Backup disk management questions

1. Can't I use the backup disk for anything else than time machine?
2. How can I see the status of the disk - how much room left?
3. Any controls on the how backup is performed, such as how many generations I want to keep, how mcuh space do I allow etc.

Welcome to Apple Discussions.
1. If you have a relatively large disk you can partition it and use one partition for Time Machine. Apple says you can keep other files on the same partition as Time Machine but suggests that it is ideal if Time Machine has its very own disk or partition.
2. Click once on a disk icon in the Finder. Type Command "i". or choose Get Info from the File menu. You can also see the information if you run Disk Utility which you can launch from the icon on your dock or go to the Utilities folder by choosing Utilities from the Go menu. Once you have launched Disk Utility click on the volume (volumes are the indented ones) in the left pane and it will tell you that volume's capacity and used/available space at the bottom of the Disk Utility window.
3. Time Machine does an initial backup and then does hourly incremental backups after that. The hourly backups are automatically deleted daily to save disk space. There are no user controls for the timing. You can, however, choose to start or stop Time Machine at any time and you can also turn the program on or off. Once the partition is nearly full Time Machine will start to automatically delete prior backups as it needs disk space starting with the earliest backups. There is an excellent thread on how to calculate what size backup drive might suit your needs here.

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    Quit Disk Utility.
    From the Finder's Go menu, choose Go to Folder....
    Type the following, then click OK: /Library/Receipts
    Temporarily remove these iTunes receipts from /Library/Receipts (sort the folder alphabetically as a list):
    You can put them on the desktop, for example. Do not remove iTunesX.pkg or iTunes Phone Driver.pkg.
    Open Disk Utility and repair disk permissions again.
    Quit Disk Utility.
    Put the removed iTunes receipts back in /Library/Receipts.
    Note: This issue does not affect Disk Utility's verify or repair disk features.
    All seemed good, for a moment, until, upon going back to Disk Utility after removing itunes4.pkg and putting on desktop (i did not have itunes.pkg to remove) the same thing was happening. When i highlite my iomega ext. on left of page, disk perrmissions is grayed and does not allow me to click on it. Same problem from the start. Can somebody please help me out here? That would soooo awesome. Thanx!

    i'm just scared i will do something wrong on my own and lose my data.
    You shouldn't be scared of that, because you should already have backups. If you don't have backups, then backing up is the first priority.
    Insert the Snow Leopard DVD and restart. When you hear the chime, hold down the C key and keep holding it until the Apple logo appears on the display. You should now see the language selection screen. Select your language, then choose Utilities > Disk Utility from the menu bar. In the Disk Utility window, select the external drive (not the internal). The drive may already have a data partition, in which case there will be another icon below the drive icon. Choose the drive icon, then select the Partition tab. Create a single partition with the default options (GUID partition table, Mac OS X Extended Journaled).
    When the partitioning is done, select the startup volume on your internal drive in the DU window. Select the Restore tab. Drag the icon of the startup volume to the "Source" field. Then drag the icon of the newly-created volume on the external drive to the "Destination" field. Make sure you have this right. Then click the Restore button, and the data on your startup volume will be copied to the external drive.

  • Mac OS Lion - General Topic - Wireless Printer, Scanner, External Harddrive, Disk Management

    Dear All,
    I just fall in the mac world since I got an ipad and then an iphone and was very happy about these product I did purchased a mac mini server (Mac OS Lion 10.7.2 I think, basically the last version available).
    But now I need to learn about the Mac OS world and this is not straight forward, particularly regarding my existing hardware devices installation (printer, scanner etc...).
    I have some queries below, anyone who could help me is welcome.
    Thanks for all your support,
    Best Regards,
    1. I have a wireless printer Samsung CLP315W for which I could download the driver and print through the USB cable but I did see yet how to make it work through the WI-FI network. I mean in windows, the printer was detected as shared printer on the network. How does it work here ?
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    Do I have any chance to make this scanner working or must I throw it in the paper bin ? (I must say I am not satisfied by my Mac in this respect, I would expect a better compatibility with hardware devices.
    3. I do have an external harddisk with various informations in as pictures, pdf files, offices files (word, excel) etc... This is a LaCie which was NTFS formatted with my previous computer based on windows OS.
    At a first instance, it was recognized by my mac OS but all folders appears in read-only.
    Do I have a way to apply the change to "full access" for all folders at once ?
    Why is it in "read only" in mac OS when it is not under windows ?
    Assuming I expect to continue using this disk as external backup but also expect to be able to access to it by windows OS computer, what is the best format ?
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    How does the disk management in general under Mac OS ?

