Back button on quiz keeps appearing?

I get this back button which keeps appearing on my quiz slides. I delete it off, then it appears again when I re-open the file.
Any ideas how to get rid of it without having to go through each slide and deleting one by one? Becuase this doesnt appear to be working.

Please, do not delete that button on the slides, but deactivate Back in the Quiz Preferences. Uncheck 'Allow Backward Movement' in Quiz, Quiz Preferences, Settings.

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  • In IPhone Apps crash when press back buton . When press back back button Last class is appeared slightly slighly ash, with no error or warning .

    I am developing apps on for 4.1 and on Xcode3.2. My Apps crash when press back buton . When press back back button Last class is appeared slightly than crash, with no error or warning ....Here are the code....crash on Back Funtion
    #import "TransactionSummaryDetailViewController.h"
    #import "TransactionSummaryData.h"
    #import "Constant.h"
    #import "DataBase.h";
    #import "Common.h"
    #import "YPCardHolderServiceService.h"
    #import "SelectionScreenViewController.h"
    @implementation TransactionSummaryDetailViewController
    @synthesize table,cardReference;
    @synthesize waitIndicator,transactionsummary,keyArray,valueArray,isSummaryAvailable;
    @synthesize startDate,endDate;
    // The designated initializer.  Override if you create the controller programmatically and want to perform customization that is not appropriate for viewDidLoad.
    - (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil {
        if (self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil]) {
            // Custom initialization
        return self;
        if(transactionsummary.cardholdernmae !=nil){
            [keyArray addObject:@"Card Holder Name: "];
            [valueArray addObject:transactionsummary.cardholdernmae];
            [keyArray addObject:@"Card Number: "];
            [valueArray addObject:transactionsummary.cardnumber];
        if(transactionsummary.debittransactioncount != nil){
            [keyArray addObject:@"Debit Tx. Count: "];
            [valueArray addObject:transactionsummary.debittransactioncount];
            [keyArray addObject:@"Debit Tx. Value"];
            [valueArray addObject:transactionsummary.debittransactionvalue];
            [keyArray addObject:@"Credit Tx. Count: "];
            [valueArray addObject:transactionsummary.credittransactioncount];
            [keyArray addObject:@"Credit Tx. Value: "];
            [valueArray addObject:transactionsummary.credittransactionvalue];
    // Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
    - (void)viewDidLoad {
        appDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate];
        keyArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
        valueArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
        [self getrowcount];
        NSLog(@"Key Array Count is %d",[keyArray count]);
        [table setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
        [table setSeparatorColor:TableViewCellSeperatorColor];
        [waitIndicator setHidden:YES];
        [self setTitle:@"Summary Details"];
        UIButton *button =  [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
        [button setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"list.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
        [button addTarget:self action:@selector(BacktoView) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
        [button setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 76, 44)];
        self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:button];
            if([Common isNetworkAvailable])
                [waitIndicator startAnimating];
                YPCardHolderServiceService *services = [[YPCardHolderServiceService alloc] init];
                YPTransactionsSummaryRequest *summaryRequest = [[YPTransactionsSummaryRequest alloc] init];
                summaryRequest.SC = appDelegate.SC;
                summaryRequest.userName = appDelegate.userName;
                summaryRequest.valid =TRUE;
                summaryRequest.cardReference =[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",cardReference];
                NSLog(@"Start Date Is %@ and End Date is %@",startDate,endDate);
                summaryRequest.startDate = startDate;
                summaryRequest.endDate = endDate;
                summaryRequest.applicationType = @"M";
                [services getTransactionsSummary:self action:@selector(getTransactionsSummaryHandlers:) transactionsSummaryRequest:summaryRequest];
                [summaryRequest release];
                [services release];
        [super viewDidLoad];
    //Handle the Response of getTransactionsSummary
    -(void)getTransactionsSummaryHandlers:(id) value
        [waitIndicator stopAnimating];
        // Handle errors
        if([value isKindOfClass:[NSError class]]) {
            NSLog(@"%@", value);
        // Handle faults
        if([value isKindOfClass:[SoapFault class]]) {
            NSLog(@"%@", value);
        // Do something with the YPLoginResponse* result
        YPTransactionsSummaryResponse* result = (YPTransactionsSummaryResponse*)value;
        if(result.statusCode == 0)
            NSLog(@"Number of Transaction is =%d",[result.transactionSummaryList count]);
            NSLog(@"Step 1 ='%@'",appDelegate.userID);
            NSString *deleteQuery = @"delete from TransactionSummary where userid = ";
            NSLog(@"Step 1 ='%@'",appDelegate.userID);
            deleteQuery = [deleteQuery stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ and cardreference = '%@'",appDelegate.userID,cardReference]];
            NSLog(@"delete query= '%@'",deleteQuery);
            [DataBase deleteDataFromTable:deleteQuery];
            NSLog(@"delete query= '%@'",deleteQuery);
            //for (int i =0; i< [result.transactionSummaryList count]; i++)
            for (int i =0; i< [result.transactionSummaryList count] -2; i++)
                NSLog(@"for loop= %d",i);
                YPTransactionSummaryDetails *transactionSummary = (YPTransactionSummaryDetails*)[result.transactionSummaryList objectAtIndex:i];
                NSLog(@"cardholdername= '%@'",transactionSummary.cardholderName);
                /*NSString *insertQuery = @"Insert into TransactionSummary(cardholdername,cardnumber,debittransactioncount,debittransac tionvalue,credittransactioncount,credittransactionvalue,userid) values(";
                insertQuery =[insertQuery stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"'%@','xxxx xxxx xxxx %@',%d,%d,%d,%d,'%@',%@)",
                                                                   transactionSummary.cardholderName,transactionSummary.cardNumber,transactionSumm ary.debitTransactionCount,
