Backup every time?

since downloading iTunes 7.7 and the software update 2.0, my iPhone does a Full back-up every time i dock it. is this necessary, since everything on it is on my mac anyway?
and can i switch off this auto backup?

Paul, interesting issue.... are you downloading iphone apps on the phone? it will back them up everytime you sync. And my first couple times were slow, most likely because of web traffic.
If that's not the case... try shutting down the iphone (hold Sleep and home button for 5 seconds, swipe at prompt to shut off).
Try restarting your mac or pc,
this should help...

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  • IMPORTANT: No more "backup every time" or endless apple logo crashes!

    So after 11 crashes where the iPhone wouldn't come back after bootup, I had enough. I took it to the Apple Store and they replaced it. Since then, it crashed 2 more times. Yet again, had enough, and decided to try some experimenting.
    Using this method, I have had no more crashing issues. What's more, the iPhone ONLY tried to do a backup the first time, and doesn't even try (I don't have to press the X) when I sync now. IF you are suffering from the endless apple logo crash, *TRY THIS:*
    1. Unplug your iPhone. If you're stuck at the logo, press the power/lock and home buttons at the same time. Hold them until the phone shuts off
    2. Hold down the home button and plug in the sync cable while holding. Do not let go of the home button until the screen shows up with a cable connecting to iTunes on the phone
    3. Press the button to recover your phone. Wait for the Recovery to finish and the phone to reset
    4. Go into EDIT > PREFERENCES > SYNCING on iTunes. Delete all old backups that you feel comfortable deleting (I got rid of all of them). Also (*VERY IMPORTANT*), click the checkbox next to "Disable automatic syncing for all iPhones and iPods".
    5. Select the radio button to set your iPhone up as a new iPhone. Wait for activation.
    6. Click to sync whatever you want on the Info, Ringtones, Photos, Podcasts, Music, and Movies tabs. *MAKE SURE YOU SELECT NOT TO SYNC APPS.*
    7. Perform a sync, then eject the phone
    8. Set up any config you want (email accounts, settings, ringtones, etc)
    9. Plug the phone in and press the sync button (it will not autosync). When you do, it will sync and take a backup. This backup takes about 3 seconds.
    10. Go to the Apps tab and select to sync ONLY clicked apps. Unclick all apps.
    11. Add your apps one at a time, like so: click the checkbox next to one app, press sync (takes a small amount of time per app). Once the app is done installing per iTunes, look at your iPhone. You'll notice the little spinning internet indicator at the top left is still spinning. Wait until it is done!
    12. Repeat step 11 until finished. Click the checkbox, press sync, wait, *ONE APP AT A TIME*. iTunes will not try to backup every time.
    When you're done, eject your iPhone, move things around, do all your logins you have to redo since it crashed, etc. If you want to, plug the iPhone back in. It will not auto-sync since you turned that off. You can click on another app, click sync, and it syncs the new app WITHOUT a backup!
    If you try to sync an app (one at a time), and during the sync someone calls you or you get an error in iTunes saying the app had a problem, go to your Apps tab, UNCHECK the app you were just trying to sync, and press sync again. Allow it to de-install fully, then click the box and press sync again to try one more time.
    I don't know if this is a good idea or if it is approved, but when I open a bunch of different programs, my phone starts to get slower and slower. I also notice that when you go into a program you've already opened, it's usually quicker than the previous time. So I'm not sure if this is like OSX, where closing an app doesn't free it up, only by right click closing does it truly close. So here's what I do:
    Go into an app you've already exited. Instead of exiting again, hold down the Home button for about 6 seconds until the app disappears. That seems to cause it to truly close, and the phone will work faster on other things. Now as a disclaimer, you MIGHT be crashing the app...I don't know. But it seems to help.

