B1if db unexplained growth

New install of SAP 8.81.
4 companies installed: SBODemoUS, a renamed copy of SBODemoUS for report building, new company to hold live data with hardly anything in it, copy of same for testing. Only two active users, me in the reports db and client adding setup data to live system.
B1if grows at over a gig a day.
What could it be doing?

TRY following procedure
1)Monitoring->B1 Event Monitor->Switch the log off. Now press delete all button. To clear all the logs.
It is recommended that the B1 Event Monitor is turned on only when debugging& analyzing specific issues. During normal usage, you should switch the B1 Event Monitor off:
2)Maintenance->Cfg Msglog->Click on Manual Delete and provide the appropriate input and press Delete.
3)B1if is handling the message log deletion automatically on the daily bases (B1if -> Maintenance -> Cfg MsgLog -> Daily deletion button). By default it#s set to 23.00. It means the server needs to be up at this time. This value can be set according the customer#s requirement and here you can find more option regarding the message log settings as well. (Kindly check whether Backup buffer(days) is set to 0, if yes check by changing it to 1)
4)Schedule an immediate Transaction-Log Garbage Collect (B1if #> Control Center #> Maintenance #> Schedule TLog GC #> Submit)
5)Open Integration Framework->Control Center->Maintenance->tlog delete->Select the Execution status as "Completed"->submit. Wait for the process to complete.
6)Now restart the Integration service.
The above steps should keep the database size in check.
(B1if -> Maintenance -> Cfg MsgLog -> Daily deletion button) can be used to schedule the message log deletion.
check note:
1873607 - B1iF_Integration framework database is growing fast
Refer to SAP Note 1873559

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    is there a way to delete all Messages from the B1-Event-Monitor.
    Now we have:
    ... But when I try the "Delete All" Function nothing happend, and the Browser hang.
    I found this post.B1if db unexplained growth.. and followed all steps.
    1)Monitoring->B1 Event Monitor->Switch the log off. Now press delete all button. To clear all the logs.
    It is recommended that the B1 Event Monitor is turned on only when debugging& analyzing specific issues. During normal usage, you should switch the B1 Event Monitor off:
    2)Maintenance->Cfg Msglog->Click on Manual Delete and provide the appropriate input and press Delete.
    3)B1if is handling the message log deletion automatically on the daily bases (B1if -> Maintenance -> Cfg MsgLog -> Daily deletion button). By default it#s set to 23.00. It means the server needs to be up at this time. This value can be set according the customer#s requirement and here you can find more option regarding the message log settings as well. (Kindly check whether Backup buffer(days) is set to 0, if yes check by changing it to 1)
    4)Schedule an immediate Transaction-Log Garbage Collect (B1if #> Control Center #> Maintenance #> Schedule TLog GC #> Submit)
    5)Open Integration Framework->Control Center->Maintenance->tlog delete->Select the Execution status as "Completed"->submit. Wait for the process to complete.
    6)Now restart the Integration service.
    Messages are still in the B1-Event-Monitor.
    I think our mistake was the LOG-Level ON during all the time.. the daily deletion I switched to 03:00 with 1 day Buffer
    Thank you for an Idea.
    SAP B1 9.0 PL 12
    B1-Integration PL15 = .1.20.8

    You Can use DB Purge tools.
    May be it will help you for deleting those data.
    You can also view this thread.

  • Unexplained .pag file growth

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    I noticed the same problem with our databases, so I started nightly exports, clear-downs, imports and calcs to reduce the size back (and improve the calc times as well). The problem involves the retention of redundant data. If you have committed access on, your database can double its size as it keeps old blocks. I solved this problem on our larger databases by switching to uncommitted access and depending on the block size, set the number of commit blocks to 100,000 for small blocks or 10,000 for large blocks. This way the database only retains 10,000 or 100,000 redundant blocks and so keeps the number of page files down.However, we still need the cleanup to help the calc times.

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    In message log in b1if can't see any log(Success,Failure,Processing,Filtered).
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Please check on event sender setup.
    Have you click on "Create Complete Journal Entry Events" on 4th step of Event sender in Event Filter option ?

