AXI DMA velocity and DCache doubts

This is a 2 question in one thread.
I'm basing my model on the matrix multiplication example,
First set of questions:
After some optimizations I have now a MM2S velocity of 1009 Mbytes/s and a S2MM velocity of 383 Mbytes/s.
1.1- Why is S2MM so slow when comparing to MM2S?
1.2- Are these the maximum velocities that you think I can get? Currently I'm not using interrupts and just waiting for each transfer to end before continuing. If I use interrupts will it be faster?
Second set of questions:
Following some advices I am going to divide my 512x512 matrices in 32x32 ones and treat each of them separately, since the Zedboard resources are not that big.
I already tested my design and the first 32x32 matrix is properly normalized. Input and output values are correct. However if I try and do a for cycle for all the matrices, the results are not correct and I think this is related to the cache flush and invalidate.
Here's my code:
#define DIM 32
//Start my IP block and enable auto-restart (doubts about this..)
mm2s_bufferPtr=(u32 *)(SLOPE_ADDR+i*DIM*DIM*4);
result_Ptr =(u32 *)(FINAL_ADDR+i*DIM*DIM*4);
Status = XAxiDma_SimpleTransfer(&axi_dma, (u32)mm2s_bufferPtr, DIM*DIM*4, XAXIDMA_DMA_TO_DEVICE);
if (Status != XST_SUCCESS)
xil_printf("ERROR! Failed to kick off MM2S transfer!\n\r");
while (XAxiDma_Busy(&axi_dma,XAXIDMA_DMA_TO_DEVICE));
// Kick off DMA S2MM transfer
Status = XAxiDma_SimpleTransfer(&axi_dma, (u32)result_Ptr, DIM*DIM*4, XAXIDMA_DEVICE_TO_DMA);
if (Status != XST_SUCCESS)
xil_printf("ERROR! DMA transfer from Vivado HLS block failed!\n\r");
while (XAxiDma_Busy(&axi_dma,XAXIDMA_DEVICE_TO_DMA));
I already read this carefully about DCacheFlush and DCacheInvalidate but I still clearly have not understood very well.
Note: In the linker script I changed the heap and stack sizes to 10Kbytes instead of 1Kbyte.
Ty very much in advance for the help.

Hello jmales,
Right now my main IP (designed with Vivado HLS) is receiving a 32x32 matrix of floats. So, everytime I call my IP block within SDK I transfer 4096 bytes with the MM2S and then 4096 back with the S2MM transfer. So is 4096 my bandwidth ?
Oh okay, I see what you mean. The remaining question to answer first is:
- How often do you need to transfer a new 32x32 matrix? Or probably more useful question is how often do you need to transfer the 512x512 matrices? In other words, how fast are you acquiring new 512x512 matrices. What is your sample rate. This will tell you how much bandwidth you need.
If you only take in a new matrix every 10 seconds, then we only need to move data at a rate of 512 * 512 * 4 (bytes) / 10 = ~105KB/s in which case we don't really care about DMA efficiency because data is coming in so slowly. All we need to do is clock the DMA in the MHz range and you'll easily be able to keep up. The DMA will be sitting idle while we wait for new matrix for a while anyway, so any overhead associated with setting up the next transfer will be completely eclipsed and inconsequential. However, if you're taking in a new matrix every 10 milliseconds, we need to move data at 512*512*4/10e-3 = ~105MB/s which becomes a more difficult problem to solve and DMA efficiency may become a larger factor.
Another thing to think about is latency. Do you care about the absolute time (in milliseoncs) from when you acquire your matrix until it arrives at it's final destination? This will affect the rate that you clock your accelerator hardware (including DMAs, interconnects, etc). Take our 10 second matrix acquisition rate example. Even though the data rate is slow, if we need to pass data from DDR to accelerator, perform the matrix multiplication, then send data back to DDR all under 10 milliseconds, then you'll need to run your DMA operations faster. For minimal latency, every clock cycle counts so DMA configuration overhead might not be acceptable.
I was looking into this and actually posted a new thread regarding that meanwhile. So if I set the frequency of the MM2S and S2MM ports to 200MHz and the frequency of my custom IP block to 100Mhz, a FIFO ow 2 FIFOS will make sure everything runs smoothly?
Reading the other thread, I want to be clear about which problem this will solve. Doing this will ensure that your 100MHz clock domain will receive a continuous stream of data (i.e. no bubble cycles where the accelerator is not taking in new data). This is because the FIFO will have data in it which the accelerator can be processing while the DMA is being configured for the next transfer.
From a raw bandwidth (MB/s) perspective, this won't be as high as just running everything at 200MHz and allowing for those handful of buble cycles where the DMA is being reconfigured.
Maybe running some number will help to show the distinction:
1) FIFO case where you run processing at 150MHz with no buble cycles (in the processing clock domain) due to DMA downtime. 150MHz * 4 bytes per clock * 100% efficiency = 600MB/s
2) No FIFO, everything runs at 200MHz, DMA transfer length is 32*32 = 1024 cycles (or 4096 bytes), and say it takes 20 cycles to reconfigure the DMA for each transfer. The efficiency is 1024/(1024+20) = ~98%. So total bandwidth is 200MHz * 4 bytes per clock * 98% = 784MB/s
2) Again, no FIFO and everything runs at 200MHz with 20 cycles to reconfigure the DMA, but this time lets say we transfer the data one row at a time so our transfer length is 32 cycles (or 128 bytes). Now our efficiency is only 32/(32+20) = ~61.5%. So total bandwidth is 200MHz * 4 bytes per clock * 61.5% = 492MB/s
So if we figure out the number of matrices you need to process per second and the input-to-output latency requirements, then we can start deciding on architectural stuff about how best to move the data around.