    Hmm. This sounds pretty similar to my problem. I have gone through three iPhone 3Gs so far in Japan.
    Basically, got two iPhones on launch day, probably the first two sold in my area (White and Black). One for my wife and one for myself. I have a new iMac with 4GB and a year old Macbook Pro 17 with 2GB.
    Each iPhone was synced separately on different computers with different iTunes accounts (Leopard). I have a US and a Japan iTunes account, my wife a Japan iTunes account.
    Anyway, I bought some apps on both sides (Japan and US iTunes sides sepperate computers) and none ever completed there installs. In fact they rebooted the iPhone (both of them) and iTunes crashed. When the iPhones rebooted sometimes the app was on the iPhone other times not.
    Sometimes the crash was so bad the iPhone would not boot up at all and I did a firmware restore (think I have done this 18 times so far). But the problem persisted and not a single app on either iPhone or either computer would install without first crashing iTunes and the iPhone.
    At some point, the crash was so bad the firmware restore no longer worked and basically bricked the phone entirely as it refused to recognize the SIM or iTunes and couldn't even do a restore. I brought that back to Softbank (the carrier in Japan) they had some tech folks look at the phone.
    After scratching there head, switching SIMS and plugging it into various computers, and doing a bunch of other things they replaced my iPhone with another new one from some special inventory they had of factory new phones in cardboard shipping boxes with no packaging except for the sealed phone itself (no wires). I believe these where meant to be loaners while your phone was being sent back to Apple for servicing (this is what I was told afterward in a voicemail message which I still have from Softbank apologizing for the trouble).
    My wifes never died completely but I have stopped installing any apps on it because it still crashes on installs AND removals. It never successfully installed anything without first crashing the phone and iTunes.
    Here's the kicker, as of yesterday morning I was on phone number two, and it was still crashing on installing ANY software from the App store, free or otherwise, via iTunes, or directly from the app store...
    Guess what, it died yesterday and had a blank screen and wouldn't boot at all nor would restore work at all. So today, I went to Softbank again and got it replaced once again (a loaner for the loaner), with a new one no questions asked AND guess what, there was a very upset guy sitting with a store rep with EXACTLY the same problem I had and I overheard the Softbank rep on the phone speaking to another Softbank store I assume asking for another loaner iPhone as they no longer had any loaners left in the store because they lent them all out.
    So being a noisy guy that I am, I asked sympathetically, 'Hey, sounds like Apple is giving you guys a lot of grief.' The guy told me they had replaced 28 iPhones that day at his branch alone because they couldn't revive the phones (forget about activating them) and Apple was not being very helpful. So they have been mailing them to some service center in the US (I was told) where Apple techs where going over the handsets to get some firm answers.
    So now, I have been thru 3 new iPhone 3Gs that have exactly the same problem on two different computers and a forth one that does the same and a guy at the store next to me getting a replacement phone for the same reason and a store that is out of loaners cause they got so many returned dead.
    The fact that Softbank is not even looking at my phone anymore and simply replacing it tells me this is a systemic and a widespread problem at least in Japan and causing Softbank great grief and I am not too amused myself as I got better things to do then visiting cell stores and restoring firmware.
    So clearly there is something very wrong with our beloved iPhone 3Gs firmware or possibly the phone itself or Japan got junk sent over.
    "Apple, fix this problem because you don't want to end up with tens of thousands of dead iPhones on your doorstep do you? -- if you don't already have a truckload from Japan and you might want to fix the 3G reception while your at it cause its embarrassingly terrible in 3G rich Japan."
    Aside from that, I do really love the iPhone and Apple, but love does have its limits and I am starting to feel that I am in an abusive relationship.

  • Time Machine doing a full backup every time it runs

    My Time Machine seems to be doing a full backup every time it runs on the hour. The backup size is about 19GB. Shouldn't hourly and daily backups be much smaller after you run Time Machine for the first time?
    I remember a while back, my hourly backups were a couple of they are 30 minutes.

    Hi Steve,

  • Time machine make huge backups every time...

    Since last weekend my Time Machine have been acting Up by making huge backups every time like 130 gb +.  That started on Mavericks and now continued into Yosemite(I made the upgrade with the ankward belief that the upgrade would fix it...)
    Is there a quick fix for this?

