Background alignment?

Is there a way to vertically align a background image in a
table cell?

Hello June:
The way I do this is to attach a CSS attribute to the table
or table cell:
background-position: left top;
Where you see 'left' this would describe where the horizontal
position of the bg image would be aligned to. 'left' would be
running the bg imageup against the left of cell 'wall.' You also
have the option of putting 'center' and 'right.'
Where you see 'top' is the vertical position and you have the
options of also using 'center' and 'bottom'.
You can also position the background using pixels.
background-position: 10px 5px
10px is the horizontal position and 5px is the vertical
position. Everything is relative to the top left of the enclosing
element. So, this would be 10px horizontally and 5px vertically
from the top-left corner (0px, 0px)
Dreamweaver can generate the needed code from the edit css
dialog box and then clicking on the 'background' option on the left
had menu.
good luck and I hope I answered your question.

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    Many thanks...

    Sure.  Instead of applying the BG to your body, apply it to a #wrapper div along with an expressed width in px, and margin-left & margin-right of auto.
    #wrapper {
    width: 990px; /**adjust width to suit**/
    margin:0 auto; /**with width, this is centered on screen**/
    background: url(your_bg_image.jpg) top center;
    <div id="wrapper">
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    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    Thank you!
    Here are my actions:
    Make text layer
    select layer "background"
    align current layer
    align current layer
    Select layer "@myname"
    Set current layer
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    and this is the full code for the page if you need it:
    <cfparam name="PageNum_rsFeaturedBlog" default="1">
    <cfquery name="rsMetaphorBlog" datasource="mymindsnotrighttest" username="mikewycklendt" password="Mex0Wix0">
    SELECT *
    FROM metaphor
    ORDER BY metaphor_id DESC
    <cfquery name="rsFeaturedBlog" datasource="mymindsnotrighttest" username="mikewycklendt" password="Mex0Wix0">
    SELECT *
    FROM admin_blogs
    ORDER BY blog_id DESC
    <cfset MaxRows_rsFeaturedBlog=3>
    <cfset StartRow_rsFeaturedBlog=Min((PageNum_rsFeaturedBlog-1)*MaxRows_rsFeaturedBlog+1,Max(rsFea turedBlog.RecordCount,1))>
    <cfset EndRow_rsFeaturedBlog=Min(StartRow_rsFeaturedBlog+MaxRows_rsFeaturedBlog-1,rsFeaturedBlog .RecordCount)>
    <cfset TotalPages_rsFeaturedBlog=Ceiling(rsFeaturedBlog.RecordCount/MaxRows_rsFeaturedBlog)>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
        <title>My Minds Not Right -- An Online Support Group</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="HTML/style.css">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <style type="text/css">
    .SIBbg {
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    .FeaturedBlogList {
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    .blogdate {
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        font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;
    .redlink {
        font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;
        color: #F00;
        font-size: 10pt;
    .blogtitle {
        font-size: 16px;
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        font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;
        color: #246494;
    .quoteStyle {
        font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
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        text-align: justify;
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        filter: DropShadow(Color=#246494, OffX=3, OffY=3, Positive=3);
    <script type="text/javascript">
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                        <tr valign="top">
                          <td align="center" valign="top"><h6><br>
                            <p class="redlink"><strong>&quot;In matters of truth and justice, there is no  difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the  treatment of people are all the same.&quot; -- Albert Einstein</strong></p>
                        <tr valign="top">
                          <td align="left" valign="top"><p class="bloguserandwho">it's easy to feel so alone when you're trying to take  those early steps towards recovery. I built this site not because I have all the answers, but all the people who contribute here combined might come close..... <strong><a href="chosenQuote.cfm">read more</a></strong></p></td>
                        <tr valign="top">
                          <td align="right" valign="top"><span class="bloguserandwho"><strong><a href="chosenQuote.cfm"></a></strong></span></td>
                        <tr valign="top">
                          <td align="left" valign="top"><p class="redlink"><strong><br>
                    <td bgcolor="#B9B9B9"><img src="images/px1.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td>
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        <td align="right" valign="top" class="redlink"> </td>
                      <table width="92%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                          <td><cfoutput><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">#rsMetaphorBlog.metaphor_title#</span></cfoutput></td>
                          <td><cfoutput><span class="blogdate">#LSDateFormat(,'M/DD/YY')#</span></cfoutput><cfoutput ><span class="blogdate"></span></cfoutput></td>
                          <td align="right" class="FeaturedBlogListHeader"><a href="chosenMetaphor.cfm?metaphor_id=<cfoutput>#rsMetaphorBlog.metaphor_id#</cfoutput>">. ..latest metaphor blog</a></td>
                      <p> </p></td>
                    <td bgcolor="#B9B9B9"><img src="images/px1.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td>