    Hi jean-jack,
    The first thing you should look at, is if your are Mac enabled. If they are not, then there is a great chance that they will work badly or not at all.
    About your questions:
    1. Normally a Mac is supposed to detect it automatically and make it ready to use (try printing a document to see if this works). If your Mac doesn't recognize it, you can always add it manually in "printing and scanning" in your system preferences. This is accesible by just entering it in Spotlight (magnifying glass in the upper right corner) and adding it via the "+" icon (you may have to enter your password first using the lock in the lower left corner). After that he should recognize it as a WiFi printer and you should be able to use it.
    2. Since it concerns an older scanner, it is simply not supported by Lion (Lion doesn't support PowerPC applications anymore). Therefore it is sadly ready for the trash can.
    3. To change the accesibility of your hard disc to "full acces" you have to ctrl+click on the hard disc in Finder. In the drop down menu, you'll see the option "info". This option will open a small screen that allows you to adjust the settings for "sharing and responsibility" (found at the very bottom). Nevertheless I highly recommend you to format your hard disc to "exFAT" or "FAT32", because they give a much better compatibility to your Mac and are also readable on a Windows computer. You can do this by entering "disc aid program", once again in Spotlight. In this little program you are able to adjust the format of every single hard disc connected to your computer. Also not that this progress will completely erase all the files on your hard disc.
    4. To split the hard disc into partitions, you can use the same program explained above. Simply choose your hard disc and press "adjust size". Here you can divide your hard disc into different partitions, which will be seen as different hard discs.
    Good luck!
    Michaël Duwyn

  • Cannot run Disk Manager in Full System Restore

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    error "Cannot load Microsoft Management Console". Same error occurs whether I start the Full System Restore via network over Client Restore Service, or via USB stick.
    I can think of a workaround to this, but I've used this earlier in previous Essentials/WHS versions and it has worked flawlessly, so I'm wondering if this is some regression in 2012 R2?
    UPDATE: For anyone wondering, the workaround for this was to boot with normal Windows ISO, go to Advanced settings -> Command prompt, and set up the volume using
    diskpart tool. Then going back to Full System Restore, and you can just select the correctly initialized target volume.
    Any comments?

    Few days ago system got in a weird state and had to do a full restore. Enabled network boot from BIOS, connected to Windows Server, chose disks (only restore BIG_SSD, i.e., C:) just normally without need to go to Disk Manager, as backup matched current drive.
    Perhaps the original issue was due to boot partition being on the secondary drive for some reason (drive D:), but I'm not sure if it was indeed the case.
    I have seen it before as well, that restores in Essentials don't work properly if you've chosen only to backup drive C:, but for some reason drive D: is the booting disk (although Windows is on C:). Why has it ended up like that, I don't know, but nowadays
    I always install Windows with just one hard drive connected especially if I want to get reliable backups to Essentials.
    Thank you everyone for feedback, will mark it as solved, although we perhaps got more questions than answers :)

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    Thanks so much
    Boot Camp Assistant is already on your computer. You just need to buy Windows. Read the instructions and help files very carefully. Back up your data before taking on this task.

  • Time Machine no longer can find my backup disk

    Since the OSX 10.6.6 upgrade, I am unable to do a Time Machine backup on my MacBook Pro. It is on a network with my iMac which is connected via FireWire to my Drobo. I have never had a problem before with Time Machine being able to find the Sparsebundle that Time Machine sets up on a network connected drive. Now it gives me the message, "The identity of the backup disk has changed.". I tried deleting the Sparsebundle and then letting Time Machine start over. That worked, but the next rime it attempted to backup, I got the same error message.
    I would appreciate any help.
    Thanks -
    Dudley Warner

    Alton Christensen wrote:
    - external drive on Airport Extreme
    Sorry to have to tell you this, but backing-up that way is "iffy" and +*not supported by Apple.+* See [Using Time Machine with an Airport Extreme Air Disk|] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum).
    A "full reset" of Time Machine may fix the current problem. See #A4 in [Time Machine - Troubleshooting|] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of the +Time Machine+ forum).
    Longer-term, though, you really should find a better way to back up. See #2 in [Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions|] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of the +Time Machine+ forum).