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    Because of the specific VI's used in this program, I am not able to save it for previous version.  However, I have taken a screen shot of the block diagram so that you can build it yourself.  It is a very simple program and most of the VI's should still have the same name in 2011 as in 8.6.  One thing I will point out is that the synchronization occurs in the flat sequence structure.  By having the smart motion VI's within the sequence structure, the motors will not be updated until both VI's receive data.  This is still software timed synchronization, and so it will be dependent on Windows OS jitter which can be as much as 500ms depending on how many processes are running.  Depending on your application though this might be a sufficient amount of synchronization.  Please let me know if you have any questions about this program or the VI's I used.
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    The meaning of those parameters is rather simple, however  it may be difficult to understand from the documentation:
    Width of buffer length register - Length of internal counter / register in the DMA which stores the length of DMA operation data. It should be in your case at least 19 bits as 2^18 give you max length 262143 bytes which is lower than the requested length 262144. This parameter does not directly impact performance. It mainly impact maximal achievable frequency and has slight impact on utilized FPGA resources.
    Memory Map Data Width - This specifies data-width of AXI4 interface, data width 64 bits when connected to HP or ACP port can significantly improve throughput (when connected to 64bit AXI Stream). This parameter is independent on the AXI stream data width. With 32 bit AXI Stream the improvement will be insignificant in your case. Setting this parameter to 64 has impact on utilized FPGA resources.
    Stream Data Width - Width of AXI Stream interface. Set 32 here, if your component has 32 bit AXI Stream Interface.
    Max Burst Size - Data on AXI interface can be transferred in bursts - N words can be transferred in one transaction on AXI. Higher burst size leads to better throughput. This parameter should be set to at least 16. You can set in to 256 (Maximum allowed by AXI4), however speedup against 16 will be small. It is caused by the fact that PS AXI interfaces are AXI3 compliant, which limits the burst size to 16. Therefore the AXI interconnect must split the AXI4 burst to several AXI3 bursts.
    To improve throughput you can use:
    Higher design clock frequency.
    Scatter-Gather DMA to improve throughput by hiding latencies of direct register mode by utilization of multiple buffer descriptors.
    64 bit AXI Stream interface in your component.