                                                                   transactionSummary.debitTransactionValue,transactionSummary.creditTransactionCo unt,transactionSummary.creditTransactionValue,
                //Add by sarvesh
                NSString *insertQuery = @"Insert into TransactionSummary(cardholdername,cardnumber,debittransactioncount,debittransac tionvalue,credittransactioncount,credittransactionvalue,cardreference,userid) values(";
                insertQuery =[insertQuery stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"'%@','%@',%d,%d,%d,%d,'%@',%@)",
                                                                   transactionSummary.cardholderName,transactionSummary.cardNumber,transactionSumm ary.debitTransactionCount,
                                                                   transactionSummary.debitTransactionValue,transactionSummary.creditTransactionCo unt,transactionSummary.creditTransactionValue,cardReference,
                NSLog(@"Insert Query for Transaction Summary is %@",insertQuery);
                [DataBase InsertIntoTable:insertQuery];
            //Read Update Data From DataBase and Refresh Table
                NSString *query = @"Select * from TransactionSummary where userid = ";
                query = [query stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ and cardreference = '%@'",appDelegate.userID,cardReference]];
            NSLog(@"select query= %@",query);
                NSMutableArray *temp=[DataBase getTransactionSummaryTableData:query];
                if([temp count] > 0)
                    transactionsummary = (TransactionSummaryData*)[temp objectAtIndex:0];
                    [keyArray removeAllObjects];
                    [valueArray removeAllObjects];
                [self getrowcount];
                [table reloadData];
        CGFloat navBarHeight = 50.0f;   
        CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0.0f, 20.0f, 320.0f, navBarHeight);
        [self.navigationController.navigationBar setFrame:frame];
        [super viewDidAppear:animated];
        NSLog(@"in back function..TrasactionSummaryDetail");
        SelectionScreenViewController *screenView=[[SelectionScreenViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"SelectionScreenViewController" bundle:nil];
        [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
        [screenView release];
    - (UITableViewCellEditingStyle)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
        return UITableViewCellEditingStyleNone;
    - (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView{
        return 1;
    - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
        return cellHeightForGroupedTable;
    - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section{
        if(section == 0)
            return [keyArray count];
            return 0;
    - (NSString *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView titleForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section{
        NSString *title = nil;
        switch (section){
            case 0:{
                //title = @"Summary Details";
        return title;
    - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section {
        if ([self tableView:tableView titleForHeaderInSection:section] != nil) {
            return tableHeaderHeight;
        else {
            // If no section header title, no section header needed
            return 0;
    - (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section {
        NSString *sectionTitle = [self tableView:tableView titleForHeaderInSection:section];
        if (sectionTitle == nil) {
            return nil;
        // Create label with section title
        UILabel *label = [[[UILabel alloc] init] autorelease];
        label.frame = CGRectMake(20, 6, 300, 30);
        label.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
        label.textColor = HeaderTextColor;
        label.shadowColor = HeaderTextShadowColor;
        label.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0.0, 1.0);
        label.font = HeaderTextFontSize;
        label.text = sectionTitle;
        // Create header view and add label as a subview
        UIView *view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320,60)];
        [view autorelease];
        [view addSubview:label];
        return view;
    - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
        UITableViewCell *cell = nil;
        NSString *cellIdentifier;
        cellIdentifier = @"SectionsTableIdentifier";
        int row = [indexPath row];
        CGRect nameLabelRect = CGRectMake(19 , 8, 240, 29);
        CGRect cardlabelRect = CGRectMake(19,31,240,15);
        UILabel *nameLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:nameLabelRect];
        UILabel *cardnumber = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:cardlabelRect];
        cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:cellIdentifier];
        if(cell == nil){
            cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero reuseIdentifier:cellIdentifier] autorelease];
        // Remove all subview from cell content view
        for (UIView *view in cell.contentView.subviews){
            [view removeFromSuperview];
         [cell setAccessoryType:UITableViewCellAccessoryNone];
        [nameLabel setTextColor:firstLabelFontColor];
        [nameLabel setFont:firstLabelFont];
        [nameLabel setFont:firstLabelFontSize];
         nameLabel.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentLeft;
         nameLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ : %@",[keyArray objectAtIndex:row],[valueArray objectAtIndex:row]];
         [cell.contentView addSubview: nameLabel];
         cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone;
        [cell setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
        [cell setBackgroundColor:TableViewCellColor];
        [nameLabel setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
        [cardnumber setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
        [cardnumber release];
        [nameLabel release];
        return cell;
    // Override to allow orientations other than the default portrait orientation.
    - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceO rientation {
        // Return YES for supported orientations
        return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);
    - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
        // Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview.
        [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
        // Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.
    - (void)viewDidUnload {
        // Release any retained subviews of the main view.
        // e.g. self.myOutlet = nil;
    - (void)dealloc {
        [table release];
        [waitIndicator release];
        [keyArray release];
        [valueArray release];
        [transactionsummary release];
        [super dealloc];