  • Backing up files on Disk Utility question

    So I followed this steps:
    Clone Yosemite, Mavericks, Lion/Mountain Lion using Restore Option of Disk Utility
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
         1. Select Disk Utility from the main menu then press the Continue
         2. Select the destination volume from the left side list.
         3. Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
         4. Select the destination volume from the left side list and drag it
             to the Destination entry field.
         5. Select the source volume from the left side list and drag it to
             the Source entry field.
         6. Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    Destination means the external backup drive. Source means the internal startup drive.
    Note that the above clone includes both your internal boot volume and the Recovery HD volume you used for the above. I suggest that the backup disk you use has a larger capacity than the one in your computer. That way you should be able to boot from this backup. Since the drive you have is 500 GBs then the external drive you use for the backup clone should be at least 750 GBs.
    And I followed the steps  mentioned. Source: Macintosh HD ... Destination: My Passport for Mac. It asked me if I wanted to erase the content on My passport for mac and I said yes. But then it says "Restore Failure: Source volume is read/write only and cannot be unmounted, so it can't be block copied". What does that mean? And what do I do?
    I already tried:
    Disk ulitiy and click on "Macintosh HD" and then click "New Image" and then select "My Passport for Mac" to save on there. I put "compressed"for Image Format AND For encrytion,  i pick "128-bit AES encryption (recommended)"
    I put in a password when prompted but after that it says "Disk Ultitiy wants to use the "login" keychain." I put in my ususally login password that I use to get on to my desktop but that doesn't work. I have the option to press ok or cancel. I pressed cancel and the progress bar to saving my macintosh HD to MY external hard drive portable didn't show any blue bar progress for 15 mins or so...

    So I followed this steps:
    Clone Yosemite, Mavericks, Lion/Mountain Lion using Restore Option of Disk Utility
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
         1. Select Disk Utility from the main menu then press the Continue
         2. Select the destination volume from the left side list.
         3. Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
         4. Select the destination volume from the left side list and drag it
             to the Destination entry field.
         5. Select the source volume from the left side list and drag it to
             the Source entry field.
         6. Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    Destination means the external backup drive. Source means the internal startup drive.
    Note that the above clone includes both your internal boot volume and the Recovery HD volume you used for the above. I suggest that the backup disk you use has a larger capacity than the one in your computer. That way you should be able to boot from this backup. Since the drive you have is 500 GBs then the external drive you use for the backup clone should be at least 750 GBs.
    And I followed the steps  mentioned. Source: Macintosh HD ... Destination: My Passport for Mac. It asked me if I wanted to erase the content on My passport for mac and I said yes. But then it says "Restore Failure: Source volume is read/write only and cannot be unmounted, so it can't be block copied". What does that mean? And what do I do?
    I already tried:
    Disk ulitiy and click on "Macintosh HD" and then click "New Image" and then select "My Passport for Mac" to save on there. I put "compressed"for Image Format AND For encrytion,  i pick "128-bit AES encryption (recommended)"
    I put in a password when prompted but after that it says "Disk Ultitiy wants to use the "login" keychain." I put in my ususally login password that I use to get on to my desktop but that doesn't work. I have the option to press ok or cancel. I pressed cancel and the progress bar to saving my macintosh HD to MY external hard drive portable didn't show any blue bar progress for 15 mins or so...

  • Disk Utility can't repair TM backup disk

    Hello all
    Recently, my external backup disk (a 750 GB WD My Passport) that I use with Time Machine has been acting up. At first, it wouldn't show up on the desktop, but was being recognized in Disk Utility (with the "Time Machine Backup" partition greyed out). After multiple restarts and unplugging/replugging the hard drive, I finally got to be properly recognized, i.e. it showed up on the desktop with the proper Time Machine hard drive icon. So I thought the problem was gone and started a routine backup. However, Time Machine returned an error:
    "Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while creating the backup folder."
    I search the forums, and followed the advice here:
    I tried repairing the disk, but DU couldn't repair it:
    Verify and Repair volume “Time Machine Backups”
    Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    Detected a case-sensitive volume.
    Checking extents overflow file.
    Checking catalog file.
    Incorrect number of thread records
    Checking multi-linked files.
    Checking catalog hierarchy.
    Checking extended attributes file.
    Checking multi-linked directories.
    Checking volume bitmap.
    Checking volume information.
    Invalid volume file count
    (It should be 3991498 instead of 3904049)
    Invalid volume directory count
    (It should be 678218 instead of 673790)
    Invalid volume free block count
    (It should be 9588404 instead of 11784378)
    Volume header needs minor repair
    The volume Time Machine Backups was found corrupt and needs to be repaired.
    Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.
    Error: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
    So now I'm still following the advice on the above mentioned page by posting on here. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. I am using a 2010 15in 2.66 i7 MBP, if that makes a difference, although my guess is the problem's with the harddrive itself. I think there may have been one time about a month ago when Time Machine stopped responding (or something like that) which forced me to pull out the harddrive, possibly corrupting the data. But I'm not sure, and I do recall making at least one successful backup after that. Well, actually TM confirms this: "Latest successful backup: 5/27/11 at 11:51 PM". So I have no idea what's going on. Again, any help would be appreciated.