                    <td background="images/fon02.gif" colspan="3"><img src="images/BARS/HOWTOUSEMMNR.jpg" width="563" height="43" alt="" border="0"></td>
                    <td bgcolor="#B9B9B9"><img src="images/px1.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td>
                    <td background="images/fon_right.gif" width="100%"><img src="images/px1.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td>
                    <td colspan="3" align="left" valign="top"><blockquote><br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="blogtitle">!!! USER ACCOUNTS !!!</span><br>
                          <table width="93%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                              <td valign="top"><ul>
                                <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">CREATE ACCOUNT TO POST ON THE SITE</span>: I really hope everyone who visits this site creates a user account--this feature is more important than you might realize, and I will go into why its important below. A user account is required to make posts on most of the pages on this site. <em>ALL FIELDS IN THE CREATE ACCOUNT FORM ARE OPTIONAL (except or email address)</em> <br>
                                <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">LINKS TO PROFILES</span>: I require an account to post because someone who may not post still might read things on the site and notice that a specific user says a lot of things that really apply to their own situation. Whenever someone makes a post, anyone can click their username to read their profile and discover that they have a lot in common.<br>
                                <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">USER-2-USER</span>: The term 'pen pal' sounds lame, but that's essentially what U2U is. As I just said above, someone may read another's profile and posts, and see that they have been in very similar situations. When you create an account, there is an option for whether or not you are interested in participating in the U2U feature. Having an ongoing back-and-forth with someone can be really helpful in the recovery process.<br>
                                <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">PRIVATE MESSAGES:</span> When you click a user's name and are taken to that user's profile, click the &quot;Send Message&quot; link at the top of the profile. You will be taken to a form which you can fill out to send that user a private message. The idea behind it is to allow you to discuss something that the user may have posted on another part of the site in greater detail... or to understand what they posted more clearly... or maybe a struggling user posts something about what they are having trouble living with and you feel compelled to send them a message to offer your advice in a more personal way--that's exactly the kind of situation I created this site for--and believe me, taking the initiative to offer advice privately is extremely rewarding. Users are automatically notified that they have received a private message by email.<br>
                                <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">EMAIL A USER</span>: When you are creating an account, there are two options regarding your email address. First, you have the option to choose whether or not your email address is visible in your profile for all users to see. Second, you have the option to allow users to email you--except that users cannot see your email address--instead, they can fill out a form and write a message to you that is sent straight to your email.<br>
                                <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">FOLLOW USER</span>: If you notice that another user keeps making posts that really apply to your situation, you can click their username, be taken to their profile, and then click the &quot;FOLLOW USER&quot; button. After you have done that, you can go to your own profile (or click the &quot;Posts by Followed Users&quot; link in the side bar after you have logged in) and be taken to a page where you will see links for every post that the users you follow have made. When a followed user makes new posts, your followed users page automatically updates.<br>
                                <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">USER BLOGS</span>: Once you create an account, you can go to your profile (by clicking the &quot;Go to my Profile&quot; link in the side bar after you have logged in) and click the &quot;&gt;&gt;&gt;Start a Blog&quot; link. You will be taken to a form where you can come up with a Name for your blog, post the title for your first blog and post your first blog itself. (as an analogy, the 'Name' of the blog would be &quot;Star Wars&quot; while the 'Title' of a given blog would be &quot;The Empire Strikes Back&quot; -- yep, I'm a geek at heart).<br>
                                <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">READ USERS BLOG</span>: When you click a username and are taken to that user's profile, if that user has created a blog, there will be a &quot;Read [user]'s Blog&quot; link. When you click it, you will be taken to their most recent blog. If you want to read their older blogs, click the &quot;Previous Blogs&quot; link. Just like my blogs, all registered users can post comments in response to a user's blog.</li>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader"> BLOG ARCHIVE</span>: I will post at least three blogs a week--a featured blog, metaphor blog and quote blog. Click the 'BLOG ARCHIVE' link (in the sidebar) to be taken to a page where I explain each category of blog in greater detail. Click &quot;Go to [category of blog] Archives&quot; to be taken to a page that lists all the blogs I have posted. The BLOG ARCHIVE page also includes the links to all USER BLOGS that have been posted as well.