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    I'm a bit astonished that you don't want to use the PID controller on the board. Onboard PID control is one of the main reasons why you would like to use a motion control board instead of a simple multifunction I/O device. The onboard PID loop of the 7344 can run with up to 16 kHz with very low jitter whilst using the DACs directly from your host application will result in a control loop with less than 200 Hz and a high amount of jitter - even if you were using a real-time OS. This will result in poor control behavior.
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    A key feature of every control system is deterministic behavior so you will need to run your application on a real-time OS. Otherwise you won't be able to get a reliable control behavior.
    I can give you some more specific advice if you post some background information about your application.
    Best regards,
    Jochen Klier
    National Instruments Germany

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    Vivado 2015.2 w/ SDK.
    Zynq zc702.
    Tested in Linux 14.04 and Windows 7.
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        printf("Hello World\n");
        return 0;
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    Hello Leroy,
    Hmmm okay I found the one that I was thinking of:
    There's a presentation there with some code. About halfway down the pdf is an explanation of the software architecture for the AXI DMA linux driver and an explanation of where you need to add your application-specific layers and an example of doing so.
    As far as compiling, you really need two pieces still (bear in mind, I'm a little out of my area of expertise talking about the linux software side, so someone with more knowledge may correct the finer details. This is based on what I've gathered...):
    1) Kernel module to interface from the driver to userspace (for simplicity, you might use UIO for this like the second pdf that linnj posted in that link)
    2) Some application that runs in userspace that communicates with 1 above.
    For 1, you don't use SDK. You build a cross compile environment dependent on your kernel configuration and follow build steps:
    For 2, you'd use SDK as you are to build a Linux 'Application' (the word seems to have the connotation of running in userspace).

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    i)   Get the dma slave channel with proper mask and filter.
    ii)  prepare for the dma copy with the correct direction.
    iii) Register a callback [On completion this callback should be called automatically]
    iv) Submit the transaction
    v)  Issue the transaction....
    vi) Wait for a flag until it becomes some specified value for termination... and this flag will be set to the proper value only in the callback....
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    Any idea about this issue? 
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    Software: LabVIEW, NI Sound and Vibration Toolkit, DAQ assistant
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    thanks in advance,
    Attachments: ‏223 KB
    vibration.jpg ‏74 KB

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    ....../ '---_BOT ____________ ]
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    Call PicDelete() 'Deletes all objects. Without this I won't show the curve but with it it deletes the Picloaded previously
    Call GraphObjNew("2D-Axis","New_2DAxis") 'Creates a new 2D axis system
    Call GraphObjOpen("New_2DAxis") 'Opens the axis object
    D2AxisTop =25 'Sets the position
    D2AxisBottom =30
    D2AxisLeft =20
    D2AxisRight =30
    Call GraphObjNew("2D-Curve","New_Curve") 'Creates a new curve
    Call GraphObjOpen("New_Curve") 'Opens the curve object
    D2CCHNX ="Y_Accel" 'Defines the x-channel
    D2CCHNY ="Strg_Angle" 'Defines the y-channel
    D2CurveColor ="red" 'Defines the curve color
    Call GraphObjClose("New_Curve") 'Closes the curve object
    Call GraphObjClose("New_2DAxis") 'Closes the axis object
    Call Picupdate

    Hi Leillo
    If you are using DIAdem 2012 you should use the new API. To get a starting point create the layout as you like and then open the corresponding dialog box and press CTRL-Shift-C. Then you have a lot of code in your clipboard, which you can past in you script editor and edit. The contents of the clipboard depends of the dialog box you opened.
    You can also select an object in Report and press CTRL-Shift-C
    For the new API you will also find tons of small scripts in the help, which shows you how to create labels, legend and titles:
    Hope this helps

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    please attach some useful books on velocity and rcp pls.thank u.