    This is the user-to-user tech support site.  For carrier issues go to the Dev forums.
    You might want to note that the current iOS is 4.3.3, and the current SDK is 4.3 and XCode 4.0.2

  • Create a back button in quiz

    Hi -
    I'm pretty new to Adobe Captivate but I need to create a quiz pretty quickly which I want to import to Flash.
    When clicking on a button in Flash I want the quiz to open up which works fine but as soon as I close the quiz
    I would like to go back to my main page. Can I create a button in Captivate which goes back to my main page?
    Thanks alot for your help.

    Hi Franni
    Sorry, but it isn't exactly clear what you hope to accomplish. You mention creating a Back button, but then mention importing the content to Flash. One might assume that you want the Back button to jump to some location inside Flash.
    Perhaps your question makes sense to someone experienced with Flash, but I'm going to guess it may not. Hopefully one of our "Flash savvy" folks will see this and offer comments.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
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    Captivate eBooks

  • UIX Controller - using the browser back button

    I'd like to understand more about the controller and what is going on behind the scenes when I hit the back button. It would appear that some form of page caching is taking place and I want to know if I can effectively get a refreshed version of a page (although in some cases it might be just some elements of a page). My application scenario is this:-
    Having done a search, I select a row from a results table and add it to a short list (similar to shopping cart) which is then displayed. My search results page i.e. the previous page has a link to the shortlist with its text attribute databound to a string generated when items are added to the shortlist '3 items shortlisted'. When I hit the back button I get the state of the page before I added my item to the shortlist so the description is wrong. Hitting the browser refresh button displays the correct link text. Anyway I can force this behaviour? Is this what I should be trying to do or is there some best practice technique that I can use? There are several instances where I want to do this sort of thing.
    Hope that makes sense

    In the Struts Framework, I have found code in the controller servlet, like this:
    * Render the HTTP headers to defeat browser caching if requested.
    * @param response The servlet response we are creating
    * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
    * @exception ServletException if a servlet exception occurs
    protected void processNoCache(HttpServletResponse response)
              throws IOException, ServletException
              if (!nocache)
              response.setHeader("Pragma", "No-cache");
              response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
              response.setDateHeader("Expires", 1);
    nocache is a boolean that gets initialized from a parameter specified in the web.xml!
    multiple header fields for all different web browsers.
    (how to set these header fields in JSP, over to someone else)
    I can not remember if, when the user uses the Back button to return to a page with these header fields, he gets a 'Page Expires' message, or if the browser will automagically refresh the page.
    (It might even be so that for example IE5 will refresh, and that IE6 will give the message)

  • Back button keeps appearing on Q slides

    I have captivate 5.0.  The back button keeps appearing on Q slides.  I believe it appears when I re-open a doc (and possibly when I save).  I delete it and it keeps reappearing.
    Any ideas on how to stop this?  I have a CBT with 12 questions and it's getting time consuming to delete it repeatedly.