<br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">YOUR COMMENTS</span>: The least important part of the site is my blogs. They'll probably be hit or miss as far as a given user is concerned... you might disagree with what I write, and that's fine--I encourage it, actually. That's why I have included the comments feature for all of my blogs and all of the user blogs. The comments feature was created so someone can correct me, provide a different perspective on the topic of the blog, or bring up certain things I may have overlooked while I was writing a certain blog. My blogs aren't gospel. I want them to spark conversation more than anything.... I could make a legitimate argument that the comments feature that goes along with the blogs is more important than my blogs themselves. To read and post comments, navigate to a blog and click the &quot;Comments&quot; link to be taken to a page containing the blog and the comments related to it, and then click &quot;Post Comment&quot; to be taken to the form you fill out to post a comment.<br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">DISCUSSIONS:</span> Basically, a series of message boards. The is different than all the other pages of the site where you can contribute your thoughts. That's because, on the discussion boards, users choose their own topics and the conversations that come from those topics are all in one place and can be read long after the discussion ends.<br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">RANTS DISCUSSION BOARD:</span> I created the 'Rants' message board as a way for users to get all their troubling thoughts off of their chests--when trying to recover from Mental Illness, or even while you're in the thick of it, there is the natural tendency to bottle up a lot of emotions. At some point, you can't contain your troubling thoughts that have been piling up in your mind anymore. A lot of the time, there isn't someone who you can talk to and let out all the thoughts you've been keeping in. Or maybe there are people in your life that are making things even worse for you but for some reason or another, you can't tell them exactly how much more difficult they are making your life for fear of getting too angry. The RANTS board is a place where you can let it all out--and I have decided that no user account is necessary to make a post on the RANTS board... just say everything you can't say in your real life. Other users can reply to your rant and maybe someone will be able to help you through it. (to post a reply to a RANT, you must have a user account).<br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">FAMILY PAGE: </span>This is a page where family members (or friends) can offer their advice on how they have dealt with someone close to them who has mental illness. This is different than the FAMILY Discussion board, because the FAMILY PAGE is made up of pieces advice with minimal back-and-forth between users whereas the Family Discussion Board is intended for ongoing conversations. Basically, the FAMILY PAGE is made up of words of advice, whereas the Family Discussion board is made up of topics that a user who is close to someone with Mental Illness can <em>ask for advice </em>and be more specific about their situation.<br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">NEWSLETTERS: </span>Read the page where I discuss the value of Newsletters and why they are under-rated. Please post any newsletters or magazines that you subscribe to, a description of it (optional), and provide information on how someone can subscribe to the newsletter or magazine.<br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">HOSTED NEWSLETTERS: </span>This is a feature of the site where you can create your own Newsletter. Several people can contribute to the same newsletter. All you need to do is fill out a simple form and the site puts it all together for you in a Newsletter Format--the created Newsletter looks like a stand alone page--the side bar, top logo and the whole design of is not shown in a created Newsletter. Additionally, a page is automatically generated that lists links to all of the old issues of your newsletter, so people can 'catch up.' (You can find the hosted newsletter page by going to the newsletter page. Click &quot;read more&quot; to be taken to the page that explains what a Hosted Newsletter is in more detail. Click &quot;view example&quot; at the top of that page to see what a created newsletter looks like).<br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">FEEDBACK ON SUPPORT GROUPS</span>: If you go to the support group page (by clicking the 'support group' link on the sidebar), there is a 'survey' you can fill out (no user account required) where you can share your thoughts on the idea of support groups--whether or not  you have ever been to one. Their is a page for all of the feedback for each question, so people who are part of a support group, people who lead a support group, or people who are starting a support group can read about how to make their support group better. (Click the Support Group link on the side bar to be taken to this page).<br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">SUPPORT GROUP DATABASE</span>: NAMI has a huge database of support groups around the country. That's great, but I have heard more than a few bad things about NAMI support groups (although, I have no doubt there are plenty of great ones) but I decided to create a database here anyways. I made that decision because both the leader of my support group and myself have a very different kind of philosophy about what makes a support group successful than NAMI does. Even if you've already listed your group on NAMI, list it here as well. That's because, if you add your support group to this site's database, it implies that you have read some of my blogs about support groups and/or have read the feedback about support groups on this page. (Click the Support Group link on the side bar--you do need a user account to list your support group)<br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">DOCTOR'S WORDS:</span> This will be a series of question and answer interviews with doctors. You can type in a question that I will ask the next doctor I interview. (no user account is necessary to submit a question to be asked).