    Known bug in Oracle JVM.
    Ed Willink
    On 09/07/2015 10:13, Ed Willink wrote:
    > Hi
    > Is anyone using Eclipse Modeling successfully on Windows 8.1 with a
    > Java 8 VM?
    > I tried six months ago, with perpahps Mars M4, and got regular Java
    > crashes and so dismissed it as a bad install aberation and reverted to
    > Java 7.
    > A couple of weeks ago, on two Windows 8.1 machines, with more recent
    > Java and more recent Eclipse (Mars), I still get a Java crash every
    > couple of hours.
    > Does anyone see this? Is there some trivial Java 8 setup that I have
    > overlooked?
    > Regards
    > Ed Willink

  • Behaviour of AXIS with Spring and Java, in response to bad webservice call

    This is a stretch, but I wonder if you can help me - I'm new to this, and working in a project that has already been configured to work with Axis.
    We have a Java project built with the Spring framework, in order to provide webservices for access via SOAP. As I understand it (ie not very well!) Axis works to accept these SOAP messages from the client and transform them into calls on our Java methods, and do the reverse with the responses - cool! Which is excellent, and it works well with the config files we have already set up.
    But I have two problems/questions, which may well be related�
    2) In trying to test what exactly happens in which case, I sent some test messages to the service, and found that I could send incorrect parameter names, and sometimes the service still gets called! Axis seems to match the data it recieves to the parameters of the method in some clever way that I don�t understand. Sometimes this works, sometimes it shows a type error. But it seems to depend what parameter I rename as to what exactly happens, so the results are (superficially, at least) unpredictable! I'm sure this behaviour is configurable in some way, but I can't seem to find out how this is done. I'd like to make it so that missing parameters are passed into the method as nulls (as is happening now), but that badly named, duplicated or extraneous parameters are refused, with a specific errormessage stating what the issue is. Similarly, I'd like to reply with an explanatory message if a parameter is passed wth an incorrect type, rather than just a message "org.xml.sax.SAXException: Bad types" that does not detail which parameter is problematic.
    1) The client can receive a "500" response, with an "Internal Server Error" message, although I'm having trouble figuring out exactly when this happens. I'd like to be able to configure what message they receive, in order to give them more information about what they got wrong.
    I just don't know where to start with this - I'm sure there must be ways of configuring all this!
    As much info about an example of what I'm looking at as seems sensible follows. Please forgive me if I've used incorrect terminology somewhere! :)
    Thanks a heap,
    So, let's say I have a Java class called DiaryService, with a method called createDiary that takes the appropriate data and returns a confirmation/error message - it starts like this :
        public String createDiary(final String library,
                final BigDecimal companyCode, final Date diaryDate,  final Date actionedDate,
         final String diaryMessage) throws RemoteException And another called GetDiary that returns a Diary as a SOAP bean which looks like this :
        public DiarySoapBean getDiary(final String library,
                final BigDecimal companyCode, final Date diaryDate) throws RemoteExceptionAxis very helpfully lets me access the createDiary and getDiary, by sending XML messages like this example:
    <soapenv:Body xmlns:soapenv="">
    <ns1:createDiary soapenc:root="1" xmlns:ns1="http://localhost:8080/morph_zta/services/DiaryService" xmlns:soapenc="">
    <library xsi:type="xsd:string" xmlns:xsi="">ZRMORPHTA</library>
    <companyCode xsi:type="xsd:Decimal" xmlns:xsi="">1</companyCode>
    <diaryDate xsi:type="xsd:date" xmlns:xsi="">2007-01-01Z</diaryDate>
    <actionedDate xsi:type="xsd:date" xmlns:xsi="">2007-01-01Z</actionedDate>
    <diaryMessage xsi:type="xsd:string" xmlns:xsi=""/>Blah blah blah</diaryMessage>
    </soapenv:Body>If I rename a parameter, the service may get called, with some other data in that parameter or not, or may not get called at all and the user get a "SAXException: Bad types" error message. I would like it to return a message stating that the parameter is not expected.
    If I duplicate a parameter, the first occurrence appears to be used, and the next ignored. I would like it to return a message saying tnat the extra parameter is not expected.
    If I add gibberish parameters, I get a "No such operation" message. I would like to be able to tell which parameters are incorrect.
    We have entries like this in web.xml:
            <display-name>Apache-Axis Servlet</display-name>
        </servlet-mapping>     And these bits in our server-config.wsdd :
        <!-- Global config options -->
            <parameter name="adminPassword" value="admin"/>
            <parameter name="attachments.Directory" value="./attachments"/>
            <parameter name="attachments.implementation"
            <parameter name="sendXsiTypes" value="true"/>
            <parameter name="sendMultiRefs" value="true"/>
            <parameter name="sendXMLDeclaration" value="true"/>
            <parameter name="axis.sendMinimizedElements" value="true"/>
                <handler type="java:org.apache.axis.handlers.JWSHandler">
                    <parameter name="scope" value="session"/>
                <handler type="java:org.apache.axis.handlers.JWSHandler">
                    <parameter name="scope" value="request"/>
                    <parameter name="extension" value=".jwr"/>
        <handler name="acegiAuthenticationHandler" type="java:{our}.AcegiAuthenticationHandler"/>
              <handler name="OutgoingSOAPMessageViewer" type="java:{our}.OutgoingSOAPMessageViewer"/>
        <!-- Handlers -->
        <handler name="LocalResponder"
        <handler name="URLMapper"
        <handler name="Authenticate"
        <!-- Axis services -->
        <service name="AdminService" provider="java:MSG">
            <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="AdminService"/>
            <parameter name="enableRemoteAdmin" value="true"/>
            <parameter name="className" value="org.apache.axis.utils.Admin"/>
        <service name="Version" provider="java:RPC">
            <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="getVersion"/>
            <parameter name="className" value="org.apache.axis.Version"/>
        <!-- Global config options -->
        <transport name="http">
                <handler type="URLMapper"/>
                <handler type="java:org.apache.axis.handlers.http.HTTPAuthHandler"/>
        <transport name="local">
                <handler type="LocalResponder"/>
        <service name="DiaryServices" provider="Handler" style="rpc">
            <parameter name="handlerClass" value="com.workingmouse.webservice.axis.SpringBeanRPCProvider"/>
            <parameter name="springBean" value="diaryServices"/>
            <parameter name="springBeanClass" value=""/>
            <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="createDiary getDiary"/>
            <parameter name="scope" value="application"/>
            <beanMapping qname="ns:diary" xmlns:ns="urn:DiaryService" languageSpecificType=""/>
    Tracey Annison