    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    In the top right corner of the Console window, there's a search box labeled Filter. Initially the words "String Matching" are shown in that box. Enter the word "Starting" (without the quotes.) You should now see log messages with the words "Starting * backup," where * represents any of the words "automatic," "manual," or "standard."
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Note the timestamp of the last "Starting" message that corresponds to the beginning of an abnormal backup. Now
    so that all messages are showing, and scroll back in the log to the time you noted. Select the messages timestamped from then until the end of the backup, or the end of the log if that's not clear. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    ☞ If all you see are messages that contain the word "Starting," you didn't clear the text field.
    ☞ The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of which is irrelevant to solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. Don't post more than is requested.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    ☞ Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • Time machine does a full backup every time I reconnect my portable drive to my macbook pro

    How do I stop time machine from doing a full backup every time I disconnect & reconnect my backup portable drive to my macbook pro. It doesn't recognize the old backups.

    Hi Steve,

  • Time machine makes a full backup every time

    I had a 1tb external drive that I was using for Time Machine backups. Fine. No problem. But it got filled up.
    I bought a new external drive - 1Tb. Iwas surprised that within a couple of wweeks, it was filled up.
    I bought a new 2Tb drive.
    Now as I observe what it's doing, it appears ot meaking a FULL BACKUP of my entire hard drive over and over again. I though it was only supposed to do incremental backups? This is nuts! At this rate my 2Tb drive will be filled up in no time. And becasue it's continually backing up many Gb of data it makes the machine run slowly. It is driviing me crazy!!! How do I stop this behaviour? Why is it making a full backup every time? I can't see any preferences to change this. Help!

    Thanks but I think maybe I didn't explain the problem clearly
    My understanding is that Time Machine backs up only the fiels that have changed each time it does a backup. Thi sis how it USED to work. So each hourly backup would take a few minutes, usually, and a 1TB drive lasted well over a year.
    Now it seems to be making a FULL backup of the COMPLETE internal drive EVERY HOUR! So it is currently backing up 135Gb of data and my Time Machine drive is almost half full,, even though I only installed it two days ago!
    When it gets to the point where it needs to start deleting old backups, I would get a new drive and start afresh, saving the old one for reference. I can't buuy a new backup drive every week!
    How do I get it to behave like it used to?

  • Lightroom 4 keeps asking to backup every time i try closing

    Lightroom keeps asking me to Backup everytime i try closing it! What do i do? Ignore or backup?