    You can't tell what's corrupted or where.  Time Machine backups have a very complex structure, all linked together.  So, you can often do new backups, or restore individual items, or even entire backups, as long as you don't stumble over the damage.
    There's a chance a heavy-duty 3rd-party disk repair app, such as Disk Warrior, can repair them.  It's about $100, and probably a good investment for the future, but there's no guarantee it can fix them.
    If not, or if you don't want to spend the money, your only option is to erase the disk and let Time Machine start fresh.
    It sounds like you may have other data on it; if that's in the same partition, that's not a good idea.  This is a good time to copy the data off, erase the disk, and make 2 (or more) partitions on it, so Time Machine has its own, exclusive space.  See #3 in Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions for details and instructions.

  • Can a use a partitioned external hard drive to create a disk image? I tried, doesn't seem to work using disk manager.

    Can a use a partitioned external hard drive to create a disk image? I tried, doesn't seem to work using disk manager.

    OK, it's very bad computing to use a backup disk for anything but a backup. The reason being is if/when the HD crashes you will have lost not only all your backup but the data files. While I commend you for wanting redundant backup, you really need separate EHDs for doing so. Format each EHD using Disk Utility to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) using the GUID parttition. When you connect, OS X will ask if you want to use that drive as a Time Machine backup drive, select yes and then let it backup. On the second EHD format the same way however do not use TM as a backup, this time I'd suggest an app such as SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner to make a clone of the internal HD. Leave both EHDs connected and TM will backup new or changed files automatically on a hourly basis. The clone you will need to set to backup on the schedule you want. For example I have my SuperDuper EHD set to backup only changed or updated files at 2AM every day.
    The advantage of a clone is that if the computers internal HD crashes you can boot from a clone and continue working, TM will not do that but it's great for keeping an archive of all files. So if you want a version of a file from many months ago, TM will help you locate and restore it.

  • Disk Management Tool error in Disk Utility

    Update: (first, reviewing problem that I and others have been having, including on 10.4.x systems):
    When I attempt to repair permissions on my HD with Disk Utility, I get this specific error message: "Disk Utility internal error -- Disk Utility has lost its connection with the Disk Management Tool and cannot continue. Please quit and relaunch Disk Utility" and the repair-permissions will not proceed. It fails to get the proper "correct" permissions info for that drive to allow the repair. The error log points to a file in the Library called "DiskManagementToll" The path is ~/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskManagement.framework/Resources/DiskManag ementTool)
    This problem is appearing in many forums here and elsewhere, including 10.4.x systems (like mine) and persists in a few after deleting suggested files. Is there a sophisticated solution that addresses the problem through the DiskManagementTool file by replacing some values or replacing the file from a backup vis SUDO or Root?
    Previous posts have focused on Macs running 10.3.x and with iTunes 6.0x installed. Not here, so the problem is more general. None of the "delete iTunes / plists /" suggested fixes have worked for me. Also tried running DU from my Tiger install disk; no luck! -- still fails when it tries to determine the correct permissions.
    The "DiskManagementTool" file apparently either stores the correct file permissions or handles reading them from the receipts in the Library. If I understand things right, Disk Utility is actually a (user)-permissioned graphic front end, while DiskManagementTool is a Root-user-level tool that actually does the heavy lifting. Can I replace -- and any benefit to that -- or rewrite it with proper access?
    There is a complete crash log report in Crash Reporter, by the way. Anyone want the text, and would it help figure out what's happening?
    I've tried the suggested deletion of iTunes 6.0.2 or and their plists (these and other steps were suggested on MacFixIt at the advice is, basically, to delete iTunes 6.0.2 and/or and related plist files.) As I said, no luck!
    Everyone that I talk to says it MUST be the fault of some other 3rd-party disk utility software.
    For what it's worth, I HAVE run Disk Warrior -- and, the drive that's having the problem is a recent reinstall from a backup using Carbon Copy Cloner. The original disk is NOT having such a problem, only the hard drive on my iBook after the reinstall. Don't know if that gives any clues (or to how the link gets somehow disengaged between Disk Utility and the Disk Management Tool file / software).
    Any thoughts on that? What about replacing the Disk Management Tool file in the Library or forcing some kind of re-link to it? some Unix guru MUST know a fix!
    Obviously, the big worry for me is that I can't update my System to 10.4.5 or anything else without repairing permissions first. This IS a big deal. And others are having the same problem. Help?!?
    New 2 GHz dual g5 , Dual g4, & iBook G4 (recent) Mac OS X (10.4.4)