  • B1iF File to Sales Order Scenario

    Good day all,
    Does anyone have scenario steps or templates to create the following scenario in B1iF:
    - Incoming .txt file must be transformed using Regular Expressions
    - Resulting file must be processed into a Sales Order in SAP Business One.
    I have tried a simple scenario that picks up a .xml file and create a Business Partner in SAP Business One just to gain some understanding about how the scenario packages work, but, I'm afraid, without much success.
    When I drop the file in the IN folder, it gets picked up, but is then filtered out with the following result message:
    no scenario step (vBIU) associated for this step for the incoming system (SysId)
    Any guidence to in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
    Kind regards,

    Hi Experts
    SAP Version = 8.81 Pl08
    I need your help , after i upgraded my B1if framework to higher version i get this error  as shown below( we don't have any customization) all is standard SAP packages.
    The Error: Server Side cannot respond your request (no scenario step (vBIU) associated for this step for the incoming system (SYSID)[0009].
    what has gone wrong.
    Thank you best Regards

  • B1 Item to B1 Item scenario on B1if 8.8

    Hi there. I'm trying to develop a very simple task with b1if. My target is to get a B1 to B1 consolidation of Items. Any time a item is created or changed, it will be reflected in others sbo companies. So far, I've got a simple scenario with just one final atom transformation. If my final atom is like that:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:b1e="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:b1event" xmlns:b1ie="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:b1ievent" xmlns:bfa="urn:com.sap.b1i.bizprocessor:bizatoms" xmlns:jdbc="urn:com.sap.b1i.adapter:jdbcadapter" xmlns:rfc="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions" xmlns:sim="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity" xmlns:utils2="com.sap.b1i.bpc_tools.Utilities" xmlns:vpf="urn:com.sap.b1i.vplatform:entity" xmlns:xci="urn:com.sap.b1i.xcellerator:intdoc" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0" bfa:force="" vpf:force="" jdbc:force="" rfc:force="" b1ie:force="" b1e:force="" xci:force="" sim:force="" utils2:force="">
         <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
         <xsl:param name="atom"/>
         <xsl:param name="sessionid"/>
         <xsl:variable name="msg" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Body/vpf:Payload[./@Role=&apos;S&apos;]"/>
         <xsl:variable name="vpSender" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header/vpf:Sender/@Id"/>
         <xsl:variable name="vpObject" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header/vpf:Sender/@ObjId"/>
         <xsl:variable name="vpReceiver" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header/vpf:ReceiverList/vpf:Receiver[./@handover=&apos;P&apos;]/@Id"/>
         <xsl:template match="/">
              <Msg xmlns="urn:com.sap.b1i.vplatform:entity">
                   <xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:Msg/@*"/>
                   <xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header"/>
                        <xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Body/*"/>
                        <Payload Role="R" id="{$atom}">
                             <xsl:call-template name="transform"/>
         <xsl:template name="transform">
              <xsl:attribute name="pltype">xml</xsl:attribute>
    With this atom, item test 1151 it is created properly. Problems come to me when I try to get data from the inbound process. Changing my xls file to the next way system gives an error ." Item no. is missing".
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:b1e="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:b1event" xmlns:b1ie="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:b1ievent" xmlns:bfa="urn:com.sap.b1i.bizprocessor:bizatoms" xmlns:jdbc="urn:com.sap.b1i.adapter:jdbcadapter" xmlns:rfc="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions" xmlns:sim="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity" xmlns:utils2="com.sap.b1i.bpc_tools.Utilities" xmlns:vpf="urn:com.sap.b1i.vplatform:entity" xmlns:xci="urn:com.sap.b1i.xcellerator:intdoc" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0" bfa:force="" vpf:force="" jdbc:force="" rfc:force="" b1ie:force="" b1e:force="" xci:force="" sim:force="" utils2:force="">
         <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
         <xsl:param name="atom"/>
         <xsl:param name="sessionid"/>
         <xsl:variable name="msg" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Body/vpf:Payload[./@Role=&apos;S&apos;]"/>
         <xsl:variable name="vpSender" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header/vpf:Sender/@Id"/>
         <xsl:variable name="vpObject" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header/vpf:Sender/@ObjId"/>
         <xsl:variable name="vpReceiver" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header/vpf:ReceiverList/vpf:Receiver[./@handover=&apos;P&apos;]/@Id"/>
         <xsl:template match="/">
              <Msg xmlns="urn:com.sap.b1i.vplatform:entity">
                   <xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:Msg/@*"/>
                   <xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header"/>
                        <xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Body/*"/>
                        <Payload Role="R" id="{$atom}">
                             <xsl:call-template name="transform"/>
         <xsl:template name="transform">
              <xsl:attribute name="pltype">xml</xsl:attribute>
                                  <ItemCode><xsl:value-of select = "$msg/BOM/BO/OITM/row/ItemCode"/></ItemCode>
                                  <ItemName><xsl:value-of select = "$msg/BOM/BO/OITM/row/ItemName"/></ItemName>
                                  <ItmsGrpCod><xsl:value-of select = "$msg/BOM/BO/OITM/row/ItmsGrpCod"/></ItmsGrpCod>
                                  <VatGourpSa><xsl:value-of select = "$msg/BOM/BO/OITM/row/VatGourpSa"/></VatGourpSa>
    Does anyone knows how to get this code working? I don't know what is wrong. This is a simple task and I'm tracked!
    Thanks so much.