    Hi micky.
    you're right, searching is ... inconsistent...
    I did have some success searching on this topic using "quiz back button" in google.  The first result is a post from lefthook77 which I think is the one lilybiri mentions.  But even clicking the google link doesn't take you directly to the thread, but gets you in the general area.
    On the search on the adobe forum I used "quiz back button" and it shows that same thread, 2nd one down.
    I tried the terms you used and I think "back button" was probably too general to give good results.  When I added 'quiz' as a search term that helped float that recent thread closer to the top.  Having said that, I really only had the success because I knew what I was looking for.  Backing into it like this was much easier than coming at it head on.
    as with any search process, there are nuances and subtle differences to the keywords and syntax between the different systems.

  • On the back button is the little drop down arrow completely gone, or is there a way I can I get it back. With the new Firefox I have to keep hitting back over and over again?

    Is the back button drop down arrow replaced by the little arrow next to the star on the bar?
    Maybe it didn't install correctly, I have Windows XP if that makes a difference. I know from the tour when the new one loaded there is supposed to be a bookmarks thing next to the new location for home but it's not on there either. It's still on my toolbar so I don't care enough to fix it so there is no need for anyone to address it, I just put the info in case it tells you something about it not installing properly.
    Sorry, it's not easy for older people to keep up with all the daily website changes, adding browser changes adds to the confusion. I hope my head doesn't explode one day. Thank you for the help.

    You can get the drop down list by either right-clicking on the back/forward buttons, or holding down the left button until the list appears.
    If you want the drop-down arrow you can add it with the Back/forward dropmarker add-on -

  • My back button does not work because the prior screen does not appear in the history.  I therefore must go back to the blue screen and reload safari.  Apple tech support could not help.  Can anyone else help?

    After I installed mountain lion my back button frequently does not work because the prior screen does not appear iunder History.  Apple tech support was not able to fix the problem.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

    lbryan1987 wrote:
    I dont want the button problem solved i need to know how to restore the phone without using that button or going into settings
    You don't in the condition it's in. You will either have to get the phone replaced by Apple or pay a 3rd party to repair it.
    there seriously should be more than two ways to solve this other wise apple is useless and we will never buy another apple product.
    Seriously? It's physically broken!

  • Youtube audio keeps playing after I hit back button.

    I've been having this issue on youtube when I hit the back button the audio from the video keeps playing, I've also noticed that it only seems to happen when the comment section gets stuck loading which is frequent even though I have a fast internet connection.

    why do repliers keep suggesting to disable protected mode and harfware acceleration when that clearlyisnt a solution to this problem. are you robots?

  • Is there a way to program a laptop key as a "back" button (so I can keep my cursor on a website page)?

    Is there a way to program a key as a "Back" button in Firefox so I can keep my cursor on the page?
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened

    Easiest would be to save a backup copy of the sessionstore.js file that stores the currently open tabs and windows and recently closed tabs and windows.
    You need to use this startup setting:
    *Tools > Options > General > Startup: When Firefox Starts: Show my windows and tabs from last time
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Show Folder

  • Every time I connect my iPhone 4s to iTunes on my Mac, it tries to set up my phone as a new one/restore from back up. I have it all set up already, but it keeps appearing. What do I need to do to stop this?

    Every time I connect my iPhone 4s to iTunes on my Mac, it tries to set up my phone as a new one/restore from back up. I have it all set up already, but it keeps appearing. What do I need to do to stop this?

    Hello there, deelish.
    A great Knowledge Base article that has some valid information is:
    iTunes: Specific update-and-restore error messages and advanced troubleshooting
    The pertinent section for you would be:
    Restore loop (being prompted to restore again after a restore successfully completes)
    Troubleshoot your USB connection. If the issue persists, out-of-date or incorrectly configured third-party security software may be causing this issue. Please follow Troubleshooting security software issues.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities!
    Pedro D.

  • HT201398 I'm unable to re-install Whatsapp as the iTune Store keeps appearing the terms and condition, once i click the iTune Store. While on the term T&C page, there's no button for proceed. Cant do anything. Has anyone experienced it ?

    I'm unable to re-install Whatsapp as the iTune Store keeps appearing the terms and condition, once i click the iTune Store. While on the term T&C page, there's no button for proceed. Cant do anything. Has anyone experienced it ?