    The subject of “Backup” has come up a couple of times in the last few days and although I’m not claiming to be the fountain of wisdom on the subject, I felt I should write a few words about it.
    Web-weaver has given some wise words about it above, but I would urge anyone (YOU) to consider this issue for yourself as it is definitely not a “one size fits all situation”. 
    In summary, if you read no further, you should spend a little time and think it through it for yourself with regards to what are your risks, probabilities and consequences of a disaster and what are the possible disasters anyway.   In fact I wish people would stop calling it “backup” as some might take the view of “I’ve done a backup - so job done”.   It should actually be called “Disaster Recovery” which really focuses on what you are trying to achieve.
    Disasters come in many forms and are not just had disk failures.    Examples include Hardware Failure, Virus Attack, deliberate sabotage by disgruntled staff, Fire, Flood, Theft, un-noticed cockups by yourself, bad software upgrades and Meteorite’s falling on your house!  In my career I (not to me personally - that would be unlucky!) have seen all of these things  except the last one!  I know of photographers who mitigate the risk of ALL of these things, but clearly it is up to you to assess your acceptable risk, your environment and acceptable levels of consequences.
    For a simple example, consider if backing up to an external hard drive permanently sat on top of your PC, you may live in a house with a laser trip wire alarm system or have a pet leopard so perhaps less risk, but if you are backing up to an external hard drive sitting on top of your PC then there is a good chance a thief or fire will take both your PC and external drive.    Equipment is insured – good!   But no insurer can give you back your photos or any of your other important non-photography digital stuff.    Similarly for Fire, Flood and potential hard disk wiping virus attack.   A virus might not see your external hard drive as something different and be nice and kind to it!
    When I am on the road with a PC/laptop I backup to an external hard drive at the end of each day and physically locate the hard drive somewhere else hidden to avoid theft.   At home I have extended my network into a separate out building and have a Network Attached Raid Storage (NAS) in the loft space – away from Fire, Flood and Theft.   I also periodically copy to another drive (Paranoid – perhaps!).   I’m not saying you must do this, simply what I feel comfortable with.
    The second part of any disaster recovery solution is your retention policy.   It has been advised in the previous post by Web-weaver to take backup every time you leave Lightroom if you have done some changes.   This is fine (not how I work), but consider that each time you do this you will create a new backup file in addition to all the previous ones, and they build up.     For one of my catalogues each backup takes 1.5GB of storage so if I were to backup every time I exit (10 times a day) I would consume 465Gb per month.   This is clearly unsustainable (for most users) so you will need to delete some of the backups occasionally.   But how much do you keep and when?  This is up to you.   
    There is however a class of disaster that, although rare, may be important here – the “I’ve messed up my data but gone unnoticed scenario”.   For example you discover that a month ago you did something affecting not one image but a large number of them and didn’t notice and you can’t easily correct it.   Although more complex to recover, keeping some older backups may give you more options to recover the situation.     On tidying up the backup files, I generally will keep backups from each day from the last couple of weeks and at least one per month over the last 4 or 5 months.     I am not saying I am correct, but I’m saying it is something that needs thinking about.   Don’t just keep the last backup and also importantly, from time to time check your backups are actually happening.      I had a multi-million pound customer who unknowingly messed up their data (not Lightroom) and wanted to roll back two months only to find all the backup files had a size of 0 (Zero)!     Also keep a permanent backup each time you upgrade Lightroom in case you want to roll back.
    If you want to take the time, effort and expense to move beyond simply “I’ve done a backup so I can sleep at night”, then create a situation where your backups are not simultaneously subject to the same risks as your main system, and this almost certainly means in different physical equipment and different physical locations.   I know that some pro-photographers backup to the internet.
    The key message is - Only YOU can assess your environment, acceptable probabilities and acceptable consequences, but even if only 5 minutes over a coffee, assess it you should. And although good enough for many, don’t take at face value someone saying to just plug in an external hard drive and do backups.
    Apologies to anyone who has wasted time reading this and knows it all, but it is not obvious to everyone, and for sure more than one person reading this will have had a “disaster”.   If this post helps one person think about it then it is perhaps worthwhile.
    PS – Low probability, but **** Happens!     A sad but slightly amusing tale – I had a customer (10 person firm) where thieves drove up in a van overnight, broke in and stole all the client PC’s.   Two nights later they came back and stole the network server and all the backup units.    Although not funny, my colleague and I joked that they would come back and steal the companies IT manager!

  • I have problem with my icloud backup, it's give me incomplete backup every time

    I have problem with icloud Backup, it's give me every time incomplete Backup.
    What I shall do to solve the problem.

    I have problem with my Bluetooth too. I have iPhone 4 with iOS 5.1.1 and use some headsets from Plantronics, Jabra, Blade and have every time the same problem with any of them. The pairing procedure is going always very well, but when I switch off any of the headsets for longer tome, for example more than 1 hour and then switch on the headset again, the headset cannot be connected to the iPhone automatically, nevertheless that the Bluetooth is on in searching mode. Very occasionally I found out the following procedure which works:
    Settings>General>Bluetooth Off>Bluetooth On> Tap on the device name to connect
    and the connection is established.
    It is very bore to do this every time when I sit in my car and as usual I am in a hurry. I tried different thinks like to delete the device and pair it again or to reboot deeply the iPhone but nothing helps. Has anyone solution for this problem?

  • Large backup every time - how to diagnose?

