Backing up more than usual

I have noticed that my Time Machine has been backing up a lot more than normal, instead of hourly it is more like every 15 minutes it is backing up 34 - 40 MB.
Is this a sign that something is wrong?

Hi, and welcome to the forums.
Are you sure it's backing-up move often than hourly, or is something wrong and the hourly backups are taking 45 minutes or so?
The backups should start hourly.
To figure out just what's going on, see #A1 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum), for a way to extract the messages from your logs so you can see the details.
Also see #D4 there; it shows how to determine what's being backed-up, and lists some of the common things that can cause extra-large backups.
If neither of those helps, see #D2 there, for possible causes and fixes of unusually slow backups.
Post back with a copy of the messages, or details of items being backed-up, if you need more help.

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    You do not have to partition the TC.. indeed you cannot..
    But the issue with Lion or ML losing the sparsebundle is now as common as dust in a drought.
    Yes, it can do a backup then fail to do another.. and there is no reason for it other than poor networking on later OS.
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    Read C12 and C17.
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    Message was edited by: lpuerto

    Some of it.. is the difference between digital bytes and binary bytes.
    You are contrasting the Apple bytes and Orange bytes and worrying why they don't match up.. they will never match up. They are not the same.
    If you did not realise it, apple changed the way TM reads the disks to digital bytes.. so a 2TB drive does not format to 1.8TB which is the correct size in binary bytes. (real bytes) 
    Your HD info on the other hand is actually measuring binary bytes.
    If you did not realise..
    Here is v5.6 airport utility
    Here is v6 airport utility looking at the same drive.
    And Time Machine.
    How does one version of the utility see the disk as 2TB and the other as 1.8TB.. simple.. one is real bytes and the other is the hard disk manufacturers way of making disks look bigger than they are.. ie digital bytes.
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    Well as you said the Apple Store in your country are not connected to Apple your only recourse is with the shop from which you bought it. Did they actually charge you $60 for he software or is it possible they charged you labor for the technician to look at your MacBook?

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    Hi -
    I've got 4 internal drives (2 on main cable, 2 connected to a SATA card for >128 MB capacity drives). When I first set up Time Machine to backup my disks, it was planning on backing up all 4 drives, judging by the amount of GB it wanted to backup. Since I was using one of those drives as a backup already (with deva vu), I didn't want/need to back that one up. There's an option to NOT include certain drives in the Time Machine / Time Capsule backup process.
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    Hopefully this helps, sorry if the instructions are a little vague, I'm not at home right now, so am not entirely sure what the <exclude> button was actually called.
    Good Luck

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