Backing iBooks files up to MacBook? (Not iTunes)

I've amassed over a hundred .epubs in iBooks to date, but I'm thinking of switching to the Readmill app.
Sadly, the iBooks app doesn't allow exports or backups outside iTunes, and Readmill won't sync from iTunes. (I use the iPad version.) Can I back up my epubs from iBooks to the Mac itself?
Solutions would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Update from OP: Messed around in iTunes for a bit and started remembering how to use it (just updated). Solution was found rather quickly, to my immense embarrassment – "Show in Finder" does wonders. Please ignore this thread as I fly into the sunset.

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    Currently, only Apple apps (Pages, Numbers, etc.) can back up
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    There are some workarounds to get some data stored.
    PDFs and any other document that can be read by Preview
    can be backed up in iCloud.  Load the document into Preview,
    select Export..., click on the directory dropdown, then select
    iCloud as destination.  Not a drag and drop solution or an
    all encompassing method, but you can get some stuff saved.

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    Apple format is not readable by Windows (is by late Linux distros), unless you use an application like MacDrive. Even so, do not hasten to install it, because many Apple apps and formats get corrupt in Windows. Your friend has, in fact, 2 problems: 1. he has no backup of his data (very bad and frequent behavior) 2. his disk is dead (and now finds how bad is to not have a backup).
    A good backup of mac data is done to another disk formatted as HFS+ (mac os extended journaled). If you still think backing up unto a Windows PC is the only solution, then you must first ARCHIVE (zip or dmg) data on a mac, transfer archive to a PC, after replacing disk and installing the new system, move data back and unarchive it.
    As Allan Eckert already wrote, this is not something recommended, but I tried to expose why. Now, with a larger horizon, you may choose best method. Tell your friend that he/she must purchase two disks: one to replace the dead one, one to be used as an external backup disk in an enclosure. At least from now on, he/she can avoid such situations.
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    Good thing I had migrated my iTunes and photos to other external drives, and I was able get those back. Losing 500 MB of photos probably would have given me a heart attack.
    Any suggestions?

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    How should I go about mass "re-linking" the files on the backup disk to my iTunes database, so that I can then change my library location and "consolidate" all the files onto my internal hard drive?
    Has anyone done this successfully? I'd appreciate some guidance!

    In case anyone has the same problem, here was the best fix I found:
    Basically, you copy the files into the directories where iTunes is looking for them:
    1. Pick a few grayed-out songs in iTunes and open the song properties. Look for the song filename, paying particular attention. After a few, you should see a pattern, indicating where iTunes is looking for the files based on the song/artist/album name.
    2. Just copy the backed-up files to the locations where iTunes is expecting to find them. With luck (and particularly if your backup was recent), the pattern should be the same as the pattern in your backup, so you'll probably just have to drag files only once.
    3. Now double-click on a grayed-out song (that has had its file moved into the folder where iTunes is looking for it) and it should start playing and stop being grayed out.
    Hope this helps someone else!

  • How do i save files from my macbook to an external hard drive

    Ive always been a PC user until recently when i purchased a macbook pro. I have an external hard drive that i used to back up all my files including word documents & mp3's etc. I now want to use the same hard drive to back up files from my macbook but i dont want to make a copy of the entire drive (like with time line) i just want to save individual files. When i go to do this, a light grey circle appears with a 'cross out' and i am unnable to copy/save the file. In the past (with PC) all i have had to do is drop and drag to perform this function. I have attempted to make an alias, copy and paste etc to overcome the problem but nothing thus far has worked.

    Your external drive is formatted NTFS which OS X can read from but not write to. You can either install third-party software on the Mac to enable writing to the drive or repartition and reformat the drive for exclusive use with the Mac. If you don't need to move files between a Mac and a PC, then I would recommend the latter solution.
    Tuxera NTFS 2012.3.2
    NTFS for Mac OS X 9.5.3
    To repartition:
    Drive Preparation
    1. Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
    2. After DU loads select the external hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed.
    4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Security button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
    6. Click on the Erase button. The format process can take up to several hours depending upon the drive size.

  • I have backed up my disk using Time Machine.  Now I want to delete the backed-up files from my hard drive.  But when I do and reconnect the external hard drive, the files are also deleted on that.  What do I do?

    I have backed up my disk using Time Machine.  I then deleted the back-up files from my MacBook hard drive.
    I then reconnected my external hard drive and find the files I deleted from my hard drive are also deleted from
    my external hard drive.  Can someone tell my what what happened?  I'm confused.

    Time Machine is not a good way to do that, when it eventually needs more room it deletes old Backups to make room.
    If you really want to keep Files but remove them from the Internal Drive, then I'd get another external drive to copy or clone them to that is not used for TM.

  • After updating to windows 8.1 iTunes does not think I have high definition display. Playback with other internet apps is in high def, but not iTunes.

    I updated to Windows 8.1 from Windows 8.  Now when I try to play high definition movies, iTunes says they can not play back on my display which is low def.  My display has high resolution and display settings are correct.  Other websites play back in high def.  Just not iTunes.

    Try this command to fix your problem:
    Windows App Store doesn't load after 8.1 Upgrade
    or, you can use WSreset.exe tool, or manually trying to clear the cache from the Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download folder.
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

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