    Hello Jose,
    This is not quite correct. I correct it for you.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:b1e="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:b1event" xmlns:b1ie="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:b1ievent" xmlns:bfa="urn:com.sap.b1i.bizprocessor:bizatoms" xmlns:jdbc="urn:com.sap.b1i.adapter:jdbcadapter" xmlns:rfc="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions" xmlns:sim="urn:com.sap.b1i.sim:entity" xmlns:utils2="com.sap.b1i.bpc_tools.Utilities" xmlns:vpf="urn:com.sap.b1i.vplatform:entity" xmlns:xci="urn:com.sap.b1i.xcellerator:intdoc" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0" bfa:force="" vpf:force="" jdbc:force="" rfc:force="" b1ie:force="" b1e:force="" xci:force="" sim:force="" utils2:force="">
         <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
         <xsl:param name="atom"/>
         <xsl:param name="sessionid"/>
         <xsl:variable name="msg" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Body/vpf:Payload[./@Role=&apos;S&apos;]"/>
         <xsl:variable name="vpSender" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header/vpf:Sender/@Id"/>
         <xsl:variable name="vpObject" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header/vpf:Sender/@ObjId"/>
         <xsl:variable name="vpReceiver" select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header/vpf:ReceiverList/vpf:Receiver[./@handover=&apos;P&apos;]/@Id"/>
         <xsl:template match="/">
              <Msg xmlns="urn:com.sap.b1i.vplatform:entity">
                   <xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:Msg/@*"/>
                   <xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Header"/>
                        <xsl:copy-of select="/vpf:Msg/vpf:Body/*"/>
                        <Payload Role="R" id="{$atom}">
                             <xsl:call-template name="transform"/>
         <xsl:template name="transform">
              <xsl:attribute name="pltype">xml</xsl:attribute>
              <BOM xmlns="">
                                  <xsl:value-of select="$msg/BOM/BO/Items/row/ItemCode"/>
                                       <xsl:value-of select="$msg/BOM/BO/Items/row/ItemCode"/>
                                       <xsl:value-of select="$msg/BOM/BO/Items/row/ItemName"/>
                                       <xsl:value-of select="$msg/BOM/BO/Items/row/ItemsGroupCode"/>
    So it must be work.
    Best regards,
    Edited by: Rosenberger Selina on Nov 24, 2011 11:36 AM

  • Cannot connect Ipad and B1IF via HTTPS (B1 8.81 PL4)

    I have installed sap business one 8.81 PL4 on a windows 7 x64 with integration services (AKA B1if) to access by iPad.
    I follow the installation manual to access by https required by 8.81 but, when starting the application on iPad, after inserting password, the appllication remains in stand by waiting the server connection.
    The same configuration on sap business one 8.8 PL 20 without https works properly.

    Same Problem here.
    the B1AuthLog says
    Execution Status: Cancelled
    Level  SEVERE
    Logger com.sap.b1i.xcellerator
    Class/Method com.sap.b1i.bizprocessor.BizProcException, dumpBPEx
    Thread 96
    com.sap.b1i.bizprocessor.BizProcException: BPE001 Nested exception: com.sap.b1i.utilities.UtilException: UTE001 Nested exception: com.sap.engine.lib.xml.util.NestedException:  -> com.sap.engine.lib.xml.util.NestedException: Exception while sending warning. in 'document' - function -> javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: java.io.IOException
    Maybe it isnt important but i even cant see the server adress inputfield in the B1 cockpit settings but i can see the dashboard widged ?!

  • Problems with Customer Service AND unexplained charges!