    I have solved the problem, I forgot a parameter in the select, so java tells the an error. But now I have another problem. The procedure doesn't execute the order by. I pass the couple column_name order_type in a string as ("provider_description desc") dinamically but the procedure doesn't execute the ordering. Why?
    Thanks, bye bye.

  • I have a graph with the x axis for volume and the y axis for mass, I need the data to correlate with the volume and mass, I can not simply label the axis this way, how can i do this?

    This is extremely urgent and please help!!!

    Do you mean something like this?
    If so, go to the Chart inspector. On the Axis tab of the Chart Inspector you can set the format for each axis. Choose "custom" then type in the units at the end of the format that is there.  You can't get fancy, like having superscripts or anything.
    Alternatively you can show the axis titles, also in the chart inspector:

  • Static method and variables doubts

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    i have the following method
    private static void checkActionType(String action) {
    if (action.startsWith(" a")) {
    } else if (action.startsWith(" c")) {
    } else if (action.startsWith(" p")) {
    } else if (action.startsWith(" r")) {
    } else if (action.startsWith(" v")) {
    } else if (action.startsWith(" u")) {
    to use it, i need to declare my int variables static, because im calling this method from another static method that is called by main method.
    but this can cause me problems ?
    if i have two instances of this class running, my statics int will show the right value?
    there is a better approach?

