Back reference for regular expressions on "Search & Replace".

Can't I reference a result from my Regular Expression used on "Search Clause" into my "Replace Clause"?
What I'm doing is:
Using JDev 10.1.3 DP,
Search Menu -> Replace in Files...
Select "Regular Expressions"
Text: (A[0-9]*?_)(.)
Replace with: $2 (reference to the second Parenthesis in the "Text" Field).
For example, in Java, I would so something like this:
"Dummy String".replaceAll("(D.*? )(S)", "$2");
Are there any other ways that I can just Search something and Replace for nothing? I need a simple "Search and Delete", you know?
If I don't do that and try to leave it blank, a warning comes up saying that the "Replace with" field cannot be blank.
Any sugestions?

Please, anyone?
Will I really have to delete 1200 occurrences by hand???

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    I'm not sure what you mean by "IP Community list", but here are 3 reference sites for Regular Expressions:
    Regular Expression Tutorial - Learn How to Use Regular Expressions
    Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet by DaveChild
    Regular Expressions Quick Reference

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    Hi ,
    I have a question on using Regular Expressions in Java(java.util.regex).
    Problem Description:
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              String ddurl="";
    String strHTML=" < img src=\"../images/logo.gif\" alt=\"Google logo\">";
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    Right, here's the full monte (whatever that means):import java.util.regex.*;
    public class Test1
      public static void main(String[] args)
        String domain = "";
        String strHTML =
          " < img src=\"images/logo.gif\" alt=\"Google logo\">\n" +
          " <img alt=\"Google logo\" src=images/logo.gif >\n" +
          " <IMG SRC=\"/images/logo.gif\" alt=\"Google logo\">\n" +
          " <img alt=\"Google logo\" src=../images/logo.gif>\n" +
          " <img src= alt=\"Yahoo logo\">";
        String regex =
          "(<\\s*img.+?src\\s*=\\s*)   # Capture preliminaries in $1.  \n" +
          "(?:                         # First look for URL in quotes. \n" +
          "   ([\"\'])                 #   Capture open quote in $2.   \n" +
          "   (?!http:)                #   If it isn't absolute...     \n" +
          "   /?(.+?)                  #    ...capture URL in $3       \n" +
          "   \\2                      #   Match the closing quote     \n" +
          " |                          # Look for non-quoted URL.      \n" +
          "   (?!http:)                #   If it isn't absolute...     \n" +
          "   /?([^\\s>]+)             #    ...capture URL in $4       \n" +
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.COMMENTS);
        Matcher m = p.matcher(strHTML);
        StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
        while (m.find())
          String relURL = != null ? :;
          m.appendReplacement(sbuf, "$1\"" + domain + relURL + "\"");
    }First off, observe that I'm using free-spacing (or "COMMENTS") mode to make the regex easier to read--all the whitespace and comments will be ignored by the Pattern compiler. I also used the CASE_INSENSITIVE flag instead of an embedded (?i), just to remove some clutter. By the way, your second (?i) was redundant; the first one would remain in effect until "turned off" with a (?-i). Another way to localize a flag's effect by using it within a non-capturing group, e.g., (?i:img).
    As jaylogan said, the best way to filter out absolute URL's is by using a negative lookahead, and that's what I've done here. The problem of optional quotes I addressed by trying to match first with quotes, then without. The all-in-one approach might work with URL's, since they can't (AFAIK) contain whitespace anyway, but the alternation method can be used to match any attribute/value pair. It's also, I feel, easier to understand and maintain. Unfortunately, it also means that you can't use replaceAll(), since you have to determine which alternative matched before doing the replacement, but the long version is still pretty simple (especially when you can just copy it from the javadoc for the appendReplacement() method, as I did).

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    <blah blah (NOT same text in all files)>
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    <code that is the same again in all files>
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    <b>AAMOT, KARI,</b> <br>
    <b>AARON, MARJORIE, C. </b> <br>
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    <span class="LastName">AAGAARD</span>  <span class="FirstName">, TODD, S. </span> <br />
    <span class="LastName">AAMOT</span> <span class="FirstName">, KARI,</span> <br/>
    <span class="LastName">AARON</span> <span class="FirstName">, MARJORIE, C.</span> <br/>
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    Make a backup first.
    In the Find field use:
    In the Replace field use:
    <span class="LastName">$1</span> <span classs="FirstName">$2</span><br />
    Select Use regular expression. Light the blue touch paper, and click Replace All.

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    Since you know regexs, the java.util.regex.Pattern class API is probably all you need, it pretty thoroughly documents Java's flavor, and the differences from PERL's flavor.