<br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">TESTIMONIALS:</span> This is where you can type your story about your experience with Mental Illness. (click &quot;Testimonials&quot; on the side bar)<br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">LITTLE VICTORIES:</span> One of the things that leads to a successful recovery is the ability to notice the little things in your day-to-day life that make you feel good about yourself. These can often be tiny and seemingly insignificant, but as you train yourself to see enough of them, they add up and can make a huge difference in your happiness and the way you see the world and the people you know in it. Post the little victories you have noticed in your life so those who are <em>not</em> at the stage where they can recognize the 'little victories' themselves can get some ideas about what they should be looking for (no user account necessary to post a little victory. Click the 'little victories' link in the sidebar)<br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">SEVEN THINGS I'VE LEARNED</span>: Why seven? No reason, really--except for the fact that when you need to come up with a certain number of things you've learned, you might have to force yourself to think a little deeper in order to discover more things you've learned... things you might not have thought about if it was &quot;Three things I've learned&quot; instead of seven. You'd be surprised how much wisdom people have in them without knowing it. (Click the 'Seven Things I've Learned' in the sidebar)<br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">LYRICS / MUSIC / POETRY:</span> This is where you can post some songs or poems that have helped you or someone close to you deal with Mental Illness. Post the lyrics / music / poetry and write your thoughts on the reasons why a song or poem helped you.<br>
                          <span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">ALSO:</span> When filling out the form to post lyrics or poems, there is a drop-down menu with the options: &quot;Song,&quot; &quot;Poem,&quot; &quot;My Song,&quot; &quot;My Poem.&quot;  So, obviously, if you write songs or poems,  you should definitely post them on the page. (Click 'Lyrics / Music / Poetry' on the side bar, then click the &quot;Add Poem, Lyrics or Songs&quot; link to be taken to the form where you can add songs/poems).<br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">BOOKS: </span>Post your reviews of books you have read about Mental Illness--all kinds of books (self help, memoir, informational etc). There are tons of books out there about Mental Illness, and we can't buy them all, we don't have the time to read them all, and we certainly don't want to pay for a book only to get nothing out of it. Post reviews of the books that you have responded to... also, its just as helpful to post reviews of books you hated and thought were a waste of time--save others some disappointment and money. (click the &quot;Books&quot; link in the sidebar, then click &quot;Post Book Review&quot; to be taken to the book review form).<br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">WHEN DID YOU KNOW:</span> A lot of people aren't sure whether or not they have a Mental Illness. Post your story of when and how you realized that, 'yes, I do have Mental Illness.' This is a more important part of the site than you may realize: too many people realize they have Mental Illness only after something goes seriously wrong. Hopefully your contribution will convince someone to seek help before its too late and they find out the hard way.<br>
                        <li><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">CHATROOM:</span><span class="bloguserandwho"> Self explanatory, except for one feature: You can set up a certain time and topic for users to meet in the chatroom and have an online support group of sorts.</span><br>
                        <li class="bloguserandwho"><span class="FeaturedBlogListHeader">BECOME AN ADMIN / FEATURED CONTRIBUTOR:</span> At the very bottom of the home page, there is a link you can click where I explain how you can become a blogger whose blogs show on the front page sharing the same space that my blogs are currently shown.</li>
                      <p class="FeaturedBlogListHeader"> </p>
    <p> </p></td>
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                      <div align="left"><img src="images/px1.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0"></div>
            <tr bgcolor="#246494">
              <td valign="bottom">
                <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="188" height="67" background="images/left_bot.gif">
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                      <p class="left" style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 20px;">Copyright
                        All rights reserved</p>
          <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" height="77" background="images/fon_bot.gif">
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                  <p class="bot">          <a href="requestToBeAnAdmin.cfm">Become an ADMIN / Featured Contributor</a>        
                    <a href="contactme.cfm">Contact Me</a>         </p>
              <td><img src="images/px1.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td>
              <td><img src="images/px1.gif" width="780" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td>
              <td><img src="images/px1.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td>
        <td valign="bottom" background="images/bg_right.gif"><img src="images/bg_right.gif" alt="" width="17" height="16" border="0"></td>
        <td width="50%" background="images/bg.gif" valign="top"><img src="images/px1.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td>