    A system problem was involved that became, briefly, a "known issue" that was solved in the next minor update. Solved, anyway, by the advice given by the last poster. Thanks! SJ

  • Having registry issues need to know what the backup disk contains PLEASE! Or any suggestions :) :)

    So here's my issue I have really FUBAR'ed my laptop LOL. Basically my registry is gone kinda. I can't access any of the vital win7 programs ie Computer, IE9, Control Panel, any folders (documents, pictures music...) stuff like that. Now here's the kicker I can access my games from the start menu and some desktop shortcuts work. All the minor junk like calculator, notepad, wordpad etc. work. Hell I can even do remote desktop (weird I know). My net connection says that I am not connected however I actually am because I can access all of my files via my Desktop.
     So here's what actually caused this. I downloaded and ran Cleanmypc registry cleaner ( I knew better shouldn't have touched this just a (insert choice word/s) to happen). I thought I was actually going to make it run faster after all the good reviews I poured over and didn't find any bad reviews. Before I even ran this I scanned it with Avast, Spybot, and Addaware just to make sure it wasn't full of crap!! Didnt find anything, so I continued. Ran it found several problems according to the product. Followed the instructions to the T. Let the program do a registry backup for me (I know what you are thinking I should have manually done it). My mistake. So I hit the inevitable fix all issues button and low and behold it ruined everything. I was unable to access anything and I mean everything. All my file associations where gone just like that period!!
    I was even unable to run mypccleaner again. luckily though I was able to run the program via the run command kinda. The only part of the program that would actually work was the restore registry before the fix by using the backup file that the program made for me. Yea well that was a flipping joke it made it WORSE!
    After all that and a few hours pouring over uneventful fixes I finally downloaded all the default registry values from Microsoft that they had for Win7 from another computer and luckily I was able to get them transferred over to my laptop (thank God for networks) But none of these files had any association so I had to manually add a few using CMD from a post that was buried in another forum until I could make a file association to regedit. Then I added the rest. So now my laptop is kinda working. I have access like I stated above but its only the minor stuff I have access to. I can't run any major program or it says no such interface supported.
    So long story short I found an article here Repair Install that should work without losing everything (at this time I can't afford to do that have a DJ gig Saturday) but it says I have to have an original Win7 disk to be able to do it. So my question is if I order the backup disk from here will that disk allow me to be able to do this or am I going to have to find other means.
    In all honesty if it wont that's fine I will take it and pay the money to get it repaired (don't really want to do that) as I need it in a couple days and the soonest I could have it back is two weeks. Yes I have a backup laptop but that one is down as well bad HDD LOL have to replace. Wishing now that I would have spent the money on that 1TB external HDD that I was looking at
    So again my questions are. Is the backup disk that I can order from here going to be able to solve my problem and if not does anyone here have any solutions. I run VDJ Pro but it says that my soundcard isn't installed or my drivers are bad. So I tried to reinstall the drivers but windows can't find the installshield file to be able to do that. Or is there a backdoor to being able to run WMP (it's an option not a very good one but an option if I can get it to work).
    Thank you for taking your time in reading this. I know it's long but I just wanted to get all the info out to anyone that might be able to help me resolve this. So any comment is appreciated again THANK YOU!! I am desperate please!
    I am running Win7 Home Premium on a Toshiba L555D-S70005

