Avid's DNxHD codec & FCPX: A worthy marriage?

Avid's DnxHD codec: Does it work with FCPX? Is it superior? With it can one import, render and export or is the use limited?

I've got these two in there-is there a conflict with Perian and Mavericks that you know of? Thanks

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    Currently I'm editing some GoPro footage from my vacation, and I'm editing this video in Premiere and After Effects.
    When I was done editing in Premiere and exported the video as a Quicktime movie with the Avid DNxHD codec, I brought it in to After Effects.
    The project in After Effects is a 16 bpc since I have to dynamically stretch the footage to make it fit in a 1080p comp (doesn't have to do with this, but the point is, I have to edit in 16 bpc in order to stretch my footage). Now the problem is, I get weird black blocks around my clipped highlights, and this only happens in 16 or 32 bpc.
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    Gyazo - 549356228a841d35b781c05c2b41011b.png
    I don't know a lot about codecs and I have no idea how to solve this, so my question is: How do I get rid of these black blocks while still maintaining this 16 bits per channel?
    It would be great if anyone could give me the answer .

    I just came up with a solution myself. In Premiere, change in the DNxHD codec settings from ''709'' to ''RGB''.
    When you bring it into AE again, it won't have the black edges anymore.
    However, I don't really know what this does to the quality of the video, but there's not a noticable difference.

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    Downloaded the codec for Leopard from this link:
    Nothing changed.
    I play the file and all I see is black as the timeline runs.
    How should I fix this issue?

    The Power Mac G5 does not have an Intel Processor like the newer macs do. Could that be root of issue?
    It is a definite possibility. The link you posted indicated the Mac v2.1 component was compatible with OS 10.5.5 and later which would normally imply QT 7 with or without Intel CPU. However, the editing software applications do seem to restrict their use to "Intel only" Mac systems. For instance, Pro Tools v8.3 and higher are listed as "Intel Only" software. Did try the v2.01 QT codec component or look for anything older?

  • Use Compressor to export to AVID DNXHD CODEC

    Hey all,
    I posted this question at the CreativeCow FCP forum - and than I thought maybe its a COMPRESSOR Forum question - so here it is:
    I have installed AVID CODEC PACK LE
    Currently I use FCP to export to DNXHD and its working OK (but slow).
    I wanted to know if it is possible for me to use COMPRESSOR to export to AVID DNXHD CODEC.
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    And I don't want to use FCP for that because I want to keep editing While I'm converting.
    If Compressor can't export to DNXHD can I use QUICKTIME TO EXPORT TO DNX HD?

    Create a new Quicktime Movie in Compressor. Open the Inspector window and click on the settings button next to "Video." Then click on the Compression Type pulldown menu and scroll up to the Avid section and choose "Avid DNxHD."
    I've included a screen grab of what this looks like. http://www.box.net/shared/hzblfnsuu6

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    に関してですがWin,MacでDNxHD Codecバージョンが違いました。
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    MacがAvid Codecs LE V.2.3.7でした。
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  • Avid DnxHD codec crashing

    Everytime I try to export any clips using Avid DnxHD codec, Compressor crashes.
    Anyone have similar issues?

    That is correct...Avid DnxHD is an additionally installed Codec, via Avid QuickTime Codecs LE 2.3.2
    It was supported in Compressor 3.5.... The issue here is that it is No longer working under Compressor 4.0

  • How do I get the Avid DNxHD codec as a compression option in my output settings?

    Hi. When I was using a previous version of After Effects, I had several Avid DNxHD codec options listed here:
    - Render Queue
        - Output Module
            -  Format Options
                 - Compression type
    Now using CS4, and I can't find any DNxHD codecs to use for exporting compositions as Quicktimes.
    Avid website has free download, but I don't know how to get it to work within CS4.  Any suggestions please?

    Here's what shows up:
    And the same thing with Premiere Pro CS6. Also I've checked QT's system folder, and there are some files with "Avid" in their names and I've checked "Enable encoding using legacy codecs" box in QuickTime settings.

  • Big black marks after rendering  DNxHD Codec after using some effects, using Eos Mark III footage on FCP7

    Dear All,
    I hope you can help me. Working on an IMac with FCP 7. It's the first time that I am using footage shot with Canon EOS Mark III. I did not expect this to be such a problem as it was almost impossible to edit with the footage, as I kept on getting the beach ball and then it would crash. Finally fixed the problem by downloading the DnxHD Codec and was able to do a rough edit on a compressed timeline to make the job faster and show a rough cut to the client.
    Now I am trying to cut an HD version, where I'm using the same footage with matched timeline settings and when I don't do anything and render it, it looks fine. The minute I use an effect (e.g colour correction or a simple crop) and render, I literally get big black blotches or marks all over the image. Any advise on where I should look to fix the problem?
    Many thanks!

    Convert the footage to ProRes LT before editing.
    Your camera shoots H.264 and Final Cut Pro does not like that one bit.
    You can use FCP's Log & Transfer function to do this (you might need to install a Canon Plug-in first) or you can do the conversion in Compressor.