  • CSS Woes

    I am all wacked out....ok, I have a DW CS3 template laid out
    with CSS. I
    have a banner background, a repeating outer wrapper
    background and a footer
    background. I have a space in the banner area where I want to
    put a random
    banner either via javascript or FLASH. At first I tried with
    placing a
    table but my alignment is off either in IE or FF....both
    browsers cannot
    agree. So, then I tried a AP Div tag but the area does not
    stick to the
    background alignment. It seems the tables throw me off but I
    also need to
    put a javascript menu and date above my banner image so the
    table seems the
    easiest but not compliant.

    Ok...I figured out my problem was I was building junk
    tables....I am all
    good now.
    "tweaked_eye" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:fvamlr$8q0$[email protected]..
    >I am all wacked out....ok, I have a DW CS3 template laid
    out with CSS. I
    >have a banner background, a repeating outer wrapper
    background and a footer
    >background. I have a space in the banner area where I
    want to put a random
    >banner either via javascript or FLASH. At first I tried
    with placing a
    >table but my alignment is off either in IE or FF....both
    browsers cannot
    >agree. So, then I tried a AP Div tag but the area does
    not stick to the
    >background alignment. It seems the tables throw me off
    but I also need to
    >put a javascript menu and date above my banner image so
    the table seems the
    >easiest but not compliant.

  • Aligning a background image, is that possible?

    I have a problem with my background image. I want to align it
    on the right side and 168 pixels down from the top of my webpage
    but I can't find a way to aligning it on the right side or any side
    for that matter. I use Dreamwever 8. Is my request impossible or is
    there some way to do this? I would really appreciate anyone's help
    since I seem to be stuck in my webpage making!

    Use CSS -
    background-position: right 168px;
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "OfCorrs" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e80kee$e02$[email protected]..
    >I have a problem with my background image. I want to
    align it on the right
    > and 168 pixels down from the top of my webpage but I
    can't find a way to
    > aligning it on the right side or any side for that
    matter. I use
    > Dreamwever 8.
    > Is my request impossible or is there some way to do
    this? I would really
    > appreciate anyone's help since I seam to be stuck in my
    webpage making!