    I can't lose anything from my laptop. Never backed it up. .. the money for them to reinstall and back everything up for me.
    No need for that, Richard. You can rescue all your important files by the following method. And then restore the hard disk to its original out-of-the-box contents using Toshiba recovery media.
    1. Prepare a thumb drive formatted in FAT32. It doesn't need to be large. This stuff only occupies 130 MB on mine.
    2. Download UNetbootin to create the thumb drive.
    3. Download a Puppy Linux .iso file for the operating system.
    4. Run Unetbootin-win-xxx.exe and point it to the Lupu-xxx.iso file to create a bootable drive.
    5. When you power on your computer, hold down the F12 key. That should give you the opportunity to choose the boot drive.
    6. For some tips, scroll down to the following sections at this web page.
       Mounting drives and partitions in Puppy Linux
       Copying your files to external hard disk or USB flash drive

  • My Macbook pro Early 2008 is randomly slow at starting up and when I am backing up to my time capsule I am receiving the following message 'Time machine could not complete the backup. '' ''The backup disk image ''/Volumes/name time capsule/ my name MacBoo

    My Macbook pro Early 2008 is randomly slow at starting up and when I am backing up to my time capsule I am receiving the following message 'Time machine could not complete the backup. '' ''The backup disk image ''/Volumes/name time capsule/ my name MacBook Pro (4).sparsebundle'' could not be accessed (error-1).
    Problem started after deleting parrell desktop and window7 ?
    Please help?

    Look at the more like this column on the right.. this is the most frequently asked question in this discussion area.
    Reboot the TC.. restart the whole network if the simple reboot did not work.. start in order. modem.. router/TC.. clients. 2min gap.
    Read C12 here.

  • The backup disk image "/Volumes/FW1000HD/MacBkPro.sparsebundle" could not be created (error 1).

    I added an 1TB external usb hard disk to my time capsule as the existing 1TB hard disk is nearly full (less than 12 GB left on time capslule hard disk).  Initially, I connected external hard disk to my MacBookPro (late 2009 Intel machine) and erased most of the data on that disk. I added the disk to time machine's backup disks thru the time machine window in system preferences. Now I supposedly have both hard disks, the one in the time capsule and the new usb hard disk, available for backup. Time Machine immediately backed up my system, which consists of my MacBookPro hard disk (about 96.8 GB) and another external usb hard disk which contains about 500 GB of data, on the new extenal hard disk.Time Machine did not attempt to create a new sparsebundle at that time on my new external backup disk.  This backup was done while the new backup hard disk and the data disk were both connected to the MacBookPro and the Time Capsule was directly connected by ethernet cable to the MacBookPro. I then disconnected the two hard disks from the MacBookPro and reconnected them both via usb to the Time Capsule. Now, hopefully, the external usb backup hard disk can be written to via wi-fi thru the usb connection thru the Time Capsule? I successfully use the data disk (which contains my full iTunes Library) from the Time Capsule all of the time.
    Time Machine has continued to backup small backups of a few MB to a few hundred MB to the  Time Capsule hard disk. Time Machine has attempted at least twice that I know of to set up a sparsebundle on the new external backup hard disk, but it has failed both times with the following message:
    The backup disk image “/Volumes/FW1000HD/MacBkPro.sparsebundle” could not be created (error 1).
    Before the two attempts that I witnessed to create the sparsebundle on the new backup drive, I got the following message:
    The identity of the backup disk “FW1000HD” has changed since the previous backup. 
    I did not change the identity of the FW1000HD, but it originally was connected directly to the MacBookPro when it was backed up. Could this be the problem? And if so, how do I fix this, so I can use this hard disk for back up from the wi-fi connection to Time Capsule?
    Gary Olson

    I'm not sure this is at the root of your problems, but Time Machine manages backups to a local disk differently than to a network disk.  The Time Machine backup written to the disk while it was connected locally can't be used for network backups.

  • HT3275 Time Machine backup error message: The backup disk image "/Volumes/Backup Files/Burke iMac.sparsebundle" is already in use.

    I'm getting the following error message from my Time Machine for two days now:
    "The backup disk image “/Volumes/Backup Files/Burke iMac.sparsebundle” is already in use."
    I haven't changed anyting lately and can't find the problem...

    Try just rebooting the TC.. or restart of the whole network, in correct order.. modem.. router/TC.. clients.
    Read C12 here.
    Look at the more like this on the right. it is a very common problem.. especially since ML we have this question 5 times every day.

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