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    dear sir, madam,
    How does FCP7 user export QT. movie to DNxHD codec, MXF OP1a wrapper format

    Not in Classic.  Use this forum guide to learn where to post.  Suggest once you find where might have the answers, to combine both questions, so you don't have to keep searching for the answers in two places:

  • Need help. dnxhd codec problem

    I was given some quicktimes compressed with Dnxhd.  I downloaded and installed the codec from Avid, but the Quicktimes will only play the audio, not the video, and when I check my export options in after effects and final cut, I don't get dnxhd.  Any ideas?
    I'm on a Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5 OSX 10.4.11

    DNxHD codecs are compatible with 10.5 and above so you would have to upgrade the OS
    Im also sure you would need an Intel machine as well

  • Playing Avid Mpeg 50 Codec in FCP

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    The whole point is that we have done this successfully before with V6 and a powerpc mac. So maybe its either Snow Leopard, V7 or the codec compatibility. I wouldn't want to generate media with this codec, but as most of our station is Avid, then it is useful to be able to play same as source exports from Avid without transcoding.
    Remember the files play perfectly well in QT player, since FCP is built around QT, I'm baffled. Maybe its a Libraries thing or permissions?

  • Avid DNxHD crashes FCP

    I have recently been editing a sequence in Avid's DNxHD codec on FCP 6.0.4 and am having some render issues. FCP will only render for about 15 seconds or so before crashing, so I have been babysitting every render by hitting "cancel" every 15 seconds, and hitting "render" again. Loads of fun. Then, FCP will not export to Quicktime without crashing. I have to use Quicktime conversion and reapply the same settings which, unfortunately recompresses the whole thing again. Still, the resulting Quicktime looks beautiful and so far, is the only HD codec that our machines can play back in realtime, so I would love to keep using it. One issue of lesser importance is that the exported Quicktime is slightly brighter than it was in FCP. Any input from cross-platform users, codec tweakheads, FCP geniuses or Avid gurus would be much appreciated.

    What is your source footage comprised of? Is it also DNxHD or are you using that only as the intermediate and mastering codec.
    You might find it a better workflow to edit using ProRes422 as your intermediate ... this is in many ways Apple's version of the DNxHD codec and is certainly going to be much more stable / better supported than using Avid's codec as such . That should alleviate your interm render issues at least, and then you can of course still master out to DNxHD if need be.

  • Avid DNxHD Export

    Just trying out Avid's DNxHD codec for exporting from AE and Premiere.  I get this dialog box, but it's chopped off.  Is this what it's like for everyone else?  I have this on 2 different computers and can't get to a "save" button, or whatever it's even supposed to be to lock in the settings.

    As always, thanks for your help!  Works!
    Hey, Colin, I actually got DNxHD from an old post of yours about 2 years ago.  Do you still like it?  Is it the best bang for the buck (quality vs. file size?)  I'm running into difficulties with my greenscreen workflow (conversation from yesterday), and I need a good intermediary codec that doesn't produce 100GB files like Quicktime animation. 
    Don't want to merge two threads, but.... (for those joining in, it's here:  http://forums.adobe.com/thread/873887?tstart=30).  My greenscreens aren't just a background plate behind the talent. 
    They go from Premiere multicam, to After Effects for keying and graphics, then back to Premiere for sound effects and then are locked down.  The problem is, all those bounces back and forth need to be able to be viewed in real time to time the graphic effects in AE and then the sound effects in Premiere.  But quicktime animations are too slow/big to get real time playback, the AE dynamic link does the same thing.  So then I find myself rendering out proxies in both directions, and then it just starts becoming a mess.
    Yesterday I thought I had a better workflow figured out with the Ultra keyer in Premiere, but I still need to figure it out.  My problem is that not all my plates and graphics are taking place BEHIND the talent.  Some are background elements and others are foreground, and that's where I run into trouble. 
    Oh, I can do it, but I really don't like my workflow!  And now that I have a ton of these scheduled, I need to do something better than my bandaide I'm putting on it.  I need something streamlined. 
    Hence my questions about DNxHD.  Do you think it would be a good intermediary codec for bouncing back and forth from AE and PR? 
    I'm uploading a couple videos so you can see what I'm talking about.  Will post shortly.

  • After Effects CS5 DNxHD rendering problems

    Hello folks, I posted this last month, but still haven't worked it out.  My problem is that everytime I try to render a quicktime from After Effects CS5 using Avid's DNxHD codec, I get this error, about 60 - 100 frames in:  "Rendering error while writing to file (path name here). An output module failed. The file may be damaged or corrupted. (-1610153464)  I've tried rendering to different drives, rendering with and w/out multiprocessing, with and w/out Open GL rendering, different comps / projects, and different flavors of the DNxHD codec (8 bit, 10bit, 145, 220, etc).  Here's my basic system specs:
    Win 7 Pro 64bit
    Dual 6 core Westmere Processors
    48GB Ram
    Quadro FX 3800 1.5GB (driving 2 x 24" HP monitors)
    GeForce GT 240 (driving a Cintiq tablet)
    I have another system, same operation system, but with dual quad core Nehalem's and 16GB Ram and a Quadro FX 3400 and it renders to DNxHD just fine.  I'm certain I have the latest codecs from Avid, and I've tried both the LE and PE versions.  Any thoughts?

    It's a bug in the CoDec itself, if I'm not mistaken. I've seen this being discussed somewhere, but can't remember the full details. I believe the issue oils down to the Avid stuff using an older version of some compiler library and not dealing correctly with some SSE stuff on some processors. You may try to toy around with the BIOS settings to suppress SSE4 and 4.1 and see if it helps. Also consider installing the .NET runtimes. They still have those magical healing poweers, as the install resolves any version conflicts that may exist with outdated system DLLs bundled with some programs. That may also help. In the long run, though, I think Avid will just have to update DNx to properly work on 64bit and those new processors...

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