Backspace drivin' me nuts!

Ok, i tried to resolve this problem on my own, but endin up askin you guys. The guru's.
I have this problem on UNIX.
* first i login
* then i type screen
* then i su to oracle
now, at this point when i type echo $TERM is see vt220.
at this point my destructive backspace works. (in the shell that is)
now comes the weird part:
When i login to sqlplus and type !echo $TERM is still see vt220
but my backspace won't work. in fact, the cursor moves one position to the left, and i can type OVER the character, but then when i see in vi my query i typed in:
select name from v$datan^Hbase (note i make an mistake on purpose, type datan then i use backspace and correct my giant mistake to type in the b over the n, and u see the result!!! no backspace performed at all, the 'old' character in place and still the annoying ^H)
i have stty erase ^H in my profile.
thanks in advance

This is not an Oracle related question and it shouldn't be asked on an Oracle forum. Second. VTx20 keyboard was very different from the PC keyboards. It had keys like PF1-PF4, used in the fabled EDT editor (PF3 was the search key, PF1 was "gold" key) and it hat completely different key codes. Delete was '^?' (Ctrl-?).
You should emulate use other terminal type, like ansi or xterm. To fix the problem with Vt220, you should do the following:
stty -erase '^?' ehoe
tset -r
That will solve the problem with "erase". Also, what kind of terminal emulator are you using? Most of them have options for the key codes. That certainly applies to gnome-terminal or putty.

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    Message was edited by: HeyJP

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