    On my MacBook, every time TM runs, the incremental backup is large. Even if I do "Back Up Now" twice in a row, the second one is usually ~50MB or more. I don't see this problem on my desktop machine.
    How do I determine what is generating 50MB worth of new/changed data from one backup to the next?

    50 mb isn't really large; there are numerous things that get changed either by background processes or apps. Bookmarks, browser history, etc.
    But you can see exactly what was backed-up. Click here to download the TimeTracker app. It shows most of the files saved by TM for each backup (excluding some hidden/system files, etc.).
    Some prefer the BackupLoupe application, although there's a small charge for it.

  • Full Backups Every Time?

    My time machine setup is doing full backups every hour! I've excluded a ton of folders I don't want, such as Fusion Virtual Machines, but it's still backing my Users folder in full every time. All 20gb...
    Anybody else seen this? I saw some other posts about checking the Console for particular errors during the backup, but I don't get any errors whatsoever.
    thanks in advance!

    Time Machine will only back up what has changed, each hour, after the completion of the first full backup. If nothing has changed you'll see no change for that hour.
    I use a Firewire 400 drive and my first full backup took 1 hr and 40 minutes, or right at 42 Gig an hour - I don't use USB drives any more than I have to. I always use the GUID partition scheme and Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
    The subsequent backups take from a second or two to a few minutes, depending on the changes to the drives/partitions that I back up since that initial Time Machine backup.
    Check your consumed space by going to each drive icon on your desktop and do a "Get Info" and note the drive space used and what's left.
    I use TM on four different machines, each with their own Firewire drive and they all work as advertised.
    Good Luck my friend.

  • Huge TC backup every time?

    I'm running af TC 500GB on my network and only have my MBA setup with time machine doing regular backups. But every time it backs up, it's backing up 4,1 GB! That takes a while...
    I can't figure out why, I practically only use my MBA for Safari, Word, Powerpoint and other office-applications. I have a lot of pictures lying on the mac, but I don't access and change them every hour.
    Does anybody have any idea why so much is being backed up and is there any way to minimize this?

    Figured out why: My WM Fusion Windows page-file was being completly backed up every time I had used Windows...
    Have now unselected that file in Time Machine and the backup size dropped to 10 MB...

  • Way to Turn Off Auto Backup every time iPod Touch connected to computer?

    Many thanks in advance for your attention.
    Is there a way to Turn Off Auto Backup when one connects iPod Touch to computer?
    Auto backup to have started ever since 3.0 update.
    Sometimes I am just adding one track from iTunes to my iPod.
    Don't want to go through the 15-20 min. backup process each and every time.
    1. I uncheck "Sync Applications," but the default seems to Check it each time I open iTunes.
    2. Under iTunes/Preferences - Under "Devices" - I checked "Disable Automatic Syncing."
    3. I always have Music, Movies, etc. unchecked under "Sync" as I prefer to Sync these manually.
    So I am puzzled - why - when I plug in my iPod Touch, iTunes opens and automatically starts "backing up."

    if you're familiar with the terminal, exit iTunes, open up a terminal window and type this:
    "defaults write DeviceBackupsDisabled -bool true" (without the qoutes)
    and press return. That will disable the automatic backup, and you will NOT have a new backup if the device craps. Please remeber that.
    To turn backup back on: exit iTunes, open up a terminal window and type this:
    "defaults write DeviceBackupsDisabled -bool false" (without the qoutes)
    and press return.
    Now the backup is turned back on.
    Message was edited by: larsodin

  • I have a folder "_Serato_" that I need to make actual 100% backups every time I alter the folder (not incremental backups). Is there a way to do this with Time Machine?