    I've been with Verizon for I-don't-know-how-many years, and through the years you are bound to have a few problems here and there but some of the problems are just ridiculous! It's also the same reocurring problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was with Alltel first, before it was bought out by Verizon. The years I was with Alltel, I didn't have near as many problems. It seems EVERY time I do the smallest change or something to my phone or bill, I get a ridiculous amount of charges that I was NOT aware of, nor told about... EVEN IF I ask "So this isn't going to change my bill, or there will not be any unexpected/unexplained charges that I don't know about?"... BUT not matter how many times I ask... and NO matter how many times I am told "no"... there always is. For example.... last year, I updated and signed a new 2 year contract and purchased the first Driod. Before, my 30 day warranty was up, I was having problems with my Driod, and decided to send it in and get a new one. Before I did this.. I called customer service to make sure there would be no interuption in my bill, and there wouldn't be any unexpect charges, and there would be no difference in anything. I was told there was not, and once I recieved my new phone, just send it in and nothing would be changed. Of course, when I get my bill.. I see I was charged $500 for the new phone. It was explained to me that my credit card was reimbursed (which I never check that card, because I never used it expect to purchase the phone) and that I was recharged for the new phone, since it was a new phone. So I had to fork out the $500 (on top of my bill) and then wait months to get the $100 rebate card. Months after that, I "assumed liablity of my line" because I was on a plan with my family. I decided to have my own line, so I "assumed liability." I was not told that when I did that, I "renewed" my contract date. So I just added 6 more months to my 2 year contract. Was NOT told about that! Then again...... I was recently having problems with my Driod (the screen went black and would not come back on.) I had to turn on an OLD motorola razor, so I would not be without a phone for two days while I was waiting on my phone to come in. As soon as my phone came in, I had my Droid turned back on. I recieved my bill recently, and my bill was $200 over what it normally should be.... so I called in... apparently, when I had my phone replaced, they dropped off my data package and when I recieved my replacement driod, they never put it back on. So I was being charged for alllll my data usage... again I was NOT told about this. I wasn't even aware that they had dropped off my data package, and when/where did they get the authority to do that??? These are just a FEW of the problems that I have had.................................
    Does anyone have these reoccuring problems!?

    I understand that my bill can be viewed online, and I do view it fairly regularly, so if there are any unexplained charges, I can call Verizon asap. The problem does not come from me not understanding my bill, but from customer service. I have been with Verizon for a very long time, and it is a continuing problem. Where did Verizon get the 'OK' to drop my data package off my plan? Who authorized that?
    After calling Verizon and trying to find out the problem, the gentleman told me that when I activated on old phone while I was waiting on my new Droid to arrive, my data package was dropped off and I "should" have been told about that. When I reactiviated my new Droid, I "should" have called and had them restart my data package. I was not aware that when you activate an old phone that data plan is taken off your plan. In all my years of having cell phones, I never make two years with one phone. I have always, at one point, had to turn on an old phone, and my data package has NEVER changed. Why would I have my data package dropped and why would I have to call Verizon to have it restarted. I would never know to do that unless I was TOLD that my data packaged HAD to be re-added when I recieved my new phone, but I was never told of that.
    All of that is beside the point, the point is, Verizon was never given the authorization to change my plan. Never. My bill was taken care of and readjusted, and I am thankful for that. It does not change the fact it is always a hassle with Verizon Customer Service and I am always the one having to PROVE that I am not at fault, or that I was NEVER told of certian things. EVERY TIME I HAVE CALLED CUSTOMER SERVICE, I AM TOLD "I'M SORRY, THEY SHOULD HAVE TOLD YOU THAT."
    "they should" does not help my bill with the extra armount of charges.