  • Align in background image

    i have a background image in flex 4 by i skinclass to project skin i make.
    but when i run that image dont stay center desktop.
    it in left
    how do i work it??
    can u help me please.thanks

    Why are you hacking?
    .img-shadow-wrapper { /* Drop Shadow */
    *background: none;
    _background: url(/themes/ocp/images/shadow.gif) no-repeat
    bottom right;
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Spencer Hill" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f1vvuk$b3p$[email protected]..
    > Heya,
    > I am working on a website that is using the following
    CSS to display
    > a
    > shadow effect for an image. It's calling a background
    image and using
    > margins
    > to align it properly but IE7 refuses to render it yet
    Safari, FF and even
    > IE6
    > display it properly no problems.
    > .img-shadow-wrapper { /* Drop Shadow */
    > *background: none;
    > _background: url(/themes/ocp/images/shadow.gif)
    no-repeat bottom right;
    > }
    > .img-shadow-wrapper img { /*Drop Shadow Positioning */
    > border: 1px solid #777;
    > padding: 1px;
    > margin: 0px 5px 5px 0px;
    > }
    > HTML
    > <div class="img-shadow-wrapper">
    > <img src=""/>
    > </div>
    > Can anyone help me find the solution?? Thanks

  • Changing background and alignment when exporting to Flash

    How can I get my slides to appear LEFT aligned with a WHITE background in a browser when I export from Keynote to Flash?

    To get the white background, you'll need to have a white background on the Keynote file. To have a white background and the left align on the web page, you'll need to set the HTML tags correctly. This can be done with Dreamweaver or any other HTML editor. (Not sure you'd be able to do it in iWeb, that program is one that I haven't begun to try to understand)
    If you want to try editing the HTML file that is created with the flash file, you can download Taco HTML edit and on the body line add bgcolor="#FFFFFF" then on the div line add align="left"

  • Gradient background not aligned correctly

    i have some photo pages and the gradient background is not aligned correctly
    - generally below where I want it - like on iweb shows correctly - but on web - it is below the navbar.....
    .... how do I control this?
    is this something to do with layout? one page is fine - the next is messed up....
    this was an import from iweb 2006 - does that matter

    crazy enough but I think I found it : I had a 3 word title for the page - and when I replaced the spaces with dashes - the problem went away.....
    Is that kooky or what?

  • Alignment of Desktop Background pictures

    I am having trouble with alignment of Desktop background pictures. Most are Raw files or DNG's.
    Some are displaying with the incorrect orientation. They are not this orientation when I review the files in finder with spacebar.
    Any clues on how to get orientation right?

    removed and posted on snow leopard forum

  • Project background doesn't align with stage after rescaling project

    I think I discovered a bug that may or may not have been resolved in later versions of Captivate. I'm using Captivate 5 ( and as much as I'd like to have a newer version, my employer only has this version purchased right now. I'm posting this here because I realize this may not be a bug and there may be a workaround, in which case maybe I can learn something!
    The issue appeared when I recently had to rescale my project to make room for a closed captions popup area at the bottom of the stage. (I don't want it to overlap previously positioned content.) Do do this, I rescaled my project to be 25 pixels taller than it was previously, and I selected the resize option to keep the already placed project contents aligned at the top left of the project rather than to scale everything to fit. Just as I hoped, this extended the stage out from the bottom by 25 pixels, much like resizing a canvas property in photoshop.
    I then edited my project background images to match the new project stage dimensions in order to cover up the now visible 25-pixel-tall strip of uncovered stage. I imported the new background image onto my master slide in the same way I placed the original one, and this is where the problem appears. The taller image, configured as a "project background", will not align with the stage anymore. Instead, it's hanging off the top of the stage by 13 pixels and not reaching the bottom of the stage by 12 pixels (adding up to the 25 pixels I increased the project height). I purposefully placed the image as a project background rather than just dragging it on the stage of the master slide. My reasons for doing so are somewhat complicated, but mainly are because I need the master slide background to not interfere with the Z-order of items on the regular slides. Apparently a master slide image on the stage of a master slide will cover up items set to display for the rest of the project. Perhaps this is a bug, too?
    Anyway, back to the problem at hand... I had everything working fine before I rescaled my project, but now the imported background image won't align with the stage. Because it's set as a project background, there is no way to reposition it on the stage... it just kind of lands where it lands. It appears that when I rescaled the project, Captivate remembered where the center of the "old" sized project was and didn't recalculate the center of the "new" rescaled project. So, when I place a larger image in the master slide (as a project background), it is centering it where the old, smaller project used to be... thus resulting in the larger image to not be centered on the stage.
    I figured out a workaround in the mean time by placing the background image on the stage of the master slide (not as aproject background), and by moving more things to the master slide that I don't want to be covered up. This actually seems to be a more elegant solution that what I had previously, but I'd still like to know if what I'm experiencing is a bug or not.