    The title says most of it. I have a problem with the software and I need to create real 100% backups each time I alter that folder. I just had an incident where my _Serato_ foldercrapped out on me again and I was excited that my Time Capsule backup would restore what I did from last night. BUT, when I restored from that backup and loaded the Serato Scratch Live program, it only showed the new work and not the old saved work.
    I am not trying to get Serato help here, I am asking how to tell Time Machine to always make an exact copy of my "_Serato_" folder everytime it backs up. Is that possible? Currelty I do this my self by duplicating the folder, but it would be amazing if Time Machine could handle this.
    Please let me know,
    Hill, aka DJ Color TV

    I am asking how to tell Time Machine to always make an exact copy of my "_Serato_" folder everytime it backs up. Is that possible?
    Sorry, but Time Machine cannot do this.

  • USB thumb drive does full backup every time its plugged in

    4GB Corsair USB thumb drive.
    1 Partition, MBR, HFS+
    I have 2 computers. PowerMac G5 and Macbook Pro. Each have there own Time Machine drives. Each time I plug my USB drive into one of these computers, syslog has this:
    backupd[7080]: Starting standard backup
    backupd[7080]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Time Machine/Backups.backupdb
    backupd[7080]: Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: CORSAIR
    backupd[7080]: Node requires deep traversal:/Volumes/CORSAIR reason:kFSEDBEventFlagMustScanSubDirs|
    backupd[7080]: No pre-backup thinning needed: 1.22 GB requested (including padding), 6.31 GB available
    backupd[7080]: Copied 4181 files (507.4 MB) from volume CORSAIR.
    backupd[7080]: Copied 4556 files (507.5 MB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    backupd[7080]: No pre-backup thinning needed: 660.7 MB requested (including padding), 5.78 GB available
    backupd[7080]: Copied 9 files (0 bytes) from volume CORSAIR.
    backupd[7080]: Copied 536 files (205 KB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    backupd[7080]: Starting post-backup thinning
    backupd[7080]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Time Machine/Backups.backupdb/bartleby/2008-05-01-100926: 5.78 GB now available
    backupd[7080]: Post-back up thinning complete: 1 expired backups removed
    backupd[7080]: Backup completed successfully.
    Now, if I go plug the USB drive into the other computer, the same thing happens, and this cycle repeats over and over again. I tried re-formating the drive, deleting the backups from both Time Machine drives and starting from scratch. No luck.
    Thing is, I have a smaller 1GB usb thumb drive and it doesn't exhibit this behavior. I could go back and forth between computers and there is no UUID match problem. I guess for now I can exclude the USB drive from one of the computers and only have the backup on one Time Machine drive, but that is not optimal.
    The only difference between the two USB drives is the partition scheme. On the 1GB, it is using Apple Partition Map and 4GB is using MBR. The reason why I am using MBR is because with MBR the 4GB drives formats to 3.75GB, with APM 3.62GB and with GUID (intel macs) 3.42GB. So MBR gives me the maximum space.

    For a PPC mac the partition map for a Time Machine drive must be APM. For an Intel mac it must be GUID. In fact both kinds of mac are being successfully backed up to the same drive by some posters, but I doubt you'll get much luck with a partition map that isn't one of those.

  • TimeMachine - Complete Backup every time

    have a MacBook Pro 15" 10.7.4 which isn't working with TimeMachine any more
    When starting a backup, Time Machine tells me to backup 112kB (for example) .... an running and running, and after a short time "2kB from 112kB" ... and runnig and running and then "5kb from 112kB" and so on. The progress status is updating veeeery slowly.
    The weired thing is: the ".inProgress" file on the external hard drive (tried FireWire and USB connection) is growing to 85GB (the total used space on the hard drive) while Time machine status tells me it has saved some kB. And every backup is running in that way. Instead of backing up only the difference, all files where backuped - although the status is displaying a few 100kB - which should be the right size to backup.
    - Repaired permissions > Same error
    - Tried installing combo update > Same error
    - Tried another external hard drive > Same error
    - Tried cloning system to different hd > Same error
    - excluded the Users home folder > Same error
    - Interal hard drive speed > Over 70MB/s > OK
    - External hard drive speed > Over 70 MB/s > OK
    So had to be something with the System itself. But how to solve it

    System isn't 10.7.4 instead it's 10.6.8

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