    Here is my class, i want some advices to know if i am doing right, because everything is a little new for me.
    My class, read a log file and based upon a regular expression, it can retrieve a general statistic or a personal statistic.
    import java.util.Vector;
    import org.apache.oro.text.regex.*;
    public class LogFileReader {
    private static Pattern regexpPattern;
    private static PatternMatcher patternMatcher;
    private static PatternCompiler patternCompiler;
    private static PatternMatcherInput patternInput;
    private static MatchResult matchResult;
    private static final String patternString = "^[^\']+User\\s+\'([^\']+)\'[^\']+session\\s+\'([^\']+)\'\\s+(\\S+)";
    // Integers used to store number of user, sessions and specific actions
    private static int totalUsers;
    private static int totalSessions;
    private static int totalAddedActions;
    private static int totalChangedFolders;
    private static int totalPersonalizedActions;
    private static int totalRemovedActions;
    private static int totalUpdateActions;
    private static int totalViewedActions;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (args.length == 0) {
    System.out.println("No file name was specified");
    } else if (args.length == 1) {
    } else if (args.length == 2) {
    System.out.println("You must set file name, data value and data type in order to " +
    "this class run properly");
    } else {
    public static void printGeneralData(String fileName) {
    String data = "";
    //Users and the Session Vector are used to avoid count repeated values.
    Vector usersVector = new Vector();
    Vector sessionVector = new Vector();
    patternCompiler = new Perl5Compiler();
    patternMatcher = new Perl5Matcher();
    try {
    regexpPattern = patternCompiler.compile(patternString);
    } catch (MalformedPatternException mpe) {
    System.out.println("Error Compiling Pattern");
    try {
    FileReader fileRead = new FileReader(fileName);
    BufferedReader buffRead = new BufferedReader(fileRead);
    while ((data = buffRead.readLine())!= null) {
    patternInput = new PatternMatcherInput(data);
    while(patternMatcher.contains(patternInput,regexpPattern)) {
    matchResult = patternMatcher.getMatch();
    // Avoid to insert repeated data in user and session Vectors
    if (usersVector.lastIndexOf( == -1) {
    if (sessionVector.lastIndexOf( == -1) {
    for (int i=0;i<usersVector.size();i++) {
    for (int i=0;i<sessionVector.size();i++) {
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    System.out.println("An I/O error occurred while getting log file data");
    System.out.println("Users logged : " + totalUsers);
    System.out.println("Sessions opened : " + totalSessions);
    System.out.println("Added contents : " + totalAddedActions);
    System.out.println("Changed folders : " + totalChangedFolders);
    System.out.println("Personalized contents : " + totalPersonalizedActions);
    System.out.println("Removed contents : " + totalRemovedActions);
    System.out.println("Viewed Contents : " + totalViewedActions);
    System.out.println("Updated contents : " + totalUpdateActions);
    public static void printSelectedData(String fileName,String value,String valueType) {
    String data = "";
    String user = "";
    //Flag used to print the right result on screen
    String printFlag = "";
    Vector sessionVector = new Vector();
    Vector userVector = new Vector();
    Vector actionVector = new Vector();
    patternCompiler = new Perl5Compiler();
    patternMatcher = new Perl5Matcher();
    try {
    regexpPattern = patternCompiler.compile(patternString);
    } catch (MalformedPatternException mpe) {
    System.out.println("Error Compiling Pattern");
    try {
    FileReader fileRead = new FileReader(fileName);
    BufferedReader buffRead = new BufferedReader(fileRead);
    while ((data = buffRead.readLine())!= null) {
    patternInput = new PatternMatcherInput(data);
    while(patternMatcher.contains(patternInput,regexpPattern)) {
    matchResult = patternMatcher.getMatch();
    if (valueType.equalsIgnoreCase("-user")) {
    printFlag = "userPrint";
    if (( {
    // avoid insert a repeated value inside session vector.
    if (sessionVector.lastIndexOf( == -1) {
    if (userVector.size() == 0) {
    printFlag = "userPrintError";
    } else if (valueType.equalsIgnoreCase("-session")) {
    printFlag = "sessionPrint";
    if (( {
    user =;
    if (sessionVector.size() == 0) {
    printFlag = "sessionPrintError";
    } else if (valueType.equalsIgnoreCase("-action")) {
    printFlag = "actionPrint";
    if (( {
    if (userVector.lastIndexOf( == -1) {
    if (actionVector.size() == 0) {
    printFlag = "actionPrintError";
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
    System.out.println("An I/O error occurred while getting log file data");
    if (printFlag.equals("userPrint")) {
    for (int i=0;i<sessionVector.size();i++) {
    System.out.println("Sessions opened by user " + value + " : " + totalSessions);
    System.out.println("Added contents by user " + value + " : " + totalAddedActions);
    System.out.println("Changed folders by user " + value + " : " + totalChangedFolders);
    System.out.println("Personalized contents by user " + value + " : " + totalPersonalizedActions);
    System.out.println("Removed contents by user " + value + " : " + totalRemovedActions);
    System.out.println("Viewed contents by user " + value + " : " + totalViewedActions);
    System.out.println("Updated contents by user " + value + " : " + totalUpdateActions);
    } else if (printFlag.equals("userPrintError")) {
    System.out.println("This user " + value + " was not found on log file");
    } else if (printFlag.equals("sessionPrint")){
    System.out.println("Session " + value + " was opened by user " + user);
    System.out.println("Added contents by session " + value + " : " + totalAddedActions);
    System.out.println("Changed folders by session " + value + " : " + totalChangedFolders);
    System.out.println("Personalized contents by session " + value + " : " + totalPersonalizedActions);
    System.out.println("Removed contents by session " + value + " : " + totalRemovedActions);
    System.out.println("Viewed Contents by session " + value + " : " + totalViewedActions);
    System.out.println("Updated contents by session " + value + " : " + totalUpdateActions);
    } else if (printFlag.equals("sessionPrintError")){
    System.out.println("This session " + value + " was not found on log file");
    } else if (printFlag.equals("actionPrint")){
    System.out.println("Action " + value + " was performed " + actionVector.size() +
    " times for " + userVector.size() + " different user(s)");
    } else if (printFlag.equals("actionPrintError")){
    System.out.println("This action " + value + " was not found on log file");
    } else {
    System.out.println("Wrong search type!");
    System.out.println("Accepted types are: ");
    System.out.println("-user -> Search for a specified user");
    System.out.println("-session -> Search for a specified session");
    System.out.println("-action -> Search for a specified action");
    private static void increaseActionType(String action) {
    if (action.startsWith("a")) {
    } else if (action.startsWith("c")) {
    } else if (action.startsWith("p")) {
    } else if (action.startsWith("r")) {
    } else if (action.startsWith("v")) {
    } else if (action.startsWith("u")) {

