:awesome: snakey, a little SDL-game

I'm a beginner when it comes to programming, but I've been trying to make a decent classic snake game in SDL, and I guess I succeded somewhat. It is coded in C++/SDL.
Source can be checked out on:
Just "make" to compile.
Controls: Arrows for now.
The bitmaps can be replaced for great lulz.
Post your high-scores and suggestions. (The game will freeze for about 2 secs when you die so you can see the score in the window manager field. High Score list is #1 prio to fix )
Last edited by Themaister (2009-04-03 16:37:15)

I'm glad you liked it, thanks for trying it out
Hohoho wrote:I'm writing something similar in SDL and was wondering how you did the AI for the ghosts, what kind of algorithm did you use?
I wrote most of this a loong time ago and I can't remember most of the implementation details. But the source code is available here: http://github.com/schuay/pacman/tree/master
The AI is contained in Ghost.cpp, take a look at the pathCalcNormal, pathCalcVuln, and pathCalcDead functions.
It's pretty primitive actually. During the loop, a specific location is set as the target for the ghosts. 2 of them are set to pacmans current location, the other 2 to pacmans next intersection.
Every time a ghost reaches an intersection, it has a certain chance of NOT choosing the fastest way to its target location. This chance goes down the closer it is to its target, so once a ghost is hot on your tail, there's a good possibility that it will keep chasing you instead of wandering off. Pathfinding is done with a bheap, the logic for that is partly in Ghost.cpp and the implementation of the bheap itself is in BHeap.cpp.
Last edited by schuay (2009-07-11 13:35:16)

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    What the hell are you both talking about?
    First of all, SHOW THE ERROR MESSAGE. It's a typical newbie mistake, to try interpreting what's happening, when he has no clue whatsoever of what's happening. So show the FACTS, and let people with experience judge THAT.
    Secondly, "steam steals all the channels" - WTF? Windows channels, ALSA channels, OSS channels, WTF are you talking about?
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    Is the problem is graphic card 770m?  I mean they even switched laptops, same model but have same problem

    I tried several drivers of course, each time I see update
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    Thank you.
    Mark this message as the answer.

    The bottom line is you cannot write to a file (database or
    XML files) directly from flash.
    I have done a number of projects where I needed to have
    access to an XML source or a database. In these cases I had to
    create server side script. I have done them in .NET, PHP ASP.
    The only option you have is to use the Flash's Shared Object.
    This does not store the data indefinatly and has a limited size
    (100K). Let me know if you need further info.
    With regards to using a variables depends on how you are
    writing your game. If you are creating classes in ActionScript then
    all the data can be stored within the class members. For example
    you could have a Player Class and store all the player related
    information in that class until the game is over. On the other hand
    you can just use varibles to keep things simple.

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    Is this method better? I don't really know performance wise, because I have to add 64 JPanels to the contentPane, which means, that all 64 Panels need to be drawn seperately. I don't know if this is a good way, but maybe it doesn't really matter. One advantage would be, that I could change the color of a field easily, for example when I click or hover it, which is not that nercassary, but still nice.
    Maybe there is an even better way?
    - The Pieces:
    Well, I don't really have a clue how to draw the pieces on the board. I could also make them extend JPanel and then draw the image onto some coordinates. But that doesn't seem too right. What about BufferedImage? I don't really know how to use it, neither when it is appropriate to use. I think I get more advantage of this, when I have animations, but that's definatly not my intention.
    The only thing I know is, that I can show an image on the screen with:
    ImageIcon test = new ImageIcon("Test.gif");
            public void paintComponents(Graphics g) {
                test.paintIcon(this, g, 100, 100);
            }But is this right or even way to do it? I'm somehow unsure, if an "ImageIcon" is right for a chess-piece. Any other ways of doing this?
    The "Piece"-class itself is just an interface that the classes "Knight", "King", etc. extend. It draws the piece onto the screen, set the owning player, sets the coordinates of a piece (with the help of the "Field"-class; The Field doesn't know it's exact coordinates, just "A7", "E3", etc.) and some other functions. All pieces are handled by a "PieceHandler", which could provide functions for counting all pieces on the field, initialising every piece and maybe some more things.
    Anybody got some advice on this approach?
    This should be enough for now. I would be very thankful for any kind help, I really want my first project to be as good as possible, since I want to learn OOP and Java better.