    Ok just found a workaround/solution.
    (always happens right after I ask, for some reason).
    Rescaled my project but kept the size and positions the "same and centered".
    Then I replaced all my background images with bigger versions (previously I had cropped them at the right and bottom).
    Now my backgrounds were all great, but all my objects were too low.
    All I had to do was ctrl+A to select everything on a slide, and then change the Y value for the whole bunch to zero.
    This magically placed all objects in their correct respective spots.
    Hope that helps someone out!

  • Elements 12 Layer doesn't align vertically with background. (Elements 12)

    Layer doesn't align vertically with background.

    Your last post was empty. Note that you can't post images via e-mail, you have to use a web browser and do it in the forum at
    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children
    If this post or another user's post resolves the original issue, please mark the posts as correct and/or helpful accordingly. This helps other users with similar trouble get answers to their questions quicker. Thanks.

  • Faux column background not aligned in smaller browser window...

    I'm working on a three-column webpage.  I'm using fixed-width columns, with the left and right columns floated (started with a dreamweaver layout).  I am also using a background applied to the <body> tag to apply the faux column look, so that the side column backgrounds flow all the way down the page.
    My layout is a total of 780px wide, but the background image I'm using is 2000px wide.  It's the same image that was used in the previous version of the website, and I can only guess that the image is that wide to "fill" the extra space around the main content when the browser window is wider than 780px.  Because the image is so wide, I have it styled to center on the page.  When my browser window >= 780px wide, everything looks great... the faux columns line up perfectly with the divs.  However, when I make the window less than 780px, things get messy.
    My layout elements stay where they are, meaning that the left edge of the container stays aligned with the left edge of the screen and a scroll bar appears at the bottom.  However, since my background is set to center itself, it continues to try to center itself in the browser window.  Basically, the content is not centered in the browser window, but the background is, causing the faux columns to not line up with the divs.  The relevant CSS I have applied is:
    body  {
        font: 100% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        text-align: center;
        font-size: 12px;
        color: #666666;
        background-repeat: repeat-y;
        background-position: center;
        background-image: url(../img/BG-gray.gif);
    #container {
        width: 780px;
        margin: 0 auto;
        text-align: left; /* this overrides the text-align: center on the body element. */
    Note: everything within the container div stays where it should relative to the container, so I didn't include the CSS for them, though I can post it up later if you really need to see it.
    Is there a way to keep everything lined up in a smaller browser window? Or, would it be better to trim down the background image to the same width as the container?
    Sorry for the long message, but I'm new at this.  Please don't eat me.

    Same problem, only worse.  That causes the background to show from the very left edge of the image.  All my text is in the gray area in the example below.  Let me try to clarify...
    The background image is something like this (colors are for clarity):
    Left faux column
    Main content goes here. This is always in the center of the browser window.
    Right faux column
    Where the combined width of the blue, white, and red sections is 780px.  This is what I want my layout to line up with, the blue and red columns being the faux left and right columns, respectively.  The gray areas are "filler" that colors the excess width in browser windows that are wider than the fixed width of the main content.  With the background set to centered, the white stripe is always centered in the browser window.  As long as the window is wider than my layout, the layout is centered in the browser window as well.
    I'm looking for a way to either center the background relative to the layout container, not the browser window, or to keep the layout container centered in the browser window when the window is narrower than the layout.