  • Select and Cursor doubt

    Dear All,
    I got a doubt b/n select and cursor.
    I read in one oracle book that select into clause will actually tries to get the data twice, Whereas the cursor will query only ones.
    Is this the case in Oracle 10g or both the select and cursor will fetch the data only ones.
    select sal into v_sal from emp where empno = 7788 --> Ones it hit the data, oracle will again scan the entire set of records in the emp table for another match.
    Cursor c_sal is select sal from emp where empno = 7788; --> This will do the fetch operation only ones.
    Is this the case still True in Oracle 10g or 11i.
    Appreciate your help.
    Thankyou very much
    Madhu K

    the query is processed as follows (this is from ora doc)
    – Search for identical statement
    – Check syntax, object names, and privileges
    – Lock objects used during parse
    – Create and store execution plan
    Execute: Identify rows selected
    Fetch: Return rows to user process
    for cursor also same things are performed, but cursor is private sql area in which you can processes one row at a time, you can use cursor in your pl/sql program and access one row a time,
    so if you say,
    cursor c1 is select * from emp;
    c1 is private sql area where you can processes single row of emp , make comparisons, calculations etc,
    once you close the cursor this area is released and can be used by another cursor,
    the basic query processing rules remains the same,

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    Could anyone help me for my doubt in the SAP CRM.
    When have a Two systems SAP CRM and ECC, If we create a role in CRM (Eg. Employee) how this role is transfered to ECC ?

    Go to, Select "SAP Best Practices" instead of "SAP Documentation" on top.
    Hope this helps.

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    Don't you think if there was a solution, one of those 440 people would have suggested one.
    You could write your own extension to integrate Anychart (whatever that is ), but if you have sophisticated reporting requirements you would be better off looking for a proper reporting tool.

Maybe you are looking for

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