatible with your Mac and OS.
    Before I buy, I like to download the user guide for the camera I am considering and review it to be sure it does what I want. Regardless of which camcorder you are considering, if you cannot find the information about system compatibility in the camcorder's documentation, the retailer can help you find the information you need.
    As shown in iLife System requirements, iMovie 8 can work with your Mac and a compatible camcorder:
    Note that AVCHD and 24-bit recording have requirements beyond those stated in your system info.
    EZ Jim
    Mac Pro Quad Core (Early 2009) 2.93Ghz w/Mac OS X (10.6.2)  MacBook Pro (13 inch, Mid 2009) 2.26GHz (10.6.2)
    LED Cinema Display  G4 PowerBook 1.67GHz (10.4.11)  iBookSE 366MHz (10.3.9)  External iSight

  • Using MacBook backup with non-Intel Mac laptop

    I'm scheduled for a computer replacement at work (not a new one, but a hand-me-down from someone else). I was originally told it would have to be a Windows PC (grrr), but then it turned out that someone who recently left for another job had a Mac laptop that I can have instead. I'm not sure exactly what model it is, but it's my understanding that it's only a year or two old. I assume it will be an iBook or a PowerBook.
    I'm wondering if I can use my MacBook backup (which is on an external harddrive and is bootable) to boot up a non-Intel Mac laptop. Since I have to send my MacBook back in for repair (second round of RSD), I was hoping that once I get this older laptop I could just boot from my external and keep on working as if I still had my MacBook (without the ability to use Windows of course). I assume all the programs (except Parallels) would be compatible, but would the system files work?

    I don't think it will allowed you to boot from that external that installed with os X 10.4.x (compiled for macintel version).
    But surely you can use the data in it if you have proper or similar program at the older portable mac.
    But if you willing to try it, it won't hurt, just connect that external and restart while pressing the option key, and if it shows as an option for start up, click on it and see how it goes. If nothing happen, simply shutdown the laptop and restart regularly using its own hd.
    Good Luck.

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    ...when I am on a new Intel Mac with AE CS4?

    I don't understand the question. Can you use computer A while you're using computer B? Are you talking about network rendering? If so, then consider that both computers must be able to run After Effects and open the project that you're working with. Because After Effects CS4 only runs on processors with the Intel architecture (not PowerPC chips), the "non-Intel" Mac is a non-starter.

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    Clicking on the 'Help' menu shows that Firefox is continuously trying to access server showing 'Downloading Firefox 3.6.18' which it never completes.
    I went to Firefox Homepage to download lasted version of Firefox and get message Unfortunately the latest version of Firefox isn't compatible with your computer's operating system
    I am using Mac OSX 10.5 on non intel dual 2GHz processor Mac.
    How do I stop Firefox from attempting to attempting to download update 3.6.18 every time I have an internet connection?
    Regards Mark Nicholls - Wellington - New Zealand

    *Firefox 4 versions and later do not run on a PowerPC Mac.
    *Firefox 4 and later require at least OS X 10.5 and an Intel Mac.
    * http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/6.0/system-requirements/
    For an unofficial Firefox 4 compatible version (TenFourFox) that runs on PowerPC Macs with OS X 10.4.11 or OS X 10.5.8 you can look at:
    * http://www.floodgap.com/software/tenfourfox/
    * http://code.google.com/p/tenfourfox/
    Firefox 3.6.x (Mac OS X 10.4 and later) can be found here:
    * http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-older.html
    * http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/3.6/system-requirements/

  • Syncing non intel mac to ipad and iphone, how?

    I am still using a G5 so non-intel and has OS 10.5.8. Yeah I know, upgrade. Was waiting forever for new MacPro but now waiting for 27" iMac to be redily available.
    Soooo, I do have iPad Gen 1 running 5.1.1 which I believe is the max for the 1st gen.
    Just got an iPhone 5.
    I sync computer to iPad and cloud that to iPhone... BUT everything doesn't come over. Contacts on iPad shows groups called "From My Mac" and another set called, .mac.
    The only contacts that sync to iPhone are the ones in the ".mac" set which are not the ones I want and those are not visible on my iPad so I cannot figure how to change/import/transfer to it.
    Sure, soon I will have the new iMac but until then, what fundimental issue am I mising?
    PS: this never ends... not all apps sync'd to iPhone and none of the music. Could that be because I aquired them when I had a different iTunes ID?

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  • I have a non intel G5 and would like to download i-tune songs that I have recently purchased. I have tried everything and can't find the downloads. Did this G5 just become obsolete with itunes? If not what is the problem?

    I have a non intel G5 and would like to download i-tune songs that I have recently purchased. I have tried everything and can't find the downloads. Did this G5 just become obsolete with itunes? If not what is the problem?

    You can do it with Leopard but it depends upon the iTunes version which you did not reveal.  Also make sure you are looking in the right place for purchases.
    Consider buying a backup drive so you do not need to do this again.  If you are going to run old hardware and software you need to live differently because yes, at some time you will find your version of iTunes no longer works.  You're lucky it still works with Leopard.  As you can see, some versions still work with the iTunes Store but not for repeat downloading.
    Downloading (using iOS or computer) past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store - http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2519 - enabled with iTunes 10.3 and newer; not all media formats are available in all countries (see: iTunes in the Cloud, iTunes Match, and iTunes Radio availability by country - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5085); apps, books (not audiobooks), music, t.v. shows, and movies (some - not all studios have permitted this).  Downloading previously purchased movies and TV shows requires iTunes 10.6 or later.  Discontinued items not available. For items not included in the iCloud list (e.g., ringtones, audiobooks), or locations or computer systems where iCloud is not (yet?) available, you only get one download per fee paid.  Apple recommends,  "... back up your iTunes library. " (http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2519).
    Additional tip at https://discussions.apple.com/message/24176756#24176756
      Select the iTunes Store on the left side of iTunes if you have the sidebar displayed, or with the button at the top right.
      Click on Purchased on the right side under Quick Links (see https://discussions.apple.com/message/26364186#26364186)
      You can re-download your available previous purchases.

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