    - The chess board:
    Currently, I have a class handling the drawing of the
    board, getting the screen-coordinates, etc.. The
    class "GameBoard" extends a JPanel and I overwrite
    the "paintComponent"-method to draw the board.
    I have a second class "Field" that stores
    informations of one field: What color the field is,
    which piece is placed on this field and which player
    "owns" it. Also, each one of these "Field" is getting
    passed its coordinates on the screen from
    "GameBoard". This helps me later, when I want to
    decide, if the field is clicked or not.
    Now, is this a good way to implement the board and
    the fields? I have another option, which would be,
    that I throw out the class "GameBoard" and instead
    have a "FieldHandler" class. Now, the class "Field"
    would extend JPanel, overwrite "paintComponent" and
    draw a square on the screen. "FieldHandler" gives
    each "Field" the information, if it should be black
    or white. "FieldHandler" would also calculate the x-
    and y-coordinates for each field.
    Is this method better? I don't really knowWhat I'd do: just paint a chessboard pattern from a static image. Can be loaded from a file, or can be generated once dynamically. Don't care at all about fields.
    Have some pixel-to-field coordinate mapping somewhere. Should be nothing but a simple multiplication.
    Have a List of chess pieces. Have those know what they look like (maybe using a delegate object which contains an image), have those know where they are and where they can go. When painting, iterate over the list, transform the coordinates to pixels, get the UI delegate and paint its image. Why bother calculating 64 fields if all you have are 32 pieces or less? And whether a field is black or white doesn't matter to the game.
    When the user clicks onto the board, get the coordinates of the click and transform them to the field coordinates, that you can then look up in the list of figures. If you find one, you can still paint a marker onto the board and underneath the piece image.
    This is what I'd do. Other approaches might make sense as well..

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    I would also like to know if there is any documentation or API to program games.
    Thank you for your help

    About 4 years ago, I made a little tetris game. It's AWT, yet it may help you to look at the source (which is not much):
    and see the "My Games" section.

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    ok, well, here is my story, ok, in about early august 2004, i purchased my Audigy 2ZS platinum, of cousre i was excited because i knew i was getting one of the best sound cards out there, it wasnt too long until i realized that there was a problem with my soundcard, i was playing Rainbow Six 3(one of the games that came with it), when out of nowhere, it froze with an anoying loud repeating high pitched screeching noise. at first i thought it was just a little first game streching thing that happened, but then it happened again, and again, then it happened in other games, i.e. Halo PC(mostly cuz i was playing that most of the time). i was so tired of it freezing that i just took it out and i decided to test it out with my brother's audigy 2, but again, it did the same thing, so i just sticked with my onboard audio. I went on some forums and i saw that the majority of people have fixed the problem by getting a new motherboard, so i saved up for a new one(i also did it cuz i wanted more pci and memory slots). once i got my new motherboard, i was again, excited to finally use my audigy, once everything was set, i thought it was fine, then it froze once, i updated to the latest dri'ves, didnt freeze again, but then it did, then 2 weeks later, the soundcard started acting funny, whenever i played halo pc, battlefield vietnam, and any other game that took advantage of EAX made these weird crackling and pops with i.e. explosions, environments, and bullets, and even on the main menu of BFV(battlefield vietnam). i tried switching pci slots, did the same thing, i've tried uninstalling, reinstalling, nothing did anything, then i thought maybe this problem was a windows problem, so i did a clean install, so far it works great, besides the fact that it does the same problems, besides freezing, but i do know that it is EAX because whenever i turn EAX off, it works fine and doesnt make any crackles what so ever...but who wants to play a game and not take full advantage of one of the best soundcards, right now, i just reinstalled and installed the soundcard again and it still proceeds to do the same problems, everything is up to date, vid card, sound card, except bios, but, i dont see why it would be the bios because it did the same thing with the old mobo, someone did say it might be a vid card driver, but i dont see y that would be concidering my brother has the latest ATI dri'ves(same with me) and his works fine, i sure hope this is a fix or something coming out to fix this problem because i've noticed that people have been having the same problems.
    Here are my system specs:
    AMD Athlon XP 2200+
    52MB DDR
    ATI Radeon 9600 SE
    60GB Hard Dri've
    60GB hard Dri've
    Soundblaster Audigy 2ZS Platinum
    D-Link AirPlus ExtremeG Wireless Adapter
    Samsung CDR-RW
    please help me, because i've had this problem for almost 7-8 months, and right now i am really frustrated with this soundcard.

    My story goes much the same way...got an Audigy 2 ZS last summer and was nothing but pleased with it at first. A few months later I noticed static in some games, but ignored it for a while. Then Doom3 came along and static was very heavy whenever surround sound was enabled. No amount of IRQ switching, BIOS tweaking and driver reinstallation could resolve the problem. I continued to li've with it until I upgraded my 9600pro video card to a 6600GT, after which the static was prevalent in all games and random freezing started occurring, usually involving what has unfortunately become known as the "screech of death". The only solution to these problems was to bump the sound acceleration slider down two notches to 'basic directsound features', which is obviously less than optimal for a $20 sound card. Sorry, but as I try more and more things and I read more and more stories it is becaming clear to me that for whatever reason, this card simply will not work properly in some systems.