    Hi umawi,
    I understand that you are trying to reinstall an app from the App Store, but you are unable to accept the new Terms and Conditions for using the App Store. I have a few suggestions for you that may help you resolve this issue. First, I would like to recommend that you restart your iPhone and then see if the issue persists:
    Restart or reset your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
    If the issue is still present, try clearing the Safari History and Website Data, which is explained in the following article:
    Safari web settings on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
    To clear your history and cookies from Safari in iOS 8, tap Settings > Safari > Clear History and Website Data. In iOS 7 or earlier, tap Clear History and tap Clear Cookies and Data.
    If it is necessary to take the above step and clear Safari information, you may want to restart the phone again before checking to see if the issue is cleared. Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities!

  • Firefox 4 was functioning well until two days ago. Browser will not open to my home page and tool bars do not appear. Was able to find toolbar but "back" button does not work. What changed?

    Firefox now opens to a blank page and the word Firefox appears in upper left hand corner in orange. It, apparently, contains a drop down menu. I can navigate from here but "back" button does not function in any website. How do I get it back to where it was previous to this change?

    You can change this if you don't mind peeking under the covers into Firefox's about:config preferences editor.
    (1) In a new tab, type or paste about:config in the address bar and press Enter. Click the button promising to be careful.
    (2) In the filter box, type or paste newtab and pause while the list is filtered
    (3) Double-click the browser.newtab.url preference and enter the desired value:
    (i) Page thumbnails (default)
    browser.newtab.url = about:newtab
    (ii) Blank tab
    browser.newtab.url = about:blank
    (iii) Built-in Firefox home page
    browser.newtab.url = about:home
    (iv) Any other page
    browser.newtab.url = full URL to the page
    Press Ctrl+t to open a new tab and verify that it worked. Fixed?

  • Randomized Quiz Questions in CP7: Back button goes forward

    I've checked my on enter and on exit fields. Not sure why, but my randomized quiz questions' back buttons go forward. Very odd. Is there a setting I should check?
    It is worth noting that the back button is clearly not the forward button... checked in properties.
    Also, I need the student to be able to reanswer this question until they get it right, at which time the question stays answered.

    Yes sir. Thanks for the reply, Rod. I was hoping you were on =)
    I buy pretty much all of your stuff... went through the whole troubleshooting guide.
    Just noticed that "Branch Aware" is on, and it is a linear lesson. Going to try turning that off.

  • Back button no longer works in some specific situations; also, it appears that clearing cache isn't working.

    The "back" button no longer works in certain specific situations on certain specific websites -- especially on the very website on which I need to use it very frequently. This has been going on for a couple of weeks.
    Also, I noticed today that the "clear cache now" command doesn't seem to be working. Formerly, when I cleared the cache, I had to re-login to those websites that normally "remember" my login (because clearing the cache erased that "memory") -- but today, after using the "clear cache now" command, those websites still "remember" my login, which leads me to believe the cache didn't get cleared. Is there any other way to check whether it got cleared?
    I was attempting to clear the cache in the faint hope that this might help the above "back" button problem, as no one has yet given me a solution for this that has worked. One person suggested having Firefox re-create the possibly damaged "places.sqlite" and "places.sqlite-journal" files. I tried this, but there was no change to the problem.
    I think this problem started around the time I had a few Firefox crashes while using YouTube and doing something else on the computer at the same time.
    I just today learned about the "crash signature" -- how to look it up, and to include it in a forum question. However, the crash log did not show these recent crashes, only some others from a few months ago. So, I'm unable to show the crash signature for this.
    I'm guessing there's a chance that upgrading to a newer version of Firefox might fix this problem -- but I hesitate to do that, because it occurs to me that it also may be possible that changing the program before fixing this might make it harder to fix. I don't have enough knowledge of this software to know which is more likely, and I don't like to try things at random, in ignorance of the possible results. Also, after reading today several other forum comments from people who are unhappy with their Firefox upgrades, I hesitate to upgrade for that reason, also.

    Websites remembering you and automatically log you in is stored in a cookie.<br />
    So you need to remove the cookies to make a website forget you.

  • Back button doesn't appear after going to a new web page but works from after that

    The back button and refresh button don't work when I start browsing in a new tab or a new window. For example, if I open a webpage in a new tab (or start a new session, etc):
    Open browser and go to (first web page)
    Click on any link (second web page)
    Can't click on back or refresh buttons (Greyed out)
    Click on any link again (third web page)
    Can click on back button to second web page but still won't go back to first web page (as if history of ever visiting the first web page isn't there)
    Does anyone have a similar problem or know how to solve it?
    I have also noticed that Firefox hangs sometimes, like when clicking on forget/delete this from history and disable/remove add-ons

    im not sure but maybe this helps. I was opening links with right mouse button at FF3.6 and second option was open in new tab but at FF4 this option at first order. If you use same way as like me. your new tabs are new windows so there is no back option or refresh.

Maybe you are looking for