Azure instance number changes gives wrong status to the java tomcat app

The documentation of microsoft says ( )
you receive a changing and a changed event when the instance number is changed.
In real live i see a changing, a changed and a stopping event.
After that my java application doesn't run the contextDestroyed, but does run the contextInitialized again.
I don't call the cancel methode on the changing event. So a stopping event is unexpected.
So why does i receive a stopping event? Is this a bug? And while i received a stopping event the server didn't preform a reboot, but my java app contextInitialized is called again? So why is that?
Any inside is appreciated?

Hi sir,
For this issue, I recommend you can refer to this blog:
When you received the onstopping event, the cloud service ILB could stop dispatch the request to this instance. And your instance may have 5 min to handler the uncompleted processor. And I wondered know how to code in your onstop() method in your project.
If your onstop method is canceled, you maybe not receive the instance reboot.
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    oidldap01s1304.log- OpName=search, duplicate while inserting in Hash Table.
    My comment on that snippet is a duplicate what? and what the hell hash table is it trying to use? The info isn't helpful at all.
    odisrv02.log- port 389/profile grp 999: registration failure, config set 1 already being executed by instance 0
    odisrv01.log- port 636/profile default: config set 0 already being executed by instance 2.
    oidmon.log - retry counts exceeded are listed for both odisrv01 and 02
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    any ideas how to make sense of this mess oracle developed?

    There are two configsets by default. Configset 1 is
    for synchronization and Configset 0 is used by
    provisioning (again, these are default settings).
    You cannot have two odisrv (Provisioning and Synch)
    with the same instance #.
    So, instance 1 could be Provisioning and instance 2
    could be Synch.
    Have you setup your synchronization mapping files?
    I would suggest you use the DIPTester utility to
    setup the synch. It might also be helpful to post the
    commands and the odisrv* logs (not the full dump, but
    the last snippet).Well I was trying to use ConfigSet 1 for synchronization but it either wouldn't let me because of how it is designed or I had screwed it up at that point since I didn't know what numbers to use for anything and it prevented me from using Set1 because of that. In the end I created a ConfigSet 2 and was able to get another instance of ODISRV running with that. That finally got the sync working on a scheduled basis. I'm now trying to get SSO working between OID and ADS and it seems that OID is too stupid to know that a user exists. I log onto the Windows PC into the domain and attempt to go to and login and I get an authorization denied message.
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    ANy ideas on that issue?

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