  • Getting the classic "Macintosh Basics" tutorials to run in OSX (and Linux?)

    Good afternoon folks,
    I remember WAY back in the early days that there were really good basic tutorial programs that game with your new macintosh to teach you the basics. If my memory is correct, I THINK my favourite was the earliest one, "Mouse Basics". All I remember is that, as a kid, the first tutorial I had on a Mac was this silly little fun game to teach how to use a mouse, how to click, how to drag, etc. I vaguely remember a fishbowl was involved somehow, and there was another part where you dragged a piece of paper from a desk into a garbage can.
    Heck, I think there may have been one for the pre-Mac Apples that was also really good.
    Today, I have two uses for these programs, and I want to figure out how to get them to work on modern hardware.
    1) My dad, believing the hype about OSX being the "easiest computer in the world to use" went and bought himself a really expensive iMac, thinking it would do EVERYTHING for him. Remember the scene from Star Trek IV where Scotty sits in front of the Mac Plus and says, "computer," into the mouse. That's pretty much the mindspace where my dad's coming from. Plus, my mom's even worse, and is having a really hard time grasping the concept of using a mouse. They want me get Skype working on their computer, but when I tried to help them out I discovered just how much they need to learn before they get CLOSE to the point where they can use Skype comfortably.
    But, because all this stuff is so automatic for me, because I've been using computers since around 1986 when I got my first C=64, I cannot figure out how to verbalize these concepts into words in a way they can understand. Trying to explain to them the concept of the "desktop" as a metaphor is really hard. To them, a computer is a machine that does something FOR you, like a toaster. To me a computer is a virtual "space" that I "enter" in order to do things for myself.
    For example, they might ask something like, "how do I get the computer to do x?" And I would answer, "this is how YOU do x." Or, to put it another way, they might unconsciously think to themselves, "I want the computer to give me the information I ask for," while I would unconsciously think ,"I want to go into the file system and find the information that's stored there." That's why it's called the "Finder" after all, right? It's a philosophical paradigm shift they just can't seem to make. So, they don't want me to teach them how to use Skype. They want me to teach Skype how to work for them! Somehow I cannot explain to them that an iMac is not a HAL 9000...
    So, I want to use these very old basic tutorial programs on OSX as a way to get my parents some practice on the very very very basic skills needed to use a computer. How to click. How to drag. The concept of the "desktop". Etc.
    Anybody have any simple tricks I can try? I suppose I could download QEMU for OSX and then install System 7 on their iMac, but it seems to me that there MUST be a simpler solution.
    2) I'm trying to develop a remastered **** Small Linux livecd for my very young nieces and nephews to help introduce them to computers. The idea is to prevent my silly siblings from wasting their money on those stupid pink plastic "laptops" you can buy at Toys R Us. Instead, they'd simply take their old laptop that they don't use anymore and just boot it up with the DSL livecd. On the cd will be all sorts of age-appropriate games, educational software, and a kid-oriented internet browser (I'm trying to get zacbrowser to run under WINE, so far without any luck.)
    There would be two users built-in to the livecd. If you boot it without using a password you get "kid mode" with a really friendly desktop with large cartoony icons with all the programs for the kid. If you boot it with the preconfigured password you'd get "parent mode" allowing access to preferences, utilities, and the myDSL package installation system.
    Along with giving new life to my brother-in-laws' old laptops, they could also take the livecd with them when they're visiting other folk. Instead of dumping the kids in front of the tv, they can just pop the livecd in the family's computer and the kids can plug away without the ability to touch anything stored on the harddrive.
    Think of it as SugarOS for really old hardware.
    As you've probably guessed by now, I want to include these old Mac tutorials with the CD, and again I'm trying to figure out the best way to get them to run under Linux. Again, I could try running System 7 under QEMU, but I'd really like to find a better way. Is there such a thing as "WINE for classic macs"?
    In the unlikely event that anybody has a way to modify these old programs to run natively under OSX (or Linux), that would be AWESOME!!!
    Or if anybody knows of any modern substitutes to the classic Mac Basics tutorials, that would also be cool (but not nearly as cool as a way to run the original programs. I really really liked the way those suckers did the job.)
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    Couple of thoughts...
    You could get/use SheepShaver to actually run Classic Apps on Intel Macs.
    For "Kid Mode" you could put other's Home folders on USB Sticks big enough.