  • CO table growth rate

    We have gone line with SAP ECC for retail scenario recently. Our database is growing 3 GB per day which includes both data and index growth.
    Modules configured:
    SD (Retail), MM, HR and FI/CO.
    COPA is configured for reporting purpose to find article wise sales details per day and COPA summarization has not been done.
    Total sales order created per day on an average: 4000
    Total line items of sales order on an average per day: 25000
    Total purchase order created per day on an avearage: 1000
    Please suggest whether database growth of 3 GB per day is normal for our scenario or should we do something to restrict the database growth.
    Fastest Growing tables are,
    CE11000     Operating Concern fo
    CE31000     Operating Concern fo
    ACCTIT     Compressed Data from FI/CO Document
    BSIS     Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts
    GLPCA     EC-PCA: Actual Line Items
    FAGLFLEXA      General Ledger: Actual Line Items
    VBFA     Sales Document Flow
    RFBLG     Cluster for accounting document
    FAGL_SPLINFO     Splittling Information of Open Items
    S120     Sales as per receipts
    MSEG     Document Segment: Article
    VBRP     Billing Document: Item Data
    ACCTCR     Compressed Data from FI/CO Document - Currencies
    CE41000_ACCT     Operating Concern fo
    S033     Statistics: Movements for Current Stock (Individual Records)
    EDIDS     Status Record (IDoc)
    CKMI1     Index for Accounting Documents for Article
    LIPS     SD document: Delivery: Item data
    VBOX     SD Document: Billing Document: Rebate Index
    VBPA     Sales Document: Partner
    BSAS     Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts (Cleared Items)
    BKPF     Accounting Document Header
    FAGL_SPLINFO_VAL     Splitting Information of Open Item Values
    VBAP     Sales Document: Item Data
    KOCLU     Cluster for conditions in purchasing and sales
    COEP     CO Object: Line Items (by Period)
    S003     SIS: SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/District/Customer/Product
    S124     Customer / article
    SRRELROLES     Object Relationship Service: Roles
    S001     SIS: Customer Statistics
    Is there anyway we can reduce the datagrowth without affecting the functionalities configured?
    Is COPA summarization configuration will help reducing the size of the FI/CO tables growth?

    user480060 wrote:
    Dear all,
    Oracle 9.2 on AIX 5.3
    In one of our database, one table has a very fast growth rate.
    How can I check if the table growth is normal or not.
    Please advice
    The question is, what is a "very fast growth rate"?
    What are the DDL of the table resp. the data types that the table uses?
    One potential issue could be the way the table is populated: If you constantly insert into the table using a direct-path insert (APPEND hint) and subsequently delete rows then your table will grow faster than required because the deleted rows won't be reused by the direct-path insert because it always writes above the current high-water mark of your table.
    May be you want to check your application for such an case if you think that the table grows faster than the actual amount of data it contains.
    You could use the ANALYZE command to get information about empty blocks and average free space in the blocks or use the procedures provided by DBMS_SPACE package to find out more about the current usage of your segment.
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):

  • The growth of the internet routing table + LISP

    I have been challenged with the task of putting together a 15-20 minute presentation of how I might go about solving the problem of the growth of the internet routing table.
    If I am understanding the question correctly - as the internet grows so will the number of IPv4 and (moreso) IPv6 prefixes that appear in the global internet routing table. This will mean that the PE and P routers in a Service Provider network will find themselves having to deal with more prefixes that will in turn increase the possibility of bogons interferring with proper routing and increase the load on the routers themselves.
    Besides being a very open ended question, I am trying to look at it from the perspective of a Service Provider (whom I work for) and have come up with the following options (admittedly this is only after a quick google on the topic):
    > Improvise in the short term by adjusting CAM table allocation
    > Use selective hearing by filtering prefixes that are not important
    > Use external assistance like LISP and DNS
    > Spend Money and upgrading existing routers to handle the load
    Obviously with only a 20 minute window I cannot talk about much and I would like the options to be innnovative and interesting. LISP seems like an interesting option and I would like to learn about it - however I am having trouble tracking down resources that give a basic introduction to exactly what and how LISP works (every time I try and search for it a get pushed to sites talking about the programming language ).
    So this leads me to two questions:
    1. Is there anything important, vital or interesting that I have not included in my quickly put together list above.
    2. Is anyone aware for a good site/resource that explains LISP from a beginners/tutorial-type perspective.

    I have been challenged with the task of putting together a 15-20 minute presentation of how I might go about solving the problem of the growth of the internet routing table.
    If I am understanding the question correctly - as the internet grows so will the number of IPv4 and (moreso) IPv6 prefixes that appear in the global internet routing table. This will mean that the PE and P routers in a Service Provider network will find themselves having to deal with more prefixes that will in turn increase the possibility of bogons interferring with proper routing and increase the load on the routers themselves.
    Besides being a very open ended question, I am trying to look at it from the perspective of a Service Provider (whom I work for) and have come up with the following options (admittedly this is only after a quick google on the topic):
    > Improvise in the short term by adjusting CAM table allocation
    > Use selective hearing by filtering prefixes that are not important
    > Use external assistance like LISP and DNS
    > Spend Money and upgrading existing routers to handle the load
    Obviously with only a 20 minute window I cannot talk about much and I would like the options to be innnovative and interesting. LISP seems like an interesting option and I would like to learn about it - however I am having trouble tracking down resources that give a basic introduction to exactly what and how LISP works (every time I try and search for it a get pushed to sites talking about the programming language ).
    So this leads me to two questions:
    1. Is there anything important, vital or interesting that I have not included in my quickly put together list above.
    2. Is anyone aware for a good site/resource that explains LISP from a beginners/tutorial-type perspective.