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    check the url

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    The CSS supports it's own native scripting language that can be used to write keepalives among other things.
    Here is an example of a script that I wrote to check a page for some specific text:
    ! Filename: ap-kal-statpage
    ! Parameters: None - must be coded in script
    ! Description:
    ! This script will attempt to connect to a host and
    ! "GET" an html page. The script checks the contents
    ! of the page for a particular string. If the string
    ! is found, the script passes.
    ! Failure Upon:
    ! 1. The correct arguments are not supplied.
    ! 2. The CSS is unable to connect to the host.
    ! 3. The string is not found in the page.
    no echo
    if ${ARGS}[#] "LT" "4"
    echo "Usage: ap-kal-portlist \'Hostname Port Page String ...\'"
    exit script 1
    set host "${ARGS}[1]"
    set port "${ARGS}[2]"
    set page "${ARGS}[3]"
    set string "${ARGS}[4]"
    set EXIT_MSG "Host ${host} not responding on TCP port ${port}."
    socket connect host ${host} port ${port} tcp
    socket send ${SOCKET} "GET ${page} HTTP/1.0\n\n"
    set EXIT_MSG "String was not found."
    socket waitfor ${SOCKET} "${string}" 200
    socket disconnect ${SOCKET}
    echo "String ${string} was found."
    no set EXIT_MSG
    exit script 0

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    Hi All,
    I am very new to parser technologies .I am looking for a (java)parser which can read the "regular expression" and can convert it into "java program".Please let me know is there any thing related to this.
    Thanks in advance.
    Your will be appriciate.

    Hi Jos,
    Thank you for your quick response .You're welcome.
    If you have any sample code or simple example for how to use those
    classes (Pattern,Match) ,will you please send me .It will be helpful for me.Jverd gave you two nice links already in his reply #3
    If there is any "open source" for parsering regular expressions.
    Please send me I am very new to parser technologies.Note that that Pattern class take care of all the parsing of REs, i.e. there's
    nothing 'interesting' left for you to do any parsing whatsoever. Can you
    elaborate a bit on what you exactly want to do and learn?
    kind regards,

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    Do your own work. Look up the documentation on Pattern and make an attempt at validating a String yourself. Then worry about implementing a GUI on top of that.

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    I'd like to parse a table column that contains a comma delimited string for any of 3 values, 1200, 1400, 1600 just to see if they're present using Regexp_instr. If someone has an expression available please pass it along.

    Or you could do it like this too...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select 1 as id, '1000,2000,3000' as txt from dual union all
      2             select 2, '1200,1300,1400' from dual union all
      3             select 3, '1000,1300,1600' from dual)
      4  -- end of test data
      5  select *
      6  from t
      7* where regexp_like(txt,'(^|,)(1200|1400|1600)(,|$)')
    SQL> /
            ID TXT
             2 1200,1300,1400
             3 1000,1300,1600

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    I am trying to create a regex to search for the occurence of two words within <z> and </z> tags.(they must occur between <z> and and next immideate </z> tags)
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    I am trying to specify (?!</z>) in order that i insist that my regex engine does map for word1 and word2 within <z> and its next immideate </z> tags. The words can appear either ways word1 followed by word2 or vice versa.
    The above regex does not work fine.
    It maps fine for the following sentence
    <z> This is test for pattern for a Regex </z> <z> Also we would like to conclude what is happening </z> <z> Another test for paragraph is happening </z>
    The regex is as follows
    But, when i include the </z> in between pattern and Regex , it should not match, but that is not what is happening.
    <z> This is test for pattern </z> for a Regex</z> <z> Also we would like to conclude what is happening </z> <z> Another test for paragraph is happening </z>
    Please let me know how I can accomplish the same.

    oops.. sorry ..this is aligned better ...
    Hi , I am using this regex
    (?=(?:(?!</z>).)+?\bpattern\b.+</z>)(?!(?:(?!</z>).)+?\bscientific\b.+</z>)((\bpattern\b(?:(?!</z>).)+)\bpattern\b|\bpattern\b)I have written the above regex to match pattern between <z> and </z> provided there is no word "scientific" within that "z" tags.
    I have been trying to replace the regex to do the same between two sentences, here in my case I have a paragraph with multiple sentences. The delimiter to determine a sentence is dot (.). So i am trying to specify the condition as above to match between two sentences - using representation for dot as (\. )
    The following is my regex
    (?=(?:(?!\.).)+?\bpattern\b.+\.)(?!(?:(?!\.).)+?\bscientific\b.+\.)((\bpattern\b(?:(?!\.).)+)\bpattern\b|\bpattern\b) But this does not work..
    Can you please tell me how to go about this?

  • Regular Expression + Find and Replace

    Hey there-  I have a question about regExp and the Find and Replace.  Basically I want to search a wildcard between a href tag, how would that look, because the code below does not work.
    countryLink = "<a href=\"\" target=\"_parent\">";
    countryLink = "([^"]*)";
    Thanks! Any help is appreciated!
    Also, how do i add code blocks to this forum?

    Yes, I meant the <a> tag, but thank you for displaying the href attribute solution as well.  This solved my issue.  Thanks!  Thought I would display what I did with your code incase someone was interested in using this code to convert a javascript string to XML.
    query this:
    countryLink = "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">";
    add this to the Find box:
    countryLink = "<a href=\\"([-\w:/.?=&;]+)\\" target=\\"_parent\\">";
    add this to the Replace box:
    creates an output of this:

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