  • VCAP5-DCD Experience

    Last week i passed my VDCD550 exam and got VCAP5-DCD certification, so i guess i have some experience to share.
    Last few years i worked at PM/management positions at various integrators but recently decided to go more technical again. So i updated my VCP4 to VCP5 in february and was ready to study for VCAP exams. I decided to go with VCAP-DCD, as, to be honest, i didn't have much hand-on implementation/administration expirience last few years. On other hand, i have pre-saled and designed some environments, so choose design path was obvious decision.
    My studing materials were:
    VMware Press – Official VCAP5-DCD Certification Guide
    VMware vSphere Design by Forbes Guthrie & Scott Lowe
    VMware vSphere 5.1 Clustering Deepdive by Duncan Epping & Frank Denneman
    Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments  by Sean Crookston and Harley Stagner
    vSphere Design Pocketbook eBook by Frank Dennenman
    My notes from VCP5 preparations (lifehack: i use Microsoft OneNote for various work and personal life related notes and it just awesome, it has really nice Windows desktop app, plus it stores data in the cloud, so you can always use mobile apps to check on content and alter it a little bit, if necessary)
    Articles and white papers from exam blueprint
    Great series of "Architectural Decisions" posts by Josh Odgers http://www.joshodgers.com/architectural-decisions/
    It was obviously overkill, as you don't need so much data to pass exam (and to be honest, deep technical knowledge isn't needed to pass it), but as i plan to pursue this field of work futher (and may be even continue to VCDX certification), more knowledge won't hurt.
    When studying it's better to pay close attention to definitions of requirements, assumptions, constraints, risks and differences between them. Sometimes they are close to each other and phrasing matters very much. Good thing to do is review design you have previously completed at work and write down requirements, assumptions, constraints and risks.
    Another point to pay attention to is how exactly are example designs in VMware documentation drawn, something like that will be expected from you. For example, during my exam there was one design 'visio like' question about storage. I've drawn all the objects and almost all connections and then was stuck with ALUA optimized/unoptimized paths. I mean i knew how it would work in real life but i just couldn't figure out how design tool was expecting me to draw it. Design tool kept on giving me error message that i cannot use this connector this way.
    Critical skill for this exam is ability to map customers words and wishes to specific features and configurations. Descriptions might sound very unspecific and sometimes even cryptic, but hey, in real world customer very rarely give you structured and well-thought requirents either.
    Apart from reading, it's very useful to complete some designs just to arrange your mind in proper way I used this:
    Review of previously completed customer desings. Try to use same approach as Josh Odgers in previously mentioned article series: determine requirements, justify your decision, think about alternatives.
    Paul McSharry's practice DCD scenarios: http://www.elasticsky.co.uk/practice-questions/. Use same approach.
    On-line practice exam http://www.virtualtiers.net This tool is absolutely fantastic, as it gives you look and feel of actual exam. It considerably lowered my stress level
    Prepartions took about 1,5 months and i thought i was ready.
    Now to the exam itself. First, there is no test center certified for VCAP exams in my town, so i had to wake up at 4:00 in the morning and drive 5 hours to certified test center. On the bright side i had additional 30 minutes to exam time, as i live in Russia there is time bonus for non-native English speakers.
    So, it was 42 questions and 4 hours to go for me. And it's when funny thing happened. I either misread exam description or it was written incorrectly (though i guess it was the first ), but at that point i was sure, that after that 42 questions i will have another 8 design question and exam description strongly recommended to reserve at least 2 hours and 15 minutes for those 8 questions. In fast, those 8 questions was included in total exam question count.
    As you see, at the moment it seemed to me i had to complete 42 questions in less than 2 hours and then take hardest part of exam. Luckily i was wrong, but as i've seen clock ticking, i became more and more nervous. Due to that i didn't gave some of the questions much thought (maybe for the better, as overthingking something sometimes worse then underthinking). Anyway, i was done with 42 questions,there was still hour and half left, and, to my (very pleasant!) surprise it was all, i passed with 346 score. Well, it may have been higher, if not my description reading mistake, but a pass is a pass.
    To summ it up:
    Know requirements, assumptions, constraints and risks. Practice determining them from practice tasks and real world situations.
    Know differences between conceptual, logical and physical design
    Know how logical and physical design diagrams should be drawn from VMware point of view
    Try to think as an architect, always justify your design decisions, think about possible alternatives
    Design some enviroments (even completely imaginary), or review designs you did at work. View this as a little mind game for spare time, if you have to sit in the car and wait 15 minutes for your girlfriend - why not design a cluster meanwhile?
    Hope it helps.
    As for me, i'm now studying NSX and it's definitely amazing piece of tech. When VCIX6-DCV will be available, i'll try to pass implementation exam and yearn this certification.

    Hi Yak
    Thanks for the write up, I'm planning to have a first shot within a week or so.
    Though I'm a little puzzled, the 3.4 blueprint states 46 questions, including 6 using the design tool (Visio like), plus 1 master design item, for which a MINIMUM of 30 minutes should be allocated.
    Wasn't it clear which was the master item?
    When you mentioned "one" visio that gave you problems, you mean one of the 6 visio type questions I asume

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