  • Background image show  colspan="1"  rowspan ="1" align="right valign ='midd

    My APEX version 4.0.2
    Oracle Version 11g
    1. I created Background Image for Text Box .
    2. I gave Code in HTML CELL ATTRIBUTES
        as below
                     <span style="width:533px; height:59px;background-image:url('/i/images/mypicture.png');"></span>
    3.  PRE ELEMENT TEXT  i gave the below code
                     <span style="padding:120px;"></span>
        Images are showing but getting the below code on images how to suppress the below code        
                    colspan="1"  rowspan ="1" align="right valign ='middle'{code}
    Can anyone help me to fix this
    thanks and regards                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    A wrote:
    My APEX version 4.0.2
    Oracle Version 11gPlease edit your post and only use {noformat}{noformat}tags on actual code.
    1. I created Background Image for Text Box .
    2. I gave Code in HTML CELL ATTRIBUTES
    as below
    &lt;span style="width:533px; height:59px;background-image:url('/i/images/mypicture.png');"></span>
    APEX generates the <tt>span</tt> element for report cell contents when HTML Cell Attributes are specified. Remove them from your code:style="width: 533px; height: 59px; background-image: url(/i/images/mypicture.png);"
    Also, quotes are unneccessary in CSS URLs.
    3. PRE ELEMENT TEXT i gave the below code
    <span style="padding:120px;"></span>
    This is applying padding to an empty <tt>span</tt>. The property is better applied somewhere else. What exactly are you trying to achieve here?
    Images are showing but getting the below code on images how to suppress the below code
    colspan="1" rowspan ="1" align="right valign ='middle'
    The main cause of this is probably the unnecessary <tt>span</tt> in (2) above, but <tt>align="right valign ='middle'</tt> is a syntax error. Where is this coming from? The <tt>align="right"</tt> needs a terminating double quote.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Background image won't align properly in IE7, need help...

    I am working on a website that is using the following CSS to
    display a shadow effect for an image. It's calling a background
    image and using margins to align it properly but IE7 refuses to
    render it yet Safari, FF and even IE6 display it properly no
    .img-shadow-wrapper { /* Drop Shadow */
    *background: none;
    _background: url(/themes/ocp/images/shadow.gif) no-repeat
    bottom right;
    .img-shadow-wrapper img { /*Drop Shadow Positioning */
    border: 1px solid #777;
    padding: 1px;
    margin: 0px 5px 5px 0px;
    <div class="img-shadow-wrapper">
    <img src=""/>
    Can anyone help me find the solution?? Thanks

    Why are you hacking?
    .img-shadow-wrapper { /* Drop Shadow */
    *background: none;
    _background: url(/themes/ocp/images/shadow.gif) no-repeat
    bottom right;
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Spencer Hill" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f1vvuk$b3p$[email protected]..
    > Heya,
    > I am working on a website that is using the following
    CSS to display
    > a
    > shadow effect for an image. It's calling a background
    image and using
    > margins
    > to align it properly but IE7 refuses to render it yet
    Safari, FF and even
    > IE6
    > display it properly no problems.
    > .img-shadow-wrapper { /* Drop Shadow */
    > *background: none;
    > _background: url(/themes/ocp/images/shadow.gif)
    no-repeat bottom right;
    > }
    > .img-shadow-wrapper img { /*Drop Shadow Positioning */
    > border: 1px solid #777;
    > padding: 1px;
    > margin: 0px 5px 5px 0px;
    > }
    > HTML
    > <div class="img-shadow-wrapper">
    > <img src=""/>
    > </div>
    > Can anyone help me find the solution?? Thanks

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