Back out 9 and got my CD burner working again

After going through all the threads and not seeming to get anywhere, I finally got things working again. I had installed 9 and, of course, as with many of you, the CD burning stopped. I tried deinstalling, reinstalling, updating GEAR, etc, etc but no luck.
Finally, I did this (all based on a lot of different recommendations)...
I located the 8.2 download of iTunes using a Google search. I downloaded the installation routine to my hard drive but did not install it yet.
I deinstalled iTunes 9.01 and rebooted.
I did the cleanup of GEAR using this as a guide... 332-bit rebooting each time it said to.
I installed 8.2 and used a previous but very current .itf file to load my library (press the shift key when starting iTunes and hold it down until you get prompted to select or create a new library).
I did this and my first tests didn't burn anything. I realized I was reusing CD's that I have tried to burn to but that hadn't seemed to work. Evidently something was on them because when I used a fresh one today, it worked.
One thing... currently I have 8x selected as the speed of burning based on an earlier recommendation. I don't know if I need to have that selected of the 'max speed'. I'll test that next time I need to burn a CD.
Good luck!

I tried to burn another CD today. I reset the speed to 'Max possible' and it did not work. I changed it back to 8x, used another CD and this time it worked.
At least I can reliably burn CD's again.

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    Restore From Time Machine Backup
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    Having your device malfunction can certainly be frustrating. After reviewing your post, it sounds as though your device is experiencing multiple issues. I have located an article that can help with software issues. Have you attempted to restore the device to factory settings without restoring from a backup? Test the issue on a new installation, and make sure that it works. Then use the same article to restore from your backup to either verify it still works, or isolate the issue to the backup itself.
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    <key>blackReplace</key> <true/>
    <key>black</key> <integer>32</integer>
    <key>max</key> <integer>1023</integer>
    <key>white</key> <integer>1023</integer>
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    <real>-0.5540</real> <real>1.2938</real> <real>0.2909</real>
    <real>-0.1205</real> <real>0.1844</real> <real>0.8335</real>
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