  • Amount of data sent is unexplainable

    I am using an iphone 4 and the amount of data sent by the phone in the background is unexplainable and it costs me alot. It happens even if I am not browsing on the internet or downloading anything. I there a way to restrict this? What data is sent in the background?

    Have you tried double-clicking the home button and closing all the apps that use an Internet connection? Also, your preferences for Mail might have it checking and downloading automatically.
    I once started a live CNN video feed on Wi-fi, then pressed the home button, put my phone to sleep and went somewhere. That night, I'd used 480 MB in one day - it was still streaming it in the background!

  • Report from Grid Control:Monthly Growth of each database in Single Report

    Hi,I want to make the report from Grid Control for Monthly Growth of each Database for Capacity planning
    I can See under Report->Storage->Oracle Database Tablespace Monthly Space Usage
    But this is only for once database and I want to include all the database in single report that too with limited INfo
    Want the format something like..just wanted to make you guys
    Database     Actual Size on 1st     Actual Size on 30th     INcrease in Size
    Something close to above format will do...

    Hi Thanx for the reply
    But Which Tablespace Metric You are talking about?I can See 5-6 Tablespace Metric and infact I dont want the data at the tablespace level and I want the total size of the database and growth in last month as shown in ' Oracle Database Tablespace Monthly Space Usage '.
    But Thanx again for the reply

  • Report from Grid Control:Monthly Growth of Each Database on Single Report

    Hi,I want to make the report from Grid Control for Monthly Growth of each Database for Capacity planning
    I can See under Report->Storage->Oracle Database Tablespace Monthly Space Usage
    But this is only for once database and I want to include all the database in single report that too with limited INfo
    Want the format something like..just wanted to make you guys
    Database     Actual Size on 1st     Actual Size on 30th     INcrease in Size
    Something close to above format will do...

    Hi Thanx for the reply
    But Which Tablespace Metric You are talking about?I can See 5-6 Tablespace Metric and infact I dont want the data at the tablespace level and I want the total size of the database and growth in last month as shown in ' Oracle Database Tablespace Monthly Space Usage '.
    But Thanx again for the reply

  • How to create ONE graph with a growth trend ($ and %)?

    I would like to create a graph with a growth trend.
    The graph should have figures on one side reflecting $ values and on the other % growth.
    I cannot make a trend on the same graph and usually spend ages adding another graph to show the trend. I end up making 2 graphs instead of one.
    Please refer to the following really basic graph that will give you an idea.
    ex : http://www.tellurideareahomes.com/images/graph1.jpg
    Can anyone show how to do that?

    What you want requires a bit of trickery.
    Chart the bar graph
    Chart the trend
    then move the trend one above the bar one after setting its background to none.
    If this workaround is not OK for you,
    _Go to "Provide Numbers Feedback" in the "Numbers" menu_, describe what you wish.
    Then, cross your fingers, and wait _at least_ for iWork'09 (possibly for iWork '99)
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mercredi 19 novembre 2008 11:18:45)

  • Is there a way to generate the growth trend report in EM or using SQL

    I want to have some sort of tool to generate the growth trend of the database.
    I have tried
    col TIMEPOINT format a30
    select * from table(dbms_space.OBJECT_GROWTH_TREND ('&Schema','&TABLE_NAME','TABLE'));
    but above is only for one table and it do not show much old data like last year or how the table will look like next year or 3 months later.
    I believe Enterprise manager or Grid Control will have something to serve my purpose which I am not aware of.
    Once again my question is:
    We have databases (9, 10, 11) which are there from years and want to know that how it have grown and how it will grow in future. It will be good if we have more granularity in the tool. If there is any external tool Non Oracle then let me know as well.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: Harvey on Jan 14, 2011 10:33 AM
    Edited by: Harvey on Jan 14, 2011 3:26 PM

    Hey guys .. i was researching trying to find information about some kind of growth analysis reporting tool and since i couldn't find anything that i like i created some Unix scripts that send automated reports showing growth analysis graphics. I use Chart apis from Google to generate the graphics on the client side. Check it out.
    The script will load the data in a daily basis and send the report at the end. The space needed is about 512M depending on the amount of objects and it's stored in a tablespace defined during the configuration of the process.

